Aussie clan starting up

AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
<div class="IPBDescription">As it says</div>I am looking for people in Aus that want to start a clan.
Dont know on the name yet, but if your interested msg me on icq or msn, or just pm me here.

let me here u say it
Aussie aussie aussie.
oi oi oi
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  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    I'm Australian, and I think starting the first Aust NS clan would be awsome.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    I'm not, and I think that the people come before the place when choosing what clan to join.
  • AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
    okay cool
    add me to msn or icq if u want
  • AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
    I am NOT saying that i dont want other people from other countries to join.
    It will just be easier because we are all local and the games will be a lot faster ping.
    Dont get me wrong here. I will not just play on Aussie servers because they have low ping, and i dont mind about high ping much anyway (fast computer, smooth gameplay , no diff) just that it will be easier to keep track of members because we are all in hell diff timezones and come on at differant times.
    I completely agree with you view about picking people before location.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    And I'm not saying I have a problem with an Aussie only clan. I'm just saying I don't see a point in location-oriented clans in which the members don't personally know each other in RL.
  • AggyAggy Join Date: 2002-08-15 Member: 1159Members
    Why not? It means that you can all play on local servers together..  <!--emo&;)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->
  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    Where do you live Tycho. Most of the servers I go on for CS have people playing from all over Aust in them. Often Half the people in a server live 400km away from each other. Generally clans form on skill, but when you have a limited supply of people things get tricky. I know people in quite a few Aust clans, and they certainly do not know each other in real life, simply because they live miles from each other.

    I don't play many mods simply because the servers are overseas and I get 400 ping on them. Clans are based on skill, but having said that, it would be stupidity to join a clan that was in a location such that you got 400 ping when playing for them. You would just be an encumbrance to the clan, and I can't see how that is better than just basing your clan on location.
  • JasonBostwickJasonBostwick Blossom Join Date: 2002-04-14 Member: 444Members, NS1 Playtester
    I can definitely see this being reasonable when it comes to an Aussie only clan.
    It might not make sense to limit clan members by location in say, North America or Europe, where most you are within 4 timezones of most people, but in Australia, the only close country is New Zealand, and they are both quite a few timezones away from most other gamers (in North America and Europe.)
    Organizing matches and practices with a North America/Australian clan would be quite difficult, due to the time differences. We have enough trouble with EC, as half of our members are European, and the other half are North American. There's a 7 hour time difference in some cases, and if we have matches against EGC, the time difference could be 9 hours to some of their players.

    Really, if you're planning on making a new clan, it would definitely be best to stick to members within the same continent as you. In our circumstances with EC, the positive (us being exceptionally good pals that know eachother well, albeit virtually) outweigh the cons of being scattered across the globe.

    You know, I think it is time we got a "Clan Forum" for all these recruitments/league announcements/etc regarding NS Clans. We've started to have a number of clan based inquerys pop up.
  • MouseMouse The Lighter Side of Pessimism Join Date: 2002-03-02 Member: 263Members, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    We need a name <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
  • AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
    Thanks for everyones support on this  

    Now what can we do for a name?
    Why not [AUS] or something simple like that?
    Just a suggestion

    Anyway i think we have 3 members now
    Mouse, Carbon and me.
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  • ScytheScythe Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 46NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation, Reinforced - Silver
    Count me in too!

    I'm in Gladstone, Queensland.

    I don't know of a name, we should make it a habit to put our tags <b>after</b> our names, makes it easier to tab-complete. :-D

    <a href=""></a>
  • AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
    All right then that makes 4!
    But what do you mean about tab-complete?
  • MouseMouse The Lighter Side of Pessimism Join Date: 2002-03-02 Member: 263Members, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    It's a feature on mIRC, you type the start of someone's name and then press tab and it runs through all the names starting with those letters
  • AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
    yeah that just reminded me.
    Maybe we should have a channel for mIRC?
    And what channel are u guys mainly in?

    btw. Everyone happy with [AUS]?
  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    This is good. Shall I make a set of clan sigs when we work out a name? <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
  • TRANCEBOYTRANCEBOY Join Date: 2002-07-30 Member: 1027Members
  • AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
    sure if u want to carbon.
    i'll try and get us a website if i can
  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    Trans-System Aussies, TSA for short <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
  • DunsbyDunsby Join Date: 2002-08-01 Member: 1042Awaiting Authorization
    Im gonna make a uk only clan... if you wanna join pm me.
  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    Hmm, Have you noticed how this thread was started regarding an <i>AUSTRALIAN</i> NS clan, not a UK one. Please do not try to hijack threads. If you think that you can start your own clan, fine, great, but start your own thread.
  • AshitakaAshitaka Join Date: 2002-09-06 Member: 1288Members
    Carbon TSA sounds good  <!--emo&;)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->
    SBV just make a new thread.
    Cant be that hard can it?
  • DunsbyDunsby Join Date: 2002-08-01 Member: 1042Awaiting Authorization
    Well erm im not stealing your members lol, Australlia is far away from england, and people that live in Australlia would join aussie clan and british would join uk clan... Ill make a thread anyway.
  • MouseMouse The Lighter Side of Pessimism Join Date: 2002-03-02 Member: 263Members, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    I think we should be called....

    <span style='color:red'><b>T</b></span>ACTICAL <span style='color:red'><b>S</b></span>TRIKE <span style='color:red'><b>A</b></span>USTRALIA!

    what do ya think? <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • dragonsbladedragonsblade Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1104Members
    that was a good idea on having people from your contry in the clan me clan fe has people all over the place and when we play sven or somthing for practicing team work are pings are horrible. so that was a good idea.
  • Carbon14Carbon14 Join Date: 2002-07-29 Member: 1025Members, Retired Developer
    Actually Mouse, that's quite good.
  • DunsbyDunsby Join Date: 2002-08-01 Member: 1042Awaiting Authorization
    Tedious Suicidal Aliens
  • Rico1Rico1 NS Oldtimer Join Date: 2002-05-24 Member: 664Members
    I wish you guys the best of luck in your new clan. Its a hard road to drive in, but once you get on path it makes for enjoyable moments.

    Good luck  <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
  • ScytheScythe Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 46NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation, Reinforced - Silver
    It would be cool if we could squeeze Anzac in there so it could be a joint aus/nz clan.

    Carbon14: A clan cig would rock, great idea!

    I usually hang out in #naturalselection and #omgdoom (my own doom 2 co-op channel :-) on I like the [AUS] tag, maybe it could be a double meaning acronym like Anzac United Something.

    <a href=""></a>
  • JediYoshiJediYoshi The Cupcake Boss Join Date: 2002-05-27 Member: 674Members
    <s>Yo Ashitaka, I'll join, if you're looking for members of course.</s>

    Darnit, not in Aussie, nvm <!--emo&:(--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->
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