Most Odd Alien Wins..

itsmemoitsmemo Join Date: 2003-07-17 Member: 18232Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">just when you think you've lost</div> I remember this game, so unbelivable and funny some people on the server still speak of it. This happened back in 1.04 on ns_nancy. The server was redphive ns 2, it happened a while ago.

Well the marines had taken the map, they had all tech, ha/hmg. The aliens had port engine hive they were burried with ocs and had a few lerks and skulks, No gorges. The marines got greedy didnt bother to siege they were just being idiots and stat whoring. But this was the unbelivable thing, 1 skulk managed to escape through the vents and make his way all the way to marine start (marines had the entire map secure btw, imagine the journy) and start chomping on the ips, no marine phased back to base I suppose. I was not aware of the skulk being in thier base yet, he got both the ips and I'm not sure but the comm must of jumped out to stop him and failed.

The marines not knowing what was going on all the of a sudden asking, OMG WHY AM I NOT SPAWNIG!!11

eventually we killed all the marines and won the game..

That skulk is still a regular on the redphive servers that is down at the moment, I dont remember clearly who it was though, just a really funny game.


  • TOOLTOOL Join Date: 2003-10-07 Member: 21501Members
    man i remember the marines were winning and took out all our RT's ...then we got a fade doesn't take much does it?
  • Fro5tyFro5ty Join Date: 2003-09-26 Member: 21238Members, Constellation
    edited November 2003
    IT was 2.01, on the LGSO Killing Fields server. The map was ns_caged. There had been two games prior to that ont eh same map (they were like 2-4 minutes each) where the aliens owned teh marines. Well, we knew they were heading for double, they knew we'd be waiting. Well, I went to double and set up in an ambush position. The marines come around the corner and I spring into action, taking one down, expecting my team mates to come from around the corner or behind and own the rest of the team while they were busy with me. But I was mistaken, they were off somewhere else, building RTs. I say taht they're taking double res, and they're just going "Okay." IT isn't until they realize taht they have RELOCATED to double and they're like "OH S**T! They have double!"

    SO I'm pretty much saying DUH as I head back there after my previous death trying to keep them out. "Everyone that can, head to double res!" Well, I'm once again all alone. The comm had a tf with 6 turrets, one rt and the cc with 2 ips and an armory. Well, I come from behind and nail the guy building the ips, (and they weren't built yet.) I then proceed to the armory and kill the two that were humping it. They had no time to react to my attacking whatsoever. It's at this time that my team realises what's going on and head to double. I come around the turret factory to another guy right next to it and proceed to kill him. Here I am, 52 health, 8 armor with two guys left. I head over to the guy on the left and manage to take him out while the rest of my team comes in and owns the last guy. We squash the TF and the IPs. They then head to the MS where the comm is and I jsut stay in double res, laughing over the voice comm. In a situation where I should have only been able to get two guys at the most, I get nearly all their team in just one attack and survive. Needless to say, I think Murphy was on my side that day. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Alias20Alias20 Join Date: 2003-04-05 Member: 15212Members
    I just played the weirdest game tonight.

    ns_origin on Team Fun's server just a few minutes ago.

    Playing aliens, we start off in furnace. Few of us go to marine start and do some good damage and score early kills to slow down the marines. As we're locking down vent, marines try to take double by building in the upper room. They siege the defenses and both rts, but we're able to rout them before they can turret up the lower section. Things are looking pretty good. We have two hives taken care of. We went sensory for first hive but the second is up and d chambers are on the way. Biodome goes into our hands easily and we have a pair of oni, some fades and lerks, and basically waiting until we get that magical property that lets us take over marine start.

    Then the marines blast out furnace side with a sg and gl rush. Walk all the way into the hive and drop it with barely any losses. We have guys all over the map, and no one is responding to our pleas to help defend the hive. Marines take a quick trip through the vents, and blast away the vent hive as well. Fortunately we manage to get the biodome hive up before our team starts dying out, and are able to hold it the tense few minutes it takes to finish.

    This was going on for seriously thirty minutes. We'd get one hive up only to lose another. They'd hit us with jetpacks at one hive, we'd take another with oni and fades. Fortunately we still held most of the res on the map since the marines never stopped to rebuild RTs. The ones that they did were quickly dropped by our guys. Eventually the marines simply ran out of res and couldn't buy any more shotties or gls. We can finally solidify all three hives again and this time smash marine start before they can recooperate.

    Strangest game I've ever played. Game went from us owning the map to our team coming to the brink of disaster, then back again. Hell of a comeback for our team too. Dunno how we managed to pull that out.
  • ElusiveLlamaElusiveLlama Join Date: 2003-10-19 Member: 21787Members

    Classic RTS action...2 really good players go at each other. The balance of power swings back and forth constantly, but what decides the victor is the cash flow (ie. res). War of attrition.
  • BallistoBallisto Join Date: 2003-05-19 Member: 16503Members
    i remember one game on i think tantith (the one with satalite communications), as marines, we were dominating the map in res, had shotguns and had something like 6 res nodes. im not totally sure how it happened... i think two skulks sneaking into the base and the comm not doing anything about it... but somehow the comm chair went down. and it went downhill from there. was really frustrating, going from winning to screwed just like that.
  • TechenTechen Join Date: 2003-05-15 Member: 16340Members, Constellation
    Your discription sounds like what happens when aliens attack rez towers so much that the comm starts to ignore some of the "Your base is under attack" messages. <!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo--> Next thing you know, he's ignored the messages for 2 minutes and "poof" the comm chair is gone. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • J3kJ3k Join Date: 2003-09-04 Member: 20562Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--zerg_queen+Nov 3 2003, 09:51 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (zerg_queen @ Nov 3 2003, 09:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
    That skulk is still a regular on the redphive servers that is down at the moment, I dont remember clearly who it was though, just a really funny game. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    it was 2 skulks muta, one was JD the other....
  • gekigariongekigarion Join Date: 2003-08-24 Member: 20172Members
    edited November 2003
    By sheer coincidence (And by pity out of me), I witnessed both rushes on both teams in one game.

    Map was ns_caged, as marines we started on a shotty rush. Unbeknownst to us, the kharaa did a rush as well -- taking the long way around. We ended up at their hive, and I, realising the Kharaa team was outnumbered, switched over (Yah, I knew that I'd die to the shotties the moment I spawned, but heck) and I heard one of the Kharaa players say "GO" and our hive started dying.

    I heard "COMM CHAIR DOWN!!!" And I saw the hive die. Then I heard "HURRY PUT UP DCS" and then the game was...

    5 Kharaa hanging around DCs (Me dead) versus 5 marines without a comm chair (Apparently the commander jumped out thinking he was a god and died)

    The ones that had not spent resource turned into lerks and along with the gorges... they could get healed and spike the marines, while the marines had no healing. So the kharaa won.
  • im_lostim_lost TWG Rule Guru Join Date: 2003-04-26 Member: 15861Members
    I remember a game back in 1.04, ns_bast, Team Fun server, we started at Engine Room hive. Our starting gorge didn't have a clue what he was doing, so he started by placing a few offense chambers outside Engine Room hive, where the rotating doors are. Normally, a team would be doomed at this point, but luckily we were good enough to keep the marines out of atmospheric processing for a while. After about 20 minutes me and another alien decide to temp gorge to drop rt's, without asking the team (usually this would make people very angry, but our main gorge sucked so much that no one really cared). I built the rt in the Refinery hive room, and I don't know what the other gorge did. About 2 minutes later engine room is under attack, and I am the only gorge left. I plop down another rt, and engine room is still under attack, with a long spawn queue. At this point I decide I need to save for Refinery hive. I eventually get 80 resources and put the hive up, and about a minute later engine room hive goes down. There was no ping of death, so marines knew a hive was up. They scanned refinery hive and found it there. Somehow, in the 2 minutes it took to finish the hive, the marines did nothing productive. There were no attacks on refinery hive, or on the few oc's I put up in the walkways to the hive. After the hive went up and everyone spawned in, we easily took feedwater hive, which the marines somehow failed to secure while we didn't do anything. Res was coming so fast at the time that I don't even know if I put up the hive or not, because there was also another gorge next to me. The hive was immediately filled with 8 oc's and 8 dc's. As soon as feedwater went up, everyone went fade. I think we cleared out atmospheric processing at that point. At about 40 minutes into the game, I had to leave for class.

    When I got back, a friend of mine told me how the next hour of the game went, from the marine's perspective. Apparently, they killed quite a few fades, but aliens had so many resources that they kept getting replaced. Marines took out a hive quite a few times, but aliens kept taking back a second hive, and the 80 resources to rebuild it wasn't a problem. For killing one of the hives, the marines had sieges outside feedwater, but aliens had killed the observatory, so my friend ran into feedwater and jumped into the water pit below the hive so the sieges could hit it, eventually leading to the hive dying. In the end, the aliens won. I wish I could have played the whole game, but it was still good to know that I made a huge difference in the game.
  • gekigariongekigarion Join Date: 2003-08-24 Member: 20172Members
    <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo--> Who was the commander that you were fighting against, lost?

    And what happened to the Team Fun server nowadays-- is it down? <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • UrzaUrza Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11514Members
    edited November 2003
    A long time ago, in december last year, we were loosing terribly. I was a gorge, and the rines were killing our hive (Generator). I rushed of to sewer, built the hive, built some rts, ran on to vent, built the second hive. Sewer hive was dead or dying by then. The rine commander didnt ping, or they didnt have mt, but anyway, they couldnt find me until the hive was finished. Within a few minutes, aliens were back in full force and destroyed the rines. I survived on my own for about five minutes.

    How I long for the olde days...
  • StoatBringerStoatBringer Join Date: 2003-06-09 Member: 17144Members, Constellation
    Ages ago, playing ns_europa on 1.04. We were defending our last hive, and the marines were relentlessly pushing us back. They had HA and HMG, and it looked fairly hopeless for us.

    I managed to sneak past the marines and make it to their base, which had plenty of turrets BUT there was a blind spot behind the comm chair. So I set about chomping, expecting to be gunned down at any moment. However, the comm chair went down and they didn't have a spare. But without a comm, no more armour, guns, medpacks or jetpacks for them.

    After that, it was only a matter of time as they were so severely weakened by the loss of the comm. We reclaimed one hive, then slaughtered them.

    Even when it looks hopeless, you can still come back from the brink and win. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • im_lostim_lost TWG Rule Guru Join Date: 2003-04-26 Member: 15861Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--gekigarion+Nov 5 2003, 02:31 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (gekigarion @ Nov 5 2003, 02:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo--> Who was the commander that you were fighting against, lost?

    And what happened to the Team Fun server nowadays-- is it down? <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I have no idea who the comm was, but he must have been as bad as our gorge for us to win that game. Team Fun server is still up. It is usually full, so after a few minutes of being in the readyroom or spectating you are forced on to a team.
  • BallistoBallisto Join Date: 2003-05-19 Member: 16503Members
    this is why comms, it's a good idea to drop a welder to REPAIR THE COMM CHAIR!!!!
  • Fat_WangFat_Wang Join Date: 2003-08-31 Member: 20420Members
    i played a awesum yet odd game yesterday. map was bast. we had everything cept engine room which they had. our oni were getting chewed up. i got a brilliant plan..sorta. <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> +newly built hive next to rines+aliens using mcs when hive under attack=lots of aliens on top of rines. so 1 guy went gorge, rest of us went onos. gorge built hive, hive icon flashed red, oni use mc, all of a sudden, 10 oni and a gorge r in engine room tearing up their base <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • The_SnakeThe_Snake Join Date: 2003-04-25 Member: 15824Members
    I remember one game.

    Commander: PolyKarbon
    Map: ns_mineshaft

    The aliens were bearing down at us. Lerks were sporing like crazy. Ono's were coming in and attempting to devour people every 20 seconds. Than, our commander did the most n00bish thing on the face of the earth. He took all our stockpiled res (100 to 200) and used every bit to build a billion Sentry Turrets.

    It worked however, the sheer number of Sentry Turrets kept the aliens out, if only for so long.
    Our commander said this was our last stand against the aliens, and if were going to lose, than we were going to lose with honor. Many of us agreed. Our one functional resource tower kept bringing in resources, which were used to build more Sentry Turrets. a good 5 or 6 of us had Heavy Armors. 2 or 3 of us had GLs.We were told to keep firing outside, the keep the aliens out. The other 3 had HMG's and stayed in the base, incase an Onos got brave and attempted to eat one of our men. I got eaten once, but the comm used some of our limited, and precious res to get me another HA/GL. This time I stayed in the back and kept on firing. The Light Armors ramboed and attempted to take out whatever they could. Eventually the aliens got gorges and started to bilebomb us. However a good portion of us were told to weld all the turrets, so the turrets stayed up. The comm dropped at least another 20-30 turrets in the time. There were so many turrets, the ping rose to 300-400 ms. The aliens gave up bilebombing and attempted to Onos rush us again. However, there were so many turrets than the Oni just couldn't get in and out fast enough.

    It was stalemate, and this went on for ours. I was determined to fight, and die with honor.
    But the latter never came. The aliens just gave up and F4'd. So the marines won, even though they were surrounded and being sieged by the Aliens.
  • Paranoia2MBParanoia2MB Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7832Members
    edited November 2003
    To the guy at the very first post (topic starter).

    I would like to cleary state that on that game, time, server, map. That win was thanks to my friend Cj and myself (who where both lanning on the Kharaa team.) We simply used their technology against them and the Marine PG saved our lives. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Every so often my friend Cj (player name in Ns too) and I (Paranoia-2MB) talk about that GLORIOUS WIN!

    Thing is though. That win was 100% mine. The other games where somebody else sine i've stopped playing on RedPhive servers because they aren't very great imo. Always bots in there, high ping ( I think ) and isn't my kind of server. But yes, I GUARANTEE you that win was thanks to me.
  • FarMcKonFarMcKon Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21476Members
    I also have a good 1.04 story.

    Back when I first joined eXa we were playing in a scrim on ns_caged, and the other team had just seiged our 2nd hive. As they attacked the 3rd hive, (seiging and destroying it) we aliens rushed their base, and destroyed it, and killing the comm. After all of the carnage, and aliens dying from having no hive, there were 2 people left.

    In the walkway to the ladder(you know, below where the comm chair use to be when it was on the platform) our gorge had built 3 D chambers. Outside, looking up longingly at the comm chair (so close but so far away) was a single marine.

    It basically turned into a 5 min. Gorge v. Marine standoff.
    Marine fires Pistol.
    Gorge shoots spit.
    Marine tries to knife D chambers,
    Gorge tries to put up an O chamber.
    ... etc.

    It was the funniest game I have ever played in. Marine won, with about 10 health.
  • DementedDemented Join Date: 2003-07-30 Member: 18573Members
    edited November 2003
    Yes, everyone has had their fair share of weird alien victoires.

    I believe it was during my n00b days in 1.04, when i would go gorge and in so doing land the marines an incredibly easy win. The map was in ns_nothing, and it was a 3v2 match. Most 3v2 matches don't pass for "proper" games, but the number of players grew and grew. By the time the game ended, it had turned out to be a full-fledged 10v10 match.

    The aliens had 2 players. My teammate was your average run-of-the-mill player who possessed a positive outlook on life. Which was very fortunate. Despite him knowing that I was a noob, he allowed me to gorge. We were swimming in res in no time. I decided to get viaduct hive, but in my n00bishness i had also decided on erecting a formidable defence network to protect the hive before proceeding to burn 80 res on the hive itself. After 12ocs and several dcs, i was satisfied that viaduct hive was adequetly defended. I put up the hive. Unfortunately, the marines had those dreaded JP/HMG by the time I had completed my tour of viaduct hive. Even worse, I was unaware of the existence of a concealed chamber know as the 'red room'.

    Suffice to say, viaduct went down without much contest. The alien and marine ranks had been bolstered by newcomers to the game. Power silo did not have the luxury of an elaborate web of offence chambers and the like, so it went down to JP/HMGs as well. The marines proceeded to lock it down with a tf and a pg. I was unaware of the gravity of the situation and wandered round the map, completly oblivious to the impending doom. I found a little vent above an unguarded marine rt. I also found out that it was rather lengthy and led to a wide hallway with telltale signs of a possible alien infestation. I realised that it was called "cargo hive". I proceeded to create (I wanted to use another word here but apparently it got censored for being too suggestive) the same formidable defence network (thanks to res overflow), then put up the hive itself. By some strange stroke of luck, the hive went up the moment power silo went down. I was aware that the marines had shifted their base of operations to close proximity of cargo hive, and by chances of survival were slim at the very most. Miraculously, no one noticed me or any of the structures I had built. One marine proclaimed (in capital letters) over global that power silo was down. Nevertheless, we attacked with renewed vigour. I personally set up two offence chambers outside their base in the corridor leading away from the marine base. As it was not standard practice to build a turret factory in base then, the marines were ill-equipped to set up a siege base. Even more miraculously, we took down the marine base in cargo. Red room was next. Soon, we were bombading humans with deadly acid rockets. In the glory days of the fade, acid bombardment meant that the game had swung into the hands of the aliens and would not slip away anytime soon.

    We won, of course. I have seen victories more lopsided than this before. Nevertheless being the architect of an amazing comeback (in the eyes of a n00b at least) feels really good.

    Remember kids: a noob gorge has its uses.
  • PithlitPithlit Join Date: 2003-05-07 Member: 16120Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--gekigarion+Nov 5 2003, 05:06 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (gekigarion @ Nov 5 2003, 05:06 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> By sheer coincidence (And by pity out of me), I witnessed both rushes on both teams in one game.

    Map was ns_caged, as marines we started on a shotty rush. Unbeknownst to us, the kharaa did a rush as well -- taking the long way around. We ended up at their hive, and I, realising the Kharaa team was outnumbered, switched over (Yah, I knew that I'd die to the shotties the moment I spawned, but heck) and I heard one of the Kharaa players say "GO" and our hive started dying.

    I heard "COMM CHAIR DOWN!!!" And I saw the hive die. Then I heard "HURRY PUT UP DCS" and then the game was...

    5 Kharaa hanging around DCs (Me dead) versus 5 marines without a comm chair (Apparently the commander jumped out thinking he was a god and died)

    The ones that had not spent resource turned into lerks and along with the gorges... they could get healed and spike the marines, while the marines had no healing. So the kharaa won. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    How did you get healed by gorges? Heal Spray is a Hive 1 Ability
  • Kung_FoolKung_Fool Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4092Members
    I still remember this one time when i was on the marine team on ns_hera, and we were pwning the aliens left and right. We were on our way to their last hive, most of us had HA/HMG (myself included) and all of a sudden we were attacked by a skulk wave, and even though I managed to take down 3 skulks by my own I was injured pretty bad. My request for a medpack was never answered, and I got suspicious and looked at the scoreboard. Nearly everybody was alive except for one player, and about 2 seconds later I realized that this one player was the commander.

    At this point my jaw just dropped, and I was like "OMG they got the commander and the IPs, everybody stick together!". Of course some panicked and just ran off into various directions, a little group of us however decided to fight until the bitter end. We tried to make our way to the hive, but got attacked by 3 fades and I myself got seperated from the group when i ran for my life. So there I stood, friendless in a very hostile environment, and then I began to aimlessly wander the map. After about a minute I finally found my group again and we assaulted the hive.

    It was a fierce battle, and I was the last one alive after a while, but managed to take down the hive and the ping of death began. I just stood there in the hope that no alien would find me, but got attacked by 3 skulks and a fade who finally found back to their hive. The 3 skulks died to the POD however, but the fade actually managed to kill me, only to keel over half a second later.

    Although the aliens theoretically won this match, we just called it a draw. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • chia-onochia-ono Join Date: 2002-11-27 Member: 10053Members
    edited November 2003
    I remember playing war2 in kali (or was it dark tower) against a top ranked guy called brassmonkey. Map was GoW. I had three townhalls and he had 3 and a fourth going up. When I took out his fourth TH outpost, but not before he Grush and towered my 3rd TH. By that time my level 4 ogres were up and were starting to storm his 3rd TH, and this dude got freaking ogre magis! To my luck he didn't get runes yet and I manage to take this 3rd th down due to some catapult phanalx (circleing the catapluts by ground troops). But at the same time he was taking my second outpost. I realized I am about to lose so I quickly constructed 2 more town halls (one of them being the one I took down from him). With kroggs eye all over the map I found he was building two more halls as well. To make a long story short, we take and retake each others mines until about 13 of the gold mines in that map was depleted, (there were about 20 in GOW). What happen was everytime I attack he counter attacks or vise versa. At one point he even had the audacity to take the middle mines. Of course that is nothing hard to take down with a few catapults over the trees with some lighning (speedboost) and blust dragons. But he did manage to mine one of the four middle mines to depletion before I take it down. After a grueling battle for about two hours, I was down to one last mine and he had 3 but his third was going down, (standard games on war2 was about 20-40 mins), after I took it down and he only has one mine and another almost depleted mine, he motioned for a draw. Of course I took it lol, since the only way to win really is to finish mining the whole map and then see who has the most units left. ahhh the modem/bbs days.
  • jamespsxjamespsx Join Date: 2003-10-16 Member: 21708Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Alias20+Nov 4 2003, 07:48 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Alias20 @ Nov 4 2003, 07:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I just played the weirdest game tonight.

    ns_origin on Team Fun's server just a few minutes ago. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    dude u were playing on teams funs allergic reaction?! i love that server... i just wiosh i could play ns for the time being as the internet with ns and hl on is not connected to the internet... dumb brother says 'only one computer can have the internet at any one time'.... ****ing brother... i would have been helping u then if i had internet.... <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> :'(
  • WolvWolv Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 56Members
    1.04 NS_Nothing lerklift plugin
    Marine relocation to Cargo hive with most of the other top-side RT's as well.

    So there we were, fades vs HA. I was a gorge with 80 res saved up. Lerk picked me up and quickly carried me to the Cargo hive through the vent. I build the hive. He flew me back. The marines never noticed a thing until the entire alien team MC'd right next to their base <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • sunsun Join Date: 2003-11-12 Member: 22714Members
    ill tell you about 2 wins... one marinse and one alien both on the server.

    fist, the off topic one.
    It was on NS_eclipse or origin, whichever one had pipeline. As marines, we had 9 HAs, fully equipped, vs 3 hives. We seige, attack, and destroy 2 of them, but then spawn got totally killed. By now, theres 5 HAs, and a LOT of **** aliens, and everyone was telling us to F4, etc. But, us left alive, say "screw it, we can do it!" ...we walk over to pipeline, losing 2 HA to 2 oni, but we killed them. So, with three of us HA left, we start attacking the hive, which is undefended. then, we run out of ammo and have to weld the skulks and the hive... weeee! best win ever! <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->

    And now, this one happened tonight on NS_tanith, as aliens.
    We started in fusion, and it looked like aliens would lose. We had fusion, waste, and RR, but the marines had a full HA train and sat comm. So, they build seiges in fusion, in that little tunnel. That little tunnel had 6 Has, and at least 3 gls, so we spent a good 20 minutes attacking it. We spent at least 4 onos, a few fades, and god knows how many skulks in there... Everytime we destroyed something, a ha would come along and just spamm us to death. Apparently they didnt take our res out, nor bothered to defend marines spawn, so we just kept on hitting them with upper life forms.. and they kept killing us easily. So, eventually we win out by hitting them with 4 onos at once, 3 of which died. (bc the other onoses blocked them actually) and fusion is secure. But it turns out, the comm still had his HA train, and worse, had 4 or 5 GLs. They relocated to sat comm, and its almost impossible to get into that hive. That train heads out, and something similar to the fusion incident happens AGAIN.. but we saved it. We lose another 4 or 5 onos, and we can clearly see this isnt working, but now we backed them into satcomm. A real stalemate, because they had all upgrades, so fades and lerks were out of the question, and onoses cant manuver in those halls to aviod the insane GL spamm. So, i go gorge, make an MT in chemical (right outside sat) run into the vents, and drop the hive...getting my butt naded instantly.. but not the 3000 hp hive! viola! 5 oni running amok in thier base..! they didnt last 20 seconds. w00t! <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Ps, incase you counted, thats like 15 onoses for a ten person team.. we had lots of res =P
  • EQXEQX Join Date: 2003-09-21 Member: 21080Members
    Well, I played on a weird server once on furnace. Basically, everyone got rez (1000 for marines i think and 120 for each of us that was floating) and it was pretty funny. No one skulked rush or went anything besides onos and gorgy. We had 7 or so onos charing through, fairly sure we could get through even without regen. We came to the single door on the left and they had barricaded the door opener with com chairs. ****. Most of the onos filled the hall trying to pummel through when the come started spamming chairs on our heads and then the door opened...

    Well, a dozen marines with shotties came flooding through and we were like sardines in a can. By this time, all three hives were going up, but spawn was REALLY slow. All of a sudden, our original hive was being rushed with a pack of marines and you know what they did? They went there, build a cc, turrent factories, and a armory. They mined spamned EVERYWHERE, the entire place looked like polka dots. My alien team was freaking out since the hive died pretty fast and the other two were deadweight. Well, the gorges threw down as many ocs everywhere while marines threw mines everywhere (they come to a keypoint, make armory + mines. Anyways, they got another hive so we were stuck with the one with lava. The hive went up and everyone went gorge lol. Anyways, we rushed them with 12 gorges and we ran straight into them in the corridor. Suffice to say that it was pretty intense and bloody, with all the gorges spewing heals while the marines were all milling arround with shotties. We chased after the survivors, and basically kept capping every tower we passed. Eventually, the marines retreated to their original com room. The final bloody was pretty funny, with marines dying everywhere while those damn turrets kept shooting. We eventually spitted them all to death while making extra ocs. Fun game.
  • WheeeeWheeee Join Date: 2003-02-18 Member: 13713Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2003
    Played a game on CoFR once, 2.01. It was really insane. ns_nothing. I forget who commed, but I wasn't it for the first half of the game. Aliens and marines were pretty even, they had two hives and fades and we had level 3/3 upgrades. The comm says that his framerate is getting pitiful cause of the amounts of lame, and he gets out. I offer to comm, and I get in the chair. At this point, we have no hives. We have like 3 rt's, and they're getting taken down. We're losing badly, but at least the LA/LMG marines that I was commanding could still compete because of the upgrades (I think the_spectre was in on this one, I forget who else...some regs and some nubs on both teams).
    I have half my team go out to miasma walkway, where 1 of our rt's is. The other half pushes out towards Foreboding, and push to Silo access south. At this point I hear that their third hive is building, and I'm like OH CRAP. So I manage to pull out a quick phase tech (wasn't researched when i got in), and put up a siege base by powersilo. After a lot of medspamming and an extra obs for scanning, I finally manage to siege out powersilo, even though all my marines die and that whole base is destroyed. The marines are totally getting dominated on the generator/miasma portion of the map now, but some of my marines went back to powersilo after we sieged it out. After capping that again, and setting up a phase there, the marines crawl through the vent to Viaduct access east. I manage to sneak up a phase and siege there, but at this point powersilo is getting hit, hard. We manage to save it once or twice. At this point, I had been able to tech up to heavies but hadn't handed out too many sets, like 3 or 4.
    Whoop-dee-doo, right? Well here's where it gets insane. While we are building the sieges by viaduct, aliens come and completely dominate marine start. Our entire base gets creamed by an onos, and I manage just barely to relocate to viaduct in time. The marines are busy fighting off gassing lerks, skulks, a couple of fades, and a redemption onos. This is all while they are building new ips and an obs, and an armory.
    For a couple of minutes we are almost screwed at viaduct. But medspam and the fact that the sieges are able to take out viaduct hive provides us with enough leverage to push the aliens out of it.
    At this point, the redemption onos takes down powersilo, and the aliens drop the hive, and although i am able to stop them from dropping the rt's for a while by capping them every time they take it down, everything on the map except for Viaduct is under alien control. A couple of times I distress beacon my marines back to marine start to take back the rt, but for the most part I have them push down to Ominous Kismet, my favorite place on the whole map, and we have a few more HA's in the mix(I forget how many, not more than 6). We set up the Viaduct Access West and Ominous RT's, and push up through gen. I put up a phase and a tf in the little stretch in between generator proper and the elevator, since the aliens lamed it all up. At this point there's an upgraded armory, arms lab, a turret farm, ips, a phase in viaduct access east.
    I have all my heavies push out from gen after we siege it out, and we push towards Cargo through Communications Hub. I manage to set up a siege base, but at this point, the onos gets to our base in viaduct, and takes it all down and the aliens set up viaduct.
    I'm forced to relocate to Communications Hub. This is where things get really hairy, the onos and fades and skulks and gassing/umbraing lerks, as well as gorges dropping lame to distract the sieges, come and try to force us out, while sieges fire and turrets fall, heavies die and I drop more heavy sets. skulks get into our base and almost take out our base a couple of times, but mines and a heavy that came back for ammo saves our butt. At one point, I drop two packs of mines because my marines are too busy fighting off the aliens, especially the onos in cargo bay. Then I jump out, and run *into* cargo while heavies and turrets shoot around me, and OC's are nailing me. I manage to put down both mine packs, and it deters the onos (I'm not sure if it killed him, I don't think so) enough for us to kill the hive. All of this while dropping heavy sets *right next to cargo hive*, marines spawning not 5 seconds away from the hive that the aliens are spawning at.
    We manage to force our way back into generator (which the aliens were also taking down while we were attacking cargo), down through ominous kismet, and I set up a siege base in viaduct access west. We almost lose it, but once again my marines pull through (though barely), and the hive goes down.
    At this point, the aliens f4.

    *edit* some of you may be wondering how i could afford so many things, when we didn't have too much map control. All I have to say is, there was a lot of killing in that game. In fact, if we hadn't had as much res for kills, it was a sure loss.
    After 2 relocations, and losing all of our map control countless times, and after killing 4 hives, we finally win the day.
  • CobraDSRCobraDSR Join Date: 2003-11-22 Member: 23384Awaiting Authorization
    Today I joined a server and the IPs were down and it was one marine vs. all the aliens. So he goes and hides right next to the sewer hive and none of the aliens could find him even though they went by him at least 20 times. He stayed there till the time was up. If you ask me, he should have gone and went on a suicide run.

    In another game on ns_hera (I think) today the aliens were killing us like normal so we were just messing around. (they were all in the ms) Somehow when I spawned I managed to open the door to the comm. and got in and following me were a fade and onos. I dropped a structure on the fade, trapping him, and got out. When I got out I imediately crouched behind the comm., where they couldn't get to me, and took my knife to the fade and killed him, with the onos attacking the comm. Then the onos somehow used his bite attack and knocked me out from behind the comm and killed me.

    Needless to say, the aliens won.
  • ThoraXThoraX Join Date: 2003-06-19 Member: 17519Members
    great stories guys. the only amusing thing I did that i can think of is this:

    I was a lerk and I was attacking biodome with my good buddy the Onos. we took out the marine defences (he was goring and i was spewing various gasses). At the end, the only structure left was a phase gate, but that was on top of one of those tall columns. I didnt wanna wast time spiking it while jetpackers flew through, so I land next to it, tell the onos to jump on my back, and i flap my little wings and manage to lift the onos onto the platform, where much goring commenced. any jetpackers coming through were promptly gassed and gored, and we had a brand new hive location.

  • ANeMANeM Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16267Members, Constellation
    edited November 2003
    I remember that game Thorax.. I was the onos <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
    It took a few tries, but yeah.. I got up on the pillar and proceded in destroying the pg. Only problem was the little lip on the pillar.. I think I got caught on that once or twice while Thorax was trying to boost me up there.
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