Surveilance Cameras

eoyeoy Join Date: 2004-11-18 Member: 32860Members
<div class="IPBDescription">be prepared.</div>Just a random idea I got at work today, what if the commander could build surveilance cameras - really cheap - and then he could click on them to get a first person view of what's going on in that place. The cameras would be destroyed in 1-2 bites, so the whole idea is just to get some sort of warning of an incomming assault, or if I hive is going up. Just a small asset to help the commander.


  • KissamiesKissamies Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4748Members
    Even cooler if the stuff commander built in marine bases had these monitors that could show views from these cameras. However, I understand that func_monitor stuff really taxes the server so it's probably not a good idea. For the basic idea, maybe it would be better if it were the marines that set those cameras. Comm gives them one and tells them to go install in over there. For usage, there would be a small screen on the corner of comm interface that can be clicked to become a full screen view. It would track marine visuals and cameras.
  • eoyeoy Join Date: 2004-11-18 Member: 32860Members
    To clearify, I was thinking along the lines that the commander places the camera, and the marines would need to build it, but actually giving them to marines and allowing them to place them with that much control would be much better! That solves the issue on which way they will be facing aswell.
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