What Do You Think?

BigBullBigBull Join Date: 2003-04-02 Member: 15123Members
edited December 2003 in NS General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">Need your Thoughts</div> Well nsarmslab has already held a gorge shootout. Without NS:C But we are gonna hold another one mid january with Combat (hopefully its out)
What do you guys think of giving Out PC games. Such As "Call Of Duty". I already got 2 New unopened packages to give away. 5 Dollar Entry fee?
And you win a Call of duty
top 2 scores.

heres how the first gorge shootout worked. *Will be changed to combat*
Worked out quite well to.

We will choose a marine winner who kills the most gorges in a given time. And we will choose an alien winner who has the most "Heal Spray" kills, And "Spit Gun" kills.Stats will take account of this.

It worked out quite well actually. No Heavies or Hmgs for marines. Evened it out but with Combat should work more fiar, and convient. Tell me what you guys think, what we should change, why its good bad. Go ahead Flame me, but we are trying to mix up the community, and stop doing the same thing alot of NS servers do. Sit and rot.


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