Gah! My Fps! What Happend!

Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
<div class="IPBDescription">oh this is just WEAK....</div> Okay here is the deal. Im runnin a REAL pos 6-year old computer. Have been since 1.0. I *had* a 16-mb TNT nvidea video card. I had about 15-24 FPS unless there were a ton of Turrets built or a lot of bullets flying. Then it dropped to 8.

I recently 'upgraded' to the next generation, 32-mb TNT 2 nvidea, as it was free from my friend who got a 256 (lucky bum! its so perdy on his comp!). Well NOW my FPS is 6-8, about 4 in a room with a lot of gun fire/biting/turrets.

ANYONE have ANY ideas on how to fix this?!? It's impossible for me to kill anything w/o xeno as Alien, and I seriously used to be able to take out HA as a skulk. I'd like to have that ability back caues it saved my team a few games.

Please help. I despertly need it. I deal with code, not hardware. Oh and I KNOW I got the right drivers btw.



  • VeNeMVeNeM Join Date: 2002-07-13 Member: 928Members
    ask your friend what he did to fix , then upgrade the drivers and make sure you arent playing in 32 bit color
  • GargamelGargamel Join Date: 2003-01-04 Member: 11773Members
    I think its time to get some new hardware bro :/
  • MindFlayerMindFlayer Join Date: 2003-05-07 Member: 16113Members
    edited October 2003
    Try 16-bit mode (put -16bpp on your NS-icon).

    And here's some console commands that might speed up quite a bit at the cost of image-quality:
    gl_max_size "256" or maybe even 128 (maximum size for the textures)
    gl_ztrick "1" (inverse z-buffer trick, saves some bandwidth on old graph cards)
    gl_smoothmodels "0"
    gl_keeptjunctions "0" (some extra-polys away from corners etc. ?)
    gl_dither "1" (turn on dithering, in 16bpp-mode)
    gl_picmip "1" (greater the number, worse graphics, 0 as best-quality)
    gl_playermip "1" (same as above, except for all game models)
    gl_cull "1" (culls all the models that can't be seen, always keep at 1)
    gl_round_down "0" (no need to round down textures anymore if you use gl_max_size)

    And if you use OpenGL (which you should!) then you don't need any D3D support so put these as well:
    vid_d3d "0"
    gl_d3dflip "0"

    I also think you don't want to save all the players spray-logos forever, so put this:
    hpk_maxsize "4" (speeds up load-times a lot if your spraylogo-file has grown too much)

    There's also some visual/other stuff that most players won't need anyway so you could try these:
    cl_highdetail "0"
    cl_buildmessages "0"
    cl_dynamiclights "0"
    cl_musicenabled "0"
    mp_decals "50"
    r_decals "50"

    And if you're using Cheating-Death, then perhaps cd_fps "1" will speed a little.

    Hope this helps you!

    edit: added some more commands
  • VeNeMVeNeM Join Date: 2002-07-13 Member: 928Members
    Also download the low poly models from the customize forums, they help.
  • Longbow71Longbow71 Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21829Members
    edited October 2003
    oops double post... <!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Longbow71Longbow71 Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21829Members
    Well dude did you fully remove the old drivers from your , erm, slower then normal 16mb video card? It could be the drivers are having a conflict, I doubt the TNT would let you down that much, I used to have a Viper 770 which is basically a TNT2 core that peaked at 70 FPS, it also could be your system, maybe it cant handle that card, plus TNT support is nearly gone so maybe you got the wrong driver or incompatible one with todays Half Life setup? and if your using the one from the CD thats your problem right there lol. Could you please also post your system specs and driver version? Then maybe i could post you a link to a newer set of them, or determine if its your system. <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • XiileXiile Join Date: 2003-02-22 Member: 13818Members
    Go <a href='' target='_blank'>here.</a>

  • RaVeRaVe Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17538Members
    What CPU processor you got??
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