Loook A Guarantee Fix To Play Ns

flipmosquadflipmosquad Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 10039Members
I heard from a reliable source that WON wont becoming down anytime soon until they get steam to work in a timely fashion, so in the meantime why not reinstall your halflife, NS 2.0, and play there. You get more people and servers, you only get a handful of players in steam. Not to mention the many bugs you'll be facing until they get steam ns to work perfectly. Steam automatically updates things so just check from time to time until 2.1 comes out for NS. Why deal with all this hassle when you can be playing like me on WON without any problems 24/7. Its the same game people! its not like CS where steam gave it a facelift. And i think 2.1 will be the only way to play NS on steam. So do yourself a favor and play on WON for now. That will alleviate some of the headaches for our poor admins and our members who have to answer these repetitive problems.


  • devicenulldevicenull Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15967Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    Steam is pretty much working well..
    I have come across one bug.
    In chess, it does not correctly register a stalemate, I won a game when the other player couldnt move, but wasnt under attack, and steam didnt say I won.
  • DepotDepot The ModFather Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7956Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Posted: Oct 9 2003, 04:17 PM  by flipmosquad
    I heard from a reliable source that WON wont becoming down anytime soon until they get steam to work in a timely fashion, so in the meantime why not reinstall your halflife, NS 2.0, and play there. You get more people and servers, you only get a handful of players in steam. Not to mention the many bugs you'll be facing until they get steam ns to work perfectly. Steam automatically updates things so just check from time to time until 2.1 comes out for NS. Why deal with all this hassle when you can be playing like me on WON without any problems 24/7. Its the same game people! its not like CS where steam gave it a facelift. And i think 2.1 will be the only way to play NS on steam. So do yourself a favor and play on WON for now. That will alleviate some of the headaches for our poor admins and our members who have to answer these repetitive problems. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->You're certainly lacking (and prejudiced) in your knowledge of STEAM. It got a bum rap when it was released because of all the install problems, but I run a STEAM server AND play on STEAM servers and I'll not play on WON unless ther's no other option. Granted there are a couple of small bugs but the advantages STEAM offers now AND in the future certainly outweigh the disadvantages.
    <b>BTW</b>, MY reliable source said WON is all but out the door......best not to delay, and know that you <b>CAN</b> have WON <b>AND</b> STEAM clients coexisting.
  • flipmosquadflipmosquad Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 10039Members
    but thats my point why not wait until 2.1 comes out before you play ns on steam? And have them ultimatley fix all the bugs before you play. These bugs people are getting are from ns 2.0. And if you hardy get bugs I know you've tweaked your ns to play on steam from what I've read in this forum, if you feel you have to move, delete files, rename, add, then be my guest. I dont feel i need to do all that just to play a game. While you guys tweak your way to ns 2.0 steam, i'll just wait for 2.1. And if its still buggy, i'll play on WOn until 2.1 steam runs without a hitch! So while you guys find somehow to play ns on steam with your reptitive post, searches, fixes, and headaches, Ill be on WON with more players and more servers having fun. Your handful of people on NS steam can have your fun too, just let me know when you get a server that has more than 5 people playing ok? WON is still going strong believe me, more players there then in steam thus far, i will still get my ns on steam when 2.1 comes out and play it from time to time, but in the meantime my first choice will be NS WON until they pull the plug. And if they do then I'll be stuck in the same boat with you m8's!
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