my pragmatic NS customizations
Lord of the Bugs Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8487Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester

[ copied and pasted from the readme included in the zip file ]
-- Use at your own risk. Make a backup copy of your NS directory before replacing any files.
-- The cfg directory contains several useful scripts that can be bound directly to keys using the associated aliases:
-- con* : use the minus (-) key on the numeric keypad to toggle whether or not the console will be activated by the tilde (~) or backtick (`) key -- this is useful if you want to disable your console key so that pressing it accidentally (e.g., fat-fingering it when trying to press the numeral one (1) key or the TAB key) will have no effect
-- hmz* : use the plus (+) key on the numeric keypad to cycle through all values of cl_hudmapzoom -- this is useful for making on-the-fly changes to the display setting for the integrated minimap in the upper right corner of the marine HUD
-- x_bind_capslock_* : use the apostrophe (') key to toggle whether or not the CAPSLOCK key is bound to +voicerecord for in-game voice -- this is useful if you also have CAPSLOCK bound as the push-to-talk key in ventrilo
-- x_bind_mouse2_* : use the backslash (\) key to cycle behavior of the right mouse button (mouse2) and mouse wheel button (mouse3) on most mice -- this is extremely useful for changing the behavior of the mouse buttons to be most appropriate for playing as a marine or as various alien classes
-- The media, music, and sound directories contain nullified versions of all default mp3 files. Use these to eliminate much of the in-game background noise.
-- The sprites directory contains custom crosshairs which can be accessed by setting cl_customcrosshair to zero.
BREAKDOWN OF x_bind_mouse2_* behavior:
-- lastinv : mouse2 = lastinv; mouse3 = nothing : most useful as a marine for simply swapping quickly between two weapons
-- swap12 : mouse2 = press for slot2, release for slot1; mouse3 = +movement : commonly used as a skulk for firing off a quick parasite and then switching immediately back to bite
-- swap13 : mouse2 = press for slot3, release for slot1; mouse3 = +movement : commonly used as a 2-hive fade for getting in a quick metabolize between swipes
-- swap14 : mouse2 = press for slot4, release for slot1; mouse3 = +movement : occassionally used as a 3-hive lerk for firing off a primal scream and then switching immediately back to bite
1. Copy the included ns directory into your half-life directory (the one that contains your ns directory).
2. Choose the "Yes to All" file replacement option.
3. Copy and paste the following binds into your userconfig.cfg file (if you do not wish to use the keys specified below, then you will need to replace the keys in each of the cfg files within the ns\cfg directory):
bind "KP_MINUS" "conoff"
bind "KP_PLUS" "hmz0"
bind "'" "x_bind_capslock_2"
bind "\" "x_bind_mouse2_swap12"
4. Bind keys to the following aliases (any keys may be used):
5. If you are already using a custom ns\autoexec.cfg file, add the following line to it rather than replacing the entire file:
exec cfg/base.cfg
-- Use at your own risk. Make a backup copy of your NS directory before replacing any files.
-- The cfg directory contains several useful scripts that can be bound directly to keys using the associated aliases:
-- con* : use the minus (-) key on the numeric keypad to toggle whether or not the console will be activated by the tilde (~) or backtick (`) key -- this is useful if you want to disable your console key so that pressing it accidentally (e.g., fat-fingering it when trying to press the numeral one (1) key or the TAB key) will have no effect
-- hmz* : use the plus (+) key on the numeric keypad to cycle through all values of cl_hudmapzoom -- this is useful for making on-the-fly changes to the display setting for the integrated minimap in the upper right corner of the marine HUD
-- x_bind_capslock_* : use the apostrophe (') key to toggle whether or not the CAPSLOCK key is bound to +voicerecord for in-game voice -- this is useful if you also have CAPSLOCK bound as the push-to-talk key in ventrilo
-- x_bind_mouse2_* : use the backslash (\) key to cycle behavior of the right mouse button (mouse2) and mouse wheel button (mouse3) on most mice -- this is extremely useful for changing the behavior of the mouse buttons to be most appropriate for playing as a marine or as various alien classes
-- The media, music, and sound directories contain nullified versions of all default mp3 files. Use these to eliminate much of the in-game background noise.
-- The sprites directory contains custom crosshairs which can be accessed by setting cl_customcrosshair to zero.
BREAKDOWN OF x_bind_mouse2_* behavior:
-- lastinv : mouse2 = lastinv; mouse3 = nothing : most useful as a marine for simply swapping quickly between two weapons
-- swap12 : mouse2 = press for slot2, release for slot1; mouse3 = +movement : commonly used as a skulk for firing off a quick parasite and then switching immediately back to bite
-- swap13 : mouse2 = press for slot3, release for slot1; mouse3 = +movement : commonly used as a 2-hive fade for getting in a quick metabolize between swipes
-- swap14 : mouse2 = press for slot4, release for slot1; mouse3 = +movement : occassionally used as a 3-hive lerk for firing off a primal scream and then switching immediately back to bite
1. Copy the included ns directory into your half-life directory (the one that contains your ns directory).
2. Choose the "Yes to All" file replacement option.
3. Copy and paste the following binds into your userconfig.cfg file (if you do not wish to use the keys specified below, then you will need to replace the keys in each of the cfg files within the ns\cfg directory):
bind "KP_MINUS" "conoff"
bind "KP_PLUS" "hmz0"
bind "'" "x_bind_capslock_2"
bind "\" "x_bind_mouse2_swap12"
4. Bind keys to the following aliases (any keys may be used):
5. If you are already using a custom ns\autoexec.cfg file, add the following line to it rather than replacing the entire file:
exec cfg/base.cfg