Kentucky Join Date: 2003-04-05 Member: 15227Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Ns_Nothing</div>
I have seen a few comanders relocate go the Generator Area. Granted this is a nice centralized area, I was wondering on your thoughts to reloing to Viaduct, where the hive is. I figure with two ips on each side of an elect. tf and about three turrents would be good starting defenses. You also have about 3 rts right at your disposal. (gen. viaduct, and the one right outside via). I'm am totally new to comming in 2.0 so i was just wondering if anyone has tried this and if it has any sort of success rate. I figured the benefits are as follows:
1. Secured hive lockdown.
2. easy to defend rt's since they are so close to main base.
3. Should be able to get techs moderatly fast and hopefully contain aliens to one hive.
(I know it is more likely they will get 2nd hive up but if they do it will probably not be defended well and be an easy target)
Thoughts? Opinions? Flames? <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
I have seen a few comanders relocate go the Generator Area. Granted this is a nice centralized area, I was wondering on your thoughts to reloing to Viaduct, where the hive is. I figure with two ips on each side of an elect. tf and about three turrents would be good starting defenses. You also have about 3 rts right at your disposal. (gen. viaduct, and the one right outside via). I'm am totally new to comming in 2.0 so i was just wondering if anyone has tried this and if it has any sort of success rate. I figured the benefits are as follows:
1. Secured hive lockdown.
2. easy to defend rt's since they are so close to main base.
3. Should be able to get techs moderatly fast and hopefully contain aliens to one hive.
(I know it is more likely they will get 2nd hive up but if they do it will probably not be defended well and be an easy target)
Thoughts? Opinions? Flames? <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
Your idea of a competant gorge (OMG if there is one left) building 3 OC's there is a good point. I suppose they both have pros and cons but the more I think about it the more seksyer Cargo looks. I have so much to learn com wise. Oh well. A journy of 1,000 miles starts with a single step. Thanks for the quick replies.
Also - the vantage points. Between the red room vent system and the high gantry/vents in via, a gorge is probably going to cause you difficulties. It depends where, exactly, you relocate to in via.
You could probably pull it off. It would just be more difficult.
Now generator room itself is a lovely place to defend. Only two entrances, both quite large, and the room is big and open, which is perfect for marine defense. It's very hard to gas the place due to the nature of both entrances and the corridors beyond them.
Turning to the stratigic bonuses of generator room itself, we see that it's perfectly positioned between viaduct hive and cargo hive. If the aliens do not have cargo as their starting hive, savvy commanders after relocating to gen will quickly move to cargo and set up a secondary base. A double res point plus a hive location makes cargo an extreamly tempting relocation point, but a) it's hard to cover both nodes, thus requiring electrification, b) it's quite cramped in "Room with Things", making for difficult marine defense and c) you're a long way from either of the other hives. Expanding from generator is thus a better choice. If the aliens do have cargo, generator is an excellent position to mount an assault from.
If the aliens have viaduct, again generator is spot on for an attack. Two nice, long open corridors lead from the generator area towards viaduct and both are prime locations for a seige/phase base. Plus there's the infamous "Red Room" in the vents which can be used for seiging the hive if the com grabs some jetpacks. One of the vents leading there is right outside generator. Viaduct hive is one of those funny places on an NS map where the hive is easy to take for marines, but hard to hold.
Generator relocations also generally leave the Power Silo hive until last, for the exact same reason as the Viaduct hive. Power Silo is a very easy hive to take down, with 2 loooong corridors on either side that the poor skulks must run down. But once you have Power Silo, holding it is tough. Build in there, and unless you have gls gorges will bile bomb the place to peices from untouchable positions in the rafters. Lerks will also have tremendous fun gassing your marines and spiking your turrets. Thus, Power Silo is best left until last.
A viaduct relocation has a number of problems. For starters, there's the open area. Lerks will, and do, <i>love</i> areas like Viaduct. Your spawn will be gassed to hell from the walkway and there's little you can do about it until you have jetpacks. What's worse is, a gorge up there can bile bomb your base with impunity, unless you are inside the hive alcove itself, and even then you'll take splash damage. These two factors alone make Viaduct a risky relocation point.
Another problem though is sheer distance. From the marine spawn to Viaduct is a heck of a trek, and your team is very likely to be wiped out on the way. Generator is just that much closer to marine spawn.
Thirdly, there's the resource problem. Your two closest nodes are the external viaduct node, near gen room, and ominous kismet. Both are a fair distance away from Viaduct. Which means you'll have to electrify them both, and that means a large res cost early game. You can't seige 4 nodes like in gen room, so you're left with just one under your permenant control.
Fourthly, there are two vents leading from Power Silo and Cargo Bay that lead to Viaduct. Which means any aliens you kill will be back in the action very shortly. These two vents also come out just near your 2 expansion res nodes, so good luck holding them.
For the reasons I have stated above, a Viaduct relocation is probably doomed to failure from the beginning. Weighted up against Generator Room and Cargo Hive, it just doesn't cut it. There's really nothing to recommend Viaduct over the marine start; you're better off staying where you begin. It's a good idea, and it could work, but I really wouldn't expect it to. The aliens will very likely get two hives and when they do your spawn will be toast unless you have jetpacks, and with your resource situation being dire as I explained, you'll have a very slim chance of having the res for jetpacks.
This strat managed to keep the aliens split up across the map and kept us at bay with a superior spawn rate, even though we were killing them at a 2 to 1 pace. Crazy, I never had seen anything like it before.
Have I been sleeping under a rock for a *really* long time?
Have I been sleeping under a rock for a *really* long time? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
No u havent, some nubblet doesnt know hwat hes talking about if he said this, but i think this is referring to the two rts clse to the Cargo Hive.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Call it a brain fart. I totally did not think about Cargo. Your right. The two rt's are extremly close. I was thinking of vent because of the closed in area think that it would be a good defensive strat<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Relocating to the "Room With Things" outside Cargo hive has been a major strategy ever since the mapo came out, there used to be a third nearby rt in Communications Hub too but that got removed coz of the speed it gave to whoever was able to take the area.
As for the vent that leads from cargo to viaduct, boost a marine or two into it and you can successfully kill anything that comes down it then work on viaduct from there.
That's why you need to build turrets on the platform or on the pipes on the other side of the room.
Problem is cargo is difficult to hold against a semi-cooridinated alien team with out extensive farming. With Viaduct its a whole diffrent story. You cap and electrify the RT in viaduct. You have your Command Chair as far back under the hive area as possible, and you build NOTHING but the RT outside that little alcove where the hive goes. Its extremely difficult for aliens to take if you got 1 marine and 6 turrets there.
1) CommChair as far back as possible
2) 2 IPs right next to eachother as close to the CC as possible.
3) Armory kinda close to the ips off to the right if you are facing the walled part of the alcove.
4) Arms/Proto Lab as far to the left as possible
5) PG by the armory
6) TF Electrified in the middle of the alcove
7) wall of 6 Turrets at front of alcove about "2 turrets width" in.
8) 2-4 turrets by Ips/Armroy/ect. to provide cover.
9) If your takign a beating just place as many turrets above the alcove as possbile so that when aliens try to get to viaduct they get shot. It is farming so I look down upon it but it does work great.
If they Onos rush to take out the Turrets 1 Marine can take him out quick with a shotgun/hmg at lvl 3. Only time I saw this work was with JPs and HMGs/Shotties. They had to farm Generator and get a PG and TF on that upper catwalk in *Generator* but this allowed them to quickly JP rush Marine Start and Miasma to get Elect RTs there. It was a hard fast game and took a bit to set up but once it was it pwned. Im not gonna go into all the details cause personally the fewer whom know about it the better for me as an Alien player. I told you enough from what I saw once we knocked that damn TF out, but Sporing was difficult since they had a small farm on that catwalk in Viaduct ASWELL AS Generator with a PG there too. One of the best games I've ever played, but you MUST have a team that listens and know what your doign to pull it off.
Benifits from that BTW is that bilebombing and spores are moot against your base. Only raw power can take it out. 1 Marine with a HMG managed to hold off 5 onos with those 6-10 turrets helping him for about 20 minutes. Then we got lerks to actually umbra us and it worked out great when the gorge put the hvie up distracting the turrets (HA! THE ALIEN EQUIVILENT OF THE CC DROP! MUAHAHAHAH!) but we did it.
On top of that, does anyone have a screenshot of all these places? I can't picture it in my head but the Hive names
keep ringing bellls in my head.
I feel like such a n00b not knowing which name corresponds to which map, but word association without some kind of visual
has always been hard for me. god!! WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
<!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
<span style='color:yellow'>It's just so annoying how quickly resources add up even when skulks are not getting res bonus for killing marines.. small games are so hard to command.. there needs to be a resource cap in smaller games? stop aliens from getting like.. 2 res per tick when they only have 1 resnode?</span>
<span style='color:yellow'>It's just so annoying how quickly resources add up even when skulks are not getting res bonus for killing marines.. small games are so hard to command.. there needs to be a resource cap in smaller games? stop aliens from getting like.. 2 res per tick when they only have 1 resnode?</span> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Thats why you look to see where the aliens build their first RT's then send your whole team there and take them down and replace with your own RT's. You have to kill alien RT's or you lose.
Gen is an excellent room because it neatly slices the map in two, forcing aliens to go skulk and use the vents to get to/from cargo. When rines have been taking redroom and gen, it usually makes the endgame a battle for powersilo hive - one the rines inevitably win at that point.
Lots of Res in the area, 5 to be exact. 1 just out side to the left of generator room. 2 at cargo. 2 on the lower level. If you play it right you can control all of these nodes and that will very quickly cripple the kharaa team.
But you need a good commander and a quick team.