New Respawn Observation
Join Date: 2003-03-24 Member: 14848Members

Now, maybe it was just the server I was on, and maybe it was just a really coincedental marriage of skill equality, but last night I played on several combat maps (only 1 ns map... and there were too few people (ie. 3) for it to be fun) and there wasn't a single map that wasn't resolved in either ~2 minutes or ~1 hour. The only real reason any of these maps actually finished was because half of one of the teams would leave out of frustration that the game was sitting in a standstill for so long. Now I'm not arguing that this is necessarily a bad thing... I particularly loved every moment of it. However others were voicing their opinion that combat should neither last as short as our shortest games nor as long as some of our shorter games (3rd shortest was 45 mins).
It may not even be a balance issue at all. The new respawn system comes to mind. While it is intended to speed play it only seems to exaggerate the outcomes of short and long games instead of bring them closer together. Under the previous respawn system you could argue that during the mid game more people could be in play at any given time than in the new system (assuming at any given time more than a quarter of your team is dead). This means that especially during the mid-game gameplay (and thus upgrade acquisition) is faster paced and results in end-game coming sooner (even if it was drawn out longer before). In general the respawn system of the old version meant longer short games and shorter long games... at least on co_maps.
Take this with a grain of salt however, this was only my experience on one server where it seemed that everyone was just about as good as everyone else. Has anyone noticed anything similar, or is this observation purely coincedental.
And now for something completely different....
I really would like for grenade splash damage to have its own FF related cvar. This would allow a great many servers that can't stand 'nade spams to reduce its effectiveness without turning on FF. I've talked this over with several server admins of servers i frequent and they all agree that they'd rather play with less-effective smart people than effective laming f***tards.
It may not even be a balance issue at all. The new respawn system comes to mind. While it is intended to speed play it only seems to exaggerate the outcomes of short and long games instead of bring them closer together. Under the previous respawn system you could argue that during the mid game more people could be in play at any given time than in the new system (assuming at any given time more than a quarter of your team is dead). This means that especially during the mid-game gameplay (and thus upgrade acquisition) is faster paced and results in end-game coming sooner (even if it was drawn out longer before). In general the respawn system of the old version meant longer short games and shorter long games... at least on co_maps.
Take this with a grain of salt however, this was only my experience on one server where it seemed that everyone was just about as good as everyone else. Has anyone noticed anything similar, or is this observation purely coincedental.
And now for something completely different....
I really would like for grenade splash damage to have its own FF related cvar. This would allow a great many servers that can't stand 'nade spams to reduce its effectiveness without turning on FF. I've talked this over with several server admins of servers i frequent and they all agree that they'd rather play with less-effective smart people than effective laming f***tards.
Conversely, the game can take close to an hour, because everyone maxes out their levels, and is stuck with what they have. Usually because not enough aliens went onos, or not enough marines got GL or HMG.
I'd say the early wins are the most frustrating... I don't mind the long, drawn out games, because it's fun going around owning stuff with L10. ;D
Had close to 10 combat games last night, and ALL of them either took < 5 minutes or close to 60 minutes. And I also liked the longer ones better, because it's WAY more fun to play as lvl 10 (doesn't matter if you are on the losing or wining team) than to wait for hours to respawn, just to get killed in an instant and send back to the queue again.
There were already some good suggestions on this "problem", like letting at least 2 players spawn at once, or adding invulnerability ... (you know what i mean, and i don't know how to spell it correctly ;D). But whatever you do, please change it :-/
Had close to 10 combat games last night, and ALL of them either took < 5 minutes or close to 60 minutes. And I also liked the longer ones better, because it's WAY more fun to play as lvl 10 (doesn't matter if you are on the losing or wining team) than to wait for hours to respawn, just to get killed in an instant and send back to the queue again. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Haha yeah thats so much fun. Popping out of respawn shoting of 2 nades getting devoured by thack frickin onos.... damn I was sitting about 5 minute in that damned thingy.
I just played 31 straight NS COmbat under the new 3.0 patch.
28 of these rounds ended with ..
A few Focus skulks spawn camping while marines spawn in one at a time to get instantly killed or a few marines sitting in the hive with a shot gun picking off the aliens one at a time as the spawn in.
Not very fun. <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
make it so that at least two rines respawn at a time or undo the changes to skulks. let them be easy meat for lmg's again, then it's ok cause both sides need time to upgrade. as it is, aliens rush, rines die after 2 minutes in 90% of the games i experienced.
EDIT: spawn invulnerability makes it impossible to kill the hive/cc for the opposing team. either that or it just takes a few sec's more to kill em while spawn-camping with no change done. that is not a viable option.
How the hell you are you meant to counter that. Don't give me that skill BS, the max you can prolly take out is about 3 or 4 if your lucky. But by that stage they've been camping so much they have enough EXP to Fade or Onos....
Why? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Isn't combat suppose to hone your skill for the 'real' thing? Of course spawn camping generally isn't accepted....that doesn't mean you should waste your life as alien/marine so lavishly so that it comes down to letting everyone on the team to be respawning 1-3 at a time.
It was in the game but it was removed, don't know why tho.. it should be put in as an option.. because spawn camping is not very fun..
And the other thing.. the spawn time.. if you really want bloody combat.. make it so that every 20 seconds all dead players of the team spawn.
Whole team being spawncamped? Well no problem, the whole team spawns and gg campers <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Would it make destroying cc/hive too hard.. well maybe, but don't really think so..
People would level up quick and the game would be really bloody.
Tho hmm this would only benefit maps like faceoff which is small.. bigger maps would be pain to end <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Solution : Don't let the other team enter your base to camp you
Problem status : solved
I played 10 rounds of Combat last night, and reens won 9/10 rounds
Solution : Don't let the other team enter your base to camp you
Problem status : solved
I played 10 rounds of Combat last night, and reens won 9/10 rounds <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sometimes easier said then done.
I wish more people knew that if 90% of your team is dead and they haven't rushed you yet. Don't go out and attack, stay and defend until your team comes back in.
And this two at a time crap is bs. Why don't they just have it so whatever team all dies at the same time it just ends the game; since it's over when that happens anyways.
Also, it seems silly that 1/4 rounds down, resulting in easy camping after a few kills.
Actually, it rounds to the closest value, and rounds up from 1/2. I actually realized today that if one team has 5 people and the other has 6 people, the team with 5 people spawns one player at a time, and the team with 6 people spawns two people at a time. As if the team with less people isn't at enough of a disadvantage, they have to deal with that also. If this system is going to go in, it should at least be 1/4 of the larger team spawns at once.
Also, I love combat for the fact that it gives me so much practice and time to hone my skill. Somehow, classic was always too "serious" to go rushing into battle etc. Dieing like that was too great a risk, because it made everyone else wait another million years to spawn. Now, its just like a game of DMC almost...
Solution : Don't let the other team enter your base to camp you
Problem status : solved
I played 10 rounds of Combat last night, and reens won 9/10 rounds <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Problem: Teams Getting Camped
Reason: Enemy's Objective is in their spawn
Solution: Move spawns away from CCs and Hive.
All CO maps would be 10xs more fun if room with the CC/Hive was seperated from the room where people spawned (and designed so that the other team couldn't get into the spawn room). It's just common sence.