A Big Thank You

KaniranKaniran Join Date: 2003-01-19 Member: 12465Members
<div class="IPBDescription">For NS</div>I'm posting this because after reading through the 8 or so pages discussing the Semi-Open Beta, I think the following people need thanking.

Thank You to Flayra, for providing us with this fantastic game, for free no less.

Thanks to the rest of the dev team, for, well, the same thing basically.

Thanks to the playtesters, for making sure the little bits and pieces work out, without ruining it for the rest of us.

Thanks to anyone who has donated money to constellation, for a little payment that Flayra can eat and not just feel good about.

Thanks for anyone hosting an NS server or website, because that stuff ain't free ya know.

Thanks to those that have contributed ideas that has made this game better, or at least made this forum more fun to read.

And thanks to the forum mods, for desperately trying to keep us forum goons in line. :D

Hope I didn't leave anyone out. If you deserve thanking and I didn't metion you, just pretend you are in one of the groups I mentioned above. ;)


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