Welcome to new forum members

afratnikovafratnikov Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18931Members
Recently, there have been a lot of first-time posters on the forums. A fresh point of view is always a good thing. Don't be discouraged on the ideas&suggestions forum when others start telling you "it's been suggested before." It probably has, but you could add new ideas to those suggestions. Still, the "search" option is your friend to help you find information on the topic you're interested in.

Please, introduce yourself and tell us how you got into NS, how you heard about this site, why you're anticipating NS2, and anything else.

I've heard about NS back when there still were babblers ('02 or '03). I always liked games that combined FPS and RTS elements, like Dungeon Keeper. NS was very unique and fun to play. I joined the ns forum after i had played the game for a while. I think NS2 will deliver even better gameplay and atmosphere.


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