Spore Tables

ZiGGYZiGGY Join Date: 2003-01-19 Member: 12479Members
edited November 2007 in NS General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">understanding spore</div>damnit lost post lol

<a href="http://www.hl2.co.uk/ziggy/sporetables.htm" target="_blank">http://www.hl2.co.uk/ziggy/sporetables.htm</a>

IF you wonder "hmm how much spore do I need to 1 shot this guy"/"do I have enough health/armor to not get 1 shotted" etc etc
then these tables will tell you (though I couldnt be arsed to do many cause I know no one wants to read em lol)


DMG = Damage done in 1 go
SPORE = time it would take (seconds) til ya get 1 shotted
WELD = same as SPORE except your armour constantly replenishes (eg a lerk spores you sods off and you weld up but dont get medded)
HEALTH = the magic HP numbers of ultimate faily death on WELD
MEDS = same as SPORE except youre being medspammed by Jesus as such have 100 hp at all times.

Based on the assumption spore ticks every .5 seconds for 7 dmg (in a .3-.7 dmg ratio, a= 2dmg/point blah blah blah)

10s of spore w/ welding to get 1 hitted by a focus fade with only a1
3-4.5(depending on meds) seconds of spore is all it takes to 1hit an a1 marine as a focus fade unless they welded
3 seconds of spore to 2 bite an unupgraded marine in combat </b>

etc etc, cba to make this exciting, if you have uses for this (such as soloing/alien/marine strats/tacts) then go nuts, and if youre desperate I can toss off these tables since its just a matter of banging in the numbers lol

( I use it for slightly more complex scenarios for very little reason >.>; *emo suicide GO!* )

It is quite easy to time these, since in game you actually have a clock that ticks away lol</b>


  • NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
    yes thanks ziggy i have been finding lerks have been so much more needed of late, my issue is people crack if you go early lerk, unless everyone goes early lerk like its some sort of shot go rush, and its good but the learning cerve to go lerk mid to late game is hard, and you really want scent of fear at this point other wise your going to get ambushed with HMG's.

    the early lerk can make all the diffrance, and can stop rines in those games were they rush hive from the word go and try and seal you in so they can take the map. balm a good lerk can scare them off heaps.

    like you said 3 seconds of gas and suddenly you dont have to parasite any more

    what numbers i think you should crunch are, 1-2 para's on a rine X seconds of gas for one bite. against a vanila and then a armor one marine

    alot of times you dont get two bites, and suddenly if two sulks and a lerk can barrel down at three rines, when its only going to take one bite each theres a pritty good chance all three kharaa will survive, sure it takes a bit more time a bit more placement and not giveing them time to be meded by the lazy com or allow them to weld. but suddenly things are looking up for our new bacterium overlords.
  • ZiGGYZiGGY Join Date: 2003-01-19 Member: 12479Members
    edited November 2007
    well if you factor in reaction times etc etc then you can disassociate the concepts to get different meanings of "impact damage". If you simply wanna know how long rine will take to get 1 hitted after 2 parasites whilst being spored its simply a case of using SPORE(DMG = 95 (75+10+10)). OFC if all this dmg isnt going to be done between heals then its a little different lol [not gonna go down this road cause its obvious enough asis]
    I have all the functions for these tables so it's not much of an issue to calculate them lol

    again no real demand for them so not gonna post a full list but heres a couple for you then lol

    SPORE -- 0/1/2/3
    60 -- 7.5/10/13/16.5
    75 -- 6.5/9/12/15
    85 -- 5.5/8.5/11.5/14
    95 -- 5/7.5/10.5/13.5
    105 -- 4/7/10/12.5
    135 -- 2/5/7.5/10.5
    145 -- 1.5/4/7/10
    155 -- 0.5/3.5/6.5/9

    edit: now im not saying that these numbers are perfect and frankly i cba to check the formula, but they probably are <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
  • NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
    Hum I was hopeing you would say it would take 5 seconds of spore to pop a lvl 0 rine with a pair of para and a single non focus skulk bite
    and 8 seconds of spore for a lvl 1 armor marine.

    7dam per second for 6 seconds, 5 seconds for 35 dam + 95 (75+10+10)= 130.

    8 seconds for 56 damage + 95= 151

    One thing I really want to see effective is a balance between resonable spore time and OC spikes.

    For oc's at 20 hp 1 shot a sec, almost garrenteed a hastie zelous marine will jump out for at least 2-3 seconds, two OC's thats

    80-120dam for 2-3 shots each, plus spore of 8 seconds for 136 or 2 seconds if he takes 3 shots from both Oc's.

    At armor one thats 10 seconds of spore or 5 seconds with 2 oc's getting off 3 shots.

    Those are pritty good odds for a 30 res support lerk and a 30 res gorge plus a pair of his oc's.
    you run through a spore cloud you chase the lerk around the courner, death.

    Hum those marine kills gave you enough res to build two more OC's up ahead on the next courner?

    Repeat. hum suddenly they have armor 1, repeat.

    Now your lerks a fade and you have a third of the map with OC's at every junction and bend.
  • asmodeeasmodee Join Date: 2007-06-20 Member: 61317Members, Constellation
    I think a2/3 tables along with shotgun/lmg damage per second with w2/3 are important considering you're basising this around focus and typically SC is not the first chamber, so marines will have more than just a1/w0 by the time you get focus.

    Similarly I would be interested in damage per second lmg a1/w0 vs lerk damage per second of 2 bites. Meaning if your damage per second (also counting travel time to the marine) is greater you might survive

    The most likely situation is an a1/w0 marine and a lerk 2-3 bites. What you really want to know is with x number of marines, how fast will you die.

    I've been working on a couple other tables (not related to lerks) myself and am going to make a simple site for them.
  • ZiGGYZiGGY Join Date: 2003-01-19 Member: 12479Members
    the other dmg tables have been around for years, but those dmg rates are based on fps so you cant really tabulate them in this way. theyre also really easy to work out by hand since there is almost no rounding involved.
    the dmgs for the weaps should be floating around, add +10%*wlvl to the dmg on your weaps, 30% goes into hp 70% into armour unless there isnt enough armour then it goes into health, armour is 2 points of hp at 1 -2 hive, I think the absobtion ratio changes with hive3 aswell as the a values, which would make it 10%-90% armour is worth 3 points.)
    youd probably be better off combining spit + spore than oc spike + spore in small games most of the time (not always)
  • asmodeeasmodee Join Date: 2007-06-20 Member: 61317Members, Constellation
    I guess I wasn't clear. I meant the damage/second tables with relation to the lerk spores. Say a1/w2 lmg vs. lerk, how many seconds of spores do you need to have a reasonable chance of survival.

    Although I guess this would depend too much on how well the marine can track you to be worth anything because certainly any marine that landed every bullet could kill you very quickly, but that isn't very likely either.
  • NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
    well effectively you want to spore him enough so that you can one shot him with out focus but even then yes it would be nice ot make it so he isnt tracking your movment and you come at him from a blind side, which garrentteed at this point while your moveing into posiiton hes going to get medded.

    as for spore and spit yes thats the fall back plan, acctuly the fall back plan is two spits be they hits of misses then heal sprays, as heal sprays better for damage, energy, cone AOE and rate of fire. but to know that you could be healiung ht near death lerk or a fade, or building a res node around the courner that the OC's will near do there job with that lerk guarding, and garenteed if the marines trys to change his mind and go after the gorge mid rush that if it gets to a med spamming point were the gorge is a inch from dieing the lerks teeth i am sure will help.

    I have always felt though that spore shouldnt damage the armor of a marine it should do direct health damage.
    but i guess meds would just cancel that out if it does armor damage then you need rines with welders and meds.
    I just think droping a rines health then haveing bites do armor and health damage to finish him off, i dont know. but thn again i have always felt bile bomb should near instantly strip marine armor.

    when they decresed its range and damage i was sure they were going to let it tear through armor.
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