How To Ignore Your Team-mates
Anime Encyclopedia Join Date: 2002-08-08 Member: 1111Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">and influence people.</div> Disclaimer: This post is not aimed at any particular individual in-game or on these forums, more at the collective whole. Rather than a rant, it's more of a personal opinion. You may not share that opinion, and that's your right. I have just merely expressed MINE. I also reserve the right to swear like an irish-man (albeit cencored) Although I may seem like an elitist, that's only because I'm cynical, sarcastic, Australian, have an extremely arid sense of humour and I am quite sure of my own skill level.
It has come to my attention people are idiots.
Now I've known this very very very obvious fact for quite a while, as I am constantly saturated by it, so my senses are now rather dull to the concept. However every so often I am once again reminded of this fact like a baseball bat to the face. It's not like I don't have any faith in the intelligent level of the human race, it's just that 4 out of every 5 people seem to find someway to **** me off to the deepest part of my core.
I am a very intelligent online player. Back when I played DoD at a competitive level I was an exceptionally dangerous player, not because I could KAR W**** with the best of them, but because I could out think my opponent on the fly. I was also very good at setting up traps, luring my enemy to just the right position with a well placed grenade and then shooting them in the back. This system was carried over quite well from Pubs to Wars where I was once one of the Top 5 Machine Gunners in Australia, though I could not keep up with the KAR W****.
However DoD and NS are 2 completely different games. While I have retained my ability to analyse a vast variety of situations close to instantly, this is overshadowed by a wide range of exceptionally talented players. Most of those in clans. Unfortunately for myself, I believe in not lowering my standards to a simple "Hey, I'm looking for a clan. Recruit me" prospectus and I have yet to elevate my 'game' to a level that would interest many of the clans out there. So this keeps me more or less recluse to the wonderful confines of public games.
This is where the problem starts.
While I can quite easily enjoy a vast majority of rounds of NS, some are so hideously marred by stupidity it makes me wonder why I even bother...
The subject of my example today is a 24 player round on NS_Nothing. It had just entered the last part of the round, I was on the Kharaa and I had been navigating the lower levels trying to keep it free of any Marine activity. We had 3 Hives and the Marines were not in a tactically viable position to make any sort of major dent in our offense. Myself and another Gorge met up in the Red-Room above Viaduct to set-up some minimum defenses. We both knew that it probably would not see any action, but because of a rather entrenched Marine position at the Generator Room we best not take any chances. So I set-up some Offense Chambers, while he placed several Defense Chambers and 1 Sensory Chamber. A few well placed webs and we both de-evolved and clawed our respective Alien hides out of there.
The Marines were now hounding us, trying to breach our defensive line on the lower levels at various points. We pushed them back on several occasions and we were slowly making a steady advancement on a few key Resource Nozzles. By about this time we had issolated the Generator Room, unbeknownst to us a Marine was now isolated in this room. At this time I was busy down at the Quad-lift with about 4 other Kharaa of various evolutions trying to hold back a desperate Squad of Heavy Armour Marines with a wide arsenal of weapons. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a large cluster of red appear on my Hive-Sight. Various Offense and Defense chambers were under-attack and judging from the distance and height of these structures it was quite easy to determine that it was the Red Room without having to refer to my Mini-map. "Guys they're attacking the red room." I call over Team-Speak, various dots on my Hive-Sight Display would indicate a few Kharaa in the vicinity of the Red Room. Thus I turned my attention back to the task at hand and successfully pushed back the Marines by simply overwhelming them with Xenociding Skulks, the Welders couldn't keep up it appeared. With this battle won, I subconsciously headed back over to Viaduct. Because I had not seen any more red on my Hive-Sight, I had assumed that because I had mentioned it was under attack and because a few Kharaa were near it while it was under attack the problem had sorted itself out. How wrong I was...
That lone marine turns out to have procured a Jetpack and a Grenade Launcher, a clearly obvious fact I found out when I appeared from the vent to see a room full of Turrets, a Phase Gate and a Grenade to the face. "THEY'RE IN THE RED ROOM! THEY'RE GONNA SIEGE!" I repeated twice over Team Speak. Rather than waste any more time on alerting my comrades to the situation I high-tailed it back there as fast as my Skulky little feet would carry me. Rising up the vent, I invoked a Xenocide and Lept at the middle of the room taking out 1 Marine. However a few other Marines had phased in and I had not seen a single other Kharaa alien make it anywhere close to the Red Room. "GUYS RED ROOM!" I hastily typed again, yet it appeared I was the only one interested in protecting our 3 Hive status. Twice more I threw my Xeno induced body at the room to no avail, yet on my 4th incursion to the room had managed to notice the form of a siege; they were getting ready. "GUYS! RED ROOM! SIEGE!" Yet NOONE answered my call to arms, I now gave up on actually giving a flying crap. I went to Viaduct, setup a chair on the wall and awaited the inevitable.
The scanning started...
"THE HIVE IS UNDER ATTACK!" Somebody screams over Voice-Comm
"WHICH HIVE?!" Comes a reply
"The Red Room" I added to the conversation
"I. DID. Tell. You. 5. F******. Times."
"OMG! VIADUCT IS DYING!" Comes a new voice.
I sat in my chair applauding the Marines as the Hive exploded into the air. They <b>deserved</b> to kill Viaduct, yet the morons on my team seemed rather ropeable about this.
"Oh but I DID do something. I told you they were attacking, I xenocided the room a few times and then I sat back and watched it die"
"See that's the thing. I have this condition where I attack a room 5 minutes before anyone else. It's like I'm psychic or something..."
I quit the server.
I knew that somehow the Kharaa would win, no matter how it pained me to believe so. I know some people aren't the brightest bulb in the pack, but Jesus H. CHRIST why do I always manage find the server with a gigantic amount of morons on my team? What's the moral of the story? Well there's a few actually..
<b>1.) When somebody tells you the location of the enemy, 99.99% of the time they are telling you the truth. I have never seen somebody say "They are at our hive. Haha just kidding!" BELIEVE in your team mates. They're fighting for the same cause.
2.) Team Talk is just as important as Voice-Comm. Don't ignore people just because they don't choose/forced to use a keyboard.
3.) Red on your Hive-Sight = Something is under attack. Go save it. COULD BE IMPORTANT.</b>
What's even sadder this is just one of many scenarios I could have used... C'est La Vie. Build a bridge and all that.
I dunno, I don't feel I should apologise for this post.. It has nothing to do with balance, more just the populus of servers. I merely needed to get it off my chest as it had been building up for quite some time now.
Viva La Intelligente
It has come to my attention people are idiots.
Now I've known this very very very obvious fact for quite a while, as I am constantly saturated by it, so my senses are now rather dull to the concept. However every so often I am once again reminded of this fact like a baseball bat to the face. It's not like I don't have any faith in the intelligent level of the human race, it's just that 4 out of every 5 people seem to find someway to **** me off to the deepest part of my core.
I am a very intelligent online player. Back when I played DoD at a competitive level I was an exceptionally dangerous player, not because I could KAR W**** with the best of them, but because I could out think my opponent on the fly. I was also very good at setting up traps, luring my enemy to just the right position with a well placed grenade and then shooting them in the back. This system was carried over quite well from Pubs to Wars where I was once one of the Top 5 Machine Gunners in Australia, though I could not keep up with the KAR W****.
However DoD and NS are 2 completely different games. While I have retained my ability to analyse a vast variety of situations close to instantly, this is overshadowed by a wide range of exceptionally talented players. Most of those in clans. Unfortunately for myself, I believe in not lowering my standards to a simple "Hey, I'm looking for a clan. Recruit me" prospectus and I have yet to elevate my 'game' to a level that would interest many of the clans out there. So this keeps me more or less recluse to the wonderful confines of public games.
This is where the problem starts.
While I can quite easily enjoy a vast majority of rounds of NS, some are so hideously marred by stupidity it makes me wonder why I even bother...
The subject of my example today is a 24 player round on NS_Nothing. It had just entered the last part of the round, I was on the Kharaa and I had been navigating the lower levels trying to keep it free of any Marine activity. We had 3 Hives and the Marines were not in a tactically viable position to make any sort of major dent in our offense. Myself and another Gorge met up in the Red-Room above Viaduct to set-up some minimum defenses. We both knew that it probably would not see any action, but because of a rather entrenched Marine position at the Generator Room we best not take any chances. So I set-up some Offense Chambers, while he placed several Defense Chambers and 1 Sensory Chamber. A few well placed webs and we both de-evolved and clawed our respective Alien hides out of there.
The Marines were now hounding us, trying to breach our defensive line on the lower levels at various points. We pushed them back on several occasions and we were slowly making a steady advancement on a few key Resource Nozzles. By about this time we had issolated the Generator Room, unbeknownst to us a Marine was now isolated in this room. At this time I was busy down at the Quad-lift with about 4 other Kharaa of various evolutions trying to hold back a desperate Squad of Heavy Armour Marines with a wide arsenal of weapons. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a large cluster of red appear on my Hive-Sight. Various Offense and Defense chambers were under-attack and judging from the distance and height of these structures it was quite easy to determine that it was the Red Room without having to refer to my Mini-map. "Guys they're attacking the red room." I call over Team-Speak, various dots on my Hive-Sight Display would indicate a few Kharaa in the vicinity of the Red Room. Thus I turned my attention back to the task at hand and successfully pushed back the Marines by simply overwhelming them with Xenociding Skulks, the Welders couldn't keep up it appeared. With this battle won, I subconsciously headed back over to Viaduct. Because I had not seen any more red on my Hive-Sight, I had assumed that because I had mentioned it was under attack and because a few Kharaa were near it while it was under attack the problem had sorted itself out. How wrong I was...
That lone marine turns out to have procured a Jetpack and a Grenade Launcher, a clearly obvious fact I found out when I appeared from the vent to see a room full of Turrets, a Phase Gate and a Grenade to the face. "THEY'RE IN THE RED ROOM! THEY'RE GONNA SIEGE!" I repeated twice over Team Speak. Rather than waste any more time on alerting my comrades to the situation I high-tailed it back there as fast as my Skulky little feet would carry me. Rising up the vent, I invoked a Xenocide and Lept at the middle of the room taking out 1 Marine. However a few other Marines had phased in and I had not seen a single other Kharaa alien make it anywhere close to the Red Room. "GUYS RED ROOM!" I hastily typed again, yet it appeared I was the only one interested in protecting our 3 Hive status. Twice more I threw my Xeno induced body at the room to no avail, yet on my 4th incursion to the room had managed to notice the form of a siege; they were getting ready. "GUYS! RED ROOM! SIEGE!" Yet NOONE answered my call to arms, I now gave up on actually giving a flying crap. I went to Viaduct, setup a chair on the wall and awaited the inevitable.
The scanning started...
"THE HIVE IS UNDER ATTACK!" Somebody screams over Voice-Comm
"WHICH HIVE?!" Comes a reply
"The Red Room" I added to the conversation
"I. DID. Tell. You. 5. F******. Times."
"OMG! VIADUCT IS DYING!" Comes a new voice.
I sat in my chair applauding the Marines as the Hive exploded into the air. They <b>deserved</b> to kill Viaduct, yet the morons on my team seemed rather ropeable about this.
"Oh but I DID do something. I told you they were attacking, I xenocided the room a few times and then I sat back and watched it die"
"See that's the thing. I have this condition where I attack a room 5 minutes before anyone else. It's like I'm psychic or something..."
I quit the server.
I knew that somehow the Kharaa would win, no matter how it pained me to believe so. I know some people aren't the brightest bulb in the pack, but Jesus H. CHRIST why do I always manage find the server with a gigantic amount of morons on my team? What's the moral of the story? Well there's a few actually..
<b>1.) When somebody tells you the location of the enemy, 99.99% of the time they are telling you the truth. I have never seen somebody say "They are at our hive. Haha just kidding!" BELIEVE in your team mates. They're fighting for the same cause.
2.) Team Talk is just as important as Voice-Comm. Don't ignore people just because they don't choose/forced to use a keyboard.
3.) Red on your Hive-Sight = Something is under attack. Go save it. COULD BE IMPORTANT.</b>
What's even sadder this is just one of many scenarios I could have used... C'est La Vie. Build a bridge and all that.
I dunno, I don't feel I should apologise for this post.. It has nothing to do with balance, more just the populus of servers. I merely needed to get it off my chest as it had been building up for quite some time now.
Viva La Intelligente
Heh once i had this marine who ran all over ns_lost for 3 minutes with the welder meant for alpha hive door(he survived because it was 4 vs 4).At the end of the 3 minutes,he finally responded to my 56th "NeWbIe WTH are you doing?!?!" question with..... "huh?**** you lame ****!" *a vote to eject the commander has started*
Not much Time Passes.
If you're looking for a tactical game where people listen / know what theyre doing, then join a clan...
- Kar
Not much Time Passes.
--Scythe-- <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes, this is precisely my point Scythe.
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><b>PEOPLE. DON'T. LISTEN.</b></span>
If you're looking for a tactical game where people listen / know what theyre doing, then join a clan...
- Kar <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
its difficult man... Sure you can find a couple of servers w/ good players on it but comeon how freaking rare is that?
Earlier today Rines lost 3 games in a row to skulk rushes. And alien calling us newbs when the teams were 5-8. Honestly comeon, you expect 4 rines to take 8 skulks?
That's something I gotta try.
<b>These forums are English-only, sorry.</b>
^ note on the above edit.
Thank god you couldn't read chinese <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->.
If you're looking for a tactical game where people listen / know what theyre doing, then join a clan...
- Kar <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
You miss the point.
Even if I play on a 'good' server I will inevitably meet a round where I am surrounded by idiots.
You also missed my point on joining a clan, I will only join a clan if I am offered a position. I have my eye on several clans whom I would like a request from, but it is not my style to run up and hump their legs for a trail. I would like nothing BETTER than to join a clan whom shares a similar level of skill and tactical anlysis, believe you me....
P.S.Singapore local servers that is.
That, and it's the only way for the marines to secure a victory.
One round as a marine (we had just won as marines the round before and were going to split up and try to even the teams) we all jump into random, one at a time. The same n00bs who had lost as aliens the round before had stacked the Join Aliens side so that we ended up as marines again. I can't recall if we won or not, but I believe that to be a moot point.
Any suggestion to go to another server, sorry, but this does happen on all servers, maybe not at all times of the day but you're guarenteed that any public server is not safe from moron infestation.
<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Because HE wasn't listening either <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>HELL YEAH</span></b> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
Whenever I see a siege,whole team goes rush Mstart!!I keep typing to them to get back to hive because the Marines were close to finish building their toys (5 sieges,how rare :\ )
5 minutes later the siege begins and next thing I know I hear everyone swear in chinese :\
Talk about pub play,in every public server you'll always be bound to meet a bunch of idiots
But that's how the world works,so I switched to Marines and started killing some (teams were stacked BTW)
'Wah you n00b you don't get RT?!'
^^^Classic response when I temp GOrge to put up some defense at hive and this he really going to risk losing us that 1 hive when he could've just done it himself??
Next time I ear that I'm striking back with a do-it yourself scheme
I get this a lot and it's one of my pet hates. If they're trying to lock down a second hive, and slowly succeeding, the cry for "rush mstart" goes up. When will people learn that by destroying marine start you force them to relocate into one of the locked down hives making the chance of taking back a hive more and more difficult by the second. I see this in too many games where people just forget that the marine presence in hives is far more important than their presence in their own base.
I notice that marines start knifing the Stability RT. Since I'm near Sewer I tell the others to defend that res since marines may try to build a forward outpost. RT is destroyed , no one came to Generator. I tell them to defend the hive as marines are dangerously near , nothing. When the hive is under attack , I (as a lerk) try to rally it to spore the attackers , but they were already done knifing it right as I was arriving.
There's no use in defending the double node when the hive can be knifed to death for Marx's sake...
I've heard it before dozens of times, I've said it myself - lovely little quotation. <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
Try to find servers where there are more intelligent people. If you can't deal with even a few of them (idiots) then you shouldn't be playing games. Ironically, games attract idiots.
However. I've been playing this game since it came out. Downloaded 1.0 and 2.0 just as soon as they came available.
And I didn't know what the 'Red Room' was, til 2? days ago?
And didn't realize it could range on the Via hive with siege til this thread. Interesting. Never seen it done. Will have to remember that.
NS chuckle: after spending 5 minutes trying to get the commander to electrify the RTs (he just doesn't understand what we are asking for), he admits he's a newbie commander (everyone is new at some point, no shame there) and hands over the CC. Then asks if we meant the 'electrical def thing'...