Looking For A Harddrive Based Music Player
Hey guys, anyone know where I can find something like <a href="http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/drives/8e50/" target="_blank">this</a>, without the video, image etc. format support, just a pure music player that I can connect to my speakers/TV/HiFi, or even using a radio transmitter?
I'd prefer it if it had a built in hard drive (either 120GB or 160GB), or supported SATA hard drives. Looking to spend around £100, preferably less though.
And one last thing, preferably from a retailer in the UK to save money and time. Man, I'm greedy.
I basically want something I can shove ALL of my music onto (~90GB), connect to my HiFi and use to blast music through my house at parties.
Thanks in advance.
I'd prefer it if it had a built in hard drive (either 120GB or 160GB), or supported SATA hard drives. Looking to spend around £100, preferably less though.
And one last thing, preferably from a retailer in the UK to save money and time. Man, I'm greedy.
I basically want something I can shove ALL of my music onto (~90GB), connect to my HiFi and use to blast music through my house at parties.
Thanks in advance.
well here's the first thing I found, it's not what you want but i'm going to link to it because it's the fruit of my labour and you'll like it if I tell you you like it.
<a href="http://www.neurosaudio.com/store/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=DigitalInnovationsCatalog&product%5Fid=6011000&keyword=osd&searchcat=products&cookie%5Ftest=1" target="_blank">you like it.</a>
or there is <a href="http://www.wholehousefmtransmitter.com/details_specs.php" target="_blank">this</a> transmitter whatsit that just hooks into a headphone jack and transmits at a given FM station of your choice.
here's a totally overpriced box of plastic to look at:
<a href="http://www.sonos.com/products/zoneplayers/zp80/features.htm" target="_blank">weeeeeeeeee</a>
anyway - usually searching "home audio" and "mp3" will give you results on google