Alien playstyles
Join Date: 1970-01-01 Member:

<div class="IPBDescription">Let's break down the alien team's roles</div>Okay, I got so excited reading the "Tales from the frontlines" that I wanted to get the scoop on all of the alien classes. Hopefully this will be a fairly fresh topic. :)
I would like to know the current roles and functions for each alien class (level). And not just the "official" functions, but also those roles that the playtesters have developed that wasn't necessarily part of the original "vision" for the class.
Here are some things I believe to be true for them:
<b>Level 1:</b> get kills by stealth or Xenocide in a rush (blow up turrets -- after hive3)
<b>Level 2:</b> defense (webbing) and building structures
<b>Level 3:</b> dog-fighter (mid-fielder) and Turret harassment?
<b>Level 4:</b> Sneaky and strong ... main roles? Is he the main trooper for the aliens in the mid and late game?
<b>Level 5:</b> breaking base defenses and buffing teammates in a rush -- Is this guy good on D? If your hives are getting killed, do you ever evolve into a level 5 to save it?
Care to share playtesters? :)
I would like to know the current roles and functions for each alien class (level). And not just the "official" functions, but also those roles that the playtesters have developed that wasn't necessarily part of the original "vision" for the class.
Here are some things I believe to be true for them:
<b>Level 1:</b> get kills by stealth or Xenocide in a rush (blow up turrets -- after hive3)
<b>Level 2:</b> defense (webbing) and building structures
<b>Level 3:</b> dog-fighter (mid-fielder) and Turret harassment?
<b>Level 4:</b> Sneaky and strong ... main roles? Is he the main trooper for the aliens in the mid and late game?
<b>Level 5:</b> breaking base defenses and buffing teammates in a rush -- Is this guy good on D? If your hives are getting killed, do you ever evolve into a level 5 to save it?
Care to share playtesters? :)
Level5 isn't great for base defense... it takes a *long* time to evolve into one, so if your base is getting slammed and you do have 3 hives, you'll probably go for a level1 Xenocide - Level1 is the fastest and most maneuverable, and Xenocide will take out a cluster of marines in a hurry.
Otherwise your guesses are pretty much spot-on... I don't know how much I'm at liberty to talk about, as things are still being tweaked and balanced. I'm sure Flay will release all the goodies soon enough.
The lvl4 is the main bash and grind of the alien side. Armed with a style of rocket launcher, he can dish damage at a respectable rate, and his blinking ability allows him to travel large distances and escape fire/avoid marine defences. A level4 should always be killed if spotted because they can cause a lot of trouble if let on the loose.
Level5s are mostly seen on the offence, but at times can be seen roaming around the hives to find some action. Whenever a level5 is around, there is action, or soon will be. Following a lvl5 around is like following a tank into war. (Unless the person playing the lvl5 in question has no idea what he's doing.)
Generally, lvl5s tend to attract aliens because they offer such a feeling of power that if they should come across a marine group, they'll probably win. Doubled with the lvl5's "Primal Scream" ability, which boosts the adrenaline, health, power, etc, or all surrounding aliens...well, lets just say that the marines should work very hard very quickly to not let 3 hives be built.
The level1 is my personal favourite class and is best at nipping the marines, but not actually doing much more than that unless in large groups. On the other hand, a decent lvl1 could take out an entire squad of marines if they're not careful. Do not even THINK of attacking a marine base as a level1 unless you're very confident, or very stupid. (Or have Xenocide...another 3-hive ability which tips the balance towards the aliens.)
The level1s ability to 'parasite' marines comes in handy when you want to see which direction the marines are moving, too.
I've only played a bit of level2, but its lots of fun setting up defences with webs and spitgun turrets. The spit weapon is fun to use too, but it's not wise to get yourself into a situation where you're being chased by a group of marines...pudgy walks slow <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
Ultimately, each class plays an important role. It's not a case of 'bigger is better' in NS...every person will have their own tastes and their own preferences as to what they want to do. There are even many ways to play different classes. Games will be filled with a variety of classes and roles each time, and the best alien team would be one which works together, but it's perfectly possible to win by simply doing whatever you want to do.
NOTE: this is speculation im obviously not a playtester.
This is indeed a huge factor in NS, each class is COMPLETELY unique and different to play and the classes will end up appealing to all sorts of different people. From the above information you can basically guess what types of classes fit peoples playstyles, however each class and the attacks/weapons along with them can be used in conjunction with all the rest to make a seemingly whole team of aliens that are unstoppable. If you truly work together, the game comes together entirely, and you really will have a great and fun time playing it. If your a really a deathmatch seeking loner, you could always go alone, your chances of succeeding are lower, seeing as how the marine side almost requires teamwork, but if it fits you, go for it, i know myself i have compeltely totalled 5 or so marines as a level 1 alone when they were all together because of the sheer want to win. NS is a game where you can never actually be the best, your playstyles will conflict with the 5 classes, and over 27 weapons and hundreds of ways to handle things, each different. Overall, your going to have one HELL of a blast.
I'm one of those who likes to rotate around classes a good bit. Some days I really like support, some days being the builder (breeder in Gloom), and some days I like to be the base-cracker. I'm not a points-freak. ;)
Let's hear a bit more about the Level 2 if we can. How much impact does Pudgy have on the Alien game? I mean, does the style of the builder change the feel and flow of the game? Are there different "build orders" players are using, or do most Pudgies build in a similar way on each map? Does each map build a little differently?
The builder does have a big effect on game play. Dependign on the style of your builder or builders, you might find yourself with a lot of upgrades (they loove upgrade towers), many rps to lifeforms (aggresive rp fountain hunting), or really advanced life forms (straight ofr hives). In general, the primary priority of a buidler whenever he can is to get a hive up. Comign in second is either rp towers or upgrade chambers. And some buidlers ignore webbing altogether, but I am a web maniac. All in all, I'd say playign a builder is oen of the most fun options open to a player in NS. <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
I'm assuming that everything on flayra's website (about alien and marine tech-trees) is true. Am I correct?
Webs last until a marine runs into them or cuts them. You can only build a certain number of webs inside a certain radius, though, so you won't be able to spam them across the whole level. I don't remember exact figures, but I doubt the dev team would like me giving exact figures anyway <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
RhoadsToNowhere: I shall now build webbing in a pattern that even James Bond couldn't get through. By spacing them<b> exactly</b> 6.5 units apart and rotating them by 13 degrees I can turn the HiveRoom into a fortress.
Flayra: Grrrr. I didn't think he'd of managed to get the numbers he needed out of the source code, he's making inpeneterable web. I know, I'll change the optimim to 7 units 16 degrees change per web.
Sgt. X: As u can see im in need of a mental instatution. anyone know of some good ones? <!--emo&;)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->
As for the level 4, he used to be the "anti-personal" alien for he really couldn't seem to take down any building (but he ripped though marines like a hot knife though butter). Now with Umbra and the like, he's a toughie. Blinky is far from all-powerful, but you don't want him near nevertheless.