A Rant To All You Marine Players

Clan_HunterClan_Hunter Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7499Members
edited August 2003 in Frontiersmen Strategy
<div class="IPBDescription">SUYF. STOP WHINING.</div> Sorry but after seeing the ungodly nerfs to the aliens in the beta patches and even sadly seeing them first hand I have one thing to say:


I've jumped into games where no one was commanding and the comm chair was only used for people to jump in and equip themselves with HA/HMG. And these players were whining. The only reason the aliens didn't wipe them off the face of the map? About 40 or so turrets.

I see marine players whining nonstop. GOMG DEVOUR IS SOOO LAME. Stop going solo against an onos. GOMG UMBRA IS CHEAP I CAN'T HURT THE ALIENS! Kill the lerk, or ask the comm to hand out spam launchers. GOMG REDEEMING ONII ARE SO LAME! Now this I actually agree with, an alien that redeems at the point of the second highest alien classes' max health is a bit much. However the counter is shotguns in large numbers so I've been told.

Stop having you're own agenda, put bluntly you're nothing more than a unit in a RTS (unfortunatly however many of you seem to be more stupid.) This means you do what the guy in the chair says. This way if you lose you can always blame him (unless your aim is so poor.)

The marines are not underpowered. You're just going about things the wrong way, work as a team and you will succeed.

Needless to say this rant does not apply to the clanners but is for the rest of the pubbers that I play alongside.

Edit: Fixed the 99 times out of 10 to 9 times out of 10. Simple double press I didn't catch.


  • StoneburgStoneburg Join Date: 2002-11-11 Member: 8174Members
    And you think that those people read this forum?

    What's up with all the whining in here lately? This forum is supposed to be about Strategy, hence the name.
  • SilentSamSilentSam Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15532Members
    can I **** too? can we designate this thread to vent out our comm anger ?

    Great, I'll start:

    Our base was coming under attack from heavy aliens (gorgs fades and onos) - we couldnt keep em out because they had build tons of chambers outside our base. So many in fact an onos couls stand in teh doorway and have everyone shoot at him and not die because of DCs. How did it get to that point? When I built a siege the marines would build at it for a second and then just REFUSE to finsih building. One siege was literally FULL, it just needed ONE MORE SECOND of building - but nOOOOOO

    No matter how many waypoints and explicit pleas that if they dont build that ONE SECOND we will loose in the next 10, they still didn't GAH.

    Then of course my favorite is when I gave a squad a way point - and they all procede in an organised manner in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION. WHY GOD WHY.

    Sometimes you really wish there would be something you could drop onto a marine which would cause thier monitor to explode and physically hurt the player in front of it.
  • OperamanOperaman Join Date: 2003-07-16 Member: 18211Members
    Yea rines need to work together, yea marines need to learn to shoot, and yea comms need to get a clue, but jeez don't whine about it, and please don't whine about whining about it, because that would be plain silly!

    So chug some caffine, bite your lip, and play, there has got to be some good players out there.
  • AvengingBobAvengingBob Join Date: 2003-06-30 Member: 17822Members
    edited August 2003

    My turn to rant.

    I am sick and freaking tired of all you stuck up sons of **** that tend to make life annoying for those of us who actually have the patience to play on the pubs. "Clans this and clans that, and n00bs all around...".

    Look, first of all, you were all n00bs once. Face the facts, at the beginning everyone was a n00b. In an attempt to get struck down, I will even openly blaspheme:

    MonsE, Flayra, Talesin, all the moderators...


    It is inevitable. Even though he coded the damn thing, I bet you all a hundred bucks that Flayra, when he first was testing out NS, and then a little later on, would be considered a noob by your standards.

    When one starts out in a mod, and doesn't play in a god-like fashion, this means that they are inexperienced. Not that they are n00bs. On the pubs, there are a lot of people out there (no ****! I'm dead serious!) who aren't on a clan, and who are just playing to have fun. You know, fun? That elusive thing you **** have all forgotten about?

    Look, Kiddy-Strike has degraded to being full of random clans, and **** heads, in approximately equal amounts. TFC is likewise, but more fun. DoD, on the other hand, is still just fun to play. Nobody whines about the pubs there.

    Listen, you dumbafucks, in case you haven't realized, NS isn't solely alive on the part of you "long suffering" poor souls; ordinary people keep this mod going. Just because they don't frequent the forums (god help them), or follow orders from some hick with a mic and the comm chair, or aren't crack shots with the pistol, or who won't help you act out your personal fantasy involving two gorges and quite a bit of webbing...

    I digress. Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that there are ordinary people on the pubs. Good players overall, people who just want to have a fun game. They aren't addicts like you, or for that matter, **** heads like you.

    To be a little specific, it would seem like the majority of whining is from commanders.

    The commander, sorry to break it to you freaking morons, is like the king in a chess game:
    The king, while being the one piece that the entire fate of the game hinges on, is next to useless for actual fighting.

    Frankly, I wonder if it has occured to you that mebbe you **** should just not comm. If you suck badly enough that you can't even inspire enough confidence in your men that they do simple orders, then you shouldn't comm. You snobby mother **** should go, pick up an LMG, and march off and die like the freaking cannon fodder you deserve to be.

    You are a disgrace to the entire NS community, both for being too simple-minded to find out the bloody obvious solutions to problems that are usually ENTIRELY of your own making, and also for being audacious and arrogant enough to suggest that the blame rests anywhere but on your own piggish little heads (I mean the ones you eat and see through, not the other one, which is small enough so as to be considered negligible).

    And, Clan Hunter, I would like to make a humble observation...

    99 times out of 10, you say? Well then, surely we are doomed, for every time that we try to win we'll fail by a factor of 9.9! I would suggest that you repeat grade school, and figure out how odds and probability work; either that, or pull your freaking head out of your ****.

  • Kid-AKid-A Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 10908Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--AvengingBob+Aug 14 2003, 01:56 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (AvengingBob @ Aug 14 2003, 01:56 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> To be a little specific, it would seem like the majority of whining is from commanders.

    The commander, sorry to break it to you freaking morons, is like the king in a chess game:
    The king, while being the one piece that the entire fate of the game hinges on, is next to useless for actual fighting.

    Frankly, I wonder if it has occured to you that mebbe you **** should just not comm. If you suck badly enough that you can't even inspire enough confidence in your men that they do simple orders, then you shouldn't comm. You snobby mother **** should go, pick up an LMG, and march off and die like the freaking cannon fodder you deserve to be. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I do comm 90% of games where I am marine...

    It's not out of choice I give 60 secs for someone else to comm, and ask if anyone wants it.

    I'm quite a decent marine partly thanks to comming, I know the maps in ways alot of non-comms never could and as I play dod alot am a decent shot. I also get out to help defence the base AND outposts if I cant do anything as comm.

    I actually prefer to be a well led marine, but can't stand been a badly or not led one. So I often need to comm...
  • n4s7yn4s7y Join Date: 2003-04-18 Member: 15627Members
    My turn to rant:

    Right now, like it or not, NS is unbalanced. There is no arguing it. I've seen some of the greatest marines teams get knocked over by a couple of nubs going onus. I would really like to see the veterans on the NS forums stop going "its balanced, just people need to work together more." It's simply not true. a 90% alien win rate in CLAN games can't all be due to poor teamwork can it?

    Secondly, I am so tired of the nubbies. Yes, avenging, you're right, they're not all nubs, some are just inexperienced players. By nubs, I mean the type to get in the commchair and randomly drop stuff, or the people who go "if you dont give me a welding gun right now im not gonna go anywhere." (I actually had that happen today... he kept asking for ammo, health, a "welding gun," and a "longer gun" at base until he got kicked from the server...). My frustration with the idiots out there has grown to the point that if I were admin I'd probably have banned them all (which is why I've never applied for admin). On the server I play, it is damn impossible to get a decent 2.0 game going anymore. This is mostly due to the high level of idiocy from the general 5 year old population.


    I'm posting this at 1am.

    ... it's a rant after all.
  • TiaxTiax Join Date: 2003-05-28 Member: 16802Members
    lol, I find his post interesting. He goes to bash everyone complaining and whining and then goes and throws a complaint into his post anyway.

    As I said in the last whining post, at least when they whine in a server its done and gone 5 minutes later.
  • NefilimNefilim Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19222Members, Constellation
    edited August 2003
    I wish people would read that top bar of the screen.

    "Resources: 5"

    That clearly means that ramboing off isn't going to do a damned bit of good. It means you're going to find a an empty node and stand there for a while, telling the commander to drop a RT so it gets hastily destroyed by a skulk as it's unable to be electrified/farmed.

    It also means that the comm can't buy a shotgun. Even if the comm has res to buy a shotgun, don't demand that he spend 10 of his 35 res so you can kill skulks at the begining of the game faster than normal. He needs those res for something else - like weapon upgrades and motion tracking that everyone is whining about.

    I also hate when people run off and do **** things, demanding me to drop medpacks off in some far-off location that really has no advantage.

    I hate when people tell me to upgrade ****. I AM UPGRADING ****. THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE LV2 WEAPONS IN THE FIRST THREE MINUTES OF THE GAME. I can't mash the "use" button on the arms lab to hurry it with the lv2 armor.

    Finally, I hate when I tell the team of every single thing I do over voice comms and they ask me what I'm doing. I didn't buy a good mic so I can talk to myself, I bought it to inform the jarhead.
  • CioCioSanCioCioSan Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19235Members
    I think people should scream and whine in this forum, so that other people can tellt hem they arent alone.

    I hate giving my rines lvl 3 weapons, HMGs and various other goodies and see them viciously slaughtered by skulks. I hate having 5 marines not being able to rush one fade, or even one lerk, that is sittingoutside main. I hate having a turret farm with 4+ marines go down because of one gorge bile bombing from the vent.

    But I deal. Every game you are not going to get a group of individuals who will play like a supwer bowl team. If your comm, in a public server, PREPARE yourself for incompetence. PREPARE yourself for stupidity. Maybe if you had lower expectations for your soldiers, you wouldnt be as ****.

    Not to sound arrogent, I ASSUME when I hop in the chair, that most of my marines are no where near as competent as me. I once walked into a hive, in a 6v6 game as an HA/HMG with a welder, and welded a hive to death, pausing to kill the aliens that spawned. I never assume my guys can do that. So I make hings really simple.

    When you have low expectations, expereinced players are a God send. I rarely plan on winning games as comm (even tho ive won alot) but I plan on tellin the newbs what to do, and give them a dose of my tactics. Go into a room, spread out, get up a PG, TF, couple of turrets and an armory. Why are we building here? Because, there is a hive ont he other side of the wall, and were going to seige it...

    Sometimes you send out 1-2 experienced players with a newb. The newb builds the RTs while the exp. guys cover him.

    Well, yah you probably already know a lot about tactics and what not, but the point is, dont assume your going to have a well oiled finely tuned marine team. If your going to jump in the chair, take the **** that goes with it.

  • strifestrife Join Date: 2003-05-18 Member: 16445Members
    sure, cant expect em to be god like, but i prefair them to follow wp, otherwise its almost as playing alone.
  • Kid-AKid-A Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 10908Members
    I did a odd thing today.

    I usually play on servers with good teamplay, (Roob's, CoFR etc;) So that I'll have a more enjoyable game, however aliens consistently POUND the marines. And I thought that I'd go on a random pub to comm a marine team that stands a chance. HO HO, how wrong I was....

    I set up PG's and when I gave WP's people would walk there...
    My comm got hi-jacked by someone that duplicated structures and left blind spots on TF's....
    Marines gave each other no backup at all....
    + all the other rubbish you get...

    Of course the aliens team was no better, but with one person waiting for onos they still proceeded to (very slowly) win.

    In the end I had to quit, but I'm still not sure I forgive the teamplay aliens for being so harsh to marines...
  • AndervalAnderval &lt;3 Join Date: 2003-05-05 Member: 16073Members, Constellation
    As a rule i read nothing more than 10 (bloody long) posts on a topic - sorry. I'll take a good guess at whats been said though "Yada Yada, teamwork Yada Yada marines, Yada Ya have none" correct?

    Ok, so we all know 2.0 is unbalanced, personally I feel the problem has decreased (especially on the clan scene) with the advent of doable tactics such as the sg-tech upgrade, sg-jp rush (walk maybe?), and the now in ascension elec-rt rush. Good. I hope the beta improves the balance further and opens up more tactics for marines but for now 2.0 will do. The pub server however is a different world to the clan server, the influx of new blood to ns means these places are rife with inexperience, this in my opinion is the reason why the marines get owned so badly in almost every game rather than "imbalance" and "RFK". It reminds me more than a little of 1.0 where almost every game on pubs were the same, ending when hive 3 aliens spored/babblered their way into the marine base (always marine start only later would the relocations come) just as the marines get a few jp/hmgs, it wasn't imbalance or really "n00bish-ness" that caused this, merely the fact that marine comms hadn't discovered the tactics to victory, and we saw that when they did the TSA came to easily dominate matches.

    This is because while aliens can rely on individual skill to succeed marines stand no chance without at least a semi-competant "man-with-a-plan" guiding them. It's at this point i'd like to point out where exactly we are the <b>Frontiersman Strategy Forum</b> the sign says, this is the place where comms can think of and post new tactics and this is how we balance the game - so while new players can be annoying just wp them to the armoury and get on with it, or play in a clan server, don't worry many of these new guys will soon be vets and regs, so lets not complain about a problem we can't solve, and instead lets talk about how we can help these guys win, we are after all in the right place at least to do that.

    (note: sorry if people above have said something along these. Oh, and its not that new players don't annoy me - believe me they do mucho, but there aint nothing we can do about them so I try to ignore them.)
  • CommunistWithAGunCommunistWithAGun Local Propaganda Guy Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15953Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Clan Hunter+Aug 13 2003, 10:52 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Clan Hunter @ Aug 13 2003, 10:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Sorry but after seeing the ungodly nerfs to the aliens in the beta patches and even sadly seeing them first hand I have one thing to say:


    I've jumped into games where no one was commanding and the comm chair was only used for people to jump in and equip themselves with HA/HMG. And these players were whining. The only reason the aliens didn't wipe them off the face of the map? About 40 or so turrets.

    I see marine players whining nonstop. GOMG DEVOUR IS SOOO LAME. Stop going solo against an onos. GOMG UMBRA IS CHEAP I CAN'T HURT THE ALIENS! Kill the lerk, or ask the comm to hand out spam launchers. GOMG REDEEMING ONII ARE SO LAME! Now this I actually agree with, an alien that redeems at the point of the second highest alien classes' max health is a bit much. However the counter is shotguns in large numbers so I've been told.

    Stop having you're own agenda, put bluntly you're nothing more than a unit in a RTS (unfortunatly however many of you seem to be more stupid.) This means you do what the guy in the chair says. This way if you lose you can always blame him (unless your aim is so poor.)

    The marines are not underpowered. You're just going about things the wrong way, work as a team and you will succeed.

    Needless to say this rant does not apply to the clanners but is for the rest of the pubbers that I play alongside.

    Edit: Fixed the 99 times out of 10 to 9 times out of 10. Simple double press I didn't catch. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I sure hope I never have to play with you...go away <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • XzilenXzilen Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11642Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--Clan Hunter+Aug 13 2003, 10:52 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Clan Hunter @ Aug 13 2003, 10:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Sorry but after seeing the ungodly nerfs to the aliens in the beta patches and even sadly seeing them first hand I have one thing to say:


    I've jumped into games where no one was commanding and the comm chair was only used for people to jump in and equip themselves with HA/HMG. And these players were whining. The only reason the aliens didn't wipe them off the face of the map? About 40 or so turrets.

    I see marine players whining nonstop. GOMG DEVOUR IS SOOO LAME. Stop going solo against an onos. GOMG UMBRA IS CHEAP I CAN'T HURT THE ALIENS! Kill the lerk, or ask the comm to hand out spam launchers. GOMG REDEEMING ONII ARE SO LAME! Now this I actually agree with, an alien that redeems at the point of the second highest alien classes' max health is a bit much. However the counter is shotguns in large numbers so I've been told.

    Stop having you're own agenda, put bluntly you're nothing more than a unit in a RTS (unfortunatly however many of you seem to be more stupid.) This means you do what the guy in the chair says. This way if you lose you can always blame him (unless your aim is so poor.)

    The marines are not underpowered. You're just going about things the wrong way, work as a team and you will succeed.

    Needless to say this rant does not apply to the clanners but is for the rest of the pubbers that I play alongside.

    Edit: Fixed the 99 times out of 10 to 9 times out of 10. Simple double press I didn't catch. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    A freaking MEN

    The only reason I can't win as comm most of the times is because fools have their heads in their **** and still try to rambo, especially the vets, god do I hate a lot of them.

    They shouldn't nerf aliens AT all, only problem I see with marines other then teamwork is how long upgrades take to get goling
  • WarpZoneWarpZone Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6264Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--AvengingBob+Aug 14 2003, 12:56 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (AvengingBob @ Aug 14 2003, 12:56 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> GOOD GOD!

    My turn to rant.

    I am sick and freaking tired of all you stuck up sons of **** that tend to make life annoying for those of us who actually have the patience to play on the pubs. "Clans this and clans that, and n00bs all around...".

    Look, first of all, you were all n00bs once. Face the facts, at the beginning everyone was a n00b. In an attempt to get struck down, I will even openly blaspheme:

    MonsE, Flayra, Talesin, all the moderators...


    It is inevitable. Even though he coded the damn thing, I bet you all a hundred bucks that Flayra, when he first was testing out NS, and then a little later on, would be considered a noob by your standards.

    When one starts out in a mod, and doesn't play in a god-like fashion, this means that they are inexperienced. Not that they are n00bs. On the pubs, there are a lot of people out there (no ****! I'm dead serious!) who aren't on a clan, and who are just playing to have fun. You know, fun? That elusive thing you **** have all forgotten about?

    Look, Kiddy-Strike has degraded to being full of random clans, and **** heads, in approximately equal amounts. TFC is likewise, but more fun. DoD, on the other hand, is still just fun to play. Nobody whines about the pubs there.

    Listen, you dumbafucks, in case you haven't realized, NS isn't solely alive on the part of you "long suffering" poor souls; ordinary people keep this mod going. Just because they don't frequent the forums (god help them), or follow orders from some hick with a mic and the comm chair, or aren't crack shots with the pistol, or who won't help you act out your personal fantasy involving two gorges and quite a bit of webbing...

    I digress. Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that there are ordinary people on the pubs. Good players overall, people who just want to have a fun game. They aren't addicts like you, or for that matter, **** heads like you.

    To be a little specific, it would seem like the majority of whining is from commanders.

    The commander, sorry to break it to you freaking morons, is like the king in a chess game:
    The king, while being the one piece that the entire fate of the game hinges on, is next to useless for actual fighting.

    Frankly, I wonder if it has occured to you that mebbe you **** should just not comm. If you suck badly enough that you can't even inspire enough confidence in your men that they do simple orders, then you shouldn't comm. You snobby mother **** should go, pick up an LMG, and march off and die like the freaking cannon fodder you deserve to be.

    You are a disgrace to the entire NS community, both for being too simple-minded to find out the bloody obvious solutions to problems that are usually ENTIRELY of your own making, and also for being audacious and arrogant enough to suggest that the blame rests anywhere but on your own piggish little heads (I mean the ones you eat and see through, not the other one, which is small enough so as to be considered negligible).

    And, Clan Hunter, I would like to make a humble observation...

    99 times out of 10, you say? Well then, surely we are doomed, for every time that we try to win we'll fail by a factor of 9.9! I would suggest that you repeat grade school, and figure out how odds and probability work; either that, or pull your freaking head out of your ****.

    -AB <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    You only play as alien, right?
  • SoberanaSoberana Join Date: 2003-06-25 Member: 17695Members

  • Jigga_what1Jigga_what1 Join Date: 2003-08-15 Member: 19773Members
    Wait, I got one for eveyone, stop whining and play the game, then make some suggestions.

    ?Heres one, make it so that you need 2 hives to evolve into an onos.?

    They only problem I see with the above suggestion is that aliens probably already have 2 hives by the time they get 100 res.

    ?So once again, another suggestion is that the ns team would put the
    resource cap at 50 with one hive, then 100 with two or more?

    Start playing for fun and giving people some good comments, like 'nice shot'. I listen to comms that dont spam about losing or how bad his team sucks. Sure, there are going to be some words from the comm like <i>'get your butts to the infantry portal, its going down fast, stop armory humping</i>!'. But when the smoke clears hopefully the comm will respond positevely, even if the outpost is gone.

    Have some fun when your getting destroyed, drop a jetpack to one of the better marine players on your team, and have him go build a comm chair and infantry portal in some obscure vent or place.

    Each update has its unbalances. Maybe the marine players are finally facing the fact that losing does happen. Maybe its time that the marine team wasnt better!
  • WarpZoneWarpZone Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6264Members
    Onos aren't even that effective without upgrades, anyway.
  • Jigga_what1Jigga_what1 Join Date: 2003-08-15 Member: 19773Members
    Very true, which i think i talked about in a different post...

    So stop hating everyone.
  • Crunchy1Crunchy1 Join Date: 2003-08-11 Member: 19454Members
    the only people who are whining are the people who are the ones who whine about other whiners.

    and I personally have seen few whiners in public servers.
    if I do, I manage to ignore them / join opposing team.
    if its really THAT UNBEARABLE, I join a different server.

    so stop whining about whining.
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