No More Debates
I hunt the arctic Snonos Join Date: 2003-01-09 Member: 12097Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Lets hear your funny/cool 2.0 stories</div> Well guys browsing the forums over thea past few days Ive seen millons of "is this balanced?, what do you think of 2.0? debates on various topics.
Well enough of that. Lets hear and share some of our funny and awsome stories/moments that we have encountered so far with 2.0.
Ill start.
An player went Onos and was complaining non stop about every nit picky thing he could think of. Very annoying. The admin over admin_message to server.
"Dude Stuff a 'rine in it buddy and play the game or we will all mute you!"
Later we were on marines in NS_Lost we had divided up the team to put some new players in squads with older ones so we could help them learn the game.
I took 4 of them with me to that hidden "welder" RT near the marine start. I showed them how to weld door open and I went inside to build while they covered me outside. Suddenly one of the new guys goes "Davis there is a fatty alien out here!"
I laughed (b/c a new player called the gorge a fatty by instinct) and told them to go get it. (I could hear some heal spray)
So all four of them run off together out of my sight around the corner shouting over voice comm
"Get him! Get the Fatty! haha"
15 Seconds later I was completing the Rt when I heard them again.
"WTH a glitch?"
"yo comm is there an invisible wall here?"
"hey I cant get through. someone boost me."
"AHHHHH back up back up backup"
" helpp RUNNNN"
I look up to see all four of my teammates run past me the other way. Closely followed by a lumbering Onos.
Apparently It was cloaked and they ran into it. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Well enough of that. Lets hear and share some of our funny and awsome stories/moments that we have encountered so far with 2.0.
Ill start.
An player went Onos and was complaining non stop about every nit picky thing he could think of. Very annoying. The admin over admin_message to server.
"Dude Stuff a 'rine in it buddy and play the game or we will all mute you!"
Later we were on marines in NS_Lost we had divided up the team to put some new players in squads with older ones so we could help them learn the game.
I took 4 of them with me to that hidden "welder" RT near the marine start. I showed them how to weld door open and I went inside to build while they covered me outside. Suddenly one of the new guys goes "Davis there is a fatty alien out here!"
I laughed (b/c a new player called the gorge a fatty by instinct) and told them to go get it. (I could hear some heal spray)
So all four of them run off together out of my sight around the corner shouting over voice comm
"Get him! Get the Fatty! haha"
15 Seconds later I was completing the Rt when I heard them again.
"WTH a glitch?"
"yo comm is there an invisible wall here?"
"hey I cant get through. someone boost me."
"AHHHHH back up back up backup"
" helpp RUNNNN"
I look up to see all four of my teammates run past me the other way. Closely followed by a lumbering Onos.
Apparently It was cloaked and they ran into it. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
unnamed dropped
some player: Why are my buildings invisible ? I keep building them, but they all become invisible.
I was onos myself and had just run into the marine start. Ran up, and devoured a marine (thinking wheee!) and went to run away to grab some tums (they give heartburn you know).
Well that stupid autoclosing door in the MS is gonna take some getting used too.
I got hung up trying to run away from the 5 or so marines coming to save there buddy (hadn't seen them at first) and well all the jackasses had there knives out. All the while I was trying to find the switch to open the door... getting it open having a marine block me... seeing it close then trying to open it again... I went down fast, but it was soo damn funny seeing all these marines (who were quite capable of SHOOTING me with there hmgs or gls) crawling all over me, knifing. And yes, they did save there buddy. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
The map was veil and we (the aliens) decided we wanted double res. Somehow we had 8 gorges and 2 skulks in double res.
The voice comm crackled into life with, "hey guys...wanna attack marine spawn?"
*general murmer*
"hell yeah!"
*3 MCs are dropped and the 10 aliens set off with 8 adren'd gorges and 2 celeritied (?) skulks*
*insert description of healspray ownage, forced marine relocation followed by more healspray ownage*
I have never laughed so much in my life. The score was about 50 kills 0 deaths.
All the aliens were cheering over voice comm and it looked like little light bulbs hoing off over their heads at the new concept of 2.0 gortillery XD .
Roll on, NS!
update: looks like rsd and gang had the same idea, but on the down low <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I asked myself, where did my buildings go?
Didn't I just build an offensive chamber here a second go?
I mean it took awhile for me to realize, but it was some funny stuff.
I was forced to join marines at the time, and just recently, had heard the cries of people getting devoured. I didn't want to get eaten.
I walked out the marine spawn, towards the furthest corridr from the cc (one going towards horseshoe), wieling a grenade launcher. It was perfectly clear. Teammates were around me...
Then all of a suddden, I see an onos charging towards us, slowly fading out of nothingness. I fire my gl into the onos futily, and I am killed by the splash damage. I celebrated not getting eaten, allthough one of my teammates near me did.
I laughed at him <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> He laughed back, was all good fun <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Maazing, isn't it? Soon my NS official gig ends, and I can play *every day* !!! D:
The map was Hera. I just got killed and was respawning at the Archiving hive, it was cloaked. Then I heard a marine coming, I ran and hid high up on the roof. In his path was a cloaked onos. He just walked right into the onos got devoured. It was freaking hilarious from my point of view but the marine must have **** himself.
That was my greatest moment...
but 2.0 wise, I'd say it was my first comm victory. I secured triad (i mean farmed) and eclipse. We held horseshoe and station access for a long time, controlling half of the res nodes on the map. However, the aliens being the indisputible powerhouses they are, managed to take down both triad and eclipse, and eventually horseshoe and station access. With no res nodes, I launched a last ditch effort to win the game. I gave everybody I could HA and SGs (I give HMGs and JPs now... but htat was at first). Being the dumbasses they were, we kept on losing HA. However, we finally pressed through maint to compcore, taking both down. By the time we were at eclipse, maint was going up again. After eclipse went down, we proceeded to maint to take it down, winning the game. Proof that resource control is super important in the game. Had the aliens had more res nodes, or I hadn't secured triad and horseshoe, they would've gone onos many times, eventually resulting in the defeat of my HAs.
The other great moment actually involves a loss. This was my 2nd 2.0 comm, and I was still confused as to what to do. In a last ditch effort, I sent stock marines to biodome hive in origin (i think it is anyway), telling them to stay together and hold the area. The great moment? When I found that they were sticking together as all hell, and no one ramboed. I was in shock. I was like, AWESOME JOB GUYS, it's not your fault they had that onos! I think had it been a clan game we would've taken biodome and won the game, but nonetheless, such teamwork in pubs are rare.
An Onos was whacking away at the comm chair trying to get the commander to come out so he could eat him.
The comm chair explodes but no comm pops out. (marines had relocated and so had the comm unfortunatly the com chair was still in the "Closed" postition)
The puzzeled and disapointed onos types
"Hey where's the cream filling!?"
And then, after the entire map was secured and we had done some general ownage to the marines, we launched the final assault on the marine start. And as it begins, the song plays again. Skulks, lerks, gorges and onos run around, singing, eating, exploding and spitting.
I've seen the usual funny stuff. Fully silenced Onos going on a rampage through marine base while everyone laughs, cloaked Onos sitting in one spot and devouring light armors one after another, but I think the FUNNIEST, and I mean FUNNIEST moment ever, was in Mineshaft, as marines. We had grabbed the double res and were going all-shotguns, with weapon upgrades. Those shotguns are NASTY, NASTY beasts these days, especially with 50 reloads. You get a squad of two or three shotgunners and one or two LMGers to mop up, and make sure not to block each other's shots, and GOOD LORDY. Nasty. Anyway, we had secured the topmost hive, had all the hives stretching from marine start to the double res, but we were going to turret farm MS to make sure that side of the map stayed up. You know that elevator near marine start in Mineshaft that can be activated from the top and the bottom? Well, here's what happened:
My team had passed me up to go to the marine start room, while I lingered behind watching the motion tracking and covering our backs at the elevator, which was up at the time. On the motion tracking, I saw about two blue circles getting close to the bottom of the elevator, and just to be a smartyjerk, I started spamming the taunt button. That got another blue circle over, and they all started clustering right underneath the elevator, and started chuckling. I remembered this one time when I accidentally got stuck under an elevator as a gorge at some other map, and was instantly killed. I thought to myself, "No... no way it would work. I'm going to get jumped by three skulks and lose my shottie if I try this. It can't work... ... I HAVE TO TRY IT!! MUST... PRESS... BUTTON!!!"
I proceeded to press the button, the elevator went down faster than the skulks knew what was going on, two of them showed up on the kills list as yellow skull icons, and I easily shotgunned the third in one shell. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> OMG. First words out of my mouth on global chat:
If only I had ignored the second skulk and brought the elevator back up, I might have been able to kill an Onos the same way. However, he came and nailed me, but not before I crouched behind a pillar by the elevator and pumped a few shottie rounds into him.
Moral of the story?
If there's no space under an elevator when it's in the up position, don't be under it if there's an enemy behind the controls. I've yet to do this intentionally, but you can BET I'm going to look for any chance I can to do so.
No idea what the map is (but I'd recognize it if I ever saw it again), but I was marine, came in late to the game. It was obvious to me that the moment I joined, the game was lost, the aliens had built up "mini-hives" down the two halls leading away from the marine base. Our comm and the rest of the team hadnt realized we'd lost but I figured I wouldnt burst their bubble and fought along side them.
The aliens were throwing everything they could at us and in great quantities. Two or three redemption Onii, a lerk, couple of fades and the random suicide skulk that shot out of the vents leading into the marine base area.
The best that we could do was to keep sending the aliens back to their hives via redemption. They were wearing us down as time went on (we were locked like this for about 20 mins after I joined the game) and in a last desperate gamble, the comm dropped a crate load of shotguns. Having not used a 2.0 shotgun, my first thought was, "WTH? Whole lotta good this'll do." During a brief lull in the fighting, I ammo'ed up and took a ladder up onto the "balcony" in our base. A second later, the onii charged.
We all opened fire, hoping we could send them back to their hives before they caused too much damage. Much to our surprise (and glee) the 2.0 shotguns blasted through each onii as it came charging into base. The first one fell at the entrance of the base, the second one fell a little bit further in and the thrid one fell trying to get back out of our base. A second after that, the flood of messages from the alien players started.
"HTF did you all do that?"
"Were those shotgun or cannons?"
"My redemption didnt work! HaXorZ!"
Thing is, I wound up getting two of the three onos kills during that rush and they were all plenty mad and impressed that we could push them back out of our base.
Granted, after this impressive display of firepower, the majority of the team ran out of the base to destrly the "mini-hives" on either side and were mowed down by a disgusting wall of cloaked OC's, <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> but I got two back-to-back onos kills and found me a new marine toy to play with when I go 'rine. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
I was put on patrol around gen hive with this other marine. Apart from the occasional skulk, things were quiet. The hive was empty. we encountered our first show of resistance just south of the node out of the eastern entrance to gen. It was two OCs; OCs that were soon accompanied by a gorge and a skulk. After we took them down the two of us went on to shipping where (after fighting back a trickle of defenders we were joined by 3 more marines and set up a mini base (with sieges) at the top of the elevator.
While we were harrassing the hive I died, only to respawn and be fitted out with a HA and GL. The rest of the team recieved a similar HA treatment. Soon vent hive was down and we were moving on to sewer. Once again a mini base with sieges was built outside the hive and one HA/GL ( I died >,< (I actually apologised to the comm for dying which surprised me)) later sewer hive was down. No ping of death. Only one place left. Gen Hive.
From sewer the entire team (all suited in HA) walked to gen hive via the double node. We pushed into the hive and began assaulting it (no mini base this time). Just after we started the assault the comm radioed in to tell us that he would be stepping out of the chair for a moment. moments later we were told that our lovely comm was being digested and we were to save the CC.
Now our dilemma became apparent. we could finish the assault on the hive, winning us the game. Or we could go save the CC. Initially I went for the latter option, calling everyone back to base. But only one HA went with me. I began to have second thoughts. I looked at the ammo count of my GL. 1 | 5 . I then uttered the infamous words over voice-comm "ahh f*ck it, lets kill them"
We poured our ammo into the hive. When I all too soon ran out of ammo it dawned on me.
No comm = no ammo.
We were screwed.
In the subsequent minute 5 HAs died. It was game over. Almost.
One HA had survived. The one who initially went with me to save the CC. While we were killing the hive he got to base and killed the onos, but he was too late for our comm and for the CC.
All we had now was a HA with 138 armour and an empty shotty.
I had a plan.
"Go to the double res. Do not attempt to fight, just run."
He got there, everything was still functioning.
"Phase from base to base until you find and armoury"
He found one outside vent hive.
"Phase back to the double res and march to gen hive. Once again, do not shoot unless you are being attacked"
He got to the hive.
"Quick, under the walkway"
The pitterpatter faded.
"Get behind the hive"
(the hive was cloaked and still healing from the previous assault)
A skulk spawned just before he got behind the hive.
The skulk didn't see him.
When he was behind the hive.
"Destroy it"
4 skulks and a gorge died to his shotty before he was overwhelmed.
Aliens won
Oh yeah and my only knife kill so far in 2.0 (I dont run out of ammo as much before dieing now) was on an onos.
Oh yeah one more as gorge on hera, same dark hallway coming from marine base elevator. have a hidden sens and a couple o towers out there guarding I finish building one then have to go afk for about 5 minutes or so, I dont bother to run and hide I just happen to be sitting at the o towers. I come back and I have a bout 15 more kills and am still alive next to the o towers, then they finally go down (yes the marines were trickling in and apparently not that smart). I'm still cloaked, with silence. A marine is standing right next to me just looking around so I start to spit him from behind. Just as he starts to finally turn he falls to the ground. Silenced spit is awesome.