Incident On Nwii
Join Date: 2003-08-12 Member: 19573Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Another NS roleplay</div> Rules:
- Make yourself a character. PM me with a short story, characteristics, etc. Please try to make well-rounded characters. Characters that excel at everything are likely to be dismissed on sight.
- Pick one or two specialties for your character (I.E. demolitions expert, siege engineer, medic, etc.)
- Quotes mean character talk (I.E. "Hey, how are you"), asterisks means actions (I.E.: *Opens the door*), and brackets means combat actions (I.E.: [Shoots at the skulk])
- Pick a color for your character. Comments are made in bold, uncolored font.
- Combat will be done by turns. While in a turn, each character can do up to two actions.
Firing 25 lmg bullets, 4 pistol bullets, 50 hmg bullets, 1 grenade --> 1 action
Moving, welding/constructing 200 points, welding 25 armor points --> 1 action
Free actions (Closing a door, handing a gun to a teammate, etc) --> 1 action
Reloading lmg, pistol, 4 shotgun shells --> 1 action
Reloading hmg, 8 shotgun shells, grenade launcher --> 2 actions
- The turn ends when every active player has done his two actions.
- While in combat, characters can talk as much as they want.
- All characters begin with the standard equipment (lmg, pistol, knife, light armour) WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Modified weapons are NOT allowed without my consent.
If you have any questions/comments fell free to PM me or mail me.
<i>The beacons of the space station flashed in the darkness, signaling its position to the oncoming transport ships. Th radio of the ship crackled.
"This is space station Tierra Santa to incoming ship. Please identify yourself. Over."
The ship's pilot glanced and the lights in the panel in front of him an pressed his comset.
"This is transport ship Serenity, we're bringing the latest crop of newcomers. Over."
Seconds went by slowly.
"Acknowledged Serenity and welcome. Dock in landing bay number four. Over."
"Thank you."
The pilot checked again the control panel and turned to the rear of the ship.
"Ok people, we're docking in in a few minutes. Strap yourselves!".
The ship landed with a slight bump and opened the cargo doors.</i>
- Make yourself a character. PM me with a short story, characteristics, etc. Please try to make well-rounded characters. Characters that excel at everything are likely to be dismissed on sight.
- Pick one or two specialties for your character (I.E. demolitions expert, siege engineer, medic, etc.)
- Quotes mean character talk (I.E. "Hey, how are you"), asterisks means actions (I.E.: *Opens the door*), and brackets means combat actions (I.E.: [Shoots at the skulk])
- Pick a color for your character. Comments are made in bold, uncolored font.
- Combat will be done by turns. While in a turn, each character can do up to two actions.
Firing 25 lmg bullets, 4 pistol bullets, 50 hmg bullets, 1 grenade --> 1 action
Moving, welding/constructing 200 points, welding 25 armor points --> 1 action
Free actions (Closing a door, handing a gun to a teammate, etc) --> 1 action
Reloading lmg, pistol, 4 shotgun shells --> 1 action
Reloading hmg, 8 shotgun shells, grenade launcher --> 2 actions
- The turn ends when every active player has done his two actions.
- While in combat, characters can talk as much as they want.
- All characters begin with the standard equipment (lmg, pistol, knife, light armour) WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Modified weapons are NOT allowed without my consent.
If you have any questions/comments fell free to PM me or mail me.
<i>The beacons of the space station flashed in the darkness, signaling its position to the oncoming transport ships. Th radio of the ship crackled.
"This is space station Tierra Santa to incoming ship. Please identify yourself. Over."
The ship's pilot glanced and the lights in the panel in front of him an pressed his comset.
"This is transport ship Serenity, we're bringing the latest crop of newcomers. Over."
Seconds went by slowly.
"Acknowledged Serenity and welcome. Dock in landing bay number four. Over."
"Thank you."
The pilot checked again the control panel and turned to the rear of the ship.
"Ok people, we're docking in in a few minutes. Strap yourselves!".
The ship landed with a slight bump and opened the cargo doors.</i>
<span style='color:yellow'>*Straps self in, looks around at the team then curses the pilots for the rough landing.*</span>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
"Good day and welcome. I'm Sergeant Garand. Pardon the rough landing, but we've been having problems recently with the gravitic drive. Each one of you has been assigned a room, they are all identified with your name on the door. Inside your room you'll also find the distribution of the shifts. That's all for now. Get to your rooms and go to the mess hall if you're hungry."
<i>The officer leaves the ship, stopping to talk to one of the maintenance crew on his way.</i>
<span style='color:yellow'>*Hating any machine that's not working has quick look at the gravitic drive.*</span>
<b>Waits to see if DM gives go ahead for this action, 'the rationale behind the action', it's a good thing to have thankful officers and friendly/willing transport drivers if or when you need help. Especially if they have to make a decision to wait for one more minute or they fly away just as you get to the landing pad.</b>
A.) The space station has several maintenace crew, so it's quite likely that somebody else is already trying to solve the problem.
B.) The person who's trying to solve the problem is, logically, someone specialized in such technology.
C.) Even the best ship rocks sometimes.</b>
<span style='color:yellow'>* Looks at drive sees how out of my depth I am says bye to maintenance crews and goes puts gear away. Realizing how hungry I am goes to Mess Hall and chows down. *</span>
However, if someone would like to make a map out of my simple sketch then feel free to do so, I must say I'd be flattered to see me humble story made on an NS map.</b>
Name: Muta
Age: 23
Nationality: Terran, Unknown
Unit: TSA, Level 1 Engineering
Strengths: Engineering, commanding and driving people crazy
Equipment: Pistol, Knife and a wrench
Notes: Orphan, found in an escape pod
<span style='color:orange'>*Walks to hotshot*
"Hey HotShot wake up!"
*He yelled to HotShots ear*
"We're there man.. Wake up"
*John walked to the ship airlock*
"Damn I allways have a bad feeling when i step on a new place"
*mumbled John as he walked to the landing bay door*</span>
By the sketch, the generator control room has no access, which means that no authorized personnel can get inside.
And last, please bear in mind that you came in a transport ship, like the rest of the team. Read the firsts post in case you have any doubts.
As an aside, I'll be waiting one or two more days. If nobody else has joined by that time we'll begin the play. In the main time...</b>
<i>The rooms in the the crew quarters where neatly aranged. The beds where perfectly maid, lockers and boards clean and shiny, and more importantly, ordered. The shifts where arranged by a practical mind, since the entire squad was on the same shift, presumably to avoid any problems related to lack of sleep incase an emergency arouse.
The personel belonging to the space station wore blue jumsuits, each with a small image of the crew he belonged to. Maintenace wore a wrench, communications an antenna, pilots a steering wheel and officers a small sign depicting a galaxy. The rest of the people inhabiting the space station where frontiersmen. The only civilians onboard where the cook an her assistants.
Shortly after the land, the speakers on the whole station came to life.</i>
"Red squad and newcomers, you have scheduled a meeting tomorrow morning at 07:00 hours to inform you of your new duties. I repeat, a 07:00 tomorrow morning."
<i>The voice thundered across the whole crew quarters and beyond. One of the doors of the rooms opens and a head comes out.</i>
"Oh!, it's just the newcomer's commander... poor guys" <i>Says the head and then closes the door swiftly, incase the commander overheard him.</i>
"Oh man.. One of these guys again."
*Stands up and puts equip on*</span>
"Who's makin' all the fockin racket out here?!?"
*See's the commander.*
"Oh, its only you."
*Goes back in the room and puts his armor on, puts a clip in his lmg and pistol, lays both weapons next to him on his bed and goes back to sleep.*</span>
"Are you done monkeying around, apes? If so, there's a meeting to attend RIGHT NOW, and then... we'll have a nice conversation.
By the way, if you are late to the meeting, you'll be cleaning the bathrooms for the rest of the month..."
<i>Having said that, the commander leaves the corridor. The clocks say it's 06:00 am, and the space station is becoming alive with activity.</i>
Age: 25
Unit: Medic
Strengths: Great with explosives, Knows first aid, never gives up.
Weakness: Chaces gorges, chaces oni, goes psycho some times
<span style='color:blue'>*Wakes up* "Huh? What the..?" *Gets out of bed and grabs peice of paper* "Hmm" *walks over to his equipment and throws it all on* "Time for work, i guess."</span>
"Hey she never said I had to be awake at the meeting."
*Goes to sleep.*</span>