How To Get The Most Out Of Your Marines
Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 423Members

<div class="IPBDescription">The FOOD Principle</div> A lot of commanders have difficulty with their troops following their orders. One of the nice things about NS is that since your troops are real people they have more depth than computer-driven units. Maybe they aren't as humurous when they get annoyed, but that's beside the point <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.
Anyway, in order to get my marines to do what a tell them (I'm talking public servers, here), I employ the FOOD principle. That is: Follow Orders Or Die. I have a very simple rule: either you follow my orders or I do not drop you equipment. Or medpacks.
Medpacks are a privilage, not a right. They're a reward. They're necesary for keeping your troops alive, but they're also a method of control. After all, what's the point in spending valuable resources keeping alive some moron who's knifing an OC on the other side of the map when you could be spending resources aiding troops who are following your orders? You only encourage these idiots.
In terms of how much say the marines get in the situation (requests for equipment, etc), I grant requests based on how useful the requester has been to me (or their reputation, if I know them already). That and the fact that I have a soft spot for anyone who wants a shotgun instead of an hmg <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.
So in short, commanders, you are not servants to your marines. Reward marines who follow orders, and ignore those that don't. You'd be amazed how effective it is.
Anyway, in order to get my marines to do what a tell them (I'm talking public servers, here), I employ the FOOD principle. That is: Follow Orders Or Die. I have a very simple rule: either you follow my orders or I do not drop you equipment. Or medpacks.
Medpacks are a privilage, not a right. They're a reward. They're necesary for keeping your troops alive, but they're also a method of control. After all, what's the point in spending valuable resources keeping alive some moron who's knifing an OC on the other side of the map when you could be spending resources aiding troops who are following your orders? You only encourage these idiots.
In terms of how much say the marines get in the situation (requests for equipment, etc), I grant requests based on how useful the requester has been to me (or their reputation, if I know them already). That and the fact that I have a soft spot for anyone who wants a shotgun instead of an hmg <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.
So in short, commanders, you are not servants to your marines. Reward marines who follow orders, and ignore those that don't. You'd be amazed how effective it is.
Sarcasm aside,i see some problems with your idea.
Ive been following this for some time.What did it get me?A whole group of people who repeatedly call me "selfish","biased" or less healthy things like "HUNTER U SUCK",try to eject me the instance they enter the server and even go to the extent of using other nicks/cdkeys to sabotage rounds in an attempt to **** me off.
Of course your servers could have stricter admins and more mature marines....
Pretty much, yes. It's also important to state clearly that marines who do not follow waypoints will not get health. If you don't explain what you're doing, you're just going to get annoyed, confused marines.
Pretty much, yes. It's also important to state clearly that marines who do not follow waypoints will not get health. If you don't explain what you're doing, you're just going to get annoyed, confused marines. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Oh no,they arent confused,just annoyed."What?2 res also cannot spare?OMG SO SELFISH"
I sometime give vague orders rather than waypoints, like '2 marines stay at base', 'divide into two groups take a hive', 'split into teams of 2 or 3 and find me res', 'GET ME RES!'. Orders like these often work better than setting waypoints alone.
If I'm not in HA and/or standing guard on something like the double res base, I'll not bother asking for medkits at all. So, threatening to withhold medkits isn't any incentive, sorry. Threatening to withhold gear, eh, I'm asking for that welder to repair the base, or the GL to flush a vent, not giving it to me then is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
n00b: shotty plz
(5 sec later)
n00b: shotty
(5 sec later)
n00b: sg now
(5 sec later)
n00b: OMG sg!!!1
(7 sec later)
(5 sec later)
n00b: UR **** N00b!!
(5 sec later)
n00b has left the game
Cuz whenever i play as rines...some n00b always wants a real expensive **** gun....then an ONOS appears...devours him...and then we lose that res.
OF COURSE though...he **** at the team for not helpin him, when it reality, it was his own **** fault
HOPEFULLY the "rine ****" auto-kick (if they like my idea <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> ) will help stop lamers askin for stuff
If someone asks for a gun and you are the comm, either give them one, or say no but give a reason.
It's better to say no and give a reason why not that to be completely ignored.
Marines: If you want something like a weapon, give a reason WHY you want that weapon.
Example: *Entire team outfitted in HA with shotties+welders* (This is one of those rare marine wins)
Me: "Comm, I'd like an HMG so I can be long range fire-support, please."
Comm: "Okay."
*/me gets HMG*
*/me proceeds to pwn pwnos*
Giving a JUSTIFICATION to your blind demands might actually give them a purpose other than useless spam.
And yes, marines must earn my trust before I give them anything more than a welder if res is tight.
Generally speaking, this works out. The people who don't already follow this method are usually the ones calling for medpacks all sorts of other things at dumb times, and they get ignored by the other players anyways. "OMG teh comm sux he won't give me a medpack in base!!!" doesn't exactly get you positive attention. Sad as it is, you can pretty much abuse the annoying ones all you like without being kicked from the chair, doubly so if you abuse them for the good of the team.
Generally speaking, this works out. The people who don't already follow this method are usually the ones calling for medpacks all sorts of other things at dumb times, and they get ignored by the other players anyways. "OMG teh comm sux he won't give me a medpack in base!!!" doesn't exactly get you positive attention. Sad as it is, you can pretty much abuse the annoying ones all you like without being kicked from the chair, doubly so if you abuse them for the good of the team. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I got the "anti-newbie" title from doing that.
Agreed....they think comms actually can guide newbies through the game and try to win the war.What a joke.
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
Anti-newbie however is something i can be good at, yesterday i ordered someone to jump down the pit near forboding antichamber and they dd it <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> made me lol.
Also i barely give out guns anyways prefering upgrades as usually on a public you only have one person who knows how to aim, the rest are a waste of res. I generally get a lot of stick as comm, until i dish out ha etc <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
of course a shottie here and there when the fades/onos come rolling around helps.
but thats just me <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Silly rabbit! you're sposta spend the res on com chairs! especially ones that block in the IP.
now, to stay on topic: the good thing about commanding in pubs when the game is unbalanced is you don't have to feel obligated to give people things and you don't have to feel bad when you lose, because players are newbies and the game is stacked, at least slightly, against the marines in 2.00. I find explaining what you want and why is really helpful. I never, ever ask for a sg or hmg except in very specific circumstances.
"comm, onos attacking base, can I have a SG to take it out?"
and then I hop on a high structure and proceed to blast teh oh nos.
as a commander, I rarely give out weapons at all until we're saved up for like 5 sets of HA/HMG/W...but actually, I hardly get begged for them either... I guess I've been lucky. People are getting smarter. The times a newbie DOES beg for a weapon, other ppl on the team often say, "SUYF we need to get res, we can't afford SGs"
it's funny how the teams that trust their coms, don't criticize, and only give suggestions if they say anything at all, are the only ones that seem to win...
Pretty much, yes. It's also important to state clearly that marines who do not follow waypoints will not get health. If you don't explain what you're doing, you're just going to get annoyed, confused marines. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
And it's also important to tell the marines with admin_say(or something) to go to the wp or they will be kicked.
effective? i tried what u just said and this guy voted me off,and then recycled the whole base....bah
<i>"Ok people! I only want two things from you:
1 follow my orders. I wont spend rez on people who dont listen or go ramboing/wandering alone
2 Always Stick together.
Everyone understood? Then let's rock'n'roll!"</i>
I start by warning them about what I'm going to do and what I dont want them to do.
The part 2 logically follows part 1 since it's an order and serves as a logical complement of info (<i>"I dont' want you to go alone so I ask you to stick together"</i>)
If further complains arrise later in the game ("Com gimme a shottie/mp/etc"), then I explain my doings:
<i>"I have to spare rez soldier."</i>
This is a good and casual explaination of your doings.
<i>"I have to spare rez to upgrade to better guns/HMG, soldier"</i>
This is a better explaination because:
-The marine won't annoy you anymore with his request (or at least for the next 5 few minutes).
-You have answered his request, even if you didnt <i>satisfied</i> it by giving him what he wanted
-by anwsering him casualy and politely, you proven to him that you were taking him in account, you gave him attention, so he feels like his commander cares about him -what you should do of course. Don't forget your marines are not just mere polygone models, there are real breathing people at the other end of your internet connexion. Dont tell me you enjoy being ignored.
-your soldier gets some grasp on his future satisfactions: you told him where the rez he gets for you is going and it's going in something he will enjoy later: a better gun to do more damage!
When Uncle Sam collects your money, you would like to know where it goes and what purpose it serves, right? In NS, Uncle Sam, it's you, the Com, so be nice and tell people what you are doing with their ressources. It doesnt cost that much.
As I said in some other posts, Communication is a huge part of the job to me. As a marine grunt as well, but most importantly as the Commander.
During the game session, I try to keep in touch with my soldiers.
I tell them various informations about what's going on on the map:
"message to all: we have the rez nodes at X and X secured. We are doing pretty good for now."
"To squad one: squad two is approching the hive, you are going to make a diversion at XXX. Follow WP. Squad two dont attack the hive, you are to build a siege at your next WP location."
"JP will be availible in less than 2min starting from now, soldiers"
"squad one, stay at base. Player XXX and Player ZZZ, take those mines and place them at the next WP location (/me drop mines on named players). Becareful, Onos has been seen there"
"Player XXX, your parasited, go further as possible from your squad, dont compromise your teamates"
"Lol, Special Flash Info everyone: Onos tried to rush main base. Onos jumped on mine-trap. Onos went "WOOSH! LOLOLOLOL! End of Transmission. Now get back to work."
All in a casual, neutral, voice tone.
If I dont have a mic (when we play at a friend's house for example), I just type.
This is not a loss of time.
If they ask for some ammo or mpack, I will always drop some to the squad I'm monitoring, and sometimes drop some on a lonely or couple of marines, just in order to see what they want to achieve.
If they just go RfK and get killed, then I'll know that I should better ignore them the next time if they go rambo again.
But sometimes it pays to help out a lonely guy, if he knows what he is doing.
I mean, I'm not God. I can't always know everything on what's going on on the map. SOmetimes they better know what to do, and you can't always be everywhere you should and maybe those two guys discovered a weak spot that you didnt noticed.
Ask your people to report.
Show your people support.
I wont say it enough times: <b>COMMUNICATION IS GOLD</b>
It's not that the commander is slave to his marines, or marines are slaves to their com.
I don't think the game was designed like that.
The base relationship between those is cooperation. The marines and their com must cooperate. It probably has been said laready, but so many people complain about "that com that sux!"
You never get really friendly to someone who tells you that, don't you, even with your best efforts, so try to be more cooperative: tell your com that you think he's doing wrong because of 'enter explanation here'
He may listen to your advice, and take it in account in his strategy.
Most of the time, when I com, even if I dont lead my team to victory, my teamates have enjoyed my time as a commander, and they even are willing to let me com again in the following round.
Why? Because even if we have lost the party, we have spent together a fun moment.
At least, if you dont achieve victory, the prior goal of the com is to ensure everyone enjoyed to play.
If you helped people to have a great moment, whatever if you win or lose -because there may be parties that you may lose but are still great ones- they will be grateful.
Hey, NS is still a game, isn't it? So play and have fun!
That's an order! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Sadly,at least half the team regularly pretends not to speak english,1/4th is the OMG YOU DID NOT GIVE ME HMG A YEAR AGO WHEN I WAS A NEWBIE I AM GOING FLAME YOUR **** type,and only the remaiining 1-2 marines are worth anything.