Basic Kharaa Strat.

L3onL3on Join Date: 2002-10-24 Member: 1589Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Spam teh Res.</div> 0z pointed this out to me and I realized it's an excellent alien strat.

With 2.0 comes the ability for multiple gorges and with that ablility comes ALOT of res.

At the start of the game have at least 4-5 people go gorge and <b>just drop as many res towers as you can</b>.

Each upgrade is equally suited for this strat (Gorges and Skulks):
- <b>Movement</b>: Gorges use silence to sneak around and can easily escape if they drop a tower next to a node.
+ Some people say movement is the best hive 1 upgrade because your skulks are deadly silent, however in a smaller game you may want to go with sensory.
- <b>Defence</b>: Gorges use redemption to prevent rushing marines. Dropping towers next to your res node allows gorges to take on marines solo.
+ Defence is not the best upgrade for skulks but works quite well, it's no longer near as required as it was in 1.xx, good skulks can be extremly efficient with carpace against non upgraded marines early in the game.
- <b>Sensory</b>: Arguably the best chamber for this strat because it conceals your Gorges and your nodes, however not that good if the marines are doing an obs rush which has become quite common.
+ Also sonsory is probably the worst upgrade for skulks, although cloaking is useful, and sent of fear is nice, its just not as useful that early in the game, skulks would have a better chance rushing the marines with carpace or silence.

<b>This strat accomplishes 2 things</b>:
- A lot of res early on in the game (we have been able to start the second hive within 5 mins of the game start with this strat)
- The ability to tell where the marines are going because they most likely will attack your nodes and you will be able to see that on your hive site.

- A large number of gorges are needed for this strat to be accomplished properly, if in a small game this strat is probably not very viable.
- After dropping second hive and capping a good deal of nodes (5+) some of your gorges go back to skulk and save for other classes.
- If one Skulk has always been a Skulk from the beginning of the start of the game then they will be able to go onos quite fast with this strat.

Comments Feedback?


  • Roger_DodgerRoger_Dodger Join Date: 2003-03-11 Member: 14392Members
    edited August 2003
    The hardest part i find with this strat is if people arent willing or able to save the nodes from going down and if people will forgo their chance of onos to help the team. This is mainly attitudes on pubs though.

    Also places with nodes alrdy get overlooked for patrols as marines can sneak in tf few half built turrets a phase, then destroy the node and have a full farm. As a marine this is one of my most effective strats.

    - RD

    (oh yeah i dont think people realize that it is faster and more efficient to get lots of nodes than to hold on to your original 25 starting res and onos once only to lose it later and not have enuff nodes to do it again)
  • saint0zsaint0z Join Date: 2002-10-16 Member: 1505Members, Constellation
    this post has the cool sunglass eyes, a must read obvi

    i certainly recommend this strat, it works ridiculously well, even everyone goes gorge and everyone cept 2 go back to skulk it works /// one saving for hive, another doing chambers

    aliens would be all set, after only 2 minutes into the game, you can own all the res nodes
  • RuneGreyRuneGrey Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4844Members
    At this point there are too many people who still consider the hives to equal winning the game - when at this point while three hives are NICE to have, they are hardly necessary. A well planned marine assault can easily take care of a hive - but the main thing that must be done is that you NEED to claim resource nodes. I was in a game today where I had managed to clean out Atmospheric Processing on Bastion by myself as a George, and recieved no help in trying to protect it... even having a george build defenses for *feedwater* rather than helping to cap nodes and fortify the double node at atmo.

    This lost us the game - we simply didn't have the resources to hold out. Aliens need to work to get more RTs than the marines - its a losing proposition otherwise.
  • Iced_EagleIced_Eagle Borg Engineer Join Date: 2003-03-02 Member: 14218Members
    On our server this is THE strat we use. Res rush and then it is quite easy to get 3 hives up. We have everyone go and grab a RT and for us we almost always get SC to cloak and attack from the cloak. It works extremely well and forces the marines to scan alot. Unfortunately I have yet to see one obs rush as the marines on our server do not yet know 2.0 well enough. Some 2.0 comm vet come on our server and whip them nub comms <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> even tho i did win a game in ns_eclipse today <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • saint0zsaint0z Join Date: 2002-10-16 Member: 1505Members, Constellation
    works as well if u rush 3 mc's and then have lvl 3 silence in like 2 minutes into the game
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Rune - IMHO if you're relying on permanent gorges (and especially relying on one to cross the map) then thats the likely reason you lost the game.

    Rather than a gorge crossing the map at a sluglike pace, probably want a skulk or onos with stacks of res to die and race there faster.

    I do agree with the principles of your post - rushing for three hives won't work without the RTs to back it up. However, at the same time noone can expect one gorge to cap every res on the map.

    Other players need to quit hoarding and cap rts with their stash. Please bear in mind, hoarders, that you can always go back to skulk and recommence your hoarding. And that with more RTs comes more res. And finally that if you never go gorge, your team gorge is spending his cash on rts, not the DC/MC/SC that you'll be screaming for constantly.

    <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • DevilMayCryDevilMayCry Join Date: 2003-06-11 Member: 17284Members
    Depends on what the permanent gorge did...

    If he set up Ots right by the marine start and his ot towers are backed up by skulks he should be getting a lot of res for the kills.

    But uh, yeah a permanent gorge sucks man...
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