Field Seargent

CheeseCheese Lork on the Clorf Join Date: 2003-12-15 Member: 24396Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">The Importance of a Field Sarge</div> Field Seargent:


no Welder (only if he also has HA)
no Grenade Launcher (too slow)


- Leads his Squad (gets the orders for the whole Squad)
- Leads counter-strikes
- Gives his Squad exact orders about what they have to do (how to move/get in position)
- Headset (a must)
- should know the commander to discuss tactics with him

The Squad of the Field Sarge consits of 2,3 Marines and the Field Sarge.

Counter Strikes:
Example: Marines are fighting for double Res but they cant get through. The keep attacking but meanwhile The Field sarge selects 2 Marines maximum and goes for an empty or not empty hive. Important is that they dont attack resTowers till they are in the Hive. They build a Phase Gate/TF and kill the Hive.

The squads main objective is to react very fast to problems.


  • VenomLordVenomLord Join Date: 2003-08-04 Member: 18868Members
    a good idea.. but if you are talking about pubs gl getting marines to co-operate enough to do this... however I often find myself leading 'counter strikes' solo on behalf of the commander while the rest of my team is busy with the aliens elsewhere
  • Lost3Lost3 Join Date: 2003-12-09 Member: 24181Members
    I don't think this Field Sargent should be the one to decide if he should take 2 other men and do something else. That really sounds like the job of the Comm. To be sure having local area leaders (officers)... lieutenents or sargents is quite important. I think its important to not to let them run off on their own ideas. The Comm has by far the best strategic view of the entire map he or she should be the one to make those calls. I'm not trying to say that officers should be drones but, like all good chains of command they should check with the higher ups before trying to switch objectives. I don't think I need to really harp on the effectiviness of unifed collective efforts.. aka teamwork with a purpose.
  • CheeseCheese Lork on the Clorf Join Date: 2003-12-15 Member: 24396Members, Constellation
    i´d like to remind you of the fact that i said the field sarge should know the commander and know his tactics. i know that this is only possible in a clan or if you know the person personal. I played some days ago with a friend as a commander and tried this. it was a game at a public server and the map was hera. we fought a long time till i asked my friend if i should take some guys to ventilation hive. he agreed and we built a phasegate there. Unfortunately a skulk spotted us but under other circumstances it could have worked.
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    I just wanted to say that the comm knew about it. and 2 marines did follow me on public. so its possible.

    There is also the problem that the marines often have better views of whats goin on at the front than the comm...

    all in all i think its worth a try if you arent a good commander but a good leader of a small squad
  • Lost3Lost3 Join Date: 2003-12-09 Member: 24181Members
    True enough, teamwork and co-operation are really completely vital to win. I'm not trying to say that a field sargent or officer shouldn't take the initative or such. I am merely wary of folks who are, using your example, not familiar to the Comm. I.E. not a clan member or such. In those cases the Comm and the officer really don't know each other all that well and probably don't know what the other is thinking. In such cases its quite possible that an officer may do what he sees as taking the initative but the Comm sees as...well... disobeying orders. However, this can easily be cleared up with communication on both parts. Simply saying to the Comm you are trying to sneak into a Hive will be enough for him to give you a greenlight and maybe some ammo if he likes you.

    I think the main thing is that most good marine teams absolutely must have teamwork. For the aliens it isn't as important because each one is capable of attacking, building, capping. Marines MUST rely on the Comm to do anything, he MUST rely on his marines to do what he needs to. Of course this is all for naught if the officers or the marines don't follow the Comm's orders.... I've seen many a game where the Comm didn't have the confidence of his troops and they did not follow his orders. In those games the marine almost always lose, they simply can't achieve anything like that. So I guess the really thing is communication and a willingness to hold your tongue and follow orders that you may not agree with at times.

    Again I think its hard to come up with hard and fast rules for every situation...
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