
ZeekZeek Join Date: 2002-08-11 Member: 1134Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Upon release</div>Hi folks.  New to the board but not to the mod, I've been a lurker since around May or so when I caught a link to this mod over on Planet Half-Life.  Anyhow my question is how the downloading will be handled when the mod is released.  As far as will there be plenty of mirrors and it be posted in nice big blinking letters on the homepage when it's finished.  I'm curious because I dread the file planet mirrors and hope there will be other sources because with file planet the 30 minute wait time that never goes away totally erases the fast speed downloads.  I could sacrifice the 200k a sec from file planet to get an 80k from most other download places and get the mod 20 minutes before the wait time would even be gone at file planet.  Thanks for input =)


  • GrendelGrendel All that is fear... Join Date: 2002-07-19 Member: 970Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, NS2 Playtester
    Go join the forums

    Most likely we'll have a private mirror you can use when it is released.

    As much bandwidth as you can eat.  <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • ComproxComprox *chortle* Canada Join Date: 2002-01-23 Member: 7Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts
    /me sighs
    How many "make sure you post it on something else than FilePlanet!" posts have I seen in these past few weeks? I count literally count at least 6.

    It <b>will</b> be hosted on fileplanet, why the heck not? Some people do pay, and many WILL wait in line. And of COURSE it will be placed on as mirrors as possible. We don't want anyone to wait, if we can avoid that.
  • Spyder_MonkeySpyder_Monkey Vampire-Ninja-Monkey Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 8Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    I tend to agree with Comprox (agree with a Canadian?). Do you honestly believe that the NS team is going to make you all wait in line, single file, to download from Rob6264's 56k connection? As much fun as that would be, I'm sure the team would actually like for people to play their mod. So it would follow that as many mirrors as conceivable will be available for all your bandwidth-sucking needs.
  • JediYoshiJediYoshi The Cupcake Boss Join Date: 2002-05-27 Member: 674Members
    Yep Comprox, I usually wait in-line for FilePlanet. I don't mind at all, and time usually passes by real fast.

    <a href=";f=1;t=4793" target="_blank">As I write this, this post is four under this</a>
  • DekkerDekker Join Date: 2002-07-06 Member: 887Members
    haven´t used file planet for months, maybe the bug is fixed with fileplanet 2.0, since when i waitet the half hour, the downloader sometimes started showing me that its still 50 minutes and even more, which isn´t too good, and in germany the downloads from fileplanet are never over 20 - 30 kb/s
  • ThrillKill1ThrillKill1 Join Date: 2002-01-30 Member: 136Members
    As far as downloading is concerned, I am not too picky. I don't enjoy Fileplanet's services, but if there's nothing else available I will use it.

    Besides, this mod will be more then worth the wait. All you dudes and dudettes with good connections should really count your blessings anyway. Not all of us are as gifted as you.
  • coilcoil Amateur pirate. Professional monkey. All pance. Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 424Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Well that's easy enough... make friends with someone who has cable and a burner.  (:
  • Master-DornMaster-Dorn Join Date: 2002-05-30 Member: 704Members
    i got a good url.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    ok it is not for u americans, but for us in europe it is a very good server.
  • HaijeHaije Join Date: 2002-07-17 Member: 964Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Comprox+Aug. 11 2002,01:53--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Comprox @ Aug. 11 2002,01:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->It <b>will</b> be hosted on fileplanet, why the heck not?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    No one said it <b><i>shouldn't</i></b> be hosted on fileplanet
  • JediYoshiJediYoshi The Cupcake Boss Join Date: 2002-05-27 Member: 674Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Haije+Aug. 11 2002,04:37--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Haije @ Aug. 11 2002,04:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--Comprox+Aug. 11 2002,01:53--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Comprox @ Aug. 11 2002,01:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->It <b>will</b> be hosted on fileplanet, why the heck not?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    No one said it <b><i>shouldn't</i></b> be hosted on fileplanet<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Yeah, but ppl say either, get FilePlanet to host it or don't get FilePlanet to host it. I think that was just something to stop the spam <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
  • InsaneInsane Anomaly Join Date: 2002-05-13 Member: 605Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts, Future Perfect Developer
    I remember MonsE saying that he had plenty of mirrors lined up both in Europe and the US.  Yay MonsE.
  • GingerGinger Join Date: 2002-08-01 Member: 1043Members
    i got a good one but they normal come out for download a couple of hours after the game comes you.. <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • DekkerDekker Join Date: 2002-07-06 Member: 887Members
    @coil, i have cable, but i live in germany... and umm, yeah, i also have a burner <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
  • SurgeSurge asda4a3sklflkgh Join Date: 2002-07-14 Member: 944Members
    Trust me, Fileplanet would be a lot worse if they <i>didn't</i> make you wait in line. I remember how it was before they had the lines.... Gah... that was horrible.

    And the Fileplanet servers <b>are</b> fast, once you start downloading. On average, I get around 400-500 kbps. Good servers.

    Will it be hosted on <a href="" target="_blank">Filefront</a>? If it is, I'll go there.

    Why? Because I've <i>never</i> had problems downloading stuff from them. For example, I went to Fileplanet to DL CStrike. I had to wait in a 80 minute line. I went to Filefront and found it. I <b>didn't have to wait</b>, and I was getting around 400 kbps... They r0xx0r$, so far. I don't know how it happens... but... it's good.

    I downloaded the BF1942 demo from 3dGamer's link to it, provided by Filefront. Got it in less than 5 minutes, as opposed to the 95 minutes required at Fileplanet.  <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • TiCKTiCK Join Date: 2002-05-30 Member: 708Members
    Fileplanet shoots theirselves in the buttocks constantly.

    I remember how it used to be.. if you needed something just pop over there and download it and be done.

    They couldn't handle how many people were downloading from their site.

    They make a pay system and a waiting system for everyone else.

    EVERY site in their network hosts files on Fileplanet, some giving no other recourse.

    This increses the demand on FilePlanet even more.

    It is one big cycle of stupidity.

    BUT anyway, I really don't know why people would download anything from fileplanet.. no matter how obscure a file is it IS hosted elsewhere. It may not seem like it, but you can file mirrors of almost everything (unless some chump just made a crappy skin or something and just upped it... then there is probably only on mirror).

    I also despise the Planet network.. rolling over everything in their path. BUT that is another story.
  • JammerJammer Join Date: 2002-06-03 Member: 728Members, Constellation
    I suggest the stopage of these posts. Mine (6 down) was the first. Since then, 2 have come up in 24 hours. Whereas mine was about unoffical community mirrors, these new ones are like "NOT FILEPLANET". So stop. This is a professional mod and the professionals behind it know what they are doing.
  • NovakoalaNovakoala Join Date: 2002-07-17 Member: 962Members, Constellation
    If you too want to protest against FilePlanet, or anything in the GameSpy network, look around in Off-Topic for the 'Official underground revolution thread', or the 'GameSpy boycott' thread.
  • Evil_Sonic_Death_MonkeyEvil_Sonic_Death_Monkey Join Date: 2002-08-09 Member: 1125Members

    <!--emo&:asrifle:--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':asrifle:'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&:0--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&:pudgy:--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':pudgy:'><!--endemo-->

    <!--emo&:0--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'><!--endemo--> (Fileplanet ppl)
  • SlycasterSlycaster Limited Edition Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 24Members, NS1 Playtester
    MonsE has said before that he and flay have over 15 mirrors at least for release, so i doubt you'll be waiting in line TOO much.
  • BattousaixBattousaix Join Date: 2002-06-25 Member: 822Members
    also.... after some days ull have tons of unofficial mirrors.....
  • KusanagiKusanagi Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1097Members
    I don't really care on what server it's hosted, just as long as it gets out before school starts =(.
  • LongtoothLongtooth Join Date: 2002-07-02 Member: 863Members
    School starts Thursday for me and football practice on Monday,  that leaves very little time for me to play NS.....Man did the summer go by fast......
  • SurgeSurge asda4a3sklflkgh Join Date: 2002-07-14 Member: 944Members
    The old Fileplanet was bad. New files... if you tried to click them, you'd just get thrown into some seemingly "bad link", when actually the server was full, and there was almost no way for you to get the file...

    With the lines, you at least have <i>the ability</i> to get a file, even if you do have to wait.
  • KusanagiKusanagi Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1097Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Longtooth+Aug. 11 2002,17:38--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Longtooth @ Aug. 11 2002,17:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->School starts Thursday for me and football practice on Monday,  that leaves very little time for me to play NS.....Man did the summer go by fast......<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Heh, school starts for me Wednesday and football practice started two Friday's ago.... So if it's released on Monday I will be able to have 1 night to stay up all night and day losing the pigment in my skin while playing NS, or at least wait in line for 15 hours.

  • LongtoothLongtooth Join Date: 2002-07-02 Member: 863Members
    Well football practice has been going since April,  but that wasn't real practice,  we ran a little and lifted weights for 2 hours 3 times a week and it wasn't mandatory,  On Monday we get our pads and start 3-4 hour practices....It should be fun in the 100+ degree Arizona summer  <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
  • KusanagiKusanagi Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1097Members
    We had camp like the last 2 weeks of April till football practice started(Camp is like getting ready for practice....). 5 hour days(Unless it was over 102 degrees, Houston has a lot of days like that.) every day, errm but this is getting to belong in off topic.
  • EosEos Join Date: 2002-06-08 Member: 738Members
    Don't mind me asking but will there be a mirror for Natural Selection on Filefront?
  • Spyder_MonkeySpyder_Monkey Vampire-Ninja-Monkey Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 8Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Eos, we've just been through this. You're basically asking the same question, only more specific. There will be mirrors 'o plenty when the game is released. I'm pretty sure MonsE has been lining up the most popular of these mirror sites since before NS was as developed and professional as it is today. He rocks like that.
  • EosEos Join Date: 2002-06-08 Member: 738Members
    Ok, sorry I didn't read the <b>whole</b> topic.  I thought no one used Filefront.
  • LongtoothLongtooth Join Date: 2002-07-02 Member: 863Members
    Kusan,  I don't think there are enough football playing NS forumers for this to get its own topic.  Anyways,  about the downloading,  my clan and I will be offering d/l's for as many people as our connection can handle.  I download from the page at 150k a second on cable.  The website is so if you don't want to wait at fileplanet or d/l from a slow mirror you can d/l from us free of charge.  When the game is released of course.
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