New hypothesis on Kharaa

measlesmeasles Join Date: 2007-02-26 Member: 60122Members, Constellation
edited February 2007 in Fan-Fiction Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">archeological findings</div>[attachmentid=35576]In ancient times the people of babylon [sumer/ur] where perhaps in direct conflict with the Kharaa. There are carved images and scriptures of a Beast warrior with 4 legs and 2 swords the size of men (Onos?) and the scorpion man whom none could outrun (Fade?). Relics from several of the ancient empires [aztec/maya, egypt, babylon, and others] of mathematical algorythms have been fed into a program sent from origin. The results indicate that the barron sattelite of Saturn Io is going to be used in a full-scale assault on humanity by the Kharaa!


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