[packrel] Ns Experience V1.0

TyralionTyralion Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9522Members, Reinforced - Shadow
edited August 2003 in NS Customization
<div class="IPBDescription">The Natural Selection Experience</div> <b>Whoa!</b>

I made this pack because I realized there are not many compilations out there that just improves your Natural Selection experience without replacing a lot of models or sounds with a theme like <i>Aliens vs. Predator</i> or <i>StarCraft</i>.
The point of the <b>NSeX pack</b> is simply to give Natural Selection a little more "oomph" and at the same time keep the original Natural Selection.

<li>New heavy armor weathered reskin.
<li>New light armor costume.
<li>UNREAL2 CAR "The Duster" included in zip (extras folder)
<li>Fixed Primal Scream sprite (no longer an Onos, it's a Lerk as it should be)
<li>Improved overview map icons, added transparency and size changes.
<li>Numeric upgrade sprites for commander, corrected the grenade launcher image to represent the new GL in NS 2.0.
<li>Improved and corrected death sprites.
<li>Replaced all marine voice calls except the commander's with Marr's excellent voice pack. Gives a little more variation to the game as well as difference between commander and soldiers.
<li>A lot of sound improvements. Beefier sound effects.
<li>New muzzleflash with a blue touch.
The <b>README</b> including <b>CREDITS</b> (only missing credits for a few sounds) can be found <a href='http://www.ville.nu/nsex' target='_blank'><b>HERE</b></a> and in the zip file.

NOTE: This is my own interpretation of what needed to be improved. You will probably find that many things are not changed and that is simply because I didn't feel there was the need for it together with the fact that there was nothing better to replace the element with.

<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><a href='http://www.ville.nu/nsex/nsexpack_v1.zip' target='_blank'>DOWNLOAD</a></span></b>

<b><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><a href='http://w1.250.telia.com/~u25013053/nsexpack_v1.zip' target='_blank'>Mirror Download</a></span></b>


  • CoolCookieCooksCoolCookieCooks Pretty Girl Join Date: 2003-05-18 Member: 16446Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation
    very good ^^ its also got my name in it, ill mirror it if u want.
  • nthngnsdnthngnsd Join Date: 2003-07-26 Member: 18442Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->New muzzleflash with a blue touch.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--> pls put "(by nthngnsd)" after that
  • TyralionTyralion Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9522Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited August 2003
    Ah, that's you! Thank you! I'll put you in the credits right away!

    BTW: Great muzzleflash!
  • nthngnsdnthngnsd Join Date: 2003-07-26 Member: 18442Members
    thanks <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • CoolCookieCooksCoolCookieCooks Pretty Girl Join Date: 2003-05-18 Member: 16446Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation
    dont forget to put it in official release topic! <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • TyralionTyralion Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9522Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    It's been done. <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • sportysporty Join Date: 2003-06-29 Member: 17782Members
    any chance of getting some ingame shots?
  • nthngnsdnthngnsd Join Date: 2003-07-26 Member: 18442Members
    best get us some ingame shots of the sound replacements <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • VragnorVragnor Join Date: 2003-07-22 Member: 18359Members
    Great pack! (i think you just made flayra's job a lot easier <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo--> )
  • cshank4cshank4 Join Date: 2003-02-11 Member: 13425Members
    just a wee problem. The HA uses the smartgun animations for HMG. The soldier doesnt... WOOPS
  • SidSid Corwid of the Free Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12903Members, Constellation
    This si a very good pack. I love the sounds and the sprites a lot.
  • SurgeSurge asda4a3sklflkgh Join Date: 2002-07-14 Member: 944Members
    edited August 2003
    ahahah! The Filename turns out to look like N<i>Sex</i>, as opposed to NSEx. Were you going for the "dual-meaning" look? <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    EDIT: More "oomph", eh? More like more UNF!
  • mrmoot2mrmoot2 Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19288Banned
    edited August 2003
    hello, i just took a class in moderator manners...

    and decided to clean up my act... or have it cleaned up for me
  • JaegerJaeger Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10202Members
    I question your mental integrity with every post of yours I read, Mister Moot of Temporarily Suspended Fame.

    It's already been resolved. Credits will be (if not already have been) appended to the download .zip.

    And I seriously, seriously doubt this was done as any "popularity ploy" after the whole Commander Kittens fiasco back in March.
  • BadKarmaBadKarma The Advanced Literature monsters burned my house and gave me a 7 Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8260Members
    You know, that is <i>the</i> nthngnsd right?
  • Redeemed-AssassinRedeemed-Assassin Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19282Members
    you, mr "i think im a psychatric doctor", need a lesson in MANNERS. Now, i personally, do not usually comment rudly on peoples behavior, i only ask them to stop. but you, my friend, you are gonna get some commenting on. First of all, nthngnsd is on the GW team. He's already famous in the mod community, and a nice guy. you should respect his work, because apparently, you cant do it. Whats wrong with a blue muzzle flash? mabye its HV ammo with a new gun powder. this is the future, so, why not think first, eh? Secondly, this pack has been credited to its origional makers. it was put together for people to enjoy, without having to do 10 seprate downloads. It's for convience. Not for fame. If it was for fame, i'd be full of the pack compilers models and such, and only credit the compiler. I agree, doing that would be lame. but that isint the case.

    Please either shut the **** up, and stop posting, or think, and be nice to everybody. Nobody here wants an ****, if you dont like it, leave. As a matter of fact, i suggest you read our politeness thread. It's webbed for a reason.
    <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=39085' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/in...ST&f=19&t=39085</a>

    Please be more thoughtful and respectful in the future, and you'll be welcomed here. I think you owe two people an apology in their PM box. Thanks for reading.
  • syssimsyssim Join Date: 2003-05-31 Member: 16895Members
  • DelarosaDelarosa Naturally Custom Join Date: 2002-11-29 Member: 10214Members, NS1 Playtester
    edited August 2003
    *slaps Redeemed-Assassin*
    - Swearing, and use of slurs about race or sexual-orientation are prohibited. Words that try to sneak around the swear filter are prohibited.

    *slaps MrMoot*
    - Never, ever, under any circumstance, attack or "flame" anyone. Ever. No behavior is bad enough that warrants retaliation.

    - Remain friendly and civil at all times. Be helpful when possible. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

    - Use of the NS forums is a privilege, not a right

    as a lesson to you all... don't do this again
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