The Mother Of All Plugin Topics
The ModFather Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7956Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Tell us what plugins YOUR server runs</div> It certainly seems like every new kid on the block is developing a plugin for NS nowadays. Some of them are functional, some are for fun, and some are absolutely worthless. List here what plugins you run on your server and their functions. Post any opinions you may have on these plugins, whether a server op or player. On Depot's Nutz NS 2.01 FINAL I run these plugins and like them all:<ul><li>ArmoryHeal: Allows marines to get health at armory - reloadable<li>OnosBlocker: Allows server op to set minplayers and minhives for onos and fades<li>SuperLerk: Allows lerks to lift gorges <b>AND</b> marines for transport<li>LerkBite: Self explanatory - you select between spikes/bite for weapon 1<li>Unstuck: Frees stuck players - a <b>MUST</b> have<li>Rspore: Alien res nodes emit spores when 5 chambers are built and a marine is close<li>Whichbot: Alien bots only may be added<li>RCBot - Alien or marine bots may be added</ul>All of these plugins have been tested and will work on a WON or STEAM Win32 server. Let's hear what <b>YOU</b> like and why... <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
i used to run
oddman - which will give the team with less players the new arrival -- good plug
and structurehealth - which hehe, shows you a structures health =)~
but now that i updated to 2.50.58 on am they crash my server <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
PhaseEQ used with Armory Heal helps balance it towards the Marines
HLGuard and CD of course
Unstuck because we play alot of custom maps and is a MUST HAVE.
BuildLimit again because of the custom maps.
NSstatus bar because it rocks.
SuperLerk because it rocks.
win32 addons/adminmod/dlls/admin_MM.dll
win32 addons/hlguard/dlls/hlguard_mm.dll
win32 addons/unstuck/unstuck_mm.dll
win32 addons/cdeath/cdmod.dll
win32 addons/metamod/dlls/ArmoryHeal_mm.dll
win32 addons/metamod/dlls/phase_eq.dll
win32 addons/metamod/dlls/buildlimit_MM.dll
win32 addons/metamod/dlls/nsstatusbar.dll
win32 addons/metamod/dlls/superlerk.dll
BuildLimit again because of the custom maps.
NSstatus bar because it rocks.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->For the benefit of those not in the know please enlighten us to the purpose of these 2 plugins (describe briefly what they do).
<span style='color:blue'>O</span> <a href='' target='_blank'>Cheating-Death</a>
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> Currently in optional mode; will be required at some point.
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> For those unfamiliar with C-D, it's a client-server combination that aims to prevent cheats/hacks from working, and does a respectable job. It's a tiny, easy-to-use program. Install and run it when playing at Verbosity to rid yourself of that unsightly "[No C-D]" prefix.
<span style='color:blue'>O</span> <a href='' target='_blank'>AMX Mod</a>
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> Like AdminMod, only better.
<span style='color:blue'>O</span> ArmoryHeal
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> "use" the armory to get health back. Not as unbalancing as you would initially expect (pub marines need all the help they can get anyways).
<span style='color:blue'>O</span> NSStatusBar
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> Point at objects and see vital information. Kills immersion a bit, but nice to have.
<span style='color:gray'>O</span> <span style='color:gray'>OddMan</span>
<span style='color:gray'>--o</span> <span style='color:gray'>Marines always get the extra player. If the teams are even, the next player to join a team is placed on the marines, no matter what "join box" they used.</span>
<span style='color:gray'>--o</span> <span style='color:gray'>Currently disabled. Plugin behavior was confusing and irritating to newcomers.</span>
<span style='color:blue'>O</span> PhaseEQ
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> A commander's best friend. Drop med and ammo packs in a phase gate, and they'll be distributed automatically to players when they make requests using the built-in radio commands.
<span style='color:blue'>O</span> PhaseSelect
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> Pick your destination phase gate.
<span style='color:blue'>O</span> Unstuck Pro
<span style='color:green'>--o</span> say "/stuck" if you find yourself having an intimate relationship with the geometry.
unstuck pro -- because being stuck sucks
whichbot -- because not enuf people play ns under steam
rcbot -- because whichbot is only for aliens
amx -- lots of neat client features including rate manager
rate manager -- amx plugin that lets you adjust bandwith
prevent overflow -- amx plugin that fixes the maxerrorrdistance client overflow.
The last two I've just enabled in the past few days. Having the overflow crap fixed is great, because too many people download steam and try NS without bothering to check the forums for patches. I'd say that the AMX stuffs are my favorite plugins so far.
--o Like AdminMod, only better.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->I've run ClanMod, currently run AdminMod 2.50.56, and have never tried AMX. Why do you think it's better? Never mind, I think that's good subject matter for another topic...cya in General Server!
<b>W</b> - mooded for NS (by me <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> )
<b>Logmod </b> - because I like to use HLSW
<b>Unstuck </b>- because sometimes things still stick
<b>MM_ServerOps</b> - so our Ops can be known and our subscribers get some recognition too.
<b>Cheating Death</b> - Required
and in Adminmod we have
plugin_ns.amx -- admin_muppet is teh win <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
And the important stats with this set up is that it has been running for over 200 hours since the last restart and crashes are virtually unheard of. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
<i>linux dlls/</i>
Developed by <b>disq</b>, this plugin executes code of your choice on every client when they connect. Useful for blocking exploits.
<i>linux dlls/</i>
Anti-AFK developed by <b>[WHO]Them</b> that ignores mp_serverops.
<i>linux dlls/</i>
Admin icons for all mp_serverops! Works great.
<i>linux dlls/</i>
Hullu's unstuck pro. 'Nuff said.
<i>linux dlls/</i>
Custom version of <b>[WHO]Them's</b> NSStatusBar that shows only hive health, only to the aliens.
My only gameplay modifying plugin.
<i>linux dlls/</i>
Handy program that allows multiple people to see the server log with RCON via HLSW.
<i>linux addons/adminmod/dlls/</i>
AdminMod .56
My custom adminmod plugins:
Contains <b>admin_marine</b>, <b>admin_alien</b>, and <b>admin_tournament</b>, IIRC.
Exec's autoassign on all users. A bit buggy, as doing this usually sticks 10 on one and 6 on the other <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Another <b>[WHO]Them</b> creation! Let's RR's and Specs talk to people ingame and vice-versa.
<!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
Sorry I'm not very tech minded. Could you tell me where to get them and how to set them up please.
I'm interested in :-
Thanks for your time <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Sorry I'm not very tech minded. Could you tell me where to get them and how to set them up please.
I'm interested in :-
Thanks for your time <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Nearly any plugin you could want or nead can be found <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> on the Community Forums. Although Whichbot is shown there, I don't see RCBot, which can be downloaded <a href='' target='_blank'>here.</a>
<b>adminmod</b> (MM) - still more reliable, less buggy, and easier to set up than AMX, in my opinion <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
<b>blatt rate</b> (AM/LogD) - this isn't as good as the equivalent AMX rate controller, but it does the job of divvying up your bandwidth between all your players quite nicely, if I had my wish for this plugin it would be that it would control your maxupdaterate as well, and that you could configure it to ignore certain wonids, or specific external ips
<b>blatt map</b> (AM/LogD) - simply the best map voting plugin I have yet found, it isn't perfect, but it works very well and is very user/newbie friendly
<b>logd</b> (MM) - allows me to use a couple of my favourite plugins
<b>plugin_ns</b> (AM) - a must for adminning an NS server, I think, this allows you to move players from one team to the other, other admins I have heard of love the "muppet" option, I personally don't care about that, but to each their own I suppose...
<b>audiotracking</b> (MM) - this plugin doesn't work perfectly, but it does add atmosphere for the marines, and it doesn't crash the server, it allows the marines to audio track the aliens when they are close (like in the movie "Aliens"), when it works it is one of those things that helps give the marines a better chance, when you only have a few players on the server the marines tend to be at a serious disadvantage
<b>buildlimit</b> (MM) - this plugin limits the maximum number of turrets, siege guns, and comm chairs that the marines can build, I can't guarantee that it works the way it is supposed to, but it doesn't crash the server, and it is great at helping prevent comm chair and turret spamming, if I had one wish for it it would be that you could limit <i>all</i> buildables with it, both marine and alien, but the idea is great as far as it goes, with NS 1.0 too many buildables in the game would crash the server, this plugin helped prevent that, I don't know if NS 2.0 still has the same problem
<b>manualsiege</b> (MM) - allows the marines to use the siege cannon like a heavy gun against incoming aliens, a very cool idea, this plugin works well
<b>marinebleed</b> (MM) - supposed to make the marines bleed when they get hurt, atmospheric only, it doesn't crash the server or cause lag, but I can't guarantee that it works the way it is supposed to either as I was too busy playing to notice whether my buddies were bleeding or not...
<b>maxclass</b> (MM) - limits the alien "classes", this is a favourite plugin of mine as it helps give the marines a fighting chance on my server, it also promotes team play on the part of the aliens by forcing alien players to choose different alien classes and work together, I limit the aliens to 1 onos, 1 fade, 1 gorge, and 2 lerks, no more 5 onos rampages (server size is 10)
<b>phaseeq</b> (MM) - this is an absolute must for a small server, this plug allows you to store med packs and ammo in a phase gate, which are then delivered to a marine automatically when he uses the "I need ammo" or "Medpack" voice commands, this allows the marines to attack without having to have a commander, when you only have one or two on your team this is essential, this plugin works like a charm
<b>phaseselect</b> (MM) - again I don't know if this plugin works, but it doesn't crash the server and it can make life a little easier on the marines, beyond that it just makes sense, it allows the marines to choose which gate they phase to when they enter a phase gate
<b>selfweld</b> (MM) - I don't actually know if this plugin works, but it doesn't crash the server, it allows the marines to weld their own armour, again this is a plugin that makes it easier on the marines when there are only one or two marines on the team
<b>superlerk</b> (MM) - again, I don't know if this plugin actually works, but it doesn't crash my server and the potential fun factor is very high <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> I don't use the version that allows you to carry buildings though, mostly because of the bugs
<b>umbraspawn</b> (MM) - I don't know again if this plugin actually works, but it also doesn't crash my server, the point is to give those poor skulks a fighting chance when they spawn in the middle of a marine attack
<b>unstuck</b> (MM) - a server essential as far as I am concerned
<b><u>Plugins I Wish Worked</u></b>
<b>chamberseeding</b> (MM) - this plugin allows the aliens to place chambers on the walls and cieling, the idea is very cool, but so far the plugin has been tres buggy
<b>equipstore</b> (MM) - this was one of my favourite plugins with NS 1.0 and I wish someone would update it so that it could be used with NS 2.0, it is just a fantastic idea when it works, it allows you to store marine weapons and equipment in the arms lab and prototype labs, this is one of those plugins that really helps the marines when there are only a few players playing
<b>factorylimit</b> (MM) - this plugin is supposed to allow you to limit the number of turrets and siege cannons per turret factory, if it worked it would be a perfect idea, again, helping to limit turret farming and balance things out a bit when the number of onos is limited, the way it is on my server, it would only be useful to me though if it worked in combination with the buildlimit plugin
and marines just bleed once when bitten, <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->
A bunch of cool plugins
<!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
What about impulse control, you left that one out