Problems on world craft

TitanTitan Join Date: 2002-06-29 Member: 844Members
hello all
      im just busy cr8ing my first ever CS *boo* *hiss* calm down calm down , i know some of u dont like cs *boo* *hiss* but i just thought id try that out first.
  i find a really good tutorial <a href="" target="_blank">CS MAPs</a> this is it if u want the link , i get right to the end of the tutorial and when i click Go, and it starts to compile and then it just stops, i have included some pics in the small document i have added (sorry bout that didnt know how to put them as images sad  i know ) anyway i just hope some of u can help me, and always any help WILL be appreciated.

     oops ive forgot how to add documents , damn im stupid  <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->


  • SpoogeSpooge Thunderbolt missile in your cheerios Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 67Members
    I didn't bother reading the entire tutorial (I've built maps before).  They do a good job of suggesting Zoner's for compiling but they tell you to use WC to start the compile and I'm assuming to run the map in HL when the compile is finished.  This is a MAJOR drag on your ram.  I suggest looking for a batch compiler (there are some listed for download on the CounterMap website) and using that to compile after shutting down WC.  BTW, compiling can take anywhere from a few minutes for a small map to many hours for a large map.
  • IntegrateIntegrate Join Date: 2002-02-22 Member: 236Members
    hlcsg -hullfile c:\sierra\half-life\nstr\nshulls.txt -estimate -texdata 10000
    hlbsp -estimate            
    hlvis -estimate -fast            
    hlrad -estimate

    del c:\maps\nstr\*.max
    del c:\maps\nstr\*.p0
    del c:\maps\nstr\*.p1
    del c:\maps\nstr\*.p2
    del c:\maps\nstr\*.p3
    del c:\maps\nstr\*.lin
    del c:\maps\nstr\*.prt
    del c:\maps\nstr\*.pts

    that is an example of a batch file for compiling.  Replace the part with ur own exported .map and also change the paths on the "del" lines to whichever folder you are running your compile on.  I also put the compile tools (hlbsp, hlcsg, hlrad, hlvis) in the same folder as my batch file so the path for that is just "hlbsp" etc.  To create a batch file, you take all those lines above and copy them to notepad, then go to save as, select "all files" instead of "txt files"  and save as "compile.bat" WITH the quotation marks-->""  

    <a href="" target="_blank">GO HERE</a> for the batch compile tutorial.  they explain it better than I did.
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