3.xx Full Changelog
Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9638Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Everything is in post may change.</div> <span style='color:red'><b><u>Everything in this changelog is subject to change, this is not an official changelog so there may be one or two errors.
Until 3.0 is released things will change.</u></b></span>
<span style='color:yellow'>NS v3.xx Changelog</span> <span style='color:gray'>--</span> Created and updated by NeoMatrix99
<span style='color:yellow'>-------------------------
v3.0c & v3.0d Beta Testing Patch
Bug Fixes:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed sighting through transparent surfaces (sighting for siege behaves very oddly in certain locations. most importantly, it seems to fail through any kind of glass, such as the hera glass tube, bug #361).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed mouse focus problems with commander minimap and alert buttons (bugs #357 and #335).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fix for mouse pointer disappearing sometimes when switching between programs using the taskbar (bug #363).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where players cannot join any team if difference between teams is mp_limitteams (bug #302).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where alien structures within observatory range are not decloaked (bug #272).
<span style='color:yellow'>Changes:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced skulk armor from 20 to 10. Explanation - Now that the skulk hitbox is fixed, it's half the height that it used to be, making skulks much harder to hit.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Encourage marines to move out by adding slow alien XP gain over time (currently 1 XP every three seconds).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Made respawn times scaleable for small games. If x is the number of players on your team, respawn waves happen every x seconds.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed minimum spawn time because it felt like a bug. Generally spawning is faster now.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Moved the skulk model so that it rotates around its center rather than its hind legs. This should look more natural when wall walking and the make the skulk's head stick out less when hiding (Thanks Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Took out "special", "_special" and "wait" commands to prevent abusive scripts from being written (especially bunny-hopping scripts).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>If both Vet and Constellation access, show Constellation (new order of preference: Custom, Developer, Playtester, Guide (unused), Constellation member, Beta server op, Veteran, Cheating Death)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced web potency by reducing min/max ensnare times from 4/10 to 2/5.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Lowered stomp stun duration from 2 seconds to 1 second.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Armory now occasionally gives health back when used.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Uncloaking now always takes 1/2 a second for all players and structures.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New version of ns_tanith:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>waste hive more accessable for aliens/onos.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>new unweldable vent to waste.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>onos no longer has to crouch anywhere.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>added weld for top vent in reactor room.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>removed water vent weld in reactor room.
<span style='color:red'><b><u>Everything in this changelog is subject to change, this is not an official changelog so there may be one or two errors.
Until 3.0 is released things will change.</u></b></span>
<span style='color:yellow'>v2.01-3.0
Bug Fixes:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed pre-game jittering (I think).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Mines now give credit to owner on kill, give res, and show correct death icon.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Player collision fixes (thanks Max!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Recycling is now much faster with cheats on (bug #2).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed devour aiming problems and possibility for exploitation (thanks Revenge).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where welding progress bar overlapped other screen elements.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed mine/owner bug that allows mines to hang in mid-air.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Don't allow sayings to be spammed (bug #8).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed live particle editing (bug #39). Also fixed annoying problem where toggling the edit PS screen jarred your view.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed siege targetting, and turrets targetting structures.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where observatory couldn't be used to target for siege (and in fact blocked siege).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where mines are doing damage to friendly players and structures (bug #26).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Showing enemy names shouldn't work on cloaked players (bug #32).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed recycling TF/Siege problems (recycling a TF while nearby turrets were recycling prevents turrets from ever finishing recycle).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Turrets now animate smoothly (bug #41).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed recycling TF/Siege problems (bug #36).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Turrets and siege turrets now play their "power-down" animation when they recycle, instead of their attack animation.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed spectator settings, so you don't have to keep changing them every time you die.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where light damage showed blinking "O" on HUD, and spit showed a HL icon.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Made lots of progess on font corruption, though it may not look like it. VALVE knows about the problem, and is expected to patch Steam soon. Pop-up menus are still corrupted, but a lot of other text is fixed.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed all hitbox issues (Max, you da man!). This should fix the problems where players crouching behind structures could become harder to hit ("Crouching Skulk, Hidden Damage"). Bug #84.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>HLTV/model problems, where sometimes the wrong model would be drawn.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where typing "kill" as commander meant you were unkillable even after killing CC. Bug #74.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed: Siege cannons no longer fire on "detected" targets, only on visible targets
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added missing sound for aliens getting resources.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed tech tree dependency problems (bug #37).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where players were uncloaking without fading in smoothly.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Don't allow mines to be placed func_doors, func_door_rotatings, or 3rd-party entities (bug #64).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "cannot click 'need' icons in commander mode" (bug #73).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bile bomb / acid rocket / stomp can be fired through thin walls (bug #67).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed players gestating "through" things (bug #33).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where armory and phase gates useable while being recycled (bug #65).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where mines could be stacked (bug #34). They are now solid, with the following ramifications:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>They can be stacked on each other, but it is immediately obvious. A stack of mines now looks like a stack of mines.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Mines can be stood upon.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Mines can be killed by regular projectiles, including parasites and friendly fire (in tourney mode). Mines have 30 health.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug #77: When a player hits ESC to get to the root menu, the text "#Menu_ReadyRoom" appears instead of "Ready Room".
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "Gestating while leaping causes crash" (bug #102) (thanks Alpha & the whole GaB-Clan!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Restore default menu after recycling a structure (bug #86).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>"Transient" entities (ammo, health, weapons, scans) no longer show up on commander minimap (bug #92).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed shotgun reloading problems (Bug #27).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed font rendering (thanks Max!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where hive construction could be sped with +use (bug# 139)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where gorges could construct chambers in Combat using impulses (bug# 145)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where aliens didn't always respawn with full health (bug# 143)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Gamma is now reset when hitting ESC to Steam menu from in-game, or when hitting alt-tab!
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed skulk wallwalking on entities (it was accidentally broken at some point).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New player/entity collision system so that entities can use more accurate, oriented bounding boxes (bug #35).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where +popupmenu gets stuck if active while changing modes.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Nodes sometimes stay visible when much lag is present (300+ ms). Bug #168.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed jetpack energy emptied when exiting command console (bug #46).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed chat for non-US keyboard layouts.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed gamma correction on HUD text.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed ability to jam doors with mines by having them explode whenever a door runs into them. Doors now blow up mines when they are jammed by them. Allow mines to be closer to invalid targets like conveyor belts and lifts now (bug #88).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where using the kill command and then jumping into the comm chair did Bad Things (bug #74).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Disabled "kill" command in Combat (as there's no way you can get stuck, it can only be abused).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where semicolons would truncate chat messages (bug #176).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed gestation overlay not being drawn while in Steam UI (bug #45).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed popup menu stealing crosshair.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed view jog when releasing the popup menu or returning from the Steam UI.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where marine structures played a bad-looking animation when they take damage.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fix for lerk flying animation going into the ceiling (bug #152) (Thanks def_one!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Improved the chat visuals (changed the font and colors and moved it so that it doesn't overlap other HUD elements) (bug #174).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed right clicking not properly canceling a building in commander mode (bug #197).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Locked cl_rate to 9999 to prevent exploits.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed the bug where phase gates can be blocked by alien chambers. Now any structures on the phase gate (except a hive) will be killed when someone goes through. (bug #190).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fix for keys not being released properly while the chat window was open.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where lerk bite was doing damage of skulk bite (75 instead of 50). However, the bite will do 60 currently, until balance indicates otherwise. Bug #344.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where cloaked structures other than SC weren't uncloaking properly which touched (bug #134).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where you couldn't +use (switches, phasegates) anything when reloading, or use sayings (Bug #116).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Refactor "set commander" message, fixing problem where current commander couldn't always be seen by late-joiners and HLTV spectators (bug #195).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed sprite/font rendering artifacts in Direct3D mode (bug #234).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Stop-gap collision fixes (fixes resource towers for now).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where you couldn't talk or +use while you were reloading (finally!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where aliens can see some "health received" and "ammo received" messages (bug #61).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where "phase tech" research option not disabled after research completed (bug #75).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where recycling unbuilt structures doesn't return full amount (now it returns 80%) (bug #204).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "hive is under attack" sound not played soon/often enough (fixes other important alerts too) (bug #48).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where "hive is complete" sound rarely plays (bug #43).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "alien 'use' sound played during failed attempt to use marine radio command (bug #159).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where loss of arms lab upgrades if armory is recycled (bug #185).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Items, weapons and structures will no longer fall through sloped surfaces or stairs!
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed the bug where items and buildings would drop through the floor if they were placed on railings (bug #125) (!!)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed structures sinking when placed in vents (bug #148) (!!)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed airspeed cap problems (back to 2.1o).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed issues with blinking while on the ground (bug #221).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where HA footsteps didn't play when armor 3 was researched (bug #49).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where aliens sometimes appear as a marine player and then turn into a skulk. when dying, sometimes an alien player will briefly appear as a marine (bug #193).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed lurching skulk movement on func_seethroughs, in water, on ladders, and more! (bug #140, bug #103, bug #313) (Thanks Mouse and Khaim!). THIS IS HUGE.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Server CPU work (blasted turrets). This should fix all the lagginess and bad server performance we've been experiencing in NS mode (bug #278). THIS IS ALSO HUGE.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where hive is gimped if killed and rebuilt (bug #292). You will not be forgotten, Surface Access Hive.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where structures could be knocked around by a melee attack (bug #4).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Included agibs.mdl and hgibs.mdl with install so mp_consistency always works (bug #297).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added missing xsmoke1.spr sprite.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed some structure bounding boxes where parts of them couldn't be hit (bug #247).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed walking dependence on cl_forwardspeed.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where "impulse 1" does not cycle through slot 4 marine weapons (bug #178).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed the bug where items (medpacks, ammo, weapons, etc.) couldn't be dropped directly on players.
<span style='color:yellow'>------------
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Health pack staying at 2 res, ammo down to 1.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fade cost up to 60 res.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>TF reduced from 15 to 10.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Armory reduced from 15 to 10.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased sentry health from 1200 to 1300.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced motion-tracking cost from 45 to 35.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>mapcycle.txt now specifies number of players for each map type, so servers automatically switch between Combat and NS (14 max for Combat, 12 player min for NS).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added min/max player defaults to mapcycle.txt. When the timelimit is hit, the map/gamemode chosen next will depend on the # of players on the server.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Number of webs allowed in an area reduced from 16 to 8 in both NS and NS:Combat. Max webs on your team lowered from 60 to 30.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Show health on HUD while gestating.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added alert for marines when their CC is under attack (this change takes effect NS: Combat as well).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Selectall button in commander mode now selects dead players too.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added hive health percentage to status bar (when you look at it, aliens only).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New scoring system (get score for building structures, or for killing players or structures).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>5 for CC or hive, 3 for RT, 2 for other structures.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>1 for base Marine or Skulk, 2 for Gorge, 3 for Lerk, 4 for Fade, 5 for Onos, 3 for marine with Jetpack, 4 for marine with HA.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Draw changes on scoreboard, so players can see how many points they get for actions.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Disable/remove auto-director checkbox when not in HLTV mode (Max).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed hive locations and hives not under attack from hive sight (now that they are on map).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added polish to first-person spectating, including highlight on mouseover, next/prev player buttons, and the ability to click players on the overview to switch to their view.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New spectator UI (overview mode is borked right now, fixed soon). Thanks Max!
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed entity "detection" when near players and moving. While originally used to allow the commander to detect threats before players can see them, it no longer works with the minimap (basically if you were near an alien/alien object and werent looking at it the commander could still see it/seige could still fire at it).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Moved both mines and the welder to slot 4. This means you can hold your pistol along with one of them. However, you still can't have both mines and a welder.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Put back in knockback for bite, claws, gore and swipe (it affects balance too much to remove without careful testing).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed display of a lot of non-essential error tooltips with autohelp off.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Resupply doesn't help out as much at the higher levels.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Replaced Pheramones with "focus". Each level of focus slows your weapon/ability rate of fire and increases effectiveness (damage, duration). Only effects slot 1 weapons.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Motion returned to showing circles on the screen.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Distress beacon now respawns friendly alive players back at base as well.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added ability for servers to add custom icons for members (mp_customicon of "AAAARGB" where the custom icon is gfx/vgui/640_AAAA.tga, using color components RGB (each are 0-9). Use player authentication mask is 512.).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added view interpolation while gestating (!) (if you evolve from skulk to onos your fov will slowly change from skulk wider fov to onos narrower fov, fov = field of view)(egg will also grow).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased Onos Armor to 400.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased Fade Armor to 150.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced HMG damage from 20 to 18.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Distress beacon now removes webbed and stomp effect (bug #58).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Now marine structures play their deploy animation backwards when they are recycled (bug #53).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Recycling strucures now show rings.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Allow recycling of non-occupied CCs.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>When a structure is successfully recycled, draw a rising indicator showing the number of resources received.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>mp_friendlyfire variable is now used in non-tournament mode (though tournament mode ignores it, and acts the way it always has). Bug #44.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Re-added lerk bite in place of spikes!.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Webbed players can now be unwebbed by welding them.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added "catalysts" to marine tech tree!
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Research at arms lab, allows dropping of "cat-packs".
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>A marine that touches pack, gives +25% movmement speed and +25% rate of fire for 8 seconds. The marine also takes damage equal to 25% of his max health, but it will never kill him.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased hive health from 6000 to 7000.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Reduced blink power by 25% (less force is applied when you blink).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>"Disabled" software rendering mode to prevent exploits (bug #208).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Changed chat so that it does not go between the ready room and observers.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Lerk Flight v2.0! Has both Flying (tap jump) and Gliding (hold jump). We have more work to do here, but I think you'll see that Max made him MUCH more maneuverable. Make sure to press in the direction you want to fly while flapping.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed "active node count" messages. I think I'd like to test it without. This was originally a tool for finding big balance problems, and as we got closer to the 2.0 ship date, it was too risky to remove. Now is the time to remove it, to see how it plays without it (bug #231).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased jetpack energy cost by around 30% to make it more close to 2.01 levels.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Charge damage increased from 240/second to 320/second.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Leap damage increased from 60/second to 80/second.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Refactored shotgun into AvHBaseReloadableWeapon, in preparation of extending grenade launcher off this (as soon as the artwork is done)(basically gl will be able to fire mid reload like hte shotgun).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Scoreboard v2.0:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Don't show enemy scores (bug #28).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Add kills column (so both kills and score are shown).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Sort players by score, which is non-combat points + kills - deaths (bug #224).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Free up room to display tracker icon.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Gamma-corrected scoreboard labels.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Don't draw +/- score when going to ready room.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added alien resource overflow. So any res over 100 that is received by players will go into the pool (bug #87).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced time to wait before reusing the command station from 12 seconds to 5 seconds (if we start seeing overflow issues, I'm going to change this back).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased electricity range, to encourage alternate defense, and in anticipation of new structure spacing (also fixes problems where tricky aliens could sometimes munch electrified targets without taking damage).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added votemap system (especially for vet program) that works just like in CS. Type votemap for a list of maps and their current votes. Type votemap # to cast your vote for a map. Servers can disable by setting mp_mapvoteratio to -1, or can set the percentage of players needed for a vote to succeed by setting mp_mapvoteratio from 0-1.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added "player voted for x" message on votemap.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Changed the mouse input to invert the horizontal axis if the camera is upside down (this is neat if you are flying and you set cl_pitchup and cl_pitchdown to 1000)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added catalyst-pack artwork.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Tweaked lerk flight energy cost, physics and ground speed (to not feel quite so heavy, and to be able to really soar). For Lerk flight you look in the direction you want to fly alot like in 2.01. You can still glide and strafe as well.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New siege deploy animation and "inactive" state (thank Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added new hive flinch anims for when hive is building (thanks Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Updated infantry portal artwork to get rid of z-buffering issues (thanks Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed spawn invulnerable time by default in Combat (as a test).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Now players get XP for hurting enemy structures.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Scan is now more effective in Combat (cloaked player no longer has to be in sight, only in range).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Mine kills no longer share experience to players that happen to be nearby to the mine owner when they detonate.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Resupplying at the armory is now at the correct speed (faster then it was in 2.0x).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added hand-grenades (thanks BrigadierWolf!).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Grenades don't detonate on contact, only after 4 seconds.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Available in Combat as regular upgrade (1 per life).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Available in regular NS as upgrade at armory. After researched, all marines spawn with a single grenade.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Lowered lerk flap energy cost slightly.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased Onos health/armor from 500/400 to 900/400 to compensate for new 4x hitbox.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New ns_veil:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed Monitoring Pods.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Fixed floating clip brush o' doom.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Fixed doorways with Onos movement issues.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Small lighting tweaks.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added Steam Support:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added "ready room" option on menu.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>New artwork for button in lower left.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Ingame menu/fonts are fixed.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Steam Auto-Updating is planned as well as VAC support.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>To be added:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Official Steam Support (patches can be auto-downloaded from steam content servers when an update from Flayra is sent out).
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>VAC Support (Valve Anti-Cheat Support).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added Combat Play Mode:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Combat mode is active on co_ maps.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>In this mode commander is not present and gorges may not build structures.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Level-up tooltip message now goes away after a short time.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Changed mapping protocals to allow mappers to put in pre-built cc & one or more armories.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Increased hive healing rate in Combat mode.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Sped up evolve time of alien upgrades in Combat mode.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Reworked resupply, scan and distress beacon to be automatic. They are cued by the "commander" when you're low in health or ammo, when there's a cloaked alien is nearby, or when a large portion of your team is dead.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Changed resupply to only give one health or ammo pack at a time (gives out health first, then ammo).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>New level up sound (thanks MadMaxx).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Draw unspent levels on HUD, so you always know what you can spend. Shown in the form of +number in center of HUD.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Keep experience and purchased upgrades even after dropping off server.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Combat timelimit is disabled by default.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added "Iron-man" variation (mp_ironman 1).
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Set mp_ironmantime to minutes after which, aliens win.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Don't let players rejoin after they've been killed, before latejoin elapses.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Lose all levels and upgrades on death.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Experience comes in faster (currently 2x).
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Get full health back on level up.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>A team now wins in "iron man" mode when all players on the other team are dead. Aliens win after two minutes if the hive isn't destroyed and they are still alive.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Aliens only have 1 hive and if killed aliens automatically lose. Marines lose when the Command Console gets destroyed or the round timelimit expires. The default time is off.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>You earn exp by killing or being near a teammate who gets a kill. Your exp status and your rank are displayed in a status bar located in the bottom center area of your screen.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Respawn is designed to send waves of fighters into the battle. You must wait a minimum of 8 seconds before respawning, if 8 seconds is not done before the wave spawn activates you have to wait 8 more seconds.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Any upgrades/evolves you have when you die you will have again when you spawn.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>To get health or ammo you must use the upgrade resupply, this work by automatically feeding you ammo and meds when you need them. This is throttled so your not invulnerable but it helps.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Alien upgrades consist of all chamber upgrades and all evolves. Also there are the upgrades to unlock #3 ability and #4 ability. The only restrictions now are that you can't lerk before gorging, you cant onos before fading, and you cant unlock #4 ability before #3.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Marine Upgrades consist of GL, HMG, Shotty, HA, JP, motion, scan, beacon, welder, mines, lv1-lv3 weapons, lv1-lv3 armor, and resupply. The only restrictions are you cant have HA + JP ;-), you must choose to upgrade to lv1 and then lv2 armor before getting HA or JP or lv3 armor, you must choose to upgrade to lv1 weapons before getting shotty or lv2 weapons, you must get shotty before hmg or GL, and you must get lv2 weapons before lv3 weapons.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Upgrade Menu now uses the old pop-up menu for simplicity.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Extra experience is now given out when there are more players in range of a kill.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Now each player gets: ((55 + target experience level)*15/number friendlies nearby) + 10
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Result: same XP for soloing, but some extra experience given out to offset slower leveling for groups.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Radius for friendly players increased from 400 to 500
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>All guns get two clips of ammo on spawn.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Aliens gestate after evolving 2nd/3rd hive ability.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Increased amount of experience needed to go up each level from 40% to 50% (so players level up slightly slower, and higher levels significantly harder to get).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed minimap from Combat.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Players now get experience for damaging hive or CC.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Sped up gestations for ugprades in Combat.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>New level up sound for marines, added different sound for alien level up as well.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed Full health/armor on level up (Combat).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed distress beacon.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed gorges.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed experience for welding (didn't want to remove welding totally).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added cat-packs to Combat (players are catalysted a short time after they make a kill, if they aren't currently catalysted).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Mines are no longer give you 5 mines once, but give you one mine per life (can't suicide in Combat so it shouldn't be abusable).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Marine Ranks/Levels:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>1. Private
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>2. Private First Class
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>3. Corporal
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>4. Sergeant
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>5. Lieutenant
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>6. Captain
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>7. Commander
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>8. Major
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>9. Field Marshal
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>10. General
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Alien Ranks/Levels:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>1. Hatchling
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>2. Xenoform
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>3. Minion
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>4. Ambusher
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>5. Attacker
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>6. Rampager
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>7. Slaughterer
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>8. Eliminator
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>9. Nightmare
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>10. Behemoth
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Maps Added:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_angst
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_core
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_daimos
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_kestrel
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_pulse
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_tasium
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_ulysses
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_agora
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_ayumi
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_delta
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_metal
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_mystic
<span style='color:yellow'>Official Maps from previous version:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_bast
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_caged
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_hera
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_eclipse
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed ns_nancy (because of Onos stuck issues that can't be fixed without the map source. Sad to see you go, it was great)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_nothing
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_tanith
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_lost
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_veil
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_origin
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_mineshaft
Until 3.0 is released things will change.</u></b></span>
<span style='color:yellow'>NS v3.xx Changelog</span> <span style='color:gray'>--</span> Created and updated by NeoMatrix99
<span style='color:yellow'>-------------------------
v3.0c & v3.0d Beta Testing Patch
Bug Fixes:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed sighting through transparent surfaces (sighting for siege behaves very oddly in certain locations. most importantly, it seems to fail through any kind of glass, such as the hera glass tube, bug #361).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed mouse focus problems with commander minimap and alert buttons (bugs #357 and #335).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fix for mouse pointer disappearing sometimes when switching between programs using the taskbar (bug #363).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where players cannot join any team if difference between teams is mp_limitteams (bug #302).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where alien structures within observatory range are not decloaked (bug #272).
<span style='color:yellow'>Changes:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced skulk armor from 20 to 10. Explanation - Now that the skulk hitbox is fixed, it's half the height that it used to be, making skulks much harder to hit.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Encourage marines to move out by adding slow alien XP gain over time (currently 1 XP every three seconds).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Made respawn times scaleable for small games. If x is the number of players on your team, respawn waves happen every x seconds.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed minimum spawn time because it felt like a bug. Generally spawning is faster now.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Moved the skulk model so that it rotates around its center rather than its hind legs. This should look more natural when wall walking and the make the skulk's head stick out less when hiding (Thanks Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Took out "special", "_special" and "wait" commands to prevent abusive scripts from being written (especially bunny-hopping scripts).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>If both Vet and Constellation access, show Constellation (new order of preference: Custom, Developer, Playtester, Guide (unused), Constellation member, Beta server op, Veteran, Cheating Death)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced web potency by reducing min/max ensnare times from 4/10 to 2/5.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Lowered stomp stun duration from 2 seconds to 1 second.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Armory now occasionally gives health back when used.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Uncloaking now always takes 1/2 a second for all players and structures.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New version of ns_tanith:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>waste hive more accessable for aliens/onos.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>new unweldable vent to waste.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>onos no longer has to crouch anywhere.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>added weld for top vent in reactor room.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>removed water vent weld in reactor room.
<span style='color:red'><b><u>Everything in this changelog is subject to change, this is not an official changelog so there may be one or two errors.
Until 3.0 is released things will change.</u></b></span>
<span style='color:yellow'>v2.01-3.0
Bug Fixes:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed pre-game jittering (I think).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Mines now give credit to owner on kill, give res, and show correct death icon.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Player collision fixes (thanks Max!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Recycling is now much faster with cheats on (bug #2).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed devour aiming problems and possibility for exploitation (thanks Revenge).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where welding progress bar overlapped other screen elements.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed mine/owner bug that allows mines to hang in mid-air.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Don't allow sayings to be spammed (bug #8).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed live particle editing (bug #39). Also fixed annoying problem where toggling the edit PS screen jarred your view.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed siege targetting, and turrets targetting structures.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where observatory couldn't be used to target for siege (and in fact blocked siege).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where mines are doing damage to friendly players and structures (bug #26).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Showing enemy names shouldn't work on cloaked players (bug #32).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed recycling TF/Siege problems (recycling a TF while nearby turrets were recycling prevents turrets from ever finishing recycle).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Turrets now animate smoothly (bug #41).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed recycling TF/Siege problems (bug #36).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Turrets and siege turrets now play their "power-down" animation when they recycle, instead of their attack animation.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed spectator settings, so you don't have to keep changing them every time you die.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where light damage showed blinking "O" on HUD, and spit showed a HL icon.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Made lots of progess on font corruption, though it may not look like it. VALVE knows about the problem, and is expected to patch Steam soon. Pop-up menus are still corrupted, but a lot of other text is fixed.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed all hitbox issues (Max, you da man!). This should fix the problems where players crouching behind structures could become harder to hit ("Crouching Skulk, Hidden Damage"). Bug #84.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>HLTV/model problems, where sometimes the wrong model would be drawn.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where typing "kill" as commander meant you were unkillable even after killing CC. Bug #74.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed: Siege cannons no longer fire on "detected" targets, only on visible targets
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added missing sound for aliens getting resources.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed tech tree dependency problems (bug #37).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where players were uncloaking without fading in smoothly.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Don't allow mines to be placed func_doors, func_door_rotatings, or 3rd-party entities (bug #64).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "cannot click 'need' icons in commander mode" (bug #73).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bile bomb / acid rocket / stomp can be fired through thin walls (bug #67).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed players gestating "through" things (bug #33).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where armory and phase gates useable while being recycled (bug #65).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed problem where mines could be stacked (bug #34). They are now solid, with the following ramifications:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>They can be stacked on each other, but it is immediately obvious. A stack of mines now looks like a stack of mines.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Mines can be stood upon.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Mines can be killed by regular projectiles, including parasites and friendly fire (in tourney mode). Mines have 30 health.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug #77: When a player hits ESC to get to the root menu, the text "#Menu_ReadyRoom" appears instead of "Ready Room".
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "Gestating while leaping causes crash" (bug #102) (thanks Alpha & the whole GaB-Clan!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Restore default menu after recycling a structure (bug #86).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>"Transient" entities (ammo, health, weapons, scans) no longer show up on commander minimap (bug #92).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed shotgun reloading problems (Bug #27).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed font rendering (thanks Max!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where hive construction could be sped with +use (bug# 139)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where gorges could construct chambers in Combat using impulses (bug# 145)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where aliens didn't always respawn with full health (bug# 143)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Gamma is now reset when hitting ESC to Steam menu from in-game, or when hitting alt-tab!
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed skulk wallwalking on entities (it was accidentally broken at some point).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New player/entity collision system so that entities can use more accurate, oriented bounding boxes (bug #35).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where +popupmenu gets stuck if active while changing modes.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Nodes sometimes stay visible when much lag is present (300+ ms). Bug #168.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed jetpack energy emptied when exiting command console (bug #46).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed chat for non-US keyboard layouts.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed gamma correction on HUD text.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed ability to jam doors with mines by having them explode whenever a door runs into them. Doors now blow up mines when they are jammed by them. Allow mines to be closer to invalid targets like conveyor belts and lifts now (bug #88).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where using the kill command and then jumping into the comm chair did Bad Things (bug #74).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Disabled "kill" command in Combat (as there's no way you can get stuck, it can only be abused).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where semicolons would truncate chat messages (bug #176).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed gestation overlay not being drawn while in Steam UI (bug #45).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed popup menu stealing crosshair.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed view jog when releasing the popup menu or returning from the Steam UI.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where marine structures played a bad-looking animation when they take damage.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fix for lerk flying animation going into the ceiling (bug #152) (Thanks def_one!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Improved the chat visuals (changed the font and colors and moved it so that it doesn't overlap other HUD elements) (bug #174).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed right clicking not properly canceling a building in commander mode (bug #197).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Locked cl_rate to 9999 to prevent exploits.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed the bug where phase gates can be blocked by alien chambers. Now any structures on the phase gate (except a hive) will be killed when someone goes through. (bug #190).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fix for keys not being released properly while the chat window was open.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where lerk bite was doing damage of skulk bite (75 instead of 50). However, the bite will do 60 currently, until balance indicates otherwise. Bug #344.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where cloaked structures other than SC weren't uncloaking properly which touched (bug #134).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where you couldn't +use (switches, phasegates) anything when reloading, or use sayings (Bug #116).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Refactor "set commander" message, fixing problem where current commander couldn't always be seen by late-joiners and HLTV spectators (bug #195).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed sprite/font rendering artifacts in Direct3D mode (bug #234).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Stop-gap collision fixes (fixes resource towers for now).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where you couldn't talk or +use while you were reloading (finally!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where aliens can see some "health received" and "ammo received" messages (bug #61).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where "phase tech" research option not disabled after research completed (bug #75).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where recycling unbuilt structures doesn't return full amount (now it returns 80%) (bug #204).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "hive is under attack" sound not played soon/often enough (fixes other important alerts too) (bug #48).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where "hive is complete" sound rarely plays (bug #43).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed "alien 'use' sound played during failed attempt to use marine radio command (bug #159).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where loss of arms lab upgrades if armory is recycled (bug #185).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Items, weapons and structures will no longer fall through sloped surfaces or stairs!
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed the bug where items and buildings would drop through the floor if they were placed on railings (bug #125) (!!)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed structures sinking when placed in vents (bug #148) (!!)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed airspeed cap problems (back to 2.1o).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed issues with blinking while on the ground (bug #221).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where HA footsteps didn't play when armor 3 was researched (bug #49).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where aliens sometimes appear as a marine player and then turn into a skulk. when dying, sometimes an alien player will briefly appear as a marine (bug #193).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed lurching skulk movement on func_seethroughs, in water, on ladders, and more! (bug #140, bug #103, bug #313) (Thanks Mouse and Khaim!). THIS IS HUGE.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Server CPU work (blasted turrets). This should fix all the lagginess and bad server performance we've been experiencing in NS mode (bug #278). THIS IS ALSO HUGE.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where hive is gimped if killed and rebuilt (bug #292). You will not be forgotten, Surface Access Hive.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where structures could be knocked around by a melee attack (bug #4).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Included agibs.mdl and hgibs.mdl with install so mp_consistency always works (bug #297).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added missing xsmoke1.spr sprite.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed some structure bounding boxes where parts of them couldn't be hit (bug #247).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed walking dependence on cl_forwardspeed.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed bug where "impulse 1" does not cycle through slot 4 marine weapons (bug #178).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fixed the bug where items (medpacks, ammo, weapons, etc.) couldn't be dropped directly on players.
<span style='color:yellow'>------------
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Health pack staying at 2 res, ammo down to 1.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Fade cost up to 60 res.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>TF reduced from 15 to 10.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Armory reduced from 15 to 10.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased sentry health from 1200 to 1300.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced motion-tracking cost from 45 to 35.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>mapcycle.txt now specifies number of players for each map type, so servers automatically switch between Combat and NS (14 max for Combat, 12 player min for NS).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added min/max player defaults to mapcycle.txt. When the timelimit is hit, the map/gamemode chosen next will depend on the # of players on the server.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Number of webs allowed in an area reduced from 16 to 8 in both NS and NS:Combat. Max webs on your team lowered from 60 to 30.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Show health on HUD while gestating.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added alert for marines when their CC is under attack (this change takes effect NS: Combat as well).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Selectall button in commander mode now selects dead players too.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added hive health percentage to status bar (when you look at it, aliens only).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New scoring system (get score for building structures, or for killing players or structures).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>5 for CC or hive, 3 for RT, 2 for other structures.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>1 for base Marine or Skulk, 2 for Gorge, 3 for Lerk, 4 for Fade, 5 for Onos, 3 for marine with Jetpack, 4 for marine with HA.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Draw changes on scoreboard, so players can see how many points they get for actions.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Disable/remove auto-director checkbox when not in HLTV mode (Max).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed hive locations and hives not under attack from hive sight (now that they are on map).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added polish to first-person spectating, including highlight on mouseover, next/prev player buttons, and the ability to click players on the overview to switch to their view.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New spectator UI (overview mode is borked right now, fixed soon). Thanks Max!
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed entity "detection" when near players and moving. While originally used to allow the commander to detect threats before players can see them, it no longer works with the minimap (basically if you were near an alien/alien object and werent looking at it the commander could still see it/seige could still fire at it).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Moved both mines and the welder to slot 4. This means you can hold your pistol along with one of them. However, you still can't have both mines and a welder.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Put back in knockback for bite, claws, gore and swipe (it affects balance too much to remove without careful testing).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed display of a lot of non-essential error tooltips with autohelp off.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Resupply doesn't help out as much at the higher levels.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Replaced Pheramones with "focus". Each level of focus slows your weapon/ability rate of fire and increases effectiveness (damage, duration). Only effects slot 1 weapons.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Motion returned to showing circles on the screen.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Distress beacon now respawns friendly alive players back at base as well.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added ability for servers to add custom icons for members (mp_customicon of "AAAARGB" where the custom icon is gfx/vgui/640_AAAA.tga, using color components RGB (each are 0-9). Use player authentication mask is 512.).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added view interpolation while gestating (!) (if you evolve from skulk to onos your fov will slowly change from skulk wider fov to onos narrower fov, fov = field of view)(egg will also grow).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased Onos Armor to 400.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased Fade Armor to 150.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced HMG damage from 20 to 18.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Distress beacon now removes webbed and stomp effect (bug #58).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Now marine structures play their deploy animation backwards when they are recycled (bug #53).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Recycling strucures now show rings.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Allow recycling of non-occupied CCs.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>When a structure is successfully recycled, draw a rising indicator showing the number of resources received.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>mp_friendlyfire variable is now used in non-tournament mode (though tournament mode ignores it, and acts the way it always has). Bug #44.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Re-added lerk bite in place of spikes!.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Webbed players can now be unwebbed by welding them.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added "catalysts" to marine tech tree!
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Research at arms lab, allows dropping of "cat-packs".
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>A marine that touches pack, gives +25% movmement speed and +25% rate of fire for 8 seconds. The marine also takes damage equal to 25% of his max health, but it will never kill him.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased hive health from 6000 to 7000.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Reduced blink power by 25% (less force is applied when you blink).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>"Disabled" software rendering mode to prevent exploits (bug #208).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Changed chat so that it does not go between the ready room and observers.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Lerk Flight v2.0! Has both Flying (tap jump) and Gliding (hold jump). We have more work to do here, but I think you'll see that Max made him MUCH more maneuverable. Make sure to press in the direction you want to fly while flapping.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed "active node count" messages. I think I'd like to test it without. This was originally a tool for finding big balance problems, and as we got closer to the 2.0 ship date, it was too risky to remove. Now is the time to remove it, to see how it plays without it (bug #231).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased jetpack energy cost by around 30% to make it more close to 2.01 levels.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Charge damage increased from 240/second to 320/second.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Leap damage increased from 60/second to 80/second.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Refactored shotgun into AvHBaseReloadableWeapon, in preparation of extending grenade launcher off this (as soon as the artwork is done)(basically gl will be able to fire mid reload like hte shotgun).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Scoreboard v2.0:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Don't show enemy scores (bug #28).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Add kills column (so both kills and score are shown).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Sort players by score, which is non-combat points + kills - deaths (bug #224).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Free up room to display tracker icon.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Gamma-corrected scoreboard labels.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Don't draw +/- score when going to ready room.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added alien resource overflow. So any res over 100 that is received by players will go into the pool (bug #87).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Reduced time to wait before reusing the command station from 12 seconds to 5 seconds (if we start seeing overflow issues, I'm going to change this back).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased electricity range, to encourage alternate defense, and in anticipation of new structure spacing (also fixes problems where tricky aliens could sometimes munch electrified targets without taking damage).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added votemap system (especially for vet program) that works just like in CS. Type votemap for a list of maps and their current votes. Type votemap # to cast your vote for a map. Servers can disable by setting mp_mapvoteratio to -1, or can set the percentage of players needed for a vote to succeed by setting mp_mapvoteratio from 0-1.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added "player voted for x" message on votemap.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Changed the mouse input to invert the horizontal axis if the camera is upside down (this is neat if you are flying and you set cl_pitchup and cl_pitchdown to 1000)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added catalyst-pack artwork.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Tweaked lerk flight energy cost, physics and ground speed (to not feel quite so heavy, and to be able to really soar). For Lerk flight you look in the direction you want to fly alot like in 2.01. You can still glide and strafe as well.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New siege deploy animation and "inactive" state (thank Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added new hive flinch anims for when hive is building (thanks Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Updated infantry portal artwork to get rid of z-buffering issues (thanks Mojo!).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed spawn invulnerable time by default in Combat (as a test).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Now players get XP for hurting enemy structures.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Scan is now more effective in Combat (cloaked player no longer has to be in sight, only in range).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Mine kills no longer share experience to players that happen to be nearby to the mine owner when they detonate.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Resupplying at the armory is now at the correct speed (faster then it was in 2.0x).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added hand-grenades (thanks BrigadierWolf!).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Grenades don't detonate on contact, only after 4 seconds.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Available in Combat as regular upgrade (1 per life).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Available in regular NS as upgrade at armory. After researched, all marines spawn with a single grenade.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Lowered lerk flap energy cost slightly.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Increased Onos health/armor from 500/400 to 900/400 to compensate for new 4x hitbox.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>New ns_veil:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed Monitoring Pods.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Fixed floating clip brush o' doom.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Fixed doorways with Onos movement issues.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Small lighting tweaks.
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added Steam Support:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added "ready room" option on menu.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>New artwork for button in lower left.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Ingame menu/fonts are fixed.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Steam Auto-Updating is planned as well as VAC support.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>To be added:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Official Steam Support (patches can be auto-downloaded from steam content servers when an update from Flayra is sent out).
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>VAC Support (Valve Anti-Cheat Support).
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Added Combat Play Mode:
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Combat mode is active on co_ maps.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>In this mode commander is not present and gorges may not build structures.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Level-up tooltip message now goes away after a short time.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Changed mapping protocals to allow mappers to put in pre-built cc & one or more armories.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Increased hive healing rate in Combat mode.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Sped up evolve time of alien upgrades in Combat mode.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Reworked resupply, scan and distress beacon to be automatic. They are cued by the "commander" when you're low in health or ammo, when there's a cloaked alien is nearby, or when a large portion of your team is dead.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Changed resupply to only give one health or ammo pack at a time (gives out health first, then ammo).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>New level up sound (thanks MadMaxx).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Draw unspent levels on HUD, so you always know what you can spend. Shown in the form of +number in center of HUD.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Keep experience and purchased upgrades even after dropping off server.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Combat timelimit is disabled by default.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added "Iron-man" variation (mp_ironman 1).
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Set mp_ironmantime to minutes after which, aliens win.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Don't let players rejoin after they've been killed, before latejoin elapses.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Lose all levels and upgrades on death.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Experience comes in faster (currently 2x).
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Get full health back on level up.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>A team now wins in "iron man" mode when all players on the other team are dead. Aliens win after two minutes if the hive isn't destroyed and they are still alive.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Aliens only have 1 hive and if killed aliens automatically lose. Marines lose when the Command Console gets destroyed or the round timelimit expires. The default time is off.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>You earn exp by killing or being near a teammate who gets a kill. Your exp status and your rank are displayed in a status bar located in the bottom center area of your screen.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Respawn is designed to send waves of fighters into the battle. You must wait a minimum of 8 seconds before respawning, if 8 seconds is not done before the wave spawn activates you have to wait 8 more seconds.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Any upgrades/evolves you have when you die you will have again when you spawn.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>To get health or ammo you must use the upgrade resupply, this work by automatically feeding you ammo and meds when you need them. This is throttled so your not invulnerable but it helps.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Alien upgrades consist of all chamber upgrades and all evolves. Also there are the upgrades to unlock #3 ability and #4 ability. The only restrictions now are that you can't lerk before gorging, you cant onos before fading, and you cant unlock #4 ability before #3.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Marine Upgrades consist of GL, HMG, Shotty, HA, JP, motion, scan, beacon, welder, mines, lv1-lv3 weapons, lv1-lv3 armor, and resupply. The only restrictions are you cant have HA + JP ;-), you must choose to upgrade to lv1 and then lv2 armor before getting HA or JP or lv3 armor, you must choose to upgrade to lv1 weapons before getting shotty or lv2 weapons, you must get shotty before hmg or GL, and you must get lv2 weapons before lv3 weapons.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Upgrade Menu now uses the old pop-up menu for simplicity.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Extra experience is now given out when there are more players in range of a kill.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Now each player gets: ((55 + target experience level)*15/number friendlies nearby) + 10
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Result: same XP for soloing, but some extra experience given out to offset slower leveling for groups.
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>Radius for friendly players increased from 400 to 500
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>All guns get two clips of ammo on spawn.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Aliens gestate after evolving 2nd/3rd hive ability.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Increased amount of experience needed to go up each level from 40% to 50% (so players level up slightly slower, and higher levels significantly harder to get).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed minimap from Combat.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Players now get experience for damaging hive or CC.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Sped up gestations for ugprades in Combat.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>New level up sound for marines, added different sound for alien level up as well.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed Full health/armor on level up (Combat).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed distress beacon.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed gorges.
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Removed experience for welding (didn't want to remove welding totally).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Added cat-packs to Combat (players are catalysted a short time after they make a kill, if they aren't currently catalysted).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Mines are no longer give you 5 mines once, but give you one mine per life (can't suicide in Combat so it shouldn't be abusable).
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Marine Ranks/Levels:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>1. Private
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>2. Private First Class
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>3. Corporal
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>4. Sergeant
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>5. Lieutenant
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>6. Captain
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>7. Commander
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>8. Major
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>9. Field Marshal
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>10. General
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Alien Ranks/Levels:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>1. Hatchling
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>2. Xenoform
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>3. Minion
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>4. Ambusher
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>5. Attacker
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>6. Rampager
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>7. Slaughterer
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>8. Eliminator
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>9. Nightmare
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>10. Behemoth
<span style='color:orange'>-- o </span>Maps Added:
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_angst
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_core
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_daimos
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_kestrel
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_pulse
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_tasium
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>co_ulysses
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_agora
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_ayumi
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_delta
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_metal
<span style='color:green'>---- o </span>ns_mystic
<span style='color:yellow'>Official Maps from previous version:
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_bast
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_caged
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_hera
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_eclipse
<span style='color:red'>O </span>Removed ns_nancy (because of Onos stuck issues that can't be fixed without the map source. Sad to see you go, it was great)
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_nothing
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_tanith
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_lost
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_veil
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_origin
<span style='color:red'>O </span>ns_mineshaft
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hey guys,
OK, here's the changelog! The build will be posted here shortly. The patch is 16 megs.
O Fixed some structure bounding boxes where parts of them couldn't be hit (bug #247)
O Removed walking dependence on cl_forwardspeed
O Fixed "shooting-the-egg" crash
O Fixed the bug where items (medpacks, ammo, weapons, etc.) couldn't be dropped directly on players.
O Removed health/armor on level up (Combat)
O Removed distress beacon (Combat)
O Removed gorges (Combat)
O Removed experience for welding (didn't want to remove welding totally)
O Added cat-packs to Combat (players are catalysted a short time after they make a kill, if they aren't currently catalysted)
O Mines are no longer give you 5 mines once, but give you one mine per life (can't suicide in Combat so it shouldn't be abusable) (Combat)
O Added hand-grenades (thanks BrigadierWolf!)
-> Grenades don't detonate on contact, only after 4 seconds.
-> Available in Combat as regular upgrade (1 per life).
-> Available in regular NS as upgrade at armory. After researched, all marines spawn with a single grenade.
O Lowered lerk flap energy cost slightly
O Removed new hitbox code to see if it lessens server crashing
O Fixed bug where "impulse 1" does not cycle through slot 4 marine weapons (bug #178)
O Increased Onos health/armor from 500/400 to 900/500 to compensate for new 4x hitbox
O New co_kestrel
-> I removed the "roof" over the CC and brought it out just a touch away from the wall (its still down in the elevator). This should solve the virtual invicibility that skulks have hiding behind it in which marines have to jump down in and often die to protect the CC. Marines should be able to now just look down and shoot.
-> Generate new minimap sprite
O Playtesting new map: co_rebirth <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When's it to come out at most, next week/month?
primal scream
primal scream <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
That is correct. A lot of people were highly skeptical of that change when happened, but it's working very well so far. Most of the testers seem to like it now, me among them. With the new flight model, bite is VERY good. And you still have spore for ranged harassment. The only thing you can't do is slowly ping down heavies and buildings with spikes, which isn't necessarily the intended role of lerks anyway.
Hehe... Did they add some sort of dive... Hehe... Yeah, you'll have to try it. Basicly, now you press jump to flap, and when you flap you gain speed toward wherever your crosshairs are facing(if you had a crosshairs that is). So yes, get above a marine, face down and flap and you dive bomb them. You can also fly loops with the right settings. Lerks are a lot of fun now. I've gotten a lot of kills as a silence lerk swooping in, biting heads, and disappearing around a corner before the marines get off more than a couple bullets. I know a lot of people will miss spike, but honestly I don't any more. Lerk is just too much fun as it is now.
Hehe... Did they add some sort of dive... Hehe... Yeah, you'll have to try it. Basicly, now you press jump to flap, and when you flap you gain speed toward wherever your crosshairs are facing(if you had a crosshairs that is). So yes, get above a marine, face down and flap and you dive bomb them. You can also fly loops with the right settings. Lerks are a lot of fun now. I've gotten a lot of kills as a silence lerk swooping in, biting heads, and disappearing around a corner before the marines get off more than a couple bullets. I know a lot of people will miss spike, but honestly I don't any more. Lerk is just too much fun as it is now. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Heh I sorta "discovered" my lerking powah the other day... I can't wait to try it... *drools*, and the Onos has alot more hp (+ hitbox) this is good... He was too weak anyway, and the hitbox doesnt matter because the marines will hit you anyway <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
LMG\HMG\SG\GL, Pistol, Knife, Welder, Mines, Grenade.
6 slots?
I don't like that. People hoarding welders, mines and grenades and then they use only one of them. And it reduces the team aspect(one welds, one mines etc)
We'll see what happens.
Is that thing accurate? Anyway, it sorta suggests that you can have 1 grenade + welder, or 1 grenade + mines, but not all 3.
Is the grenade replenished by using the Armory, can the comm drop it for a marine, or is there no way to get another one?
Besides the Onos boost, yet again aliens are weakened according to change-log. Can't wait to try it out for 2 weeks and then whine.
Kidding, no whining. I just hope it will still be fun on both sides.
The re-removal of the Gorges from combat kinda sucks though. :/
Final edit: Ok, no more.
I guess this is my cue to start playing again once 3.0 is released <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Since the welder is small, you only get one grenade, and the mines come in a small compact pack of some kind, I assume all this stuff fits neatly across the right side of the belt, with the pistol and the knife on the left side. Then the big gun(lmg/shottie/etc) goes across the back and there you go.
Does the lerk accelerates faster than before with the new flight model (in straight line, I don't want to hit the ceiling again)?
I think new lerks will own even more in refinery hive hehe <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> .
Oh and the hand grenades will be a welcome addition to marine play. Sometimes comming back from a raven shield game I though:
*gets near a vent*
-Oh! there's a lerk in there.
-Were are my frags?
-Wait I have no frags, darn.
*waits near the vent*
so many questions ...
Hmph, I thought I read recently (when they announced opening slot four) that you still can't carry both mines and welder. So I assume this recently changed.