5 secrets of level 2 in Bubsy 3D

[WHO]Them[WHO]Them You can call me Dave Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10593Members, Constellation
There's really no way to explain it. This video isn't interesting. But the commentary is almost hypnotic.

<center><object width="450" height="356"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/25bjSoyXlw0"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/25bjSoyXlw0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="356"></embed></object></center>


  • BlackMageBlackMage [citation needed] Join Date: 2003-06-18 Member: 17474Members, Constellation
  • TyrainTyrain Join Date: 2003-01-03 Member: 11746Members
    Jumpy, Jumpo, Jump.... uhhhh ohhhh....
  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    Hire that guy to do the commentaries on future valve games.
  • CrispyCrispy Jaded GD Join Date: 2004-08-22 Member: 30793Members, Constellation
    edited November 2007
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/06/Droopy_Dog.png/200px-Droopy_Dog.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    Did you know that two weeks before I discovered the bug with the fan I had a dream that featured a strikingly similar view to the orange top mountains yet to come in the video... and this is that view! Now I just need to get across these mountains and over to the area. Are you ready for some mountain climbing?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    It's kinda like the radio announcer in Reservoir Dogs, so deadpan it is, as you say, mesmerising.

    [Edit] <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/ulillillia" target="_blank">He's done 105 videos</a>! I don't know whether to call this a goldmine or a minefield.
  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    The resemblance to Droopy is indeed remarkable. I can't believe anyone would spend this much time with such a terrible game...
  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    edited November 2007
    I'm genuinely scared. I visited this guy's <a href="http://www.ulillillia.us/sitemap.shtml" target="_blank">website </a> – he seems to have created an extremely detailed encyclopedia of his life including some weird categories such as the super powers he uses in his dreams, his imaginary friends, his fear of mirrors and the reasons he rarely takes showers (among many, many other things).
  • CrispyCrispy Jaded GD Join Date: 2004-08-22 Member: 30793Members, Constellation
    You ######. I deliberately tried to avoid the website because I knew it would make for compelling effed up viewing. Now you made me go and find <a href="http://www.ulillillia.us/aboutme/music.shtml" target="_blank">this page</a>:
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->So, you've managed to listen to that song for 20 consecutive times and thought that was impressive. 20 times is hardly even a start for me and it's quite common I go on for over 1000 plays spanning multiple days. Yeah, one thousand plays. Yet, even 1000 plays is still only a small bite at my record. By changing the speed, often to slower-than-normal speeds, and utilizing equalizers, I can add variety, but even these aren't changed often as I can still go for hundreds or even thousands of plays without making a change. This section explains my history with music in depth to the best I can including my stunning records.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><b>1.9.1 OWTLI - my top favorite song for ten years</b>

    Almost as soon as I reached the tenth level in the Sega Genesis game "Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind", I suddenly found a great interest in that level's music, especially the bass during parts 1 and 2. Combined with the great sound and peaceful feel as well as the fast action, this song quickly became my most listen to of all, towering over everything. When in schools, I frequently hummed it as I liked it so much. At one point, I set a record where I had it playing nonstop without change for 22 days straight, and I only had 2 speeds available, unlike today where I have thousands. I often switched between OWTLI and Desert Zone, both from the same game (Desert Zone from level 7 after stopping the train). I sometimes switched to other songs, but I preferred OWTLI much more. In fact, nearly 2/3 of all my cassettes (I have nearly 60 of them), have OWTLI on them in some form from the numerous slow-down experiments I've done.

    For nearly a decade, OWTLI has been my top-ranked song, reaching right around one million life time plays in the 11 or so years I had it. Estimates, from an in-depth calculation, came out to be from 900,000 to as much as 1,200,000 plays. Desert Zone, my second-most-listened-to song, has from about 300,000 to 600,000 plays from what I can tell, but I haven't done in-depth calculations to really say for sure and thus the wider range (on the logarithmic scale).

    <b>1.9.2 Winter Land - move aside OWTLI!</b>

    Even until the start of 2006, more than a decade later, OWTLI was my all-time top favorite song. Suddenly, Winter Land came along and I soon went to 27 days straight without changing the song. This isn't the Christmas song, but the name I gave for the round 5-1 in the Sega Genesis game Ristar. It sounded best slightly faster than true speed. If 27 days seems a lot, it's barely halfway to my current record.

    <b>1.9.3 Battle Zone for 46 days - is that a joke!?</b>

    If you think 27 days straight is impressive enough, try 46 days. That's my current record. This isn't a joke either. Throughout half of May and almost all of June of 2006, I had the same song playing without end (even on my MP3 player when I went to bed. The only difference was that the speed was changed, but even then, I still went a very impressive 12 days without changing the speed, 60% true speed. This was due to the last 4 measures of the song where the highest recorded compatibility of 3190 occurred. The version on my MP3 player had the highest peak, but the one on my computer didn't sound as good as I had low-grade speakers at the time. It was this that caused me to lose my interest. Despite losing interest on my computer, my MP3 player continued on and then some. Yep, day in and day out, it was nothing but listening to Battle Zone, the battle music from Final Fantasy 9. The only time I wasn't listening to it is when my MP3 player's battery died and I was eating, or while I was shopping, the few, rare times it happens. In all that time, I may have had but 30 hours or so in breaks, much of which from eating and the MP3 player's battery being dead.

    <b>1.9.4 107 days straight on a single source</b>

    107 days straight on a single source. You're probably thinking that the zero is a typo, but it's not. Although I lost interest on my computer, my MP3 player went on with the same song without changing it. The only thing that changed was just the speed and that, too, wasn't changed often and what changes there were, they were all in a very narrow range - from 55 to 65% true speed, most commonly at 30% true speed where the highest recorded compatibility occurred.

    <b>1.9.5 FF1 World - a close second</b>

    At 42 days straight, FF1 World, the music from the world map of Final Fantasy 1 (from Final Fantasy Origins), has become the second-longest span of listening to the same song. Although I changed the speed more often, it was a sudden video game addiction that prevented me from adding further to it as it could've reached close to or even beyond 50 days.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

    /head aslpodes
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    I have a paper to write and I just spent who knows how much time reading about this guy's life. He's got, like, a couple paragraphs for every grade in school, plus a few paragraphs describing each school, plus a whole page about how he can't get a job, and a whole page about his history with TV and movies, and a whole page about his special skills, and that's just scratching the surface.

    Must... resist...
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    edited November 2007
    His website indeed. Rummaged around a bit. I wouldn't be surprised at all (and maybe I'm just stating the obvious) if he turns out to have some form of authism (edit: gah dammit, it's spelled autism in english). In my layman's opinion, he seem a kinda classic case, namely in that he is of normal or above average intelligence but that his mind clearly doesn't work in the same way most people's do.
  • CrispyCrispy Jaded GD Join Date: 2004-08-22 Member: 30793Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1662419:date=Nov 30 2007, 05:19 PM:name=lolfighter)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lolfighter @ Nov 30 2007, 05:19 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1662419"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->His website indeed. Rummaged around a bit. I wouldn't be surprised at all (and maybe I'm just stating the obvious) if he turns out to have some form of authism (edit: gah dammit, it's spelled autism in english). In my layman's opinion, he seem a kinda classic case, namely in that he is of normal or above average intelligence but that his mind clearly doesn't work in the same way most people's do.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->I was thinking the same thing.

    Just be aware he probably has website hit tracking before anyone decides to bash him for being special.
  • XythXyth Avatar Join Date: 2003-11-04 Member: 22312Members
    Ah, Ullillillia (or however it's spelled) rises again. Im pretty sure he does have a form of autism, all the pieces are there.

    I just wish somebody would give him an xbox 360 or something, if he's going to spend 500 hours on a video game why does it have to be a terrible game like bubsy 3d?!

    You know what, somebody get him a better computer and a copy of portal, I bet he'd love that stuff.
  • TestamentTestament Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4037Members
    <img src="http://www.ulillillia.us/images/workingonmy2Dgamethumb.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    I'm going to have nightmares of his jaw unhinging and eating me in one massive gulp.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1662426:date=Nov 30 2007, 01:33 PM:name=Xyth)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Xyth @ Nov 30 2007, 01:33 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1662426"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Ah, Ullillillia (or however it's spelled) rises again. Im pretty sure he does have a form of autism, all the pieces are there.

    I just wish somebody would give him an xbox 360 or something, if he's going to spend 500 hours on a video game why does it have to be a terrible game like bubsy 3d?!

    You know what, somebody get him a better computer and a copy of portal, I bet he'd love that stuff.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    He's afraid of mirrors. I'm sure portals would give him similar problems. He also can't deal with stairs or chairs, of which Portal has both.
  • LikuLiku I, am the Somberlain. Join Date: 2003-01-10 Member: 12128Members
    So damn strange... and creepy...
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    edited December 2007
    He only has issues with mirrors in real life, Tycho. Mirrors in games don't bother him at all.

    He mentions that stairs are no issue in his mind game. No mention of chairs outside of real life, but if I were to make a guess, I'd say that neither is a problem in video games.
  • ZupiCoZupiCo Custom titles rule&#33; Join Date: 2003-03-22 Member: 14792Members
    edited December 2007
    Wow, those are some really neat secrets!

    Also, I found this on his website. That is a pretty thourough description of his computer space. I find his site really interesting, by the way. He has a completely different look on the world than I would probably say any of us have.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->* North - my computer is here. My 19-inch CRT monitor is on top of a nightstand just 2 feet above the ground (I would prefer 20 inches instead, but it was all I had). My keyboard is on a box toward the south of the monitor and just 14 inches above the floor. The mouse is to the east only 8 inches above the floor on top of the bottom of a box. The keyboard has 4 drier sheets covering it (my rather oily hands make it uncomfortable and these help (and help block some dust to some extent)). 3 Altoids containers prevent the dryer sheets from sliding unexpectedly. My hands rest on a blanket. That same blanket covers my mouse and for the same reason as the keyboard and I use a secondary blanket for resting my hands on. To the west and east of my monitor are my speakers, a 2-speaker system. I almost always have mono sound files playing (99.9% of the time) so there's no need for 2.1 or 5.1 sound. My computer case is about 18 inches to the west of my monitor, rotated at an angle for getting to easier in case I need to install or replace a new piece of internal hardware or troubleshoot a hardware-related problem. Below my case is where I stash my papers for recycling.
    * Northeast - my closet, cans and trash containers are here. My closet generally stores very rarely used things like my globe and hit-a-bump board. Not all of it is my stuff though. The cans bag, 3 feet from my monitor, is used to store crushed cans (for my lemonades I drink; I crush them using my hands). My trash bag is just to the south of the cans bag, usually containing paper towels (almost always from degreasing my pizzas) wrappers and other things my local recycling center doesn't bother to take. My clothes are located on shelves about 5 feet above the floor, 3 above my monitor. They are stashed in a box. My driver and software disks for my computer are located on the bottom with snack foods as well in unopened boxes. The second shelf contains general treasures I find, usually of very low importance or value (like a paper clip or rubber band). The third shelf contains one of my computer's speakers, and boxes of my Hamburger Helper that I rarely have. Things of moderate importance are stored here. The shelf above contains my clothes and the top shelf contains some semi-essential things like batteries, light bulbs (the compact fluorescent type), and CD cases.
    * East - I plug my MP3 player in to charge here and more of my closet area is here as well. Part of the area where I sleep is here since that's where the heat duct is, required for me during the winter. My regular nondigital clock is here as well.
    * Southeast - my door is here, but there's otherwise nothing much here.
    * South - my shelves are here, used primarily for storage of rarely used things. Boxes that my recycling center won't recycle (waxed) are stored here for crushing later on, along with some other things of low importance.
    * Southwest - More shelves and my bright green-digit digital clock is here. Rarely used things are stored here in addition.
    * West - video game consoles, dresser, and my TV are here. I always have the NES, Playstation 1, and Sega Genesis here. The Gamecube is on occasion, but not always since my sister occasionally uses it. The dresser isn't used for clothes, rather, its used for storage of medium-low importance semi-rarely used things. My TV is a CRT with the date of manufacture as May of 1995. The TV uses a coaxial cable to connect my games with (rather than the 3-colored cables (white, yellow, and red), it's just a single connector).
    * Northwest - I toss stained or damaged clothes over here so I don't bother having to search them again and again (wasting time) finding them stained again. My computer's printer is also here.
    * Center - This is where I sleep. I keep my daily logs here as well and it's also where I play my video games from. My clock that uses the atomic clock for automatically setting itself is here that shows my room's temperature. From 74 to 77°F during the winter is where I'm most comfortable and 75 to 78°F for the summer.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
  • DiscoZombieDiscoZombie Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18951Members
    sounds like <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome#Restricted_and_repetitive_interests_and_behavior" target="_blank">Asperger's</a> to me
  • BlooBloo Village Fool of UWF Join Date: 2006-11-09 Member: 58497Members
    Also, he rests his hands on a blanket.
  • LikuLiku I, am the Somberlain. Join Date: 2003-01-10 Member: 12128Members
    He can program in C too...
  • DreadDread Join Date: 2002-07-24 Member: 993Members
    A nicer version of Ignatius J. Reilly?
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1663056:date=Dec 6 2007, 07:58 AM:name=Dread)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dread @ Dec 6 2007, 07:58 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1663056"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->A nicer version of Ignatius J. Reilly?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Ahah, that's actually a pretty good way of looking at it.
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