Favorite Chamber
Join Date: 2003-06-13 Member: 17356Members

I was playing NS one night as a gorge when I got chewed out by one of my fellow aliens for building sensory first so as to provide a cloaking field for attacking aliens to sneak up on the marines. He told me that Defense was always built first, than movement, than sensory, and that to argue with him was liek disobeying God. Ok, well, I've played on a couple 2.0 servers, and found that players have now changed their chamber building order. They used to build dcs first, and scs last - but now I see a trend in building scs first to provide cloaking cover for any adjacent res towers, offense chambers, allies, or later chambers. Truthfully I don't give a damn how bad cloaking is, I have been saved by it on numerous occasions - the enemy marine hearing me and coming to invesstigate, only to find me long gone, so he thinks. It normally works, so I continued on in my new pattern, because the sc now has much more to offer than before. Not to mention that mcs are worthless as structure alone when you only have one hive, and in 2.0 most structures heal themselves, making the dc not as important. So, tell me, which way do you think it should go?
sensory arent so important to build first if you want to give you buddys cloak, all people often have cloak upgraded anyway.
As for favourite chamber? I'd say movement, because i *L O V E* silence <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
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For one reason or another though, thes things were removed. All movement chambers do now is teleport you between hives and provide the 10% energy boost. (in standard 2.0)
Movement chambers are definitely very cool because of silence. Its awesome to see one marine following a bit farther back from another, so all you gotta do is run up and silently bite the rear one, then go for the one in the lead who doesn't have a clue that anything has happened.
Also, defence chambers are good for regeneration for when I'm a lerk in vents and such.
i like SoF, everything move has, and regen (i friggen hate redemption).
im just tired of people going "OMG YOU *************** n00b! xyz chamber first?!?!?!?! we lose now, i quit. MORON! F4 F4 F4 F4 F4". and it happens constantly
That said, my vote would go to movement pretty much every time: as SoulSkorpion says, all the upgrades are amazing and they're particularly good on the higher lifeforms. The teleport to hives and adrenaline boost round them is just icing on the cake, although obviously the teleport is the main bonus feature.
Sensory can be useful: SoF is fantastic and the area effect round the chambers very good, but if the aliens get into a losing situation and the only chamber you have is sensory you are pretty much screwed. Either movement or defense helps with a comeback, but sensory doesn't really do that. It's a defensive upgrade which helps prevent the marines from expanding, rather than an offensive upgrade that lets you break into marine strongpoints.
I tend to go M->D->S if noone cares on the team: celerity/regen on onos is very good for nibbling away at marine bases (if an onos can "nibble"...), and adren/X on a lerk makes for great support.
one thing i hate is when cos 1 person doesnt like what a gorg has done u go act like u wanna chew HE IS THE DAM GORG!
but i allways like to go gorg straith away with some 1 else go to the hive by then i have 35 res so its up straight away lol
Anyway, my pet peeve are gorges that use sens solely to cloak a res tower. This is just pointless: because the tower, even when cloaked, makes the white "steam" go away, it's obvious that there is an alien res node there with or without cloaking. It's basically a waste of ten res that could be better used elsewhere to set up an ambush.
That said, my vote would go to movement pretty much every time: as SoulSkorpion says, all the upgrades are amazing and they're particularly good on the higher lifeforms. The teleport to hives and adrenaline boost round them is just icing on the cake, although obviously the teleport is the main bonus feature.
Sensory can be useful: SoF is fantastic and the area effect round the chambers very good, but if the aliens get into a losing situation and the only chamber you have is sensory you are pretty much screwed. Either movement or defense helps with a comeback, but sensory doesn't really do that. It's a defensive upgrade which helps prevent the marines from expanding, rather than an offensive upgrade that lets you break into marine strongpoints.
I tend to go M->D->S if noone cares on the team: celerity/regen on onos is very good for nibbling away at marine bases (if an onos can "nibble"...), and adren/X on a lerk makes for great support. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Against a not-so-good commander, sensory rocks because they don't scan. Also, it's very map dependent - on eclipse and veil, for example, the extensive vent system makes it simple to cover important areas in sensory without the marines having an easy way to get rid of them (siege, JP or GL needed to clear them).
Sensory has some offensive power, if you can sneak one up on a base without observatory.
Late game, an extensive sensory network means you negate the marines MT.
However, all that being said, against a good marine commander, I prefer to go movement first, then DC, as you can expect that marine commander to have fortified/relocated to a hive. You really do need movement then, to give celerity to the onoses and adrenaline to the lerks/gorges. Not to mention that getting a few MC's up at the frontline allows lerks to spam out umbra/spore continously.
Movement also allows a gorge to take out small marine forts twice as fast.