Ns_lost - Tips For Winning As Rines

MuntermanMunterman Join Date: 2003-09-25 Member: 21215Members
<div class="IPBDescription">anyone got tips for this tricky map?</div> ns_lost is the map that seems to be troubling me the most as marine, and I'm wondering if anyones got some little hints to help me improve my track record on ns_lost. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • chia-onochia-ono Join Date: 2002-11-27 Member: 10053Members
    edited September 2003
    Usually people would just either relocate or take control the three resource tower part of the alpha hive (los, requiem, alpha). So then there would be only two choke points, the halls of overlook and the weldable part of los paranoias (don't weld it open of course), especially the vent. As long as you keep that vent and the hallway cleared you got 3 rez for the rest of the game. If alpha or cargo isn't their first hive, then take control of tempature control/overlook. This should be your main effort as you send a few rambo marines to clear marine start ->coolant. If cargo is the main hive, then just keep the aliens out of the hallways and get a pg near equil to take that hive down if it has started (and of course it should have).

    If alpha is the first hive, then I would try to stay at marine start and keep the aliens out of your base and move to tempature, securing tempature and send a few to build resource coolent -> weldable resource (theres a bad bad way to get this resource node but I shouldn't mention it, it pretty well known already tho). The aliens will hit tempature hard so make sure you have it before you move on to cargo.

    But if you have a more experienced team, I would tell them to hunt for resources and build one after like any other map.
  • XandoXXandoX Join Date: 2003-08-19 Member: 19957Members, Reinforced - Gold
    i won this map successfully without any problems as commander without relocating... <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
    you have to keep your marines moving...
    2 ip/ arms/ tf / 1 obs and lets go... get 1 marine to the east of the map(seen through the eyes of the comm) and the rest to the southwest... the 1 marine gets as much rts as he can get and the others move to the hive southwest from the base( i dont know the name sry).
    on their way the build every RT (there is just one and one at the hive)...the RT near the base is now not essential...
    at hive, build tf....and many many turrets..get your team rush to the next hive, just one marine stays and builds the turrets...while doing this. build 3-4 turrets at base, and research phase tech... on the way to the hive at the south of the map, build every RT..
    at the hive, same procedure as last hive...then build PGs at the hives and base...sometime in between, build the rt near base....
    now..keep your squad on moving up to the last hive..get every rt you can find..if one rt is attacked...get your rines there...you can electrify some if you want...
    and while keeping your marines on moving, upgrade armory, build arms(i built 2, and upgraded armor and weapons at a time), build protolab,research HA..and so on...i had 6-8 res towers, and had a whole bunch of res in a short time..so i was able to equip everyone, and then rushed the hive, without sieging...rofl it was too easy...i never was in danger....
  • XzilenXzilen Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11642Members, Constellation
    I'll start a small guide for you.

    This would be for an assumed 8vs8 Game.

    I'll continue more later as I have class now, but here's what I got for now.

    At the start, send three marines towards Alpha, drop 1 IP, armory, a welder and send three marines towards the weldable outside base.

    Grab the 1 res node outside of there and leave 1 marine to guard (do NOT electrify this node). Drop arms lab, armor 1.

    Now if they have Equaliberium: Concentrate on the Alpha side of the map. Send the two marines left from the weldable over to coolant, if node is not up yet, have them prepare an ambush for the most likely incoming gorge. If node IS up, send marine from the rt to go help out. When all three are ready, make sure everyONE of them dashes it to pieces (saves time, and in most cases that I've witnessed, allows them to actually kill it in time.
    At Alpha, drop the RT, drop paranois as well. Two marines guard Alpha, 1 guards Los. Drop obsevatory in base, and TF at Alpha, and base. Upgrade to phase tech, place two turrets at Alpha.
    Grab Eternal, start electrfying all the nodes you have except the base node, and one immeditely outside of your base. Weapons 1
    Have the two/three marines in coolant move to tempertaure and take down the node. Afterwards try to get them into equiliberium, attack the upgrade chambers there if any. If not, or if you succeed in taking down the chambers, work on the res node there. Weapons 2+ Phase at Base and Alpha.

    Place two more turrets at Alpha, and start to upgrade your armory. Electrify your base TF which should be placed amongst your other structures, and drop one or two turrets.

    If anybody is alive at Equiliberium, weld gamma deck acess elevator. If not, get five marines grouped up at base, and make sure one of them has a welder. Push for Gamma deck acess, taking temp control down again if it has been replaced. Get a phase set up in the elevator and drop a tf (make sure as much stuff is in the corner and away from the vent that aliens can drop down from as possible) upgrade it, drop 4 turrets, and when done, place three sieges (4 if the aliens are agressive and you need it to go down quickly) Siege away at the hive, and grab the node there afterwards, electrify. Weapons 3.

    Armory should be done by this time, drop a proto lab in base and because the hive is cargo, I would suggest a HA train. Upgrade to heavy armor, and when the chance comes, upgrade to armor 2. Drop two more turrets in base, and secure gamma and alpha with just one or two more turrets each, grab Coolant and electrify that as well, as the Aliens should be confined to cargo at this time. Hand out a few shottys in case of mid game fades/onos.

    When HA train is ready, send out your marines to temp, take down node if it is up again, if not, proceed to External and take down the node there. Make sure you have at least two marines, one at each hive (ready to phase back to base) left that are not going with the HA train. If you get the res, drop yourself some HA as well (make sure those two marines are outfitted first of course) and an hmg/shotgun (not GL as that is not good to defend base with, it is more of an agressive attack weapon)

    Have the marines push into Cargo after getting a phase gate set up in external (if you feel like it, have one marine stand guard on it). If there are too many obstacles in the way, siege from the back of the hive, if not, just push on the hive regularly and take it down.

    Hope that helps. Feedback is welcome. I need to go to class now though, so peace.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Wanna win on lost? Keep Moving.

    90% of Lost games are alien wins purely because marines are slack. Lost is a small, tight map. Its vent heavy. Aliens can be anywhere in seconds. To counter this, you need to move swiftly and decisively.

    Take a hive, relocate to it (while still holding onto your spawn) and then rush to second hive, before the fast push to third hive.

    Locking down one hive won't win you Lost. Neither will locking down 2 if you face a competent alien team. You need to look at rushing straight from 2 to 3. Defending the hives will take priority over defending your spawn.

    If you are not swift and decisive, Onos will start appearing, and due to Lost's small size, said Onos can move insanely fast from spawn to hive to hive. Mines will slow this but tbh once Onos start appearing on Lost its close to gg, unless you've got that third hive on the ropes.
  • StoneburgStoneburg Join Date: 2002-11-11 Member: 8174Members
    I find three things helpful on ns_lost. In my opinion this is the most alien biased map in NS, and the stats support this. Several things conspire to make it so. Narrow hallways, lots of vents, bad Marine start...

    1. Armor upgrade. I tend to go extremely quickly for lvl 1 armor. The ability to take an extra bite on this map is very important to to the amount of extremely close combat and the big possibilities of ambushes. I usually drop an arms lab immediatly and upgrade.

    2. Shotguns. For the same reasons as above. Handing out two shotguns early and sending them, with an LMG:er out to kill the first alien res nodes is almost a must.

    3. Relocation. If not actually relocating, which is hard against an alert alien team, at least establishing a solid presence at one of the important areas. Internal Access/paranoias is one of theese. From internal access you can siege 4 (!) resource nodes, it almost locks off access to Alpha and it has two long hallways that can bring in teh RFK if used properly.

    The (admittedly few) times I have won this map as COM I have used the three above guidelines.
  • XzilenXzilen Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11642Members, Constellation
    So um should i both continuing?
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