Fade Chase
Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15667Members

as we all know, its best to atack fades from fairly close, to rush them guns blazing. Well what many dont know is that although the pistal is an invalubale tool, the speed increas form throwing it away is often more usefull for chasing down the fade.
a fade will almost never get celeity (they like adren), but they are still faster than a marine, not bu much but enouph. If you throw away your pistol (i think it helps to get rid of the pistol ammo first) and only have about 100-50 extra lmg amo, the speed diference is almost incosiquental. in short, when a fade runs you most defenatly should push it as quickly as you can, dont let it escape, throwing away your pistol is often more usefull than the extra shots you get from having it.
a fade will almost never get celeity (they like adren), but they are still faster than a marine, not bu much but enouph. If you throw away your pistol (i think it helps to get rid of the pistol ammo first) and only have about 100-50 extra lmg amo, the speed diference is almost incosiquental. in short, when a fade runs you most defenatly should push it as quickly as you can, dont let it escape, throwing away your pistol is often more usefull than the extra shots you get from having it.
i wouldnt suggest throuwing away your pistol just rush it and fire like a madman, if they are inexperiecned they will run away and its funny, 40% of the time u might kill it too
marine will never outrun or even catch up with fades if they are smart and use blink (which works most of the time if u crouch and jump)
Still, having the pistol around is useful for fighting when there's still things trying to eat you and you can't wait for your LMG to reload.
celerity/redemption= You can't catch me and if you can I'm still alive (most of the time)
and I will manly be a slash battler, so you can chase me down, becuase sometimes I run even when I have full health just to smack marines who think they can beat me because i'm "hurt"
If it's running away, it's hurt. Chase it. I chased an onos out of my base once, got a pistol kill on it. Felt pretty good (then i got spored to death, cos i was webbed as well) but basicaly, just chase aliens, cos if they CAN fight, they DONT run. Unless they need to be somewhere else, in which case chasing them slows them down anyway, so it's for the good of your team. Believe me, fighting a fade over long distance wont work, cos an acid rocket has more chance of hitting you than you do of hitting him with ur pistol.
but then again that probably isn't that common
in the majority of cases if there hurt they will run, blink, fly, etc
I still DO support chasing Fades with LA/LMG marines though since then there's at least a CHANCE it will die, and if it does, it is usually a 0 res for 58 res trade.
[Edit: this censores 'pi55ed off'?]
Your weapon is hit scan.. yes. Your weapon, unless you are talking pistol, has a cone wide enough to ensure only neglible damage is inflicted on the fade, if you ARE talking pistol then it takes 28-37 shots to kill the fade, ie: it won't happen. This is if he has carapace, any other upgrade makes the tactic totally invalid anyway.
Also, unless the fade is somewhat silly he will not be aiming for you, he will be aiming either at the floor beneath you or the wall behind you, making it almost impossible to avoid taking *some* sort of damage. You, unlike the fade, can not however retreat to the nearest healing chamber or hive to get replenished.
I've played NS since 1.0 and I have yet to see a Fade taken down at long range with the sort of tactic you propagate.
A derivative works well, namely emptying the lmg at close range, and firing the pistol as you back off... The first 1 or 2 acid rockets (assuming you tango well enough to survive this long) tend to miss as the fade is predicting you to come closer, not retreat, and the scan-hit pistol is enough to finis them off.
On the other hand, I believe fade-killing in 1.04 is best done with a technique not mentioned here at all. It's called, get this: teamwork.
I don't just mean a bunch of marines rushing a fade either... That's good, but not the most efficient way. If fades are coming, one marine (preferably a ninja marine) can easily take up a concealed position outside their position of attack. While they're attacking, walk up close and fire... If you have any sort of weapon upgrades, that's a very dead fade. If not, then, hope your teammates are good enough to finish him off, or be really good with your knife. It's still likely the most efficient way to down a one-or-two fade attack without hmgs.
Wait, what am i saying? You could just jump out and kill him with a few shots from HMG (lv3 or a half-a-clip from lv3 Lmg) instead of just letting him go by. <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
That strat isnt really about killing him, but getting him away from your base so teammates can spawn in, then hunting him as a group. Unless there are dc's rigth outside your base (in which case you have probably lost anyway) he will be out of your hair for a while. If I'm far away when I see a fade, i usually do this as there is little chance I can chase him down.
Also, I usually get regen as fade, hence I rarely get killed retreating, and more often in combat, so a ranged attack may be better against someone who doesn't have carapce.
I do that unless gorges have spammed dcs nearby. I take to much damage with carapace to make it rally worthwhile. And redemption = p00 out of 10 if you encounter a turret or two: you tend to end up instantly back at you hive meaning you don't get a chance to do much damage before getting whisked away.
Ive killed plenty with a pistol 2 but thats usaly a dif situation.
theres always a chance though...keep unloading and reloading your LMG on the fade, dont pull out your pistol. if you get almost all of the clip to hit and the fade turns to run away THEN unload your handgun. sometimes they just keep backing up and acid spamming you, which will sometimes leave them stuck on a ceiling or something, if you're close, knife the ****, if not, keep closing in and reducing his chances to run away and reload guns.
teaming with more marines works, but seeing 3 marines charging will often cause the fade to instantly run. so have 3 marines can suprise the fade from behind instead, the poor thing wont have a chance.
How dare you, sir! How dare you, as a marine, show any sympathy for fades! <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
<!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
/me keels over, laughing as he racks up his kill count. <!--emo&::fade::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/fade.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='fade.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
LMG: Too little damage per clip to do that much really
HMG: You're too slow
HMG+JP: What're you doing here? Go attack the hive
This is what I do:
When 2nd hive goes up and fades start trickling in, the first guys usually come with no support. I have one of my buddies defend in base and I grab a shotgun and go and hide along the path the fade takes. (e.g. maintenance tunnel on Hera). Fade goes running by, I crouch-walk behind him, the guy(s) at base engage. The fade kills a few, takes a bunch of damage, and starts running away -- right into my boomstick. One or two shells and before he knows it, he's dead.
Cost to the team: A few free LMG marines and a 17 res shottie which I still have.
Cost to the aliens: 54 res (soon to be 75 in 1.1) and increased marine morale.
I had just about had enough of firing+running away so from then on i spawned and straight away switched to the knife and ran towards the "front line" (In this case the area between double-res and feedwater). I ended up getting 2 fade knife kills after 10 minutes of spawning and rushing. I imagine it was very funny from an alien point of view to see me coming because i had the knife slash button held down while taunting and running head on to fades. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
But to stay fully on topic...in normal circumstances, when coming one on one with a fade i don't think about what gun i'm using, i simply spray and pray. And I didn't even know the weight of the pistol affects speed...
JUST CHARGE HIM! Guns blazing! If he acid rockets you, at close range, HE takes splash damage too!!! AWSOME! Just keep coming at him. Even if you die, he'll likely have shot that last acid rocket, and the splash will kill him. I get abotu 3-5 fade kills a game because his own acid rocket was too close.
You can also do that to a GL as an alien.... kinda funny. I took down an HA GL that way, kept running round him as he naded the floor... lol. I bit him 9 times, and he got hit by his own 4 nades... we both died... HA GL HA GL!!! RUSH IM RUSH HIM!!!