In dreams..
Join Date: 2002-08-14 Member: 1153Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Tales from the non-playtesters :)</div>Well since there is a topic out there with stories of ingame experiences, I think a post is needed for everyone else to imagine what their ideal/first experience in NS (or any other sci-fi alien v marine type story) would be like, and share it with everyone.. I'll go first <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
<i>There was about a dozen of us, marines. We decided to group together to shorten the standalone-massacres that higher lvl monsters had been shelling out. We figured we'd pack more of a punch that way.
We were cautiously walking down a deserted walkway, slime everywhere.. *bleep bleep* *bleep bleep* the radar was picking up serious motion coming from the area ahead.. before we knew it aliens were bursting out from all directions, non-stop rounds were going off - earn deathning. One alien managed to swipe my leg, although it didn't hurt me enough to gimp me.. I stood back up, and noticed that the aliens were retreating back..
"Oh ****" All I saw were gibs flying past my feet, I turned round to check and there was this huge ugly mutation (lvl5) running up from behind, with a look in its face like all it wanted was death.
We had no choice but to run for our lives, firing at anything that moved. Grenades going off behind us as the marines were trying desperatly to hold the lvl 5 off.
We broke out through the main dual doors into an open area that was out of action, offline sentries that had been destroyed by a past attack.
The alien had us all cornered, with only 4 marines and myself left.. I heard a disturbance over voice comm, someone was trying to communicate..
I looked up at the monster one last moment before the inevitable.....................</i>
I'll let you all think up the ending in your minds <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
<i>There was about a dozen of us, marines. We decided to group together to shorten the standalone-massacres that higher lvl monsters had been shelling out. We figured we'd pack more of a punch that way.
We were cautiously walking down a deserted walkway, slime everywhere.. *bleep bleep* *bleep bleep* the radar was picking up serious motion coming from the area ahead.. before we knew it aliens were bursting out from all directions, non-stop rounds were going off - earn deathning. One alien managed to swipe my leg, although it didn't hurt me enough to gimp me.. I stood back up, and noticed that the aliens were retreating back..
"Oh ****" All I saw were gibs flying past my feet, I turned round to check and there was this huge ugly mutation (lvl5) running up from behind, with a look in its face like all it wanted was death.
We had no choice but to run for our lives, firing at anything that moved. Grenades going off behind us as the marines were trying desperatly to hold the lvl 5 off.
We broke out through the main dual doors into an open area that was out of action, offline sentries that had been destroyed by a past attack.
The alien had us all cornered, with only 4 marines and myself left.. I heard a disturbance over voice comm, someone was trying to communicate..
I looked up at the monster one last moment before the inevitable.....................</i>
I'll let you all think up the ending in your minds <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
Then we can find out that NS was actually just a really elaborate hoax! <img src="" border="0">
...I just hope they realize that perfection can never be achived. >.< Gimme gimme gimme!
It will be out when it is done and NO SOONER THAN WHEN IT IS DONE</b>
<i>(all of this is STC of course)</i>
I just thought I would add that before some of the zealot play-something-and-come-back-and-then-NS-will-be-out-and-it-won't-feel-like-waiting people. (I thought the last playtest was at the end of July, but I was way off, obviously)
We really have nothing t'do at the moment... besides hang out at the off-topic forums and maybe oblige a few newcommers from time to time...
The question is, my friend, is how 'Ready' is ready? =P
Oh well.
You're telling me you have'nt at least guessed at a release date at some point? <img src="" border="0">
But I still don't see why speculation is almost more evil than flat out asking for a release date. <!--emo&???--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'><!--endemo-->
I don't think there's gibbing in NS... <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
As for an ending, the lev 5 charged and after some dodging, all died.
Would happen just about every time.
<i><b>Transmission from Sub Sector 77 </b>
I was just sitting down to a nice meal on what us grunts like to call Space Station Nothing. I was ordering some pie when I had received an order from our commander. We were approaching an alien planet and were told to gather our arms incase one of them gains entry. Never disobeying my commander I gladly agreed and skipped eating my pie, which was blueberry. After getting in my battle suit I was instructed that aliens might been in a certain part of the ship. The commander told me to check it out, I refused to go by myself. Hey - sometimes you just HAVE to disobey the commander in order to protect your own ###.
After the commander agreed to take 6 of my 10 men with me, we were ready to move out to the area in question. After a long 5 minute walk we arrived at the room in question. Nothing. It was completely empty. "Commander, there is nothing here but dust, over." There was only static on the other side. "Commander?" I asked. There was a 30 second pause. This was very strange.
There was constant fire in the background, and that was all I could make out. The aliens are smarter than what everyone says. They are not just worthless drones that just keep attacking without any plans. They had tricked us into thinking they were in the part that is furthest away from the marine base.
By now, we can assume that the aliens have at least two active hives on this Space Station. We can also assume that our commander, base, and four remaining teammates are gone. It is just us seven now, us seven and a few civilians that have never even seen an alien before, let alone shoot a gun.
We started to consider two options. The first plan was to take up defensive positions here, dig in as deep as we can go. And just wait; just let everyone on the ship die. I, and I'm now the highest-ranking officer since our commander is gone, did not think this was an option. We were going to go with our second plan of attack, try go estimate where the hive(s) could be, then take them out. We found that an storage room would make the perfect spot for an alien home base. I ordered my men to lock and load, and take my lead.
Using an old maintenance shaft, we were able to position ourselves just a few rooms down from storage room, where we believed the first, second, or third - who really knows - hive could be. My demolition specialist rigged the roof with explosives and after a rather loud detonation; we were able to climb up into the room. What we found confirmed our thoughts. Infestation was spreading into this room as we stood there. I ordered my men to get ready. We were going to rush this hive like it was an old WW2 Machine Gun Turret nest. Looking back, it was not the smartest thing to do, but we didn’t have time to be stealthy. The door busted down as we rushed in. An alien turret claimed the lives of 2 of my men. After we took out the rest of the defense, the hive came down rather quickly with the exception of a few level ones trying to kill us.
The aliens knew where we were now. We had no choice any more. We have to dig in. With just 4 men left things are looking bad. The civilians on this ship are probably already dead, and we are the last remaining humans. I see my mens' faces; they know what is going to happen to them. They nod their heads and take aim, resting their guns on a broken storage bin. I sit down, and remove my helmet. I dig deep into my back pocket and find a picture of my wife and youngest daughter. My daughter’s name is Sam, she is a real cutie, dark hair, blue eyes. We use to play catch back on earth. She is quite the good pitcher. My wife and I were going to celebrate our 16 anniversary in about a month. I would give anything to..
<b>End of transmission.</b> </i>
As the shuttle came in for a landing it shook unsteadily, making the young scientists stomach turn. "Why am I here?" He thought to himself. In fact, Dr. Jim Alkins was assigned to join a group of highly trained marines to inspect an abandoned marine base on a remote planet. His mission was to photograph the alien threat and bring back a subject dead or alive, if it all possible. This was his first field mission and every horrific story he had heard before about marines being ripped apart by the aliens came rushing back to him, feeling his body with dread.
The ship came to a stop with a thud. The shuttle door dropped open, and the marines immediatly stormed out towards the base opening. Jim sat there stunned, staring straight across the empty shuttle at the wall. "Alkins...Alkins answer me, what the hell's wrong with you?" He faintly heard a voice say. Finally he snapped too.
"Sorry, I dazed out for a moment." Jim said half-heartedly.
"Well, don't let that happen in there." The man he identified as Carmen said, trying to speak over the loud engine roaring in their ears, "One wrong move and an alien'll take your head clean off. I've seen it happen!"
Words of encouragment he thought as Carmen pulled him up and ran off the ship. As Jim stepped off he examined his surroundings. The sky was a dark red, and the base purtruted from the side of the mountain. The base had obviously not been used in awhile, the stoned on which it was built had begun eroding away, the doors which once fortified the base lay flat on its back, making entry easy. The only thing guarding the base now was the darkness, which sent chills down the spines of even the most seasoned marines. They manuevered their way to the door, Jim tried to stay close to Carmen who had apparently been assigned to watch over him.
"Guys it's pitch black in their, turn on your lights and stay close together, I have a feeling we're going to find out why this place is abandoned." The Captain said in a noticeably paniced voice.
Beams of light shot from the tiny mountain flashlights on the sides of their heads. The captain moved in unexpectedly and the team followed close behind. Jim felt like his heart was in his throat, and his legs were made of jelly, but he found the strength to move. The last thing he wanted was to be left alone here.
The inside was pitch black, Jim could see nothing except for the thin rays of light shining from the marines helmets. It was extremely cold inside and the place smelled of dampness and mildew. His feet splashed in small puddles of water as they traveled down hallways and occasionally bumped into unidentifiable objects that sent instant chills through his body.
Finally, they arose from the darkness into a very dimly lit room. The few working lights seemed to be covered with a thin layer of some sort of green growth. As they looked around they realized that something was definatly growing in this room.
"This place is infested." The Captain said, "Watch yourself, there may be aliens near by."
The marines explored the room thoroughly, and began spreading out making sure they examined every inch for living creatures.
A private stopped to look around and lit a cigar, "There's not a damn thing in here guys, we're wasting our time here." He scoffed, resting his back against a large rock in the center of the room.
Meanwhile, Alkins began snapping photos of the room to take back for study. He moved the camera around the room making sure he didn't miss anything of interest. Just as he was about to put the lens back on his camera, he caught focus not of a marine smoking a cigar, but what the marine was leaning against. It was -breathing- he realized. "Don't move!" Alkins shouted, but it was to late.
The "rock" let out a loud coughing noise noise and started to rise. "What the hell?" The marine shouted backing away to reexamine it. "Jesus Christ man," He said, his voice cracking with fear, "It's a gigantic alien!"
The alien stood, shook to loosen it's joints, and then let out an enourmous roar that shook the entire room. "Fire!" The Captain screamed. It was to late for the young private the alien lept forward in one swift move and impaled him on it's enourmous horn.
The marines began firing on the angered alien, yet the bullets seemed to barely phase him. Suddenly, the whole scenario went from bad to worse, the vents that filled the upper walls burst open, and dog like aliens with began to descend the walls towards the marines. Alkins looked on at the horror as one marine fired at the gigantic, angry alien in the center of the room only to be knocked on his face by one of the smaller ones. All around the room marines were being attacked and mauled by these swift, agile monsters. The captain backed up firing sporatically around the room, even hitting an already doomed marine in the head. Carmen seen his crazed captains actions and grabbed him.
"Pull yourself together sir, we've gotta get out of here!" He shouted over the loud screams of agony and firing.
"No, you leave!" He shouted with a distant look in his eyes, "I'm leaving no man behind!" He ran towards back towards the middle of the room, firing at aliens along the way. Once he got to the center he realized the blasting sound had been replaced by a click, his cartridge was empty. He dropped the gun to the floor, and unholstered his pistol firing away randomly at the oncoming aliens. For a time he kept them at bay, but he was only enraging them more. The finally one slipped through his defenses and knocked him on his back. For a second the alien and the humans faces were less than an inch apart. The captain grabbed the grenade strapped to his belt and with the last of his strength pulled the pin. His arm fell limp the alien bit into his face, and the grenade rolled from his hand onto the ground.
"Run!" Carmen screamed to Alkins, but it was to late. The blast erupted in a enourmous blue flame that sent the two mean back through the door they entered through. Smacking the wall behind them, they felt a painful wave of heat rush through their bodys. The blast sealed the entrance into the room shut they realized, as the dust and smoke cleared.
"That was close." Carmen said.
"We're the last ones alive?" Alkins questioned, obviously scared out of his mind.
"Yes, and my light is low on power, we need to find our way back out and quick." Carmen quickly explained.
Dust fell on Alkins face from above, he glanced up to see another vent directly above his head. Just as he was about to warn Carmen it busted open and another dog like alien landed right beside of him. It looked up at him and growled revealing it's grotesque set of teeth. The two men looked at each other and took off down the hall. It was nearly impossible for Alkins to see so he kept his hand lightly touching Carmen's back, partly for navigation, but also out of fear. Carmen stopped briefly at a cross section and ran into a room to his left, pulling Alkins with him.
The room was lit by a single light hanging over head that occasionally flickered off. This must have been a kitchen they thought, looking around at the refrigarator and microwave. Carmen spotted an over turned table and pointed it out to Alkins. They both ran over and ducked behind it just as the alien entered the room.
It slowly stepped in, it's claw-like feet clicking against the tile floor as it entered. They could hear it sniffing around as it searched the room for food. It made it's way in their direction, and the sniffing got louder and louder. Jim felt his heart beating harder than ever before, in his mind he was scared the alien would hear it. Just as the aliens head began to move around the side of the table the microwave went off, the dog-like aliens head swung around to examine the strange noise. Carmen lept to his feet and opened fire with the last of his clip into the alien, ripping one of it's legs off. The alien began to move in a circular motion, unable to move correctly with just 3 legs. Carmen pulled his pistol from his holster and carefully aimed it at the aliens head, as soon as he pulled the trigger the aliens head exploded into a gooey mess.
"There is a map of this floor here, Carmen." Jim, who had apparently not been paying much attention that his life was just in danger, said to his comrade, "There is a service elevator straight down the hall from here!"
As the two exausted men exited the room they could hear a large mass of clicking noises coming from both ends of the hall. Luckily, they thought, the hall to the elevator seemed to be empty. They could see the old service elevator straight ahead, the doors already open. As they ran in the elevator shook from the unexpected weight. Carmen pounded on the button that pointed up, but nothing happened.
"It's not working!" Carmen screamed in a panic.
"Not working?" Jim said confused. "There's not even an out of service sign!"
"Well I don't know, maybe the aliens took it down or something to trick poor idiots like us." Carmen said sarcastically. "Here I'll lift you up, then you give me your hand"
Carmen lifted him up through the escape shaft in the top of the elevator. Jim pounded on it, finally knocking it loose and began to climb through.
"Hurry up, I can hear them getting closer Jim!" Carmen shouted.
Jim reached his hand back through waiting for Carmen to grab ahold. "What are you doing?" He asked, seeing Carmen pulling something from is jacket.
"Here, take the flares!" Carmen said, tossing them up through the shaft door. Carmen reached his hand up and just as there hands latched the alien fiends burst through the door, knocking Carmen against the wall. The alien pinned his arm agains the wall, and the gun fell to the floor. The alien snapped at his face, but narrowly missed. Carmen grabbed the aliens head with his free hand and forced it back as far as he could.
"Run Jim, they are coming!" Carmen shouted.
Jim grabbed one of the 3 flares and lit it. He tossed the lit flare towards the alien with all of his might. It hit the alien and landed beside of it, burning it's flesh. The alien backed up, trying to escape the burning sensation wripping through it's body. Carmen quickly reached over with his good arm and grabbed the pistol. He aimed for the aliens head and fired 2 shots into it's brain. The dog like alien slumped over to the ground revealing hundreds more heading directly at him. Carmen sighed to himself and looked towards the vent. "Run Jim, I won't be coming with you." He said calmly.
Carmen lifted his arm towards the horde of doom headed his way, and lazily fired of shots, wounding a few of the aliens in the process. It wasn't a enough, and the elevator quickly filled with aliens, ripping and tearing at their latest kill.
Jim was so terrofied he couldn't moved, he curled up his knee's up to his chin on top of the elevator and listened as his friend was brutally ripped apart. "I've gotta go on" he kept trying to tell himself in his mind, but his legs wouldn't move. Finally, he found the strength. His legs felt like they barely supported him, he lifted the bag holding the other 2 flares in it and headed for the ladder, just as his last foot stepped off the top of the elevator the coord snapped sending the elevator plummeting into the darkness below. It landed with a loud crash and the smoke lifted up through the elevator shaft. Jim headed up with a new found determination towards the top of the building. When suddenly, from below a new terror arose from the darkness, the aliens were no longer small and dog like, they had grown to the size of humans and they were ascending the shaft at incedible speeds. Jim reached the top and burst the the door, as soon as he got through he slammed it shut and searched the area for somethig to put over it, he found an old metal rod laying near by and shoved it through the latch, preventing the aliens from getting in.
He looked around, he was atop the base, overlooking a deep red valley, everything on this planet seemed to have a red tint to it he thought ot himself. The thought was a fleeting one though as he realized hundreds of the dog like aliens were climbing the sides of the base towards the roof he was on. To make matters worse their human like counter parts were slamming on the elevator shaft door. Jim lit both of the flairs and waved them in the air hoping the rescue ship would see it. Within moments he could see the ship descending through the air towards the roof. Just as they were closing in the pipe broke in half and the door swung open, the aliens head peered up through the door and quickly spotted him. The alien leeped through the air with amazing agility and landed next to him. Jim slowly backed up and the alien followed, behind him he could hear the clicking sounds of the dog like aliens closing in on him. He looked around, and looked back at the alien which was drawing it's blade like arms back to finish him off. Jim turned the flair towards the aliens chest and shoved it in, and this with all of his might shoved the alien back just as the ship flew directly above him. One of the men aboard ran to the side and reached his hand out for Jim. Jim leapt up and grabbed ahold and the ship immediatly took off from the base. As he climbed aboard he looked back down at the aliens now covering all sides of the one red tinted base, it now looked as it had been swallowed by an organic green living mass of creatures. The door shut on the ship and Jim rested against the wall.
"Where are the marines?" The pilot asked from his seat.
"They're dead, they're all dead." Alkins said with the same distant expression he had on his face when they landed on the base. Then, he leaned back and shut his eyes.
My god, I have no life. <!--emo&:0--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'><!--endemo-->
You don't need to make a bible extract, just a paragraph or so be it fiction or pre-ingame experience.
But please, please don't go off topic about speculation etc -- It spoils the whole idea. <!--emo&:(--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->
ding ding
It was a 5 on 5 in NS_Bast. This was my first game of real NS and I was surrounded by newbies. I recognized two forumers, Plaguebearer and Right_Behind_You. I wanted to be a marine commander <b>so bad</b> but the marine team was full so I was forced to be an alien.
I spawned as a level 1 and decided to forgo becoming a level 2. Running through the map with glee, I came to a hallway that I knew from screenies. The hallway was all glass and below I could see the marine base. I carefully studied it for awhile and decided that it was a Command Center, Infantry Portal, Turret Factory, two Turrets and an Armoury. The base didn't seem hard to take out at all. I continued along, looking for the airlock to reception that was so famous in Playtest stories. Finding the door, I tried to open it.
I nearly crapped my pants.
Hivesight indicators went off like crazy as my broodmates across the map were being slaughtered. There was nothing I could do to get there in time, I was half the map away and had little knolwdge of where I was. All I knew it that I was locked out of reception.
Suddenly, I heard clanking from behind me. I hid up in a dark corner, thinking that a marine probably saw me in the glass corridor and was coming to investigate. I put my cursor over him to find out his name.
Watching him check the corners and crouch, I guestimated a few things...
A)This guy is a counter-strike regular
B)His commander isn't telling him what to do (or he isn't listening)
C)He knows little about aliens or even NS in general. He probably hasn't even seen an alien yet.
He stops <i>underneath</i> me and crouches, peeking around the corner. He has no idea that I'm above him. I'm laughing so hard I almost miss my chance. I release the [ctrl] key, as I fall from the air I quickly press [3] and left-click.
Barely touching the ground, I left-click again. As the level 1's weight finally come to rest on the ground, he flys foreward at incredable speed, jaws agape and claws extended. The marine hears the level 1's scream and turns around to see the pink flesh of the level one filling his screen.
The level 1's claws penatrate, the marine takes heavy damage and falls limp to the floor. My resource pool expands.
I right-click and fumble through the pop up menu to find a victory roar. Finding one labeled "blood!" I release the right mouse button. To my delight a long, billowing scream fills the hallways and echoes out of existance.
I find a quiet corner and evolve to level 3.
by the way some things arent in ns and some are just made up <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--> there arent teams this is like erm real life
<b>The Assault</b>
we had just arrived at a big open space and we decided to build our base... we brang in a portable command center and set it up... the commander got us to build some buildings around the command centre so it would be harder to find...
anyway we had finished building when we were attacked be 4 aliens 1 ran towards me he jumped towards me and i fell on my back. i pulled out my machine gun and blasted a clip into his face my teammates were either injured or dead.. there was just 3 of us left and 4 aliens dead
our team consisted of a welder, medic, and me... i had a lmg with 125 bullets left some tripmines and c4, our medic had a broken arm and a pistol with 28 bullets left and our welder only had a knife and a welder, we called for immediate evacuation.
we had lost 2 buildings in that attack and we didnt have time to build them... i put some tripmines by the door c4 in the airvent... we sat in the corner the medic was irritaded by his broken arm and kept complaining.. then we heard a noise..
the noise sounded like metal being peirced, i looked up and i saw some holes in the airvent and 4 tiny claws coming out of the vent, near the end i, i pulled out the remote for the c4 and BOOM gibs flew out of the vent and all over the welders face.
you could see the welder was scared, he was constantly shaking and smoking, i saw a piece of metal on the floor from the vent and got the welder to stand on my shoulders with the medic using his arm to hold him steady, the welder welded the metal to the end of the vent so that no aliens could suprise us by coming through it..
we heard another sound and looked towards the door, the door started getting dents in it... the door was almost off, i started to panic and prepared my gun then the door fell down
i started firing then they ran towards us.. i shot the tripmines in a panic and 2aliens died, i was reloading when the 3rd alien was close... the medic pulled out his pistol and shot it. right between the eyes!
then again. there were noises coming from the vent, i didnt worry since i thought that the newly welded piece of metal to the vent would stop tem coming through, i was wrong, the biggest alien i had ever seen came roaring through it, it hit the wall at a highly fast speed and split the welder in half i ran... i turned around and the medic was being ripped appart by the aliens, 2 more aliens came through the door and another through the vent, i hade 3 c4 left and 1 tripmine, i put the tripmine by me and the c4 near me, they all came running after me, i quickly moved then dived as they ran through the mines and then i blew the c4...
evacuation arrived,i got the medics pistol and the welders knife and then i jumped in the turbo jet and we exited. i thought i was safe again, the hairs on my neck started to stand on end.
the pilot screamed and i heard the smashing of glass, i got up picked up my lmg and there were 3 aliens with wings in the cockpit, i blasted fire inuring 1, then i grabbed a jet from the side of the door ( standard with all turbo jets <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo--> ) i opened door and dived out, my face was ripping appart from the speed we were flying at.
i turned on the jet, the 3 flying aliens ripped open the roof of the plane and flew out, i jetted backwards and released fire, a spike come shooting from one of them and went straight through my jetpack, i was losing pressure fast and had to land before i ran out of pressure and fight off 3 flying aliens.
i turned off the jet and flew straight down i aimed up as i fell and blasted some more bullets into them, 1 fell down dragging down another alien with its wing, the alien caught tried struggling but the wing was wrapped round him.
i turned back on my jet using the last of its pressure and gently landed, i had lost site of the other one, i started travelling north to the closest marine base where the pilot had been taking me, i put down my jet so i could move faster then i heard an alien cry.
a shadowed swooped over me blocking the glazing sun, the alien was back and was floating above me, i shot some bullets into him but... i was now out of ammo for my lmg.
i pulled out my pistol and popped a clip into its wing, the aliens lost balance and fell down, i walked over to it... i tried hitting me with its claws i jumped back and shot it again, i pulled out my knife and stabbed it nine times... just to make sure.
it was getting dark and i had to hurry up to the marine base, i saw a building ahead of me and ran there as fast as i could.
when i arrived hundreds of marines were around, i was safe atlast...
the end
#### eh? <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
anyway i edited it and it has the details of them dying
I almost choked when I read this part.
so what did u think of the story? i bet it was #### lol
been waiting for ages