Uss Stalwart
Join Date: 2003-04-23 Member: 15792Members

<div class="IPBDescription">A New Attempt/Type of FanFic</div> Ok, I like Starcraft (see avatar and sig) and I like NS (see what forum your in). So I decided to mix em up and see what I can churn out. Bleh, I'm a lot better at writing school papers. Comments, concerns, and flames! Please, make the latter creative! I want some that will tickle my innards! <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
It was?dismal quite frankly. The ways that things had been going on the Planet were horrible. The Zerg were apparently winning us out pretty bad. Every passing day translated to another 10 or so pages of dead/wounded from the frontlines, along with about the same number of pages of new draftees to replace them. It is hell on this rock-no, this <u>planetary defense station</u> called <i>New Defiance</i>, which was sarcastically fitting.
We, the 75th Speical Operations, Division Delta, got **** over big time. First, we had to land right in the middle of an infestation hot spot, set up perimeter, and build up the Command Post. From all the paperwork I had to do as Captain, I could say around 3 out of 4 men were killed or maimed in the landing. That was out of a healthy, eager 600 marines?who each went down with a good 4 to 1 ratio. And what did we get in return? The <i>whole</i> god damn 3 square miles of the Starport quadrant of the station. When the Alpha boys dropped in, along with their armor (which we were sent out with none of), we requested permission to pull out. With the go ahead, we ran. We dropped position and ran like hell for the dropships that were flaring in.
Now, the 150 of us who made it through what upper command called a <i>miracle</i> were leaving the Outer Rim. We were jumping on the next transport bound for the Ariande Arm. Some transfer program with some organization called the ?TSA? or something. Like we cared, as all we wanted was to get far away from this hellhole. Nothing could be harder than fighting the Zerg?nothing.
It was?dismal quite frankly. The ways that things had been going on the Planet were horrible. The Zerg were apparently winning us out pretty bad. Every passing day translated to another 10 or so pages of dead/wounded from the frontlines, along with about the same number of pages of new draftees to replace them. It is hell on this rock-no, this <u>planetary defense station</u> called <i>New Defiance</i>, which was sarcastically fitting.
We, the 75th Speical Operations, Division Delta, got **** over big time. First, we had to land right in the middle of an infestation hot spot, set up perimeter, and build up the Command Post. From all the paperwork I had to do as Captain, I could say around 3 out of 4 men were killed or maimed in the landing. That was out of a healthy, eager 600 marines?who each went down with a good 4 to 1 ratio. And what did we get in return? The <i>whole</i> god damn 3 square miles of the Starport quadrant of the station. When the Alpha boys dropped in, along with their armor (which we were sent out with none of), we requested permission to pull out. With the go ahead, we ran. We dropped position and ran like hell for the dropships that were flaring in.
Now, the 150 of us who made it through what upper command called a <i>miracle</i> were leaving the Outer Rim. We were jumping on the next transport bound for the Ariande Arm. Some transfer program with some organization called the ?TSA? or something. Like we cared, as all we wanted was to get far away from this hellhole. Nothing could be harder than fighting the Zerg?nothing.
Chapter One
<i>What The F*ck?</i>
After a good 45 solar days in transit, we docked into the TSA cruiser <i>Pointy Kitty</i>. It was…not that big. The huge capital ships that we were normally deployed from could probably just ram into this thing and destroy it.
“So, this is the place that we will be calling home for the next…next…”
“4 solar months, sir. The first month will be spent acquainting you with what we do and how to do it. Then for the next 3 months you all will be on active duty.” Said a man who wore a blue/green officer’s uniform of some sort. His iron eagle that was pinned to his cap showed he was obviously a major. He offered me a hand and then spoke:
“Major William Cribbs. This is our humble little <i>Class-B Enforcer</i> cruiser. I hope the accommodations are…adequate.” I then accepted his hand and replied:
“Captain Adrian Lee. 75th Delta Division based in the Outer Rim, sir. I hope we will be a proper replacement for your transferred 10th Foxtrot.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Captain. If you will follow this man, he will lead you and your men to Level 3B, where you will be bunking with…the 9th “Black Rambos.”
After we saluted each other, we followed the man down below the main deck. Scratched out lettering which vaguely said LEVEL 3B, with a cute message under it which was obviously scribbled with a permanent marker that read “Home of the 9th Rambos: Successful Missions-” with a tally of some sort that added up to 24.
“Well, this is interesting to say the least, eh Adrian?” Lieutenant Joe Sumpter whispered into my ear as we walked past the quarters. They each had a cartoonish decal on the dorm doors that had creative messages like “DO NOT ENTER SOBER” with a little drunk TSA marine decal holding a beer stein. After going through the doors that separated the two units’ quarters, I split the men who were under my command up.
“Alright, Panzerfaust and McKnight, you get the first pick of our sector. Farley and Morcef, you get next. Then Styer and Stukov. Me and Sumpter will get whatever you guys don’t take.” They were overjoyed at this, and obvious took all of the furnished rooms first. McKnight and Panzerfaust were clearly ecstatic when they screamed “Yea! We get the room with its own bathroom!” Me and Sumpter got the room that had a crappy connection to the ventilation system. To compensate, the door had a generous grate at the bottom and there was a ceiling fan with a missing rotor blade. The only furniture in the room was a bunk bed, a coffee table, two chairs, and a single dresser.
“You see,” Joe commented, “This is why the should of made me Captain, and not you. We would of got the first pick if I was Captain.”
I then pushed Joe playfully “Sure, with your credentials? You nut. Come on, lets unpack and then rendezvous with the rest of guys in the mess hall.”
Chapter Two:
Training with Rambos
Lining up in the hall, we received our first meal as it was around lunch time anyway. The cooks were really trying to make something decent from the crap that the TSA called “edible.” The frozen beef was more like rough grit and the potatoes weren’t exactly a healthy kind of yellow. Fearing some sort of infection and that lunch wouldn’t happen, the cooks had turned it into a scalding stew…which killed the taste and the germs. Even though the Rambos found it a godsend from whatever godforsaken meal they’d normal get…we found it to be something bordering of crap and total **** in a bowl.
“Hmm…tastes like a bowl of hot water…with theoretical nutrients in it…” Joe quipped after taking a sip.
“I’d say it tastes like crap. I’d prefer a bowl of hot water over this. The god damn ‘vitamins and essential crap’ powder packets they added to it make it taste like the liquefied crap it looks like!” Styer ranted.
“Yea…well, I for one say that it’s a lot better if you drown it in salt.” I said. Styer then reached for the salt shaker and then cautiously sniffed if before adding it to his stew.
“Well…congratulations Adrian, you just poured a shitload of powdered MSG into your bowl.” Styer muttered as he set the shaker down.
“Alright, you know what? If the food sucks so badly, I say we skip lunch and go to the familiarization briefing right away. We’ve skipped a day’s rations once and we can skip a meal.” Panzerfaust announced, and received a hearty “Hell yea” in return.
The Black Rambos were already there, firing these weapons of amusing sorts. After looking at these weapons and mentioning some witty remarks about them to each other like “Dude, my **** is probably bigger than that pistol”, they arrived at the range where a Drill Sergeant awaited.
“Alright, I am Drill Sergeant Tom Stikiensky. I will be introducing you to certain structures and weapons you will encounter/need for your little excursions.” He then picked up a weapon shaped after a Sterling.
“This is the Light Machine Gun class CZU. It has a ROF 750-900 rounds, depending upon how well you maintain the weapon. It has a 50 round magazine of .45 ACP rounds, 10mm for those of you who can’t convert. Its accuracy is weak on long range, but since you will be shooting on a starship, ranges tend to be confined. It is the standard issue, so every vanilla Frontiersman you find will have one them.”
He then picked up a relatively small pistol.
“This is the Combat Pistol Cx10. It is semi-auto and shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger. Its huge .50 AE round will make quick work of any smaller lifeform, but its small clip size will screw you over, you have been forewarned.”
After placing the two weapons down, he picked up a strange thing that struck me as a handheld vacuum cleaner and a trip mine I supposed.
“In my right hand, is the standard trip mine. It can be placed on the floor or attached to a wall via its magnetic legs then tripped by its laser. Be warned though, if you do something stupid like this,” he then took a mine, and sets it up with only two legs griping and ran away. The mine then started to beep violently and then exploded itself. After seeing we understood what that meant, he continued, “In my left hand, I have the N-Welder. It is a simple device and requires no experience in anyway. Just point, weld, and you’re done. Enough said. You may now test fire these weapons if you please.”
After gesturing to a wall of sliding panels behind him, which then slid open revealing a CZU and Cx10 inside, he walked up to the observation deck.
“Ok…these guns look like the things that a little kid back in the Outer Rim would play with.” Styer said.
“God damn Greg, do you ever stop bitching about everything.” Morcef commented.
“Yes, because there is no way in hell I will use these weapons instead of my trusty Gauss Rifle.”
“Well…I for one will be taking this tiny little gadget with me.” Farley said, slinging the thing over his wrist using a modified wrist strap. Being the team medic, command decided against issuing him a weapon, but since he is approximately 100-200 light years away from them, screw them.
Lee, being a firearms fanatic, picked up the CZU, slammed a clip home, and watched the LCD screen blink on. Amused, he then shouldered the weapon and let loose on a hologram. After only a second of firing, the hologram disappeared and a report appeared on screen.
“Weapon: Light Machine Gun CZU
Target: Kharaa Skulk
Hits: 21
Overall Time: 0:03”
“Yea…its nothing guys. These little critters were going up against are nothing.”
A few Rambos then approached Lee, and said that his score sucked. Lee prompted responded “Your crazy, show me up in my face, please.” Taking the CZU and then hitting the button to activate the range, it appeared that nothing had happened, when a report suddenly appeared on the adjacent LCD screen. It basically read the same thing except it for two things that struck Adrian as insane.
“Hits: 13
Overall Time: 0:01”
“Well, sir. It only took me a second because that’s as fast as the rate of fire goes. Have a good day…sir.” The Rambo said as he started to walk away.
“Hold up…who are you?”
“I’m Staff Sergeant Harvey Kwan, sir. I lead the detachment that will be going in with your squad when the next emergency hits us.”
“Hello, I’m Captain Adrian Lee, and I’m gonna skip the formals because I just got owned by you, if you know what I mean Sergeant.”
Kwan then chuckled, “Sorry about that, sir, but I’ve never been told that before. You guys must be the transferred people? Outer Rim, right?”
“Roger that, and we’d kick your **** any day!” hollered McKnight from the back of our group.
“Sure…whatever you say, Sergeant. Anyway, you guys look like you’d need some practice if you’re gonna make it through what we call ‘work.”
“Umm, with all due respect, this creature is an extremely weak mofo. I’m sure that my Gauss Rifle or Panzerfaust’s Perdition Flamethrowers would waste that **** in no time.” Adrian commented.
“And, point taken, so could our CZUs. But, you’ve been shooting at still targets. Try shooting at them when they move or ambush you. Its not damage, sir, its reaction time and accuracy. I’m assuming you didn’t see ‘Besterd’ yet right? Our resident skulk?”
“You’re freaking me. This little rust bucket has an alien creature on it that would rip your balls of on a whim?”
“Oh yes, it’s wonderful isn’t it? The only reason the new recruits here can’t sleep during their first few days is because we have that **** on this ship for ‘educational purposes.’”
“…I would like to see how deep the **** is that we’ve just gotten ourselves into.”
“Surely, just follow me to the cleared off sector.” The Staff Sergeant said as walked towards an airlock with a band of yellow/black DANGER tape around it.
Chapter Three:
<i>Reality Check</i>
As the airlock slid open ominously, a rush of stagnant air swept out and a pre-recorded voice played:
<i>?This is Sector 8A of the TSA Pointy Kitty. Warning: This sector is prone to be ejected from the space ship should an emergency arise. Have a good day.?</i>
?Sarcastically good message, isn?t it?? Morcef quipped.
The sergeant didn?t reply and they simply continued on down the short boardwalk. Once they reached the other end, the saw a panel wall slide away and behind a glass observation window, a skulk slept.
?Aww isn?t it cute!? Farley exclaimed, ?It looks just like one of my dogs I have back home!?
?Sure?cute?? Harvey responded, ?I hope you don?t think that way after a while. It?s time for a demonstration I believe, which will take place soon.? As a door to the cage opened, a pig was ushered into the room. There was no response from the skulk, who simply dozed on.
?Hmm, needs a little encouragement.? Kwan muttered. He then tapped the glass very sharply, and the creature?s eyes blinked on instantly. The pig squealed in fear as the creature rose and spotted him. Seeing the little porker, the skulk began to approach him. All was going well and calm until the pig, clearly scared shitless, started to run away. With a curious chuckle, it then charged the pig and pounced. The clean lab floor of the cage was then stained with red piggy blood and entrails, all in under 5 seconds. The panel walls then slid back.
?Still cute?? was the rhetorical question of the moment.
?This strangely resembles what they showed us when we first joined, except they used a cow since the Zergling is bigger.? Adrian commented.
?Of course, but I doubt that your beloved Zergling can climb walls. You see, these things are only dangerous when they come at you in packs. But alone, they can still kill by ambushing you.?
?So?how fast do these things nail you if you?re wearing whatever you call armor??
?2 to 3 seconds I?d say.?
?Bleh!? Stukov muttered in his Russian accent, ?We don?t wear that sissy armor. We sport CMC-300/400 Powered Combat Suit with built in Life Support and NBC protection.?
?That?s what you have! I?ve got the CMC-660 Heavy Combat Suit, which has all the things you?ve got and is pound for pound more badass.? Panzerfaust retorted.
?However, I doubt you?ve gotten the mandatory nanite injection yet, right? Without it, opening the visors of your suits ill advised.?
?Or else what? It's not like there isn?t any air on those ships right?? Adrian asked, fearing what would happen as it was his squad's habit to open their visors and talk idly when awaiting orders.
?The Kharaa spread by sending out bacterium. The only reason that our boys, the TSA Marines, can walk around without a biohazard suit is because the Nanites in our blood counter the effects of bacterium trying to mutate you, which you inhale with every breath on one of those infested ships. The nanites also hook you up to the command systems, so turrets will recognize you when you walk past them and not blow you to shitbits.?
?Lovely, so when do we get these injections?? Lee asked.
?Well, you should be getting them shortly after I take you out of this little caged world of Besterd. Have fun.?
The injections were these huge wide bore needles sending in injections of a good 20-35 ccs of nanites depending upon the body mass of the individual. Being somewhat genetically modified due to the use of synthetic adrenaline and endorphins coupled with a powerful psychotropic aggression amplifier, commonly referred to as stim packs, each marine received an additional 5 ccs. After complaining about feeling like ?dry, loosely packed ****? for the following hour, they reported to briefing room.
?This ought to be interesting.? was the only comment that circulated around the marines as they entered the room. Kwan and his men were sitting on one side of a long table, Major Cribbs having the seat of honor. A projector screen was on the wall opposite of Cribbs, which was playing footage of some aliens running amok killing the folk on board.
?Game time??Adrian muttered, watching a child scream as acid at away at its face on the vid-link. Kwan could only give a grim nod in response.
Heh, zerglings and skulks. Who da more powerful? I suppose in close quarters, the skulk can be much more stealthy, but in open combat.. eh...
Differient style, I guess. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
love the fusion
love the ROF and the PWNAGE resulting with 0.01
acid+children=**** of TAK
they had better kick lots of ****
Chapter Four:
<i>USS Stalwart Distress Signal</i>
Despite the fact that Adrian was a Captain, Staff Sergeant Harvey Kwan was the designated commander, as the transferred people were “greenies” by their standards. However, that didn’t stop Harvey from sharing the brief with him.
“‘Alien threat’…blah blah blah…‘suspicious package found in the cargo hold’….<i>‘aliens have taken over the waste processing plant.’</i> That’s out ticket, Captain. That’s where all the aliens will be coming from…their ‘hive’ if you will, Captain.” Kwan said idly as he flipped through the pages of the report.
“So we just march in there, guns a blazing, **** up a lot of those little skulk things, then go home?” Adrian replied, ramming a cylindrical clip into his Gauss Rifle.
“No, because most of the time, there are a <i>shitload</i> of the little buggers in the hive area, more than enough to overrun the wee 16 of us.”
“So, what happens then? We dig in, set up base, get bigger guns or something, and then blow them back to the hellhole they came from?”
“Exactly.” Kwan replied, fixing the strap on his helmet. Picking up his CZU, he motioned for the men to follow him to the dropship.
Since the dropships weren’t made to accommodate the huge CMC suits that the marines wore, they had to stand the whole ride, which was turning out to be rather bumpy.
“Well, somethings never change…” Joe muttered as he held onto the bar during the ride, “freaking unstable rust bucket that brings you to and fro from some god forbidden hellhole.”
“Hey! This ‘unstable rust bucket’ pilot is really considering leaving you in that hellhole!”
“Same freaking touchy pilots…” Sumpter muttered quietly.
The rest of the marines could only nod in agreement, remembering fondly of the time when the pilot actually tried to leave Joseph on some god forbidden border world. Adrian cast a curious eye to the back, which held a strange looking enclosed lazy boy chair with computer all in one.
“What is that?” Lee asked, pointing at it.
“That’s the command station. It’s the place where I lead you guys from. I can tap into your radios, vidlinks, give you orders, find you locations, etc. You should also protect it at all costs, because without it, there is no way we can survive or even get off of that dirty ship, which-is-appearing-on-port-window-right-now. God damn! They never included in the report that it was a TSA troop cruiser!”
“Say what?”
“It’s a ship-hell! It’s the sister ship to the <i>Pointy Kitty</i>. I never thought those boys would get screw over like that.”
“So…what was the kid doing in the vidlink they showed us in the briefing?” Panzerfaust asked, opening the valves to his flamethrowers.
“The <i>USS Stalwart</i> is a permanent station. It’s designed to be self-sufficient and thus, soldiers and their whole families can live on that ship. Last time I cared to take a look at the numbers, two thousand soldiers are stationed on that ship…along with three thousand or so civilians.” Harvey said, trailing off in the end.
“Think there are any survivors?” Stukov asked blankly.
“Probably…maybe a couple hundred or so. Kharaa keep getting smarter. They struck at solar night, en masse. Most of the station was sleeping, so bang…easy kills.”
“Dropship is approaching phasing range. Line up around the phase gate will you?” A crew chief announced abruptly.
“Roger that. Alright, to make it short and simple, when the lights on top turn green, step on the phase gate. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, step on the phase gate when the lights aren’t green.”
“What happens if we step on it?” Was the rhetorical question which Joe had to ask.
“Oh, nothing much. You’ll just get phased into the starship prematurely with like…your legs missing or something. No biggy if you wanna live the rest of you life as a vegetable.”
With that, the Frontiersman stepped in first, followed by the marines who were clearly amused.
The phasing was brief, yet it wowed the marines, as it was their first time stepping into a phase gate. The place that they phased to quickly set them back into a grim state, however. The dim lights of the spacious docking wing gave little illumination, and the huge ceiling fans didn’t help to make the mood less ominous either.
“Don’t worry about the fans,” a Frontiersman said to McKnight, who was pointing his rifle at the roof, “They actually keep the skulks out. What you should worry about, are those two entrances on the left and right.” Stukov then did an impression over the marine’s vidlink channel:
“Oh…<i>don’t worry about the fans</i> he says. My ****…”
A little face suddenly appeared on their collective HUDs, interrupting Stukov’s spoof, which was the commander.
“Ok, I want to get this place down tight first. There are those two entrances, which are **** me off to no end, and then there are those rafters on the opposite wall of the airlock. We’re at a disadvantage if something gets up on that high ground that isn’t us.”
Suddenly, two little ditch things appeared next to the booth where the command chair was situated.
“Umm, build them, please?” Kwan asked over the radio.
“Err…we don’t exactly have experience building TSA structures.” Morcef announced.
“You don’t need any, just stand near it and stare.”
“You heard me, stand near the infantry portals and stare.”
After walking over to the two “infantry portals” reluctantly, they started to stare at them. After seeing that nothing was visually happening, Joe had something to say.
“This is stupid. You sure your new found friend isn’t freaking us over, Adrian?”
“Positive…I hope.” He replied. At that, there was suddenly a large beep and the structure then seemed to “open up” and activate.
“There,” Harvey said to the marines, “was that so hard? Now I’m going to need you to build-“
“Stare I believe it is, sir. Stare.” Joe interrupted.
“Right…I’m going to need you to <i>stare</i> at this armory and this here observatory for while. Remember, the more people <i>stare</i> at it, the faster it will build.”
“With all due respect sir,” Panzerfaust asked while staring, “why do we have to stare at these things in order to build them?”
“Because of civilian nanite restrictions, an authorized maintenance person has to be around every nanite structure while it builds. Military nanite buildings can build by themselves, but since this ship is civilian, despite military personnel onboard, the best we can do it make the ship think that when you guys stare at it, you are authorized maintenance people.”
“Wow…gee sir, does that mean I can like get my PhD in engineering already? The university professors are so lame they are taking weeks to grade my paper.” Joe quipped.
“Shut up, Joe.” Adrian responded.
“Roger that, Adrian.”
After a lot more staring at a bunch of other buildings like a “turret factory”, some “turrets”, and placing quite a few mines, they were given and order to rendezvous with the other Frontiersman at Atmospheric Processing.
“There are two nanite nozzles over there. I want you to secure that area, <i>stare</i> at the resource collectors while they build, and then move out en force for the Crew Quarters. Further orders will be given there depending upon whether or not you find any survivors there.”
“You know, if we have do anything else that is stupid and pointless like ‘jack off the dildo tower so it can build’, I am gonna hit this here ‘eject commander’ button.” Joe commented.
“And for that,” Adrian said, deactivating away his button, “You don’t get to have a shiny red button on your suit.”
“B*tch,” Joe replied sarcastically.
“Yea I know I love you too.” Adrian said.
“Shh, hold up guys. I think I hear something.” Morcef radioed. All the visors suddenly slid down and their shoulder mounted search lights turned on.
“Morcef, if that was a joke I will beat you to death with my Rifle.” Stukov crackled over the radio.
“No man. I swear...I hear something crawling above us, in the C-Brace. It’s like over-”
A strange chuckle, just like the one that Besterd made, suddenly erupted from out of nowhere.
“Guys, I see movement approximately 10 meters ahead of you, coming in fast,” Kwan radioed in, “They’re coming in from the C-Brace above you! Whoa, a lot of freaking movement!”
“Panzerfaust, you take the point with your flamethrowers. Farley, stay in the middle. We got company!
“Fire it up, sir.” Panzerfaust said sarcastically, pointing his wrist mounted Perdition Flamethrowers toward the vent like Superman.
The first one was dead on contact, roasted by the flames. And so were the next few, and the next few, and the next few.
“Guys, I freaking own!” Panzerfaust bellowed over the radio, roasting what was his 14th straight kill. However, Panzerfaust suddenly went limp, and fell to the ground.
“Over there! On the opposite wall, contact!” Stukov screamed, breaking formation and running over to Panzerfaust. There were spikes embedded all over his chest.
“Medic! Farley, get over here!” Euric screamed. “Hector! Hector, can you hear me?!”
“Sh*t, Stukov get down!” Adrian radioed, letting loose on a skulk that just charged out of the burnt vent. 8mm spikes speared the creature through, dropping it instately.
Farley then checked Panzerfaust’s vital signs, which were loading onto his HUD.
“I can patch him up, but I don’t have enough energy to keep anesthetic pumping into him while I remove the spikes.”
“I SAID GET THE F*CK DOWN!” Adrian screamed, running over and pushing Stukov and Farley down. He then opened fire on this little bird thing on the opposite wall.
“Guys, move forward!” Lee bellowed as they continued down the hallway and setup a small perimeter around Panzerfaust.
“Commander, do you have anything that could help Panzerfaust?”
“I can drop you guys a medpak, but I don’t know what good it will do…”
“Well, make it freaking quick!” Farley said, watching his suit’s energy level hit the twenties. A small cylinder thing then dropped from the roof and landed next to Panzerfaust.
“What the f*ck am I supposed to do with it?” Farley raged, holding the medpak.
“Well, normally Frontiersmen plug it into an injections system, and the nanites load into the bloodstream in order to repair damage.” Kwan said nervously, watching on his Commander’s HUD as Panzerfaust’s vital signs started to drop from yellow to red.
“Well, that freaking helps!” Farley screamed, thinking fast about how he could get it into Panzerfaust’s body. Then it struck him, as he remembered what had happened during the nanite injections.
<i>Stim Packs.</i>
Leon Farley then unplugged the stim pack system from Panzerfaust’s suit and rammed the medpak in. He sighed relief when he saw his vital signs shoot up from red to yellow, and stayed there.
“Commander, drop another medpak…please.” Leon sighed, taking the newly created medpak and inputting it into his system again. Panzerfaust then slowly rose to his knees
“Why the hell are you all bunched up around me? I told you guys already, I freaking own.” Panzerfaust’s little face asked over the vidlink.
“Yea, sure you do. You staying with me in the middle of the group Mister ‘14 kill streak.’ Come on guys, he’s ok now. Let’s keep moving.” Leon said, patting him on the shoulder while plugging the stim pack system back in.
good work keep it up!
Chapter Five:
<i>Atmospheric Processing</i>
It was big. Atmospheric Processing was a room which was built to do what it was called. Filter out all of the oxygen on this gargantuan ship, and thus, two handy nanite nozzles were here. It only took a glance to also see that this place was a valuable chokepoint. Vents branched out to every single sector of the ship, giving the Kharaa a distinct advantage to go anywhere fast and unseen. And since the area had broken down and shut off due to nano-gridlock, the bacterium was having a field day, searching out and finding new hives quickly and the locations of the marines. When the marines arrived, the Frontiersmen were taking cover behind posts and random boxes, spent shell casings littered the floor.
?Well, about time you guys showed up. This place is swarming with skulks, a new rush every 5-10 minutes of like 9 of them,? A Frontiersman said, getting up from the prone position, ?You guys wouldn?t happen to have a welder or something on you??
We all just stared at the Frontiersman, puzzled and amazed at the skulk corpses lying around.
?Nah, screw it. It?s not like we could reach up there to weld those vents anyway. Let?s get these resource towers up.?
?Oh?yay. I feel like the only significant thing we?re allowed to do is ?build.?? Farley muttered.
A lot of idle chat was going on while the ?built?, which mainly included how Joe wishes he had his shiny red ?Eject Commander? button back. A lesson was going to be taught to the marines about staring without taking an occasionally peek over the shoulder to make sure nothing is sneaking up on you.
?Yea, I know?but I really wish I could eject that Sergeant-yuppie **** and beat him senseless. Staring at structures?there has to be another way.? Joe mumbled over the channel. He was staring at the resource tower, illumated by his shoulder-mounted search light, when the light exploded, and the claw that just perforated it was jammed in there.
?AHH! freaking ****! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!? Joe screamed, trying to reach over his back to pull the little beast off his back, where it was squirming and trying to break through the nano-steel of the CMC suit.
?Stand still!? McKnight said, bringing his elbow crashing down on the creature?s back with a satisfying crack. He then removed its limp claw from the light.
?Christ! I thought you guys were covering us!? Joe screamed over the open channel, turning around to face the Rambos, which, to his dismay, weren?t there.
?What the ****? Where did they all go?? Joe continued. He then opened up to the command channel.
?Hey! What?s the freaking deal? Where are those Rambo faggots? I thought they were covering us??
A short, panicked ?Shut the **** up!? came back quickly from the command chair. The channel was then promptly closed from the marines, leaving them confused and cut off from the commander.
?Ok, now can I eject the **** and beat the living **** out of him?! At least let me use your button!? Sumpter raged, bashing the side of the resource tower.
?Hey! Chill! Bashing the crap out of this thing isn?t gonna help. Let?s assess the situation before we go on a rampage,? Adrian radioed, ?Now, there must be some serious **** going on for him to withdraw the Frontiersman like that-?
?Oh! Sure! freaking **** doesn?t need half a rat?s **** to pull them out-? Joe interrupted.
?Why don?t you shut the **** up and listen, Lieutenant?? Lee yelled, ?Now, we?re going to need to know what happened to them. Lieutenant Joseph Sumpter, our electronic warfare expert will do that now, won?t you Joseph??
?Roger that?<i>sir</i>. Would you like me to make a pair of slippers materialize while I?m at it?? Sumpter retorted as he unslung his pack, which was a twisted form of a radio and computer all in one. A long antenna was then pulled out. This device is to be used to hack into radio broadcasts, computer terminals and such. It even provided remote control on the latter depending upon what was hacked.
?Sure. Why not?? Adrian snapped back.
?Right, whenever you two are done bitching at each other. We?ll all just be waiting here for the location of the Rambos.? Morcef announced rather loudly.
After scanning for radio waves that were not registered with the Dominion, which mean they were TSA, they proceeded to decipher and listen in on them.
?Roger that, sir. We?re in the B sector of the Crew Quarters. All of the occupants in A are dead, save few who we had to leave to the skulks as they were ?tagged.?? A Rambo radioed.
?Acknowledged. Carry on. I want Sector B cleared and some survivors found. Somebody on this blasted ship has to be alive. Wait, hold up guys?something?s been detected in the channel-? Commander Staff Sergeant Harvey Kwan responded.
?Cut the connection now!? Adrian muttered quickly.
?It?s been cut. Alright, looks like they have gone to carry out second portion of the orders, with no luck. What now, Captain??
?Chill, man. You can call me by my first name again. We?re gonna finish this sector off, and then we?ll report there. Got it?? A general ?yes?, ?yea?, ?roger that? was murmured.
?Good. Let?s get back to work. Stukov, Morcef, McKnight, take the point and watch out backs. Work fast guys. We gotta back ?em up there fast if ?tagged? is what I think it means.?
NOTE: The reason I keep editing these post is for italisizing and grammer stuff.
this could get more interesting with that little twist
<!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif'><!--endemo-->
me luffs cafinee filled mountain dew <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I'm already in summer school
me luffs cafinee filled mountain dew <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
if you write two chapters don't release them on the same day, release one then wait and release the other
build the suspense <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Chapter Six:
<i>Initiative Down</i>
The pathway to the Crew Quarters was, to say the least, <i>clear</i>. At least to the naked eye. The bacterium had spotted the new, strange life forms, in their strange adamant skins-no carpaces. The hive was sensing their movement, which was no different from that of the other, weaker humans. Both their footsteps were relatively loud and cacophonous. They also seemed to have a new form of armament. It spat pain quickly, and tore through the hides of its minions like a hot knife though butter…sometimes even going straight through and on to hit the creature behind it. Thankfully, a second in command was being created in the room which pulsed of energy amply. Yes, taping into this pulser of energy would aid them very much, giving them access to a source of power greater than the geysers of sludge could ever provide.
They paced down the hallway, taking careful attention of everything opening that they passed.
“This is great, isn’t it guys? This is what I signed up with Delta for. Urban combat, not the grunt work we had to go through on <i>New Defiance</i>.” Morcef said.
“I suppose. The wounds you guys get here aren’t as horrible as when, let’s say, a hydralisk gibs you clean through 8 times.” Farley replied.
“Hell yea. And that way, we don’t always have to “thank” you like you always say. ‘Oh, you can thank me later’ every time you save some guy on the field.” Stukov muttered.
“But don’t you like doing his laundry, cleaning, and tidying up every single day?” Panzerfaust quipped.
“Oh, hell yea. I lose around a good 3 hours everyday of ‘off-duty’ time to that every day.”
“Hush up guys. We’re there,” Adrian radioed, “Hey Joe, this door seems to be locked, you mind-” A burst of 8mm spikes blew the door access panel straight off. He then pried the door open with his power assisted suit.
“Or that. That always works…” Adrian muttered, clearly unhappy about destroying the door in the process.
“I’ll take the point.” Sumpter grumbled, clearly having other reasons for offering to take the point.
“Officer’s privilege, Lieutenant.” Lee quickly said, cutting ahead of him.
Sector A was cut off from Sector B by a wall of trip mines, which were clearly laid down by the passing Rambos to keep skulks from coming up the rear. Adrian was about to walk through the lasers, believing the <i>FriendlyFire</i> systems would keep them from detonating on him. Sumpter, however, thought differently and grabbed him by the shoulder pad, keeping him walking into them.
“I wouldn’t trust them that much. They pulled out on us without warning, and then there is this huge layer of mines covering the path following them which <i>covers every available space on the damn doorway</i>. Surly a less dense layer would keep skulks out. This formation is meant to take out more <i>heavily armored targets</i>.”
He then pointed at himself and the group. They clearly understood what he was saying, and agreed.
“I say we defuse them.” He continued.
“Umm, no. If you defuse them the way you defused that door, FriendlyFire or not, this whole section of the space station will be blown apart.” Adrian said.
“Don’t worry. I’ll use my backpack this time. Besides, they can be disarmed by remote, hint hint, since they use the network to see if they should explode or not on the target.”
After a few minutes, the mines powered down and shut off. Adrian then started to walk through them when, yet again, Joe stopped him.
“When you go through, jump. I think they can still be detonated by pressure.”
Suddenly a 10mm round ricocheted off Joe’s forearm, which was followed by more.
“HOLY ****! CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIRE! FRIENDLIES!” Adrian bellowed over the hailing channel. The Frontiersman seemed to ignore this, and fired off more rounds.
“I am going to so enjoy this.” Joseph said, grinning carnivorously.
“Wait! Don’t shoot yet-” Lee was cut off prematurely as a round hit his visor, the round shattering on impact while cracking the left side of the visor severely.
“NOW YOU CAN SHOOT BACK!” He bellowed, joining the salvo of fire his team was shooting back. Panzerfaust, the man of the mission with a 14 kill streak, rush the marines and roasted them, their flame-retardant uniforms still catching fire as it was a plasma flame, not a normal one.
“That can’t be good for my score.” Hector radioed, grinning.
“Or inter-galactic relationships.” Farley muttered.
After seeing they were losing, the remaining Frontiersman surrendered. As Adrian read them their rights as prisoners of the Dominion, Staff Sergeant Harvey Kwan broke in:
“Well, sir…your traitorous, backstabbing **** you call soldiers opened fire on us and set up anti-personnel mines meant for us.” Joe said. He then continued:
“As part of the regulations that the Dominion abides, you will be taken prisoner as well, for standby at a trial before the Dominion courts.”
“What?! You fucktards! Those weren’t my men! Those were the survivors you dipsh*t! You just roasted the initiative! The objective! The GOAL OF THIS MISSION!”
“We did? Well gee, am I bad?” Joe retorted, clearly not buying it.
“Uh, I think so,” Panzerfaust said, “The insignias on this dead guy’s uniform say he’s from the <i>USS Stalwart</i>, not the <i>TSA Pointy Kitty</i>.”
“Err, this is some pretty deep ****, right?” Joe whispered to Adrian.
“Afraid so. And I’m gonna be the one who has to appear before the TSA courts, since I gave the command to fire…”
“Damn straight, Captain. And out of your motley crew, I thought you’d have the most sense. Sorry to say it, but if we make it off this rock, I’m gonna have to take you in.”
“Hey! Wait, Staff Sergeant! It’s me who should bear the punishment, not Adrian! It was actually me who provoked him to give to order before he could acquire the target properly! It’s…it’s my fault. All and only mine…” Joe exclaimed over the radio.
This has got to be, the most deep and humane part of the far anyway.
that is a bit confusing
they tired to kill the SC marines?
I'm lost, care to break it down for the people who are confused?
1) They are walking to the crew quarters, but the hive senses them due to the bacterium's presense.
2) They find the first door is locked, and Joe shoots out the door control panel and pries it open.
3) They find a square doorway which leads to Sector B that is covered with mines on the arch of the door way.
4) After Joe hacks and remotely turns them off, adrian tries to walk though them
5) Joe stops him and tells him to jump over since they can still be detonated by pressure
6) A round ricochets off of his armored forearm
7) The men see that Frontiersman in the Sector are shooting at them
8) Adrian issues a cease fire over the hailing channel while trying to make sure that <i>TSA Pointy Kitty</i> Frontiersman are shooting at them
9) He gets hit in the visor by a bullet
10) Stops trying to identify and orders his men to open fire
11) His men win, because they have a flamethowing German
12) Marines take the Frontiersman prisoner
13) The Commander, Staff Sargeant Harvey Kwan breaks in, and asks why they attacked
14) Joe issues an order of arrest for the commander
15) Commander tells them that those men weren't from the <i>TSA Pointy Kitty</i>, they were from the host ship, the <i>USS Stalwart</i>
16) TRANSLATION: It wasn't Friendly Fire, it was like the hostages shooting at you because they didn't know you were special operations trying to save them
17) Adrian comes under arrest for issuing the command to attack
18) Joe attempts to take the blame as he was the one who provoked Adrian to issue the command
Got it? <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> This story will be influenced on things that happened to the marines in the past, so that it is seqential and logical. So that like, if they shoot the generator out, and the lights don't fizzle, they will fizzle after a while during another chapter when the generator fails completly, plunging them into darkness or the green world of nightvision
get a move on Jr!
Chapter Seven:
The next few moments have little record of them, as no one really recalls them. During the silence of this tense decision by the Staff Sergeant, the Kharaa took advantage of the opening in the mine barrier and attacked. The only records of this 30 minute break in the vidlink to command can be described as chaos. Testimonials from the marines and survivors say that large, black creatures that looked like ?a skulk walking upright? charged in, slashing away. Further recovered records, such as the data dish of the area?s cameras showed that the creature is defined as a ?Fade.? The marines were sure that the first, which walked right into the mines, would go down. However, the creature then entered a ?Zen-like? state and ?walked through the mines unscathed.? Also, due to the fact that the hive had just created a new duplicate of itself, two coordinated attacks could be carried out. The foremost, was in Sector B of the Crew Quarters. The second was against the Docking Wing, where the commander was situated.
The Staff Sergeant was sitting in the station, holding his head, pondering deeply about how he should handle this friendly fire incident.
?Well, what if I did this? What would happen to further relations between the Ariande Arm/TSA and the Dominion? The shame-?
A claw then suddenly was jammed through the front of the chair, slamming through the 2 inches of nanosteel of the chair and embedded itself into the surface of his body armor, making a superficial dent.
?Guys! Contact in Docking Wing! I am under att-?
The radio transmission was then cut short as the observatory was just perforated by skulk teeth. Thus, the only way of communicating through the nano-gridlock was lost. Then that dismal thought ran through his head: ?I am going to die.? Acid then splattered over the battered shell of the Command Chair, the only thing between him and them. A backup plan he had mulled over was going to have to play now. He recycled the phase gate, setting in one last phase charge. He then created a CC base in Atmospheric Processing, were a backup base that was already set up.
?Alright,? he muttered to himself, ?COME AND GET IT MOTHER ****!?
Kwan then leapt out of the c hair, not carrying out the roll landing he wanted as a stray claw ripped his shoulder blade out in midair. Getting up, adrenaline mulling the pain over to nothing, he tried to make it to the phase gate. He fired off his CZU, trying to keep the aliens back. As he strafed, a Lerk swooped down and spiked his right hand clear though. The CZU clattered to the floor, silent. Seeing that he was getting into deeper ****, he broke out in running straight for the phase gate, taking pot shots with his pistol. However, he was soon tackled to the ground by a skulk, which ripped his calves and femoral artery out. Screaming in pain now, he knocked the little creature out with an elbow to the head. Reaching for his combat knife, his horrific last stand was put to an end quickly by a claw though the heart.
Combat in the Crew Quarters was seemingly hard as well.
?Oh. My. freaking. God. Why don?t these things sprout wings and fly?! They might as well!? Panzerfaust exclaimed, torching only the blue gaseous remains of a ?blink.?
?Ha! Who?s got the skill now?? His Russian teammate, Stukov responded, ripping the fade?s arm off with a burst of fire. A counter-swipe from that fade however, knocked the Russian spinning & down.
?Euric! No!? Panzerfaust screamed, watching the fade stand over the limp body, then bring down its claw, spearing his shoulder though. The German then charged the fade and rammed it into the wall with a satisfying squish. He then ran over to Stukov, who was lying face down in a pool of blood.
?Christ! Stukov! Hold on-? Hector stuttered, horrified at the gore. There was a slash though his friend?s chest, showing sheared organs. His hand then went for a pulse. He felt a throb, and then a hand gripped his.
?Hey?you Nazi?? Stukov weakly smiled, looking at Hector.
?Listen, man! Hold on! Farley?s coming, just hold on!?
?Naw?you listen. You?re gonna get off this hellhole, alive, got it? You?re gonna visit my parents. Tell them?it?s ok. I chose my job, and died doing it?and that?and that it kicked ****!? Stukov rasped, his eyes then losing focus and his grip slacking. When Farley saw this, he immediately sprayed nanites over the wound and inject an IV?s contents into his bloodstream. The wound closed, but his eyes didn?t regain their focus. Powering up his defibrillator, he shocked Stukov. Seeing no effect, Farley was abou to do it again, but Hector Stopped him.
?It?s ok?,? he said weakly, his closed visor hiding his tears, ?he?s dead.? He then closed Stukov?s eyes and then his visor. He then locked it into position and took the Death Letter out of his suit.
they got butchered
I like the 1.1 blink