nsarmslab is officially dead

HIPHOPPOLICEHIPHOPPOLICE Join Date: 2007-09-30 Member: 62492Members, Constellation
Since the NSA site is dead, I was wondering where I could find another site with custom sprites and skins n stuff. Plz let me know, thx.


  • TestosteronTestosteron Join Date: 2006-12-29 Member: 59299Members, Constellation
    Oma's page: <a href="http://oma.miumau.net/index.php?site=files" target="_blank">http://oma.miumau.net/index.php?site=files</a>
    Nine Legends: <a href="http://www.ninelegends.com/files/" target="_blank">http://www.ninelegends.com/files/</a>
    European Natural Selection League: <a href="http://ensl.zanith.nl/index.php?view=files" target="_blank">http://ensl.zanith.nl/index.php?view=files</a>
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