Shotgun Blanks!?

ZeeZee Join Date: 2003-07-28 Member: 18517Members
edited September 2003 in Frontiersmen Strategy
I was on a map (ns_nothing,) and we were about 3/4 through the game. We had level 3 weapons/level 3 armor and motion tracking, etc. I did not have heavy armor, but I had full health. I saw the ominous Blue Circle moving towards me and my commander told me it was only a skulk. I wasn't scared so I held my position. The skulk rounds the corner, 1 shot (Maybe half the shell hit him), a 2nd shot, dead on, I'm thinking the next shot will do it. Another half shot, as he's on my right trying to go behind me, I turn around, hit him straight on his back and he still doesn't die. He bites me once, I shoot again and miss, and then he bites and kills me. All I have to say is.... "WTH!"


  • RemingtonRemington Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 11024Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Can't say this has ever happened to me before, I think you just got lagged or something.
  • SoulSpawnSoulSpawn Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 19002Members
    most of missed and though u hit with more than u actually did, i know sometime i can go 10 skulk with out die with shotgun other i die to first skulk just miss the important first shot which i always hold back for more shots hitting second shot can be the life save if your cool enough and get a good shot they are dead.
  • Salty_JusticeSalty_Justice Join Date: 2003-08-23 Member: 20101Members
    It's a problem that was my bane in 1.04 and is still present, but less obvious. Essentially (this was with the lmg) if you shoot an alien who is running perpindicular to you in the hind areas, the bullets SAYS it hits, splats blood all over, but actually has no effect.

    This could quite possibly have affected you here, since I know it's happened when I was busting onos with my shotgun, since NO onos can take 8 shotguns shells from 3 marines (24 shells total) without umbra or something. It's just not possible.
  • SkitZoFrenicSkitZoFrenic Join Date: 2003-02-08 Member: 13252Banned
    Yeah...the NS team really needs to fix a bunch of crap....

    BTW, HOW is this a rine strat?
  • WindelkronWindelkron Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members
    You may also look into twiddling with your netcode settings. changing cl_updaterate and ex_interp can give you a better idea of where exactly the enemy is; changing your rate may give you more shots that "register" on the enemy (you'd be surprised -- many, if not most, of your shots are simply lost in the communication between server and client. choke has a great deal to do with this).
  • StoneburgStoneburg Join Date: 2002-11-11 Member: 8174Members
    Changing your ex_interp will only mean that you miss the shots that are actually *on* target and hit with the ones that are a certain distance/time *behind* it. Not recommended.

    I play with 200 ping and lots of choke and experianc the same thing often. If you have a bad connection (or are playing a server far from home:)) that is probably the reason. If not, blame the hitboxes. You obviously have to aim slightly *above* the skulk to hit it. <shrug>
  • taboofirestaboofires Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9853Members
    Netcode issues can only be fixed so far. As a player, what you can do to better your game is 1) tweak your files to minimize choke, ping, loss, etc. 2) learn about hit detection issues, and do what you can to avoid them. Shooting slightly above a skulk is a good example of avoiding the problem.
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