Banned Righteously Or Wrongly?

Nu-NuNu-Nu Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11612Members
edited August 2003 in General Server Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">!!Team Fun's Allergic Reaction 2.00!!</div> Problem: Banned without just cause? Agree or disagree?

Server: !!!Team Fun's Allergic Reaction v2.00!!!

Server IP:

Victim: -[CiS]-FiRe-=LMNTL=-

Accused: {VarietyPack}Vampires' Tea-Bag a.k.a Scott-|tF|-|NS

IRC Channel: #tF

I was just on ns_tanith, on the marine side as the commander. We had a phase gate at satt comm hive and the marine spawn and had fortified both. We were getting upgrade by upgrade, of weapons and armor, and already had heavy armor upgraded. Right when I get level 3 weapons, and was about to drop some HA's, {VarietyPack}Vampires' Tea-Bag kicks me out of the comm chair by using admin_execclient, and kicks me to the ready room. I rejoin the marines and tell {VarietyPack}Vampires' Tea-Bag that it's not right to kick me out like that when no one was even complaining on the marine side nor the alien side. I ask the marine side to eject commander, {VarietyPack}Vampires' Tea-Bag, and he is ejected. LD then gets in the comm chair, but {VarietyPack}Vampires' Tea-Bag, once again probably used admin_execclient or whatever the command is to kick out LD of the comm chair, and he jumps back in. After all that hard work we went through, I state on the server, "that's unfair to kick me out like that, you should just say something". He replies by saying something of the sort, "GL spamming is not right", when I only had 3 GL's out, a couple welders and a handful of shotguns. I fairly think three GL's defending two bases, satt comm hive and marine spawn is not a lot for a full 24 person server. No one was complaining on either the marines nor aliens. I then say, "an admin that abuses his powers like this should get his admin stripped". I then get kicked and banned because of stating the unfairness of admin abuse. I was in no intention thinking I was delaying the game, as the marines were progressing nicely. I've seen plenty of games where marines have come back, not even holding a hive, but just their base. Am I at fault here?


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