SINGAPORE versus AUS/NZ Exhibition Match

xportxport Join Date: 2006-12-01 Member: 58794Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Schduled for October 6th, 9 PM AEST</div>The NSPlayer and the SGNS have arranged to play an exhibition match scheduled for October 6th 9 PM AEST, featuring some of the best competitive NSPlayers from the two continents. (that still play ns)

We will be playing 4 rounds - two on a Australia server and two on a Singapore server. The maps are undecided at the moment.

HLTV will be avabile for the match's on the Australia server, and possibly on the Singapore server. All NSPlayers are welcome to come spectate and join in on the fun.

Australia server = MCGOOHQ | NSPlayer 3.2 ;
Singapore server = [SGNS] SGHalflife Community Server (Powered by ;


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