Red Rum Story Thread

FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">NS DF community fortress</div><!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->This is the story thread. Please do not post here, <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
unless you have completed your year of leadership and are now posting what happened.
How you tell the world what has happened during your leadership is up to you, but please remember to include screenshots. Try to put it all into a single post. If you want to comment any stories or apply for leadership use the following thread: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
If you want you can edit your stories, to include comments by other board members.
Please remember to include your save file at the end of your post. Archive the save folder and use common formats like zip or rar. The save file will be roughly 20MB in the beginning and later grow to more than 30MB. supports these filesizes.

After this line all that comes is the hopefully not so tragic story of 7 dwarves and their struggle for GLORY!


  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    Year 1

    The wagon comes to an abrupt halt, smashing my head against the bench. Cant a dwarf sleep for 1 or 2 weeks without being disturbed? Anyway: Oddom spits some tobacco and grunts: Axles broke. Oh gee, not again. Well ###### it. Lets just stay here. I am tired of fixing that goddamn axle every goddamn day.
    Lets have a look at my new home:
    Oh my Armok! Has that idiot been driving along the cliffside the whole time? I don't believe it. No wonder the axle broke again. Gha, I will let the little sucker do some mining maybe he will get good at it, after digging through a whole mountain.
    Anyway lets have a look around. Hmm, seems like a certain someone has to dig stairs into the cliffs before I can have a look around. Oddom you stubborn mule, get over here and dig me some stairs.

    Time passes

    Okay, our new home is a rather steep valley, with a small brook, a open surface magma pipe, several sand layers and easy to access marble and haematite! Hmm, sound like I could turn this place into a giant steel mill. But first, lets check the supplies.

    Plump Helmet spawns check
    Rock nuts check
    bauxite check
    picks and axe double check
    ropes check
    booze check
    animals check
    cat meat... hmm, I checked every barrel, but no cat meat. Hey, what's in these bags. AHHHHH, What the hell, my finger its bleeding. Who the ###### put live turtles in these bags, Theres at least a hundred of them.


    Oddom: Well, they make good pets <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />.

    Stupid Oaf... I should... hmmm. You are right Oddom they make good pets and because you provided us with so much pets I am promoting you to Stoneworker. You now mine and smooth. Ain't that fun?

    Well, seems like we will be eating turtles for a while. Better get the plump helmet production started, before I loose another finger.

    Stuff to do:
    Move south, to be closer to the magma pipe and the sand
    Start food production
    Cut the few trees down to make some beds and a few rock swords, for self defence
    Turn my bauxite into mechanisms and store those safely away, for later use
    Wall off the magma pipe, to prevent fire imp invasion
    Start digging a fort

    So lets get this party started!

    First on the agenda is moving south, towards magma and sand. There we will be able to grow crop without having to pump water the the whole freaking mountain. Gha. Its also a supreme location for glass production. Note to self: Need to place lots of green glass goodies in tomb.
    Thos nice little patch will become our farming operation for now. We are going to grow plump helmets and brew them into wine and quarry bushes who will be our supply of food.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    One z level below our temporary farming will be the main entrance. High on the cliffs and grand grand GRAAAAAND

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Unfortunately some fireman floated up the magma pipe and decided to disturb our mining operation. So we removed a bunch ramps near the pipe and started to wall the little burning man in. The lone piece of wall is from a previous attempt to wall in, but I abandoned that, cause fireman were jumping out of the pipe and started spitting magma.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Just look at him there he is burning with rage, cause he wont be able to reach my dwarves anymore!
    Note to self: Pump water from the brook into the magma pipe to cool fireman off.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    The caravan arrived. Unfortunately my depot was not accessible, so they did not have any wagons. But on the bright side they brought anvils with them, which I could not afford. I had lots and lots of native gold, but it was too heavy and the traders didn't want to strain their animals that much. ######. Other than that I only had fancy food, but the traders didnt want to give me a steel anvil for it. They however mentioned that it would have been enough for an iron anvil. Asking them, if they by coincident they carried such an iron anvil they simply replied with no laughed their asses off.
    Stupid traders. Note to Self: Make contraption, that allows flooding the trade depot to drown traders!

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    I struck gold and immediately decided that this was golden luck and that there should be my tomb. It shall be filled only the gold I found there and with the best glassdwarfship known to dwarvenkind. I will personally construct the first statue for my tomb later on.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Migrants, wheee. News of our growing wealth travels fast. And I need more hands to transfer the las goods from the wagon across the valley. 3 of the migrants were craftsdwarves. Good luck. They shall make lots of worthless plunder, so that we can finally get an anvil from the next caravan.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    To make sure that the traders are able to reach our depot next year I started building a “skybridge” towards the nearest dwarven settlement.

    Overall the first year was nothing spectacular. Lots of kobold thieves sneaking around, but the little scamps just run, when they see my woodcutter. The food and booze supplies are stable, but the next ruler should have a good look @ the kitchen screen. I only brew plump helmets and cook quarry bush leaves. Slaughtering some of the animals stuffed into the breeding pits might be worthwhile to mix up our dwarven diet.
    However, I am tired of this leadership thingy and will rest the next decades until a time of need arrives and my dwarves need someone to pull them out of trouble again. The following notes are for my predecessor:
    Finish my tomb, noble dwarf. Make it grand, GRAAAAAAAND with lots of green glass.
    Our farming needs expanding and also should be moved to rock layers. All the sand seems so unstable.

    We also need a better defence. Our main entrance is grand, but lacks protection. Traps seem like a good idea till our numbers grow and we can maintain a military.

    We need an anvil to build and expand metalworking and the only way we can get one is from traders. Please note, how we use fortifications to let the magma flow, but keep the fireman out.

    A well should also be built so that we can see after wounded.

    Then we need doors, beds, chests and cabinets for proper housing.

    And of course the valley would be an excellent place to build a damn.

    And then there is...

    I better stop now, cause as you can see there is much to do and it is a tough job, managing these dwarves. I highly doubt that anyone can make it longer than a full year.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • locallyunscenelocallyunscene Feeder of Trolls Join Date: 2002-12-25 Member: 11528Members, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    Year 2 - Spring to Autumn

    I wake up in a pile of sand to 9 slightly degranged looking dwarves peering over me. "Oi, look! e's awake!" I look around. This is certainly <b>not</b> my barracks. I ask the dwarf with the most teeth in his smile where I am. "Morulnazom" hes says, "but 'e all call it Red Rum, on account 'o th' magma". All the dwarves in the circle laugh nervously. I ask them how I got there. They all start babbling something about the sky and "funny pictures" on my chest. I look down and see a letter with my Captain's handwriting.

    "To Whom it my Concern,

    This body has been honorably discharged from the Dwarven Mountain Home National Guard(DHMNG) by way of catapult. If found please give a proper burial and make no further inquiry about this body. Any rumors about this body being alive during catapulting and kittens should be regarded as outright fabrications.

    - Sincerely, Captain Erlkaz Orzntung"

    Oh God the kittens! And that ballista! No more swamp brew... too drunk... too drunk.
    I ask the fellow with teeth, turns out his name is Oddom, who's running this place. He looks down at his feet and shuffles a bit. "Well suh, since you had that fancy engraving on yer chest and fell from the sky an' all 'e made you th' boss."
    I must have looked a bit dazed because he gave me a concerned look.
    "I think I need to lie down." I said. Oddom looked at me blankly.
    "A bed?" I gently prodded.
    "Oh" he says flashing a big grin," 'e have a couple 'o those." He leads me down a long stairway to a couple of cell blocks. I'm starting to think I would have been better off not waking up.
    "'e don' really have enough so 'e take turns. You can 'ave tht one but I might be joinin' you later on" Oddom gives me a wink.
    "Oddom, what do you do around here?" I ask. He thinks hard for a couple of moments.
    "I dig mostly." he says with a furrowed brow " 'An I draw pretty pictures."
    "Why don't you go dig us some bigger rooms over there." He grins again, says "Okay, suh!" and shuffles off.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>

    I decide to tour the outside. It appears the magma is walled off. Just as well, some of these idiots might fall in otherwise. Oddom comes running up again. He stands in front of me at what looks like attention, but is wobbling a bit.
    '"Done suh!" he says, still trying to stand straight without looking at me or the floor.
    "Uh, go dig some workshops so we can take advantage of this volcano." He scurries off, rather drunk looking. I think about recalling him and having him dig somewhere safer but I shrug it off.
    At this point I notice a small door way and a small sweaty dwarf running out of it carrying gold bars. He gives me a big toothless grin.
    "Who was that?" I ask the nearest dwarf on his way to cut lumber.
    "Tht's the ol' boss" He says," 'E likes shiny things, 'nd to draw pictures." I peek my head around the corner; it appears we do have magma workshops, but why they're outside is beyond me. Must have something to do with that toothless fellow. I move aside quickly has he comes back muttering about gold and glass and bones.
    I walk up a level to check out our farms when a dirt smeared dwarf comes running up to me. Don't they ever walk in this godforsaken fort?
    " 'Ere's a ratman over ther," he says pointing behind him, slightly out of breath.
    "Do you have anything to hit him with?" I ask. He looks at his empty dirt covered hands and then back at me.
    "Go hit him with your hands." I tell him. He runs off in the direction he came while looking at his hands. This happens a few more times, eventually he just goes back to farming or playing in the dirt or whatever he was doing.
    After I took my walk around I discover a passable farming operation but inexplicable stockpiles of furiture outside. I find another dwarf who 'digs' to take care of that. Our masons are busy building a bridge ito the middle of nowhere. I decide to continue the bridge, it seems to make the mason happy.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    Oddom says he's finished the workshops and also made a stockpile near them to keep all the 'shiny things' inside.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    I'm starting to think he's smarter than he looks. Then he tells me something that throws me for a bit of a loop.
    "Yer church is done."
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    I follow him to the church where the toothless dwarf is engraving. There's an entire wall made out of gem windows and a coffin paced near them.
    "Whose bones are in there?" I ask. Oddom looks a bit confused and says,
    "Tht's fer you. 'E figured a sky dwarf needs 'is own church." I decide to change the subject to all the pictures of dwarfs on the walls. Apparently he and 'Faskalia' had drawn them all themselves. I was saved further awkwardness when a jeweler, who I assume made the windows, runs up to me and says,
    " 'Ere's a lotta new dwarves a'commin!"
    "How many?" I ask nervously. The more of them there are the more likely one is to have heard about the kittens.
    "All my fingers an' toes suh" My goodness, twenty dwarves! Wait a second, I ask the jeweler to take off his shoes. My goodness, eighteen dwarves! I start to walk out out to tell the carpenter to make more beds and realize that Oddom and faskalia are looking at me expectantly.
    "It's great!" I tell them. "It just needs some more, uh... chairs." Faskalia smacks Oddom upside the head and says,
    "I told ye!"
    "No, really! It's great! I need you to go dig some more big rooms Oddom."

    Traders come and go, but bring nothing useful; not even any steel items to melt down into an anvil. I get so depressed I have nightmares about the 'incident'. Despite my worries I order the creation of a siege workshop and a barracks. More dwarves show up stupid looking and asking me what to do, although thankfully none of them know anything about flying dwarves. I assume they're drawn to 'Red Rum' by our 'magical artifact'
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    I have more beds and rooms built and also made a well. Despite the rampant idiocy we're actually doing quite well somehow.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>

    <b><i>I'll finish playing tonight and post the second half of the year tomorrow. It will probably be a lot shorter because I'm running out of steam.</i></b>
  • locallyunscenelocallyunscene Feeder of Trolls Join Date: 2002-12-25 Member: 11528Members, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    I watch a mountain goat kill itself on our traps. I almost wish that was me, but I don't have the will to remove myself from this hell. I get a stroke of inspiration and see what I can do about our metalsmithing.
    "I need the metalsmith to build an anvil"
    "Oh, Zefon is in ther," I look in and he seems to be working furiously, so furiously that I feel like I'm walking in on an intimate moment and slowly back out the door. He later leaves with 'RegalMuddled, a Golden Chest'. Someone put it in the church, but I still can't look it Zefon in the eye.
    Speaking of the church Oddon built a second level. He filled it with chairs but at least he didn't engrave it with more "dwarves surrounded by dwarves." His 'pictures' never set well with me.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    And I still can't make or buy a steel anvil. I never thought I'd be wishing for kobold thieves but one more melted down steel item and we'd be in the metal working business. I decide to let the mason continue his bridge to nowhere, but swear this is the last time.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    To occupy time I set some masons to making doors, chairs, and tables. We have a serious lack of dining facilities although you'd never know it by looking at the dwarves. They seem perfectly content to gnaw a roast over an open barrel of strawberries or what have you.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    I keep telling Oddom to build rooms, but it's largely unnecessary. I just want him to stay out of the 'church'. He likes to organize parties there. And by parties I mean 'Let everyone sit and stare at me silently'.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    Screw this place and the kittens. I'm going back to my one true love: siege operation. I'll let the next poor sap who arrives to see the glory of 'RegalMuddled' and the flying dwarf take over command. I told Oddom to ask for someone with a nickname of 'Nil_IQ' in the next migrant wave. There should be plenty of takers. I also told him to give the new ruler this note. It reads:

    "To Nil_IQ,

    I recommend the following:
    1.) Get a steel anvil/item even if it costs your soul.
    2.) Expand the farming and the dining hall
    3.) Expand the military (And give the marksdwarves back their crossbows. I had to take them away because they were sticking the mountain goat bone arrows up their noses.)
    4.) Construct ballistas for the inevitable goblin attack
    5.) Use the rock crystal to make an Alchemist workshop (and not more windows)
    6.) Dig deeper into this godforsaken ground (maybe you'll escape this way)

    -Sincerely, locallyunscene"

    Save: <a href="" target="_blank">year2_locallyunscene.rar</a>
  • Nil_IQNil_IQ Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15520Members
    edited May 2008
    Granite 1st, 1053

    I have arrived at the charming little fortress known as "Red Rum" in the dwarven tounge.

    My first act as ruler was to request a full report of the fortresses current stock levels from the hoardmaster, only to discover that our appointed bookeeper was in fact also the Mayor and Hamlet manager, and as such had not updated the fortresses records in some time. Upon attempting to find the so called "hoardmaster" I discovered that he was partying. *sigh* So this is what i've got to work with. I immediately collared a nearby peasant and congratulated him on his promotion to hoardmaster, handing the bewildered dwarf a roll of parchment and pointing him in the direction of his new office. Until we get a proper stock check, we could be a meal away from starving and not know about it until too late.

    I make a mental note: Objective One, thorough stock check.

    Noticing we have several dwarves standing around doing bugger all, I take the opportunity to expand our military prescence. I've ordered the construction of a barracks near the main entrance since that's where we're going to want our lads positioned in the event of an attack.

    11th Granite

    The elves have arrived... and have revealed a glaring weakness in the fortresses defences. Seems they came in through the back door, completely unchallenged and not so much as a single rockfall trap to stop them. Our "grand entrance" is awfully impressive and all, but we really need to make some sort of "tradesman's entrance", because its becoming obvious that the merchants are far too lazy to haul there stuff all the way round there.

    I make a mental note: Objective Two, make a tradesman's entrance.

    15th Granite

    The elves left in a huff, and i'm not sure why. Closer inspection of the goods we offered to them reveals the offending item; a single marmot loincloth. When I find the dwarf that decided to put used kobold underpants in with the trade goods, I swear there will be hammerings. I cooled off a little when I found out all they'd had for trade was a few bins of cloth. No good pointy-eared nancies, could have at least brough a good anvil with you but noooo...

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    24th Granite

    The barracks is complete! Unfortunately I've just discovered that there was <i>already</i> a completed barracks on the lower level, but everyone was apparently too polite to tell me. Argh. Oh well, I guess one or the other can become an infirmary/prison later on, for now we have two barracks.

    28th Granite

    Discovered that most of our militia are clothed in little more than their civvies, with only a scrap of leather or a helmet here and there for armour. Have ordered the production of some suits of iron chainmail; i'm not pissing about with steel at this stage, we need to get our lads some protection asap, we can worry about getting them legendary steel platemail with engravings up the arse later.

    9th Slate

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    One of the new recruits is acting funny. He's claimed a workshop and is demanding, you guessed it, cloth. Armok dammit!

    <b></b>Will continue this later, real life has intervened. Expect an update with pictures late tomorrow.<i></i>
  • Nil_IQNil_IQ Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15520Members
    <i><b>Update #2!

    3rd Felsite:

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Oh boy. The new batch of migrants arrived today. All <i>twenty six </i>of them. Nine of them are peasants, two are children and five of them have skills I can't do anything with. On the bright side we did get two miners, and so I shall being strip mining the mountain for hematite asap. We also got an animal trainer, who I will get to start training us some war dogs. Everyone else... urgh... I have a headache. I feel a big recruitment drive for the army coming on.

    8th Felsite:

    The stock audit has revealed some interesting nuggets of information about our present situation, most of them bad or at least bloody annoying:

    - We are almost completely out of metal ore. This is completely unacceptable. I have ordered one of the currently unused floors to be completely strip-mined in search of hematite.

    - Our tool situation is pretty dire; we're sharing one battle axe between the entire fortress, including four woodcutters and the army. We also only have three copper picks.

    - We have a wood shortage (see previously mentioned lack of axes).

    - Our fortress has a rather bizarrely large collection of hats. Barrells full. I won't dwell on this too much other than make a note to sell them all to the next caravan. And keep one of the rather fetching silk ones for myself.

    So all in all, things could be better. We've got no axes, which means no wood, which means no coal for smelting either. Our army is going to have to have to made do with what they've got (leather and scraps) until our miners can dig out a good vein of hematite and start making them some real armour. Ordered a leather works built so we can at least get some leather armour made up.

    We're also a little low on food, but i've just assigned most of the new peasants to fish in the river and dug some more farm plots, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I hope. I still can't believe we've been making do with ONE axe between what is now a fortress of sixty-nine dwarves.

    12th Felsite

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Tradesman's entrance is complete, and I can't help being more than a little proud with my handiwork. The strip-mining is also proceeding as planned. No hematite yet, but plenty of gemstones.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Realised our marksdwarves are using bone crossbows, of which we have three. This explains why the recruits weren't training up. When I asked the bowyer to make some more bone crossbows he informed me that we are also out of bone. Urge to kill rising...

    12th Hematite

    That recruit asking for cloth snapped today. Should probably keep an eye on him

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    17th Hematite

    Armok dammit! The humans arrived today, but from a different route than the elves. Long story short, they couldn't get their wagon inside. Again. Have made building an access ramp a priority.

    <b><i>Ok, I realise i'm taking my time over this, but screw you guys, i'm busy. Will finish this off tomorrow evening.</i></b>
  • Nil_IQNil_IQ Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15520Members
    edited May 2008
    21st Hematite

    Blasted sneak-theives! Two tried to sneak in the "front" entrance. One of them was immediately crushed into a fine paste by the stone-fall traps which apparently <i>are</i> set up correctly. The other tried to make a run for it and... well... I just had to make an engraving or two.

    Ezum, release the hounds!

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Sadly, he got away. Another came in through the wood cutter's entrance, but merely ran away as soon as he was spotted. Come to think of it, we have far to many entrances. A controlled cave-in in the right position wouldn't go wrong.... maybe later.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    The humans have started unloading their supplies... at the wrong depot. I can see the logic to the original depot's construction; its right next to the finished goods stockpile, which in turn is right next to the workshops, but that does us bugger all good because its not wagon accessible. When I inform the haulers that they now have to haul all of the trade goods they just hauled back across to the other side of the fortress (individually I might add, due to our lack of wood and therefore by extension lack of finished goods bins). The expressions on their faces could at best be described as venomous.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    On the bright side, the humans have brought us a lot of wood to trade, which we desperately needed. Unfortunately, they brought nothing else. <i>Nothing</i> else. Well, a bag of pig tail seeds. Big whoop. Oh well, at least I can get our marksdwarves training again, wooden bolts for everyone!

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. Not now, not yet! I'm heading down to lead the marksdwarves personally. We've only got bone bolts and leather armour, but we've got a moat between us and them, plus a catapult. Armok protect us.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    * The author's handwriting becomes noticeably different *

    2nd Malachite

    Armok didn't protect them.

    He especially didn't protect our leader's exposed neck from the oncoming goblin arrow. Poor bugger. I've been mayor for five days due to popular vote, which technically makes me ruler. Clearly there are important matters to attend to.

    3rd Malachite

    Woke up in pile of rock. Seemed more comfortable last night after the congratulatory drinking competition. Anyway, should probably be shouting at people like the last guy did.

    5th Malachite

    This job is soooo easy! I don't know what the last guy was complaining about, I went outside and shouted at the masons building the big ramp, then went inside and shouted at the miners some. The bookeeper tells me we've gathered enough iron ore to start making some real armour for our boys (Armok knows the last bugger could have done with some), so i'm heading over there to shout at the armourer.

    6th Malachite

    Mental note: don't shout at the armourer. She's better at it than me, and has a big hammer.

    8th Malachite

    Nothing much to report. Dead guy has started to smell pretty bad, and no-one wants to touch him to move him to his tomb. Time to draw straws.

    1st Galena

    Crazy guy died of dehydration. Poor bugger. Big ramp is done which should mean we can finally get some decent trade going.

    <b><i>You know when I said i'd finish this today? I lied. Expect the next update to be more breif, as I intend to just press on and finish ASAP rather than record every little thing as I have been doing.</i></b>
  • Nil_IQNil_IQ Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15520Members
    edited May 2008
    16th Galena

    Found out the recruits sparring in the barracks aren't using any weapons. Told them that was dumb, and that they should start using the obsidian swords we've had lying around for a while.

    19th Galena

    One of the masons managed to wall himself into the side of the mountain. Considered leaving him there as an example of natural selection in action, but decided it would be bad for morale.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    One of the clothiers was acting a little strange and hid himself away in the workshop. He came out with a very nicely embroided loincloth. The other dwarves are calling it a "legendary artifact" but to me it just looks like really fancy underwear. Oh well, whatever keeps the lads happy. Wierdos.

    13th Limestone

    Well, the big ramp didn't work. The caravan could fit down it all right, but it turns out a tree had grown right at the top of the ramp, thus blocking access to the nice new ramp. Have begun a campaign of shock and awe against the nearby vegetation. None shall be spared.

    Traders had a lot of iron and steal items although little else, including two steel anvils at the price of approximately one dwarven soul. Didn't get an anvil though, I mean why bother? We can just forge one any time we like, any idiot knows that! Asked the diplomat guy for weapons, some more seeds, and cats. We've been having rodent problems, plus I hear they breed fast enough to make a good emergency food supply. I've also heard about something called a "catsplosion", but i'm sure they're just old folk legends. Exploding cats? Nonsense!

    Oh and, FYI, here's an engraving of what we've been eating recently.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    As much as I applaud the plucky dwarven ingenuity of our cook, it can best be described as "gross".

    Whilst digging a new farm, a miner managed to mine out the section of rock supporting the weight of him and his companion. Along with the mason from last week, i've got a good set of competitors for my planned "retard of the year" award ceromony. 3rd place is going to the human baron who managed to slip and fall down a mine shaft on his way out of the fort, and has been sat there since late summer. It just started snowing.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Project shock and awe is proceeding as planned; we will NOT miss another caravan on my watch. Shame another one isn't due until the new guy takes over; I retire soon to take on my Mayoral role full time.

    15th Obsidian

    Three babies born within a few days of each other. Incidentally, last week was the 9 month aniversary of my election party. Good times. Should probably make sure none of them are mine.

    1st Granite 1054

    Well that's it, i'm being relieved. I'd recommend the next ruler really focus on defence, and getting our army trained and organised. They're equipped in chain mostly, but plate would be better. We need to start thinking about setting patrol routes and sorting a proper rota of who's on and off duty; i'm sure this year's goblin attack won't be the last. We can also probably lose one of the front entrances, as they're only really used by dwarves going in and out to gather plants or chop trees.

    Keep the wood flowing. We're relying on a steady supply of wood to keep our marksdwarves in wooden bolts for target practice

    Keep cleaning the fish as they're caught, rather than letting them go bad in their barrells.

    We should also focus on looking for another source of hematite, as my inexperienced fumbling approach to strip mining the place yielded little.

    Oh, and by the way, the lever to the back entrance's drawbridge is at the top of the stairway.

    <i><b>(and I guess you can also rename my dwarf's title "retired ruler" since I forgot to do it)</b></i>

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • AbraAbra Would you kindly Join Date: 2003-08-17 Member: 19870Members
    edited May 2008
    <div align="center">1st Granite

    Spring is a wonderful season: the singing of birds and the joyful, newfound happiness of men, women and children gathering to frolic in the sun. I would be brought sweet mead and beer by my wife and a lavish meal by my daughters on the doorstep to our seat.

    I would be, if it had not been for the miles and miles of land between me and my loved ones. Here I am, on foot to “Mörulnåzom”. “Red Rum” the habitants of this god forsaken land apparently call it. “Godforsaken” is perhaps a misleading word to use when describing this land: I would figure only a god, an angry one – only an unholy being of incomprehensible power would have been sinister enough to ravage these lands to the shape and form that they are currently in. Rugged obsidian stone covers every field and corner of the eye, and only a few twisted and violated beams of sun shimmer through the otherwise suffocating carpet of smog clouding the sky.
    I had turned to Momuz Gingnomal, the cheese maker of our five-man group, to pull him up from the ground: the sight of him crawling on all four, sobbing while trying to eat the fist-sized obsidian rocks off the ground had been pretty bad on morale.

    3rd Granite

    At first I could not see it. It took a while of awkward gesturing from the armless Fish Cleaner for me to make out the entrance in the mountain.
    We made our way through a small patch of land on which actual grass and threes had grown.
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    The only greeting I got at the entrance was the one-armed salute of an empty catapult facing us. Inside I found that a prominent minerdwarf held a party, I asked a toothless dwarf what for, but did not get an answer before he drunkenly threw himself to the floor.

    4th Granite

    Seeds!? I am to live off seeds from mushrooms? I’m ordering a major slaughtering of Muskox to balance out the meat-to-plant-seed-ratio. No wonder these dwarves are so short.
    *Several pages are missing or torn out*

    23rd Granite

    An ambush! Curse them! We were attacked by fourteen goblins in two waves – one of them actually made it past our traps and stole my book! The pages prior to this are as you can see torn out. Short resumé: dwarven brawling, 2 dead, nothing major.
    We still have a goblin attack on our hands.
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    25th Granite
    I woke up to find this (See if you can make out my drawing)
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    19th Slate

    I have begone the construction of a watchtower at the "back entrance". The "back entrance" works more like a main entrance though, seeing as how our "main entrance" is a bridge leading nowhere.

    21th Slate
    The construction of the watchtower has run into some difficulties. I myself stood for the architectural planning of the work, but the actual building was carried out by dwarfs lacking everything but basic survival instinct. No, wait even that: I had three dwarfs walling themselves in! How can you build walls around yourself and only realize you are trapped when the sky can't be seen? The stupidity of these masons is beyond me.
    My recordings here will be more sporadic over the next time, I figure I might have to put down the pen to get this fortress in proper order.

    1st Felsite
    While digging out new rooms for workshops to be set up in, I found a human in the rock. Aparrently he arrived with the last human caravan and dropped down a hole or something - I don't know, I could not quite understand his story.

    1st Hematite
    One of our glassmakers has been struck with melancholy, seems he trashed his workshop after not being able to make a deadline. Say what you will about the poor work of the mansons - the glassmakers are perfectionists.

    13th Hematite
    The glassmaker committed suicide. It was not pretty I will tell you that.
    I had the masons begin working on coffins for the graveyard: I somehow believe we are going to need more sooner or later. Sooner I guess.

    14th Hematite
    The human caravan arrived today. I sold them a fraction of the stonecrafts we have stored in the fortress and got a lot of leather, dogs, gold, and iron for it.

    1st Malachite
    These dogs I traded the humans some junk for are really useful. A puppy followed in the trade and already has it made itself useful, let me draw you a picture:
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    That's the blood of goblin enemies, how cute.

    15th Malachite
    I just saw the mayor of the town sprint through the halls of the fortress with a crossbow. What gives?

    27th Malachite
    I told the recruits not to ruff each other up to bad. This time, a friendly match ended in a wrestler bleeding to death. I won't have them stop sparring but I might consider armoring them up before I let them punch each other out.
    The watchtower construction I started back in Granite is suspended due to several workplace accidents. This is how it looks:
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    I have started the construction of a larger wall in front of the small entrance by the tower. The purpose is to lure future goblin attacks into a funnel for easier targeting for the catapult.
    Speaking of catapults, a retired ruler "Locallyunscene" took his time of from partying in the dinner hall to catapult a few rocks at the masons working at the front entrance. That incident really shows a disturbing character trait in the former ruler.

    10th Galena
    We found Rock crystal today. The moment the mayor heard of the found he mandated the halt in backpack export. I later found him shouting to himself in his chambers - something about leaving this place with a bang and taking the ######ing jewels with him.
    I have stopped questioning the sanity of anyone in this fortress - it is easier just to assume that everyone is crazy to boot.

    16th Limestone
    Several things of importance has happened the past month. I had the miners dig me out a room (the last one did not suffice any longer - the cattle living with me in the room had bred exponentially and the room was needed for a butchers shop). And I completed several entrance-enclosing wall projects. We should be able to funnel the attacking goblins easier now.
    I also had the miners have a go at redirecting the flow of magma. I had the masons start construction of retractable bridges over the magma.
    Also, one of our craftsdwarfs crafted an "artifact" I will draw it for you: <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    Things are actually going well!

    17th Moonstone
    ###### ######. A major goblin siege took everyone by surprise. Well not me, I was alert and ready but half our military was sleeping!
    I had some recruits run to the front only to get slaughtered by goblin arrows and spears.
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    24th Moonstone
    The goblin siege has been lifted. Not without casualties though. It was mostly fresh recruits who where butchered at the gates, but a couple of wrestlers fell to along with a few war dogs. I tell you, the blood on the bridge will take ages to dry.
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    Five goblins fled before we could chase them down. I had a craftsdwarf carve instruments of the dead goblins' bones - I will be the first to march right up to Goblin Ruler "Damsto" to shove flutes made of his brethren bones up is cold, green ass.

    20th Opal

    Magma is flowing at our largest entrance - bridges over it. In the past month I had the miners mine out a channel for magma in the east. I had other dwarfs hook up a pump to the magma and with it I pumped a good amount of magma a few levels down the mountainside - It looks fantastic. The pumped magma is now kept at a lower level for future use. I ask of the next ruler to make good use of it.
    - A brewer was possessed by the way, might want to keep an eye on that guy.
    Also: for the future ruler: when pumping magma, have some sort of wind driven device do it for you - the mechanic of the fortress spoke of it, have him explain. The manual pumping maing the dwarfs sick - there is vomit all over the pump right now.

    26th Obsidian
    In the past two months I have tried balancing out some economical trouble here in the fortress. It has been a quiet time with no goblins sighted. The Mayor demanded crystal glass to be made, but I have not followed up on the request as of yet. The brewer I wrote of earlier this year went insane, amok and otherwise completely crazy.

    29th Obsidian
    As tradition is, I am to lay of the commanding authority in the end of Obsidian. A year ago I arrived at this fortress. I have been without my loved ones, family and friends only accompanied by horribly defenseless dwarfs of surprising stupidity. I have however gained a sort of parent-child relationship with the flock of ninety dwarfs, and I feel I cannot leave them to be.
    I will hope the future ruler elected will be able to take care of these dwarfs, repulsing as they can be.

    For the future ruler I lay this note:


    - Have the military checked. I had some steel plate armor made but I am not sure if it is being put to good use.

    - Finish the construction of the watchtower. Scaffolding is still up around the tower in shape of stairs to the top level. Have the underground level made accessible.

    - Test levers around the fortress before you need to use them. I don not think anything bad could happen. The levers are mostly linked to bridges and doors.

    - Check on the animal population. We have an huge flock of muskox, slaughter some as a meat source.

    - Keep an eye on the cat population, a former ruler told me a story of "catsplostion" which he claims is based on a true story- Just a heads up.

    - Do something with all the empty, boring, sad, unpopulated rooms on the mid levels. Those empty halls seriously gives me the shivers.

    - Take care

    ~ABRAH the DANE
    Dungeon Master

    <a href="" target="_blank">year4_Abrah</a></div>
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    1st Granite:

    Look at all this space! And so little is in use!

    By the looks of it, the dwarves here are very traditional, they will dig through the ground, but completely ignore the sky!

    Oh wait, there's a skybridge. Some previous ruler was on the right track. Still, it goes nowhere.

    A dwarf has not completed his mastery of the world until he has made good works in both the earth and the sky!

    2nd Granite:

    I have order many new tunnels built. For a variety of purposes.

    Our water supply is plentiful, but not convenient to those on the upper levels. We have a single well to help alleviate most of the demand, as many dwarves prefer to remain inebriated, however water can be used for other purposes as well. Thus, I have a grand project in mind. Glass production and fabrication has been ordered to full capacity.

    Other tunnels are being made to expand our magma works, improve mobility, and prepare my tomb.

    6th Granite:

    The miners are not digging my tunnels! I tracked down the only two miners in the fort, one was asleep, fair enough, everyone needs to get their head down every once in a while. The other was dragging items to stockpiles! After a short, stern talk with the miner, apparently the previous rulers had him help out with the menial chores. Miners are too important to waste on such tasks. From now on, miners mine, and that's it! They do not stop even to help a dying friend.

    9th Granite:

    Disorganization. It'll be the death of all my projects. The town manager is a full time mason and so my production orders go unnoticed and unhandled. I found a replacement who didn't have especially strong skills elsewhere. He'll learn quickly, since it's all he'll do until he dies, or at least until he's replaced.

    13th granite:

    The elven caravan has arrived. It is all too tempting to arrange an accident.

    14th Granite:

    Ambush! Filthy, disgusting, motherless Goblins! And they're far from the elves.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    An old ruler, Faskalia, is near them. I'm ordering all dwarves inside, but I'm not sure he'll make it...
    Lucky! He dodged a goblin arrow by running down some steps.
    Another old ruler was dozing in a field somewhere until he was awoken and headed inside.
    A couple of the Goblins got caught in the traps, one managed to free himself... partially.
    Probably the best indicator of how this fort operates, the dwarf operating the catapult took one look at the dying goblin bowman and ran.
    A good finish to the raid: the army shows up just in time to stare at the bloody corpses.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    21st Granite:
    Locally Unscene protected the children of the fort by scaring off a snatcher today. Right into the bow of a hunter.
    The hippies bring little of use. But I relieved them of all their wood.

    24th Granite:

    Found LocallyUnscene napping in the catapult today... tempting.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    4th Slate:

    GAAAAHH!! NOO!!!!! A baron has arrived. With a tax collector and a hammerer. Difficult times lay ahead.

    7th Slate:

    Tadin Kadetradsol arrived today. His smile shines down upon us. Literally. He's a bronze colossus. And he appeared pretty near the immigrant line (all 21 of them). At this point, I'm just happy to watch the carnage, but I've sent some soldiers to die in vain anyway. I had also recruited some men from the immigrant into the local guard... they're running to their doom as well.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    8th Slate:

    -We're still in mid battle, but I thought I should note that Extra Medium, Nil_IQ's replacement, gave birth to a boy today.

    -one of the new guards learned how to fly today. It was quite impressive until he hit the ground.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    -Quite a day, our new hammerdwarf is flying too! Right off a cliff, with something red leaking from him.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    9th Slate:

    -The colossus paused to wash his hands in the brook.

    10th Slate:

    It's over, we lost 4 dwarves to the unholy creation. And in the end, no dwarf could harm it, the metal beast just happened to walk into a few of our traps, on the upside, we got masterful bronze statue out of it. I'll put it in the baron's room.

    16th Slate:

    Sigh... the nobles won't leave the prices alone. Even Abrah the dungeon master is playing with them.

    1st Felsite:

    A child has been possessed.

    2nd Felsite:

    I don't know how, but a brewer starved to death. We have plenty of food, I'll try and find the problem.

    8th Felsite:

    An engraver decided to step downstairs into a raging body of water that was filling an underground channel... probably to get one of those very valuable, every day stones down there.

    I'm putting a hatch cover on that thing, he'll stink up the water... I'll have to go through a few fill and drain cycles to prevent him from killing everyone.

    9th Felsite:

    So the engineer in charge tells me I can't put a hatch cover on that staircase. When I ask him why, he says it's too close the edge. We're at the lowest elevation in the area, edge of what? “The map,” he says. So there's this invisible line and we're not allow to build anything beyond it? WHY NOT?!?

    I took it up with the baron but he's too busy getting drunk to say anything coherent before going back to playing with the prices.

    New Entry:

    Amazing! That stupid engraver swam against the current and reached the staircase!

    17th Felsite:

    The child has been freed from whatever forces possessed him and created a maple scepter.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    4th Hematite:

    I ordered the windmill destroyed. It was created to power a screw pump constructed by the previous ruler. In his notes it said to power it with wind instead of dwarf-power. However, I recently noticed the lower reservoir it was emptying into was slowly leaking lava. So, to prevent the situation from getting any more dangerous, I have canceled the operation.

    12th Hematite:

    A mason walled himself into an enclosed space... again.

    17th Hematite:

    A new mayor was elected. The old one did nothing but nurse his wounds in bed since before I got here. Why they chose a soldier as mayor, I'll never know. I went to introduce myself only to find him in the full gear of a marksdwarf. He says he was elected but I don't remember anything about that.

    23rd Hematite:

    Traded with the humans today. I'm sure the baron will meet with the merchant princess soon. I picked up all the wood and barrels I could along with the meat, some various alcoholic beverages, a cage or two, metal... there's no steel anvil though. Still, we're getting by on iron.

    26th Hematite:

    I don't understand nobles. Apparently they think we might run out of water, and so to prevent this from happening they've forbidden the export of buckets and goblets.
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    6th Malachite:

    Apparently there is still at least one fire imp in the magma pipe. No damage, just a very frightened dwarf.

    11th Malachite:

    My projects are finally making significant progress! Huzzah!

    4th Galena:

    The baron finally found the time to meet with the merchant princess.

    10th Galena:

    With our economy comes a new problem: coin littering. You would think people would hold onto their coins, or at least keep them tidy, but no!

    11th Galena:

    Now that our creations cost money even amongst ourselves, and our children will want items to occupy their time, I have ordered the creation of some toys. They will be made from lead so the children will quickly grow strong and become able bodied adults.

    24th Galena:

    On this day, Kogan Thalalineth has gained the rank of swordmaster with all its rights, privileges, and duties.

    16th Limestone:

    The dwarven caravan has nearly finished unloading and the baron still hasn't made much progress on his meeting with the human merchant princess.

    Ambush! 5 bowmen and something else I can't quite make out.

    Lucky for us they're bad shots, hails of arrows completely missed two dwarves fleeing for cover.

    All but a single bowman has fallen to our traps. The remaining filth escaped over the mountain.

    20th Limestone:

    Another ambush, one of the dwarves ran me to a reasonably safe area near the event but all I saw was a kitten. So I asked him, “What, behind the kitten?” To which he replied, “It is the kitten!” I was about to turn away when the kitten was filled with goblin arrows! Then, running on the corpses of his fallen allies, a goblin bowman passed the traps!

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    He promptly found the nearest cat and shot it to death with a single arrow.

    I knew I was dealing with an insane goblin that was hellbent on a cat massacre so I quickly mustered the entire military, only to discover almost all of them were either sleeping or resting injuries received while sparing.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    A few of the nearby dwarves hid in one of the side rooms and locked the door while a woodworker ran down the hall, trailing blood from a head wound. In a stroke of brillance he drew attention to a nearby kitten, who was quickly shot in the leg. A couple more shots opened a major artery, killing the kitten.

    Nearby the hammerer noble peaked out from his hiding place to see the poor kitten. Enraged, he ran at the goblin bowman and beat him to a pulp. During this bloody display, the clerk approached the fight. He undoubtedly wanted to ensure the goblin's possessions were properly cataloged.

    The only other invader was quickly dispatched by our master swardsdwarf kogan.

    28th Limestone:

    Note: Swordsdwarf Lisid Kolabir might like his job... too much.

    14th Sandstone:

    A fishery worker has been possessed. I hope we don't get an artifact made out of rotting fish any time soon.

    15th Sandstone:

    The furniture stockpile near the main work area was severely underutilized and so I ordered all stones within that area dumped.


    The dwarven merchant diplomat delivered its import requests today, in order of lowest to highest priority:

    lowest: Maces, footwear, cut gems
    fairly high: backpacks, meat, legwear, anvils, plants
    highest: armor, goblets, bracelets

    we have yet to enter proper negotiations with the human merchant princess so I decided to track her down. I found her in a blacksmith's room as she slept. Not the mayor, not the baron, a blacksmith. Upon seeing this I have started to consider a don't ask, don't tell policy.

    2nd Timber:

    Some migrants have arrived, only 8 in total, after the losses we've suffered I'll need to recruits some new soldiers and guards, especially since the last guard died not long ago.

    6th Timber:

    I'm opening a new array of magma channels. These don't extend just one level but reach down every other level. Now almost every other level in the entire fort can have easy access to magma.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Unfortunately, the miner did not take advantage of the nearby stairs when he opened the magma pipe and died in the heat. A blacksmith, the human merchant princess's friend Zefon, also chose to watch this event and died with the miner.

    18th Timber:

    Huzzah! The base components of my largest project have proven themselves sound! Now I await the completion of fabrication materials so I can complete the task.

    19th Timber:

    Mystery! Broker has disappeared! Most likely one of the unfortunate death lately and I didn't recognize it because of a difference in job description. Unfortunate, I'll have to find a replacement.

    20th Timber:

    What luck! An engraver in the fort happens to be a professional appraiser on the side!

    21st Timber:

    I have expanded the original magma works.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    23rd Timber:

    I am finally satisfied with my tomb.

    It is a chamber constructed out of only obsidian and is cantilevered out from the cliff face. Inside is a rock crystal coffin with a rock crystal statue watching over it.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    3rd Moonstone:

    The possessed fishery worker went insane today. I think he needed some thread and despite repeated attempts to get it, it was never created, I had instructed the dwarfs not to loom any new thread so it would stay around for him, but alas it didn't work out.

    Also, I'm afraid I forgot to note the completion of the new crypt. It has a nice mourning area, complete with a panoramic window made from cut green glass that looks out into the valley.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    8th Moonstone:

    I corrected an issue with the new magma grid that was preventing the middle portion from filling properly. I needed to create new, small tunnel to accomplish this and I sealed it with a floor hatch, do not open this hatch. I walled it off to prevent any meddling.

    13th Moonstone:

    Ambush, won't somebody save the kittens?!

    A planter came upon them, but none of them possess bows so while it's too late for the planter, others have a strong chance of surviving.

    They have received reinforcements from the other end of our fort, but there are no easily accessible entrances there.

    The new group is fighting our master swordsdwarf on the iced brook and nearby channels. Once finished, the mayor himself came to congratulate the dwarf.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    We're losing several dwarves, kittens, and even a cow in other areas, and still more goblins come.

    Oddum, the legendary miner/engraver seems to love running around where the enemy is, it's the 4th time I've found him where he shouldn't be. He should be inside. I've sent all the squads to assist him as he's keeping the attention of the entire goblin army.

    23rd Moonstone:

    It's over, we lost between 6 and 10 dwarves, two of which were wrestlers. Kogan, our swordmaster took a minor blow to the head and a serious wound to his right hand. I'm taking everyone off duty to tend to their wounds.

    10th Opal:

    A late casualty from the last raid. Wrestler Inod died from starvation as no one would bring him food as he lay bed ridden.

    26th Opal:

    The captain of the guard came upon a snatcher today, she turned and ran the moment she saw it.

    20th Obsidian:
    It is now obvious I will be unable to finish two of my projects. I will detail them here so that a future ruler may finish them.

    My skyway:
    I have created a set of ramps and a bridge to reach the far side of the valley where there are more trees and various travelers often come from. Just continue the bridge. You might find the design odd, and I would agree, I turned it aside late in the project when I realized the bridges would be built above my tomb.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    My power and water system:
    This is a vertical shaft that eventually pulls both water and power from the brook to the top of the fort. It can be drained or halted entirely. As you complete this structure, note these items: all the pumps are made entirely of green glass, the block, the screw, and the pip (tube). The shaft is designed so the pumps carry power up the shaft, once completed, it is safe and will not flood the fortress. Even now it cannot flood the fortress, however, once a pump fills the left more slot at one level above the shaft's base, you must complete the system before activating it or it will flood the fortress. Always be sure you orient your pumps correctly. Every level already has two pumps to use as guides. To make use of the power provided by this system, remove the door to the level's chamber and attach the device of your choice. The levers that control the system are near the nobles' quarters and offices, not hard to find. The blue one activates/deactivates the system, the one to the right of it opens the drain. The drain itself is entirely enclosed all the way to the brook. There is no chance of overflow.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Take care of this one, it's my baby.

    My new magma grid:
    This one is as far as I wanted to take it. It exists but is not currently in use. You can find it a few levels below and a little to the north of the magma works. Be careful with it, but it's a fairly easy to use system.

    21st Obsidian:

    A nice finish to my rule here, a new artifact was made, Ozan Itat, “The Depression of Chilling”
    It's worth 102000.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    28th Obsidian:

    My time as ruler here has ended.

    I have seen much. I have seen the deaths of dwarves great and small, of soldiers, craftsdwarfs both legendary and forgettable, even infants. I have seen my dreams come close to reality, and I have been denied full satisfaction.

    The dwarves here are solid, hard working dwarves, you need merely to lead them.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • ScytheScythe Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 46NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation, Reinforced - Silver
    The 1st of Granite, 1056, marks the end of my journey out to the newest Dwarven settlement. It's named "Mörulnåzom" in the old tongue, but to its inhabitants it's called "Red rum", for a reason I'm unable to fathom. I've learned it best not to question the locals about their traditions. I'm sure, in time, their quaint traditions will become second nature to me too. A sobering thought.

    As Red rum resolves out of the haze cloaking this putrid valley, my eye is drawn to some fine Dwarven engineering in the form of a set of waterwheels with a linking mechanism heading into the fort. I nod my approval, with perhaps a hint of querulousness at their haphazard design.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    I'm a veteran of many attempts at establishing new fortresses outside of The Mountainhomes. I've learned to spot the signs of the impending downfall of an outpost. Top of my list: Rampaging demons from the lower planes of Hell. I can tick that one off, no demons here. Second on my list: Coins. Sweet loving sons of Armok, we have coins. My first act as Advisor to Red rum, is to demand the immediate chasming of all coins. I'm informed by a poor, stammering wretch of a Dwarf that this fort was not blessed with a chasm. I weigh the risks of establishing a dump over a magma pit, but deem the likelihood of inadvertent immolation too high. Instead I order the coins to be smelted back into bars, in the hope that something worthwhile may come of them. Cursed capitalism.

    The design of this fort would best be described as... confused. If one sought to ascend from the valley floor to the plateau above the fort, one would have to choose one path among many dozens of possible routes. While this superficially might seem a boon, giving ease of passage for many Dwarves going about their business, it is highly inadvisable from a military perspective. Having no single, robust chokepoint for entry to a fort is a recipe for bloody slaughter. I have made a note of this for future review. Perhaps some kind of lava-flushing mechanism could be arranged. Similar systems have shown great promise in other fortresses. Very rarely flooding the entire countryside with red-hot magma.

    Let it never be said that I am a Dwarf afraid of change, one desperately clinging to the old ways for fear of the unknown, but I have just encountered and aberration of the highest degree. These... so-called "sky-bridges," impossibly projecting, unsupported, into the void above the valley floor... To stand atop them, to feel their weight sway in the fetid gusts, is an insult to Armok Himself. A Dwarf's home is underground. Solid rock beneath his feet and about his body. To be embraced by the earth, such is the calling of a Dwarf. These detestable insults to the Dwarven way are manifestations of a rot pervading young Dwarves these days. I have strongly suggested their immediate disassembly. Discussions are ongoing. I feel they may sway in my favour, given I have the support of the local Hammerer.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    'Dear Diary'
    As I was sorting through the production orders of the mountainhome's finest delicatessen shop, a grimy dwarf approached with a letter in hand, and without further ado gave it to me and congratulated me on my luck. Feeling somewhat suspicious, I open it to find a message which in a nutshell told me I had been assigned to lead a most glorious city, of the name Mörulnåzom ("Pageddreams").
    "But I have no idea how to..." I begin, but trail off when I look up to find the grimy dwarf gone. Must've disappeared while I was reading the lengthy greetings.
    Thinking of the possible fates of a city without a leader, I shrug and get ready for the trip.

    <b>1st Granite, 1056, Early Spring</b>
    I have arrived at the city at long last, after much asking for directions and keeping to the paved road. The landscape has been igneous extrusive for the last few miles, so seeing the interesting rock formations change into haphazard greenery is a bad start. Perhaps equally disheartened, the road workers have not put as much effort into the road here, and though still functional it is decidedly less impressive.
    This at least tells me there is no royalty demanding road connections in the city, which is a relief. I've heard all too many stories of the wills of outpost managers clashing with the wills of the royalty.

    As the road passes into the vegetation, I spot what looks like a set of clothes stuck in the bushes just after the road turns sharply. "What happened here", I wonder idly. The road goes down a cliff face and is once more properly paved. Here I see the first signs of the city, as an engraver is on the road, carrying something towards the entrance, with a cow calf and donkey foal in tow. Further down the road is a squat tower, unfinished if the scaffolding is anything to go by. The stairs inside are finished though, so my first act of management is to order all but one set of stairs to be removed. Being on the pedantic side, I also order the unnecessary bits and bobs of the tower to be removed, and a ceiling to be made for the top floor.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    Leaving the tower, I find a moat, with a bridge and a catapult behind it. I never saw the use for catapults, the civilians operating them run away at the first sign of danger, which is the only time you want a catapult. But it's not like it's taking up valuable space, so I leave it. A bigger worry is the lack of a wall behind the moat. What is to stop would-be siegers from shooting our dwarves across the moat?! Feeling the rush of authority, I demand one be built, but as it turns out the masons refuse to mass-produce anything, even if it's vitally important defenses. So I must ask for each section of the wall to be built individually. I swear under my breath while doing it.

    Now I notice there's wood and minerals piled up outside. I daren't ask why, so I just order it to be taken inside. Then it hits me that the stone is meant for catapult ammunition, so I stop the haulers to change it back. Only, they haven't touched it yet. I swear again, and just have the logs taken inside, out of the coming rain.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    By now I can't help but worry that the entire fortress is as unfinished as the entrance, but looking up I see a most impressive construction hanging out of the cliff side. I just hope it won't come crashing down on the heads of the military during a siege or anything. Heartened, I head inside, making a mental note to install some doors in the case of an emergency requiring everyone to be locked inside.
    Just inside is a room that looks like it was intended to be a depot, but never got finished. Since closer is better, I opt to finish this and use it instead of the new one further into the fortress. There's a fishery and a lot of bones in the way, but no pile for the raw fish in sight. Why?
    That'll have to be fixed too.
    Hmm, this page is filling up already, and in just the first few minutes. I think I'll cut out the details in the future. Let's just say I arrange things to my liking.

    Big stockpiles near the entrance and the depot, but there's an awful lot of rubble in them. Clear that out, peons!
    Hey, Gnomeblight Salve. I've heard of this stuff. Useless, but maybe it feels nice to rub it in since people are willing to pay 100* for a pot..
    A set of pumps! For all our watery needs, presumably. But they're not turning, despite being connected to some waterworks (by the longest axle I've ever seen). Seems to be turned off via a lever, somewhere... I interview one of the previous managers and find it's a blue lever near the nobles quarters, but it turns out these pumps are just part of a larger set that has yet to be finished. I make plans for doing so, though I have no idea what we would use the water for. The wounded can wait, and booze is good enough for anyone else, surely?
    I am suddenly told that the Mayor has altered the price of goods. Uh oh. Seems this place has an economy going. That can't be good.
    Hey, there's a magma vent! Why aren't we using a magma moat? Too late to change it now...
    Speaking of defenses, where's the barracks? It should be right by the entrance.
    Wow. Biggest furniture stockpile I've ever seen. What's the point of having all these goods but not using them, though?
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    As I'm trying to get further up, I find that the only route between the depot and what turns out to be the main part of the fort is a single staircase. Oof. Apparently the original manager thought wagons could fly to the city borders and land on what is now dubbed the "Skybridge". Changing the entire fortress to center on the depot is going to be a challenge, if anyone could be bothered to do such a thing.
    There's a hole in the walls leading straight out into thin air! Easily walled up, though. Also a red lever I daren't pull, lest it floods the fortress, or worse.
    On this level I also find a bunch of empty rooms that seem generally inaccessible. What they are meant for, I do not know. The living quarters are surprisingly spacious, though still very sparse. What's the point of all this space if it's not meant to be a valuable room?
    Further upstairs I find better rooms, smoothed and all, though still oversized. Most aren't even furnished. Again I wonder why anyone would make such huge personal rooms and not use them. The strangest room shape I've ever seen can also be found here:
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    There's one rather nicely designed tomb, all curves and intersections, and one more mundane and square. Near the former is what I believe is meant to be the dining room, with a view out the side of the cliff. Not for the faint of heart. (one of the gem windows is flashing between yellow and green, wtf?) There's just one table though, so eating must be rather uncomfortable.
    Some previous owner must have had some strange obsession with diagonals, since every other room has a diagonal entrance instead of a proper door. There are also stairs all over the place, which disgusts me. It's supposed to be a mountainhome, not a rabbit warren!
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    An elf comes up to me and jabbers about trees, casually insulting me in the process. I ignore him.
    The smelting site is... extensive. Also cluttered, and for some reason separated into walled rooms. Walls hindering the march of PROGRESS are not tolerated. A nearby stockpile holds both the raw ore and the refined bars. These are separated into two equally sized piles.
    Even further upstairs is where I found the huge furniture pile, but I now realize it also contains the actual dining room, which is in fact even bigger a mess than the original, in no small part thanks to the rubble in the room.
    Ah, the farms! ...None of which are in use?

    Well, that's about it for first impressions. Only took me 5 days to explore.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    <b>10th Granite</b>
    An elven caravan arrived, but since the architect is still moving all the garbage from the would-be depot they're waiting at the borders of the city. Who cares? They probably just have 10000 rope reed cloths and a few logs.
    Finding that we have a innumerable animals, I order any strays except the dogs to be slaughtered. They're bogging down... everything.
    We have... 6 drinks.
    <i><b>Six drinks?!</b></i>
    Oh god, I'm going to have a bloody revolution on my hands soon. And there's only one still, for a population of 102 dwarves!
    And why is the main food pile as far from the dining room as possible?
    Lots of smaller piles are scattered near the farms, but they're in between rooms so dwarves have to walk all over the food and seeds to get to places. Fortunately for us almost everything is in barrels, so the goods won't be damaged, but...
    Why are there so damn many farms anyway?

    <b>14th Granite</b>
    The depot was finished in time for the elves to put up their wares, worse luck.
    I was in the middle of making some advanced gearwork for the pumps, when I remembered that a simple hole in the ground is enough for the power to transfer upwards. Sure enough, there's a hole under a screw pump position on every level. No need for all that gearwork then.

    <b>20th Granite</b>
    <i>Ast Tathadil, Baron's mandate has ended.
    Ast Tathadil, Baron has been crushed under the collapsing ceiling.
    A section of the cavern has collapsed!</i>
    I forgot that I was constructing the ceiling of the tower at the same time as I was deconstructing the walls (in order to replace them with fortifications). Poor man.
    In less happy news, a lot of children were helping with the deconstruction along with the Tax Collector and Baron, for some reason. The problem is that one of them is rather unhappy after witnessing the death of the Baron, as well as being bowled over by the collapsing ceiling. And, it seems the ceiling crashed straight through two floors, so now there's a hole through the tower that has to be repaired.
    The miners are refusing to dig the underground tunnel to the guard tower. What's wrong with these people?
    Unhappy kid is removing some sections of the floor that would come crashing down later, even though its raining. Stalwart boy.

    <b>26th Granite</b>
    Previous managers saw fit to have any dwarf harvest grown plants, and to save skulls which are only used in totems, for reasons unknown to me. I have changed the standing orders so only farmers will harvest, and skulls to be dumped.
    Ah, the diggers are finally getting on with the underground tunnel. The damp ceiling as the moat above flows past is making them nervous, but I tell them there's nothing to worry about, and eventually coach them through it.
    I have told our broker to stop hauling stuff - that's peasant work - yet he insists. Well, no big loss as long as its just the elves, but if he does this when the caravan from back home gets here...

    <b>28th Granite</b>
    I look at the "TO-DO" order list, frown at the bags and plant processing orders I can't see the point of, and cross them out.
    As I look at the remaining orders about constructing green glass screw pump components and collect sand, I realize why the orders were there. Gah!
    But the broker finished whatever it was he did, and is now trading, so I'll just have him buy some of the cloth the elves have and make bags out of that.

    Just as soon as someone hauls goods to the depot.

    Ah, narrow giant cave spider silk sock, just what I needed!

    I can't believe the elven caravan is actually useful. Also they're carrying a bunch of ferocious animals in cages, but I don't want even more animals out here.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    <b>3rd Slate</b>
    I don't understand why there are noble rooms scattered throughout the place but only a few are engraved. A happy noble is a harmless noble.
    One of the previous rulers seems to have magma-heated rooms. Interesting idea.
    In a desperate bid for order in the fort, I'm endeavouring to remove every public table except the ones in the dining hall, so I know where people will go to eat and talk. The dining hall is rather oversized for the population, since we will never see all one hundred and two dwarves eat at the same time, but once again, too late to change it now.
    Strange. I <i>know</i> we have a Marksdwarf, but he's not in the military roster.
    ...Ah, the Mayor is also a Marksdwarf. As much as I hate good training being lost, we can't have officials running out into combat.

    <b>4th Slate</b>
    I can happily report that we now have 68 drinks. Crisis averted.
    The giant cave spider goblin clothes finally arrived at the depot, and we now have a bin or two of rope reed cloth (stocks: Pig Tail [40], Rope Reed [<b>498</b>]). Bags have been ordered.

    <b>6th slate</b>
    I just found that people were having a party in the would-be tomb of Rigóth 'locallyunscene', one of the Retired Rulers in the city. This seemed a bit improper, so I put a stop to it. (the table in the tomb is no longer designating a meeting hall)
    The room was also filled with rubble, and some fish bones. Apparently he uses it as a dining room as well as a tomb. I've ordered the rubble to be moved outside the door of the tomb.
    Loot from goblin attacks has accumulated over time. Perhaps melting it all will clog the smelters, but I couldn't resist:
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    We have a bunch of stone blocks in what used to be the combined ore & metal bars pile. Since there are idlers, this must mean there's no pile for stone blocks. Odd.

    <b>14th Slate</b>
    The tower is nearly done.
    Finding that the animal population hasn't decreased noticeably, I throw up my arms in defeat and order even the stray dogs and puppies to be slaughtered. Sorry dogs, but there's just no space here for you.

    <b>15th Slate</b>
    <i>The Baron Momuz Litastïlon has arrived.
    Wise Nil Nêcikedëm has arrived.
    Some migrants have arrived.</i>
    One of the migrants is a weaponsmith! Most of the rest get drafted. Can never have too much cannon fodder.

    <b>20th Slate</b>
    What the hell? My Fortifications can't be walked on? But the ones that were there before worked fine! Argh, this is going to take ages. And some kid is on top of one of them, starving.

    <b>21st Slate</b>
    Child was saved.
    Lazy clothiers won't make bags... How many do we have, anyway? (90-ish bags, 1 clothier of any worth)

    <b>25th Slate</b>
    Trying to accomodate the new Baron... Since the old dwarf's rooms were scattered all over the place I've just decided to make new ones and give him those.
    Unfortunately the old Baroness Consort is still here, with requiremenets and mandates. I've decided to completely ignore her in favor of the new consort, we'll see what happens.
    I realize we have few to no Royal and Fortress Guards. I remedy this by making the new recruits fill these roles, but we barely don't have enough, so some of the residents will be seeing a draft letter very soon.

    <b>27th Slate</b>
    The miners complained about their lack of work. I felt inclined to acquiesce their request:
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>

    (EDIT: I forgot to say: at some point the Administrator I chose to possess got stuck with the eternal Attend Meeting bug. The Mayor is now our manager, while my dwarf is off in lala-land.)
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    <b>12th Felsite</b>
    The tower is practically done!
    We have over 200 drinks now.
    Nobles have rooms good enough for them (except the surplus baroness consort, who has no rooms at all). I just hope they won't come up with any crazy demands. So far, the baron wanted 2 doors, and the consort forbid exporting black bronze items, both easily granted.
    I noticed the magma wasn't being used for dumping. I'm about to see how that'll work out.
    The military were organized into squads, but are not so anymore. Hopefully they'll spar more often now that they don't have to wait for their leaders to finish slacking off. Lazy buggers.

    <b>22nd Felsite</b>
    Now I know why the haulers didn't move the stone blocks that were mixed up with the metal bars. The stone block pile is half-filled with rubble.
    Actually, the same goes for half our stockpiles. No wonder there're so many of them if they never clear the space out in the first place...

    <b>23rd Felsite</b>
    Perhaps not surprisingly, that big digging operation I gave the miners to kep them busy has found us some Aquamarine. We already have a ton of gems though...
    Clearing out the rubble is taking too long. I have decided to have our (mostly idle anyway) more important workers help out with the refuse handling.

    <b>26th Felsite</b>
    As I was telling the miners how I wanted a shortcut for the rubble to be dumped into the magma on the level below, an Armorer walked past and suddenly shouted a name I didn't recognize. Then he ran off and claimed a Magma Forge. We've got a possessed armorer! I'm not sure how to feel - on one hand, he's not going to remember anything about how he made the item unlike the effect of the more subtle spirits, but on the other hand we're probably going to get a really sweet piece of armor on our hands. Unless he makes it out of Aluminum...
    Reminded of the smelting operation currently going on, I feel the need to use up some of our many metal bars. We have quite a few iron and gold bars, and tons of copper and zinc. The latter can be combined into Brass, which is prettier and more valuable, but the smelters are already busy with the goblin armor, so that will have to wait.
    I now find that one of our forges is full of coins. How come we have coins and gems, but no vault? I cannot resist making a room that exists for the sole purpose of holding piles and piles of treasure.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    edited May 2008
    <b>2nd Hematite</b>
    We have an awful lot of Iron Arrows. I expect our valiant military had to slay innumerable goblin squads. But they are of no use to us - only paltry bows can use arrows, while proper weapons like the crossbow must use bolts. They are to be melted down.
    Out of 3 Silver bars, one piece of raw crystal glass, Oak logs, and a turtle shell, we get...? No good armor, that's for sure.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>

    <b>7th Hematite</b>
    <i>Alåth Alåthbål, Armorer has created Adilokil Noböt Otsus, a Silver high boot!</i>
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    A boot? It's not even a pair of boots, it's one boot. This is a pretty telling indication of what our ancestors knew of armoring.

    <b>9th Hematite</b>
    The Human Diplomat has arrived, all on his own. Strange. Don't they stick with their caravans?

    <b>11th Hematite</b>
    Ah, he must've run ahead of the others.
    <i>A human caravan from Dur Ormol has arrived.
    A human Merchant Princess from Dur Ormol has arrived.</i>

    <b>13th Hematite</b>
    Shouldn't the Mayor be meeting with the foreign diplomats? He claims he has No Job.
    I suppose the Baron might be doing that sort of business in a big city like this.
    The local Hammerer is demanding clear glass windows in his dining room. This could be trouble, but we do have pearlash thanks to the foresight of previous managers, so the clear glass part shouldn't be too hard.

    <b>15th Hematite</b>
    I am greeted by a "Greetings, noble dwarf. There is much to discuss." from the human diplomat. Already like him better than the elf that was here previously. Unfortunately the Baron runs off to do whatever it is he does in his spare time, so the meeting is postponed.
    The coin vault isn't being used, but at least the forge is no longer cluttered with gold coins.

    <b>17th Hematite</b>
    Progress has been made! There's far less rubble in the stockpiles now, and haulers are asking for more to do. I took the time to order each and every last bit of rubble in the dining hall to be cleared out. Soon, diners will be able to see the floor they're walking on.
    The baron and diplomat are meeting again. I took the liberty to lock them in the office to make sure the Baron doesn't go and do something stupid, again.
    "It's such a pleasant place you've carved out for yourselves..."
    Why thank you! I only wish I could take credit for it. I'm most impressed by the size of the place, disorganized though it may be.
    Oddly, those are his only words before he leaves.

    <b>19th Hematite</b>
    Filthy goblin scum! A snatcher!
    And an ambush! Curse them! That kitty is history... Everyone inside!
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    The military is sent to the topside entrance, hopefully they'll be able to stop this incursion.
    A war dog is already out there attacking them. I don't know if he's scored any direct hits, but he just made one of the goblin swordsmen jump over a cliff, so he must be a terrifying sight.
    The dog died. The goblins are now proceeding down the ramp someone put just behind our front lines for some reason, but at least there's a thick line of traps in the way. If that doesn't kill them, hopefully it'll at least slow them down enough for the military to arrive.

    <b>23rd Hematite</b>
    It's as good as over. The only survivor after the hammermen and elite wrestlers arrived was the one who fell down the cliff. The nearby stairs are his death sentence.
    The drawbridge hindered the military from reaching the weakling, but it was merely a minor setback. Yet one of the war dogs beat them to the punch, and was tearing the foul creature up when they arrived. They stuck around to spit on the corpse, but should be heading back to their sparring sessions by now.

    <b>25th Hematite</b>
    Our City Broker is supposed to meet with the human merchant princess, but he isn't. I've given him an office, since he didn't have one, but it's one of those diagonal-entrance rooms, so I can't lock them in.

    <b>26th Hematite</b>
    An ambush! Curse them! I knew just one was too good to be true! The dwarf who spotted them is a wrestler, but against 6 goblin macemen and a Guard, I doubt he will survive.
    Unfortunately I was right. The female leader of the ambush hit him so hard with an iron pike that he flew into the cliffside and died on impact.
    In the middle of the ambush, just after a stonecrafter was scared away by one of the macemen that had gotten separated from his squad, and a dog had come down the stairs and started attacking said macegoblin, the merchant princess suddenly starts talking with the broker. Bit distracting.
    The dog died without causing much damage, and the goblin squad spotted the crafter again. He's a goner, no doubt.
    Some goblins already got up the stairs to the level of the skybridge, and are now chasing a jeweler. A wrestler happened by, but again, a lone wrestler? He's screwed.
    The wrestler and the guard grappled for a bit, the guard giving more than taking, but soon enough the wrestler throws him to the side, into plain sight. He is instantly shot and killed by a marksdwarf! There is yet hope for our wrestler... only, now a maceman is standing over him, and he's unconscious.
    Marksdwarf rounds the corner to find himself face to face with the macegoblin, and gets pummelled until a hammerdwarf arrives and smashes the goblin into an unrecognizable pulp. Thankfully, only his right lower leg got damaged.
    <i>A thief has stolen a *Iron chain mail*!</i>
    Curse them again! And the stonecrafter died.
    At least they seem to be fleeing with their leader dead.
    Merchant Princess gives us a list of items they are willing to bring next year, and one of the items is Mog Juice. I wonder what that is? In any case, we don't really need anything, so I just jot down the usual wood and seeds.

    (my 'possessed' Manager seems to have finished his imaginary meeting. he's been made the city manager once more.)
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <b>7th Malachite</b>
    The goblins have left without any further encounters.
    <i>The merchants from Dur Ormol will be leaving soon.</i>
    Time is pressing, so I have the sleeping broker rudely thrown out of bed. He goes straight to the depot thankfully, and completes a trade for all the wood the humans were carrying, as well as some iron bolts (4x25) and seeds. I'm not sure how skilled he was before, but now he's a High Master appraiser. If only he was a better judge of intent, trading would be even easier...
    I notice the vaults are being used. The gem vault is even filled up. Bins are being made, but I fear they will be used for other stockpiles, so I am hunting them down to disallow the use of bins, at least until the vaults are adequately supplied.
    As I am doing so, I pass through the future tombs of two of our retired rulers. They look very nice now that they're (mostly) clean.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    Which reminds me I don't have one myself. Perhaps it's a bit early to think of such things, but you can never be too cautious.
    The Hammerer got the clear glass window in his dining room, just as he demanded. It's just hanging in the corner of the room, but he doesn't seem to mind.

    <b>8th Malachite</b>
    I might've mentioned that 'at least the forge isn't cluttered anymore' in relation to the coin vault not being used earlier. Well, I was wrong. Presumably it was one of the <i>other</i> forges I looked at, because one of them is most certainly cluttered with coins. It's a wonder the smiths aren't slipping on the damn things. (i count <b>330</b> stacks of varying size, and I think all of them are owned by someone and won't be moved into the vault - - second check, there's about as many stacks in the metalsmiths forge upstairs, the one that uses fuel)

    <b>9th Malachite</b>
    <i>The merchants from Dur Ormol have embarked on their journey.</i>
    Our broker still hasn't finished meeting with the merchant princess. This could be bad.

    <b>10th Malachite</b>
    <i>Kumil Roldethrigóth, Royal Guard has suffocated.</i>
    One of our warriors died from his wounds today. Hopefully he will find himself in a more peaceful place, one without goblins.
    I should add that our animal population has been decreased from 70+ to 30 or so, and there's still a few that are headed for the butchers yard.

    <b>13th Malachite</b>
    <i>Unib Kúdustuth, Guard has been struck down.</i>
    Another of our warriors died today, this time directly killed in a sparring accident. At least I hope it was an accident.

    <b>18th Malachite</b>
    I've started on finishing the pump system, ordering as many as we had pieces for to be constructed. We're missing 8 or so of each piece, so those are now on the order list.
    The new Mayor just mandated that we make 3 black bronze items. Black bronze?
    Ugh. It uses copper, silver, AND gold. Greedy little man.

    <b>21st Malachite</b>
    I've been wondering why the caravan wagons haven't moved from the depot, and also why the miners wouldn't touch the gold wall I'd ordered to be dug out. Turns out they're both answered by the simple fact that I forgot to let down the drawbridge. Whoops...

    <b>23rd Malachite</b>
    The human merchant princess and my broker are just about done, at long last. She request that next season, we sell them
    (priority slider at slot 3 of 4)
    crossbows, headwear, legwear, drinks, large gems, and seeds, or
    (prio 2)
    earrings, handwear, or
    (prio 1)
    plants, cheese, and shell crowns.
    Shell crowns?
    The Baron is demanding that we make Tin items. But there's no cassiterite here. I fear the Hammerer will be busy in the near future...
    While engraving my tomb, I find an animal trainer armed with a crossbow detailing the floor. This doesn't make any sense at first, but then I remember the original Mayor who was also a Marksdwarf. Presumably he was a Marksdwarf before he was a Mayor. He is one once more now.
    I also realized that neither marksdwarf would spar in the barracks, but rather needed archery targets and practice bolts. A previous ruler set up the targets, so I just had to order more bone bolts to be made.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <b>1st Galena</b>
    My delicious tomb, though not as large as the other rulers, is finished! Inspiring me to make rooms nearby, to be used as office, dining room, and quarters.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    <i>Mörulnåzom and the surrounding lands have been made a county.</i>
    It seems the Baron finally felt satisfied with the place and made it an official county. Doesn't really feel different, though.
    As a consequence, he is now a Count, and his tastes have grown more expensive; he is now demanding better rooms and more furniture in them. Same goes for his consort, now a Countess consort.

    <b>10th Galena</b>
    Work on the new tombs of the nobility is continuing at a slower pace than I could wish, and noble demands are piling up. I hope to meet at least two of them by making black bronze goblets, but I can't see any way to make tin.

    <b>14th Galena</b>
    The rooms and their furniture are finished, so the requirements are met. Now for my rooms and the demands...

    <b>23rd Galena</b>
    I've ordered Galena, Tetrahedrite and Native Gold ore to be smelted in the hopes of getting lucky and extracting some silver from the first two, and of course gold from the last. Once I succed in getting a bar of each we should be able to make black bronze bars.
    One of our weavers just created some masterfully made pig tail thread. I didn't know thread could be masterfully made...

    <b>27th Galena</b>
    I just found some magma workshops rather far from the others. They're slowing down the smelting and smithing processes since workers have to go from the metal stockpile in the middle of the fortress to the outer edge, so orders for their deconstruction have gone out.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <i>Autumn has come.</i>
    <b>2nd Limestone</b>
    Some details in the walls near the Skybridge are being fixed.

    <b>4th Limestone</b>
    The barracks have been spruced up, some of the rubble was removed and the walls and floors are smoothed and engraved. (also the barracks is designated from one bed rather than all of them)
    Black Bronze bars! Now all I need is Tin.
    Incidentally, the smelting operation yielded 4 bars. Best to keep the others as spare.

    <b>7th Limestone</b>
    One of the retired rulers, who also happens to be the Dungeon Master, asked if I could have his personal rooms tidied up, and so they were.
    Now I just need to get him a new Dining Room and Office. I think I'll rearrange a little over there...

    <b>11th Limestone</b>
    The Baron has asked for two doors made once again. Meanwhile, the old consort has banned the export of buckets. Buckets? And the Mayor has banned the export of catapult parts, while the new consort bans the export of black bronze items.
    Nobles have strange tastes.

    <b>14th Limestone</b>
    The rooms for the Dungon Master/Retired Ruler are nearing completion.
    <i>The city Liasion from Volalshorast has arrived.
    A caravan from Volalshorast has arrived.</i>
    Hmm, what to order for next year?

    <b>19th Limestone</b>
    Dungeon Master rooms are done.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    The Liasion speaks with the Count about what we want from the next caravan, and I order the usual seeds and logs, but also bolts and rarer metals, like Tin and Platinum, as well as flux stone in case anyone wants to make Steel later. They have no Dolomite back home, but that shouldn't be a problem.
    Trading with the Caravan. They have Tin! Praise Armok! Maybe now the Baron won't bite my head off.

    <b>21st Limestone</b>
    They cannot make Tin Goblets yet because there are no Tin bars... in the metal bar stockpile. In your own time, haulers.
    I'm extending the main staircase construction all the way to the bottom floor, no reason to use only small sets of stairs.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    We have over 600 drinks now, I think I might've gone overboard with the trading...

    <b>28th Limestone</b>
    In an effort to do something about all the mostly useless zinc and copper we have lying around I am ordering 50 brass bars to be made, which should use them up nicely. Note to future managers: use brass for furniture and crafts whenever possible!
    Thief! Kobold filth! But a child discovered him before he got far inside, and the cowardly pest is running back to the pit he came from.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <b>8th Sandstone</b>
    The Trade Agreement with Volalshorast goes like this:
    4: toys, musical instruments
    3: battle axes, idols, large gems
    2: rings, cheese, crowns
    1: refined coal, amulets, prepared meals
    0: -

    <b>10th Sandstone</b>
    <i>Bëmbul Insélfikod, Wrestler has bled to death.</i>
    Another sparring accident? Maybe I should turn off weapons for all the military...

    <b>13th Sandstone</b>
    I just realized we have a Trader. How come we were using some engraver as a Broker instead? Doesn't matter now since the latter is Legendary Appraiser and the former is only Proficient, but...
    Our smiths absolutely refuse to actually forge anything, instead spending all their time smelting brass bars. Those Brass cages could be real handy for the jail, guys?

    <b>15th Sandstone</b>
    <i>The merchants from Volalshorast have embarked on their journey.</i>
    Hmm. Suddenly I wonder if there were any rings in that finished goods bin I sold... oh dear, the countess is going to flip out and kill people.
    I forgot to mention: the caravan guards slew the two kobold thieves that were in the fortress earlier.
    The main staircase is being cleared of rubble. (i cant stand that constant blinking)

    <b>25th Sandstone</b>
    <i>Inod Möruldakas, Countess Consort is throwing a tantrum!</i>
    She finally cracked. I wonder if the Hammerer will take care of her or if she'll just rot in jail.
    So far she's just been angry without hurting anyone or anything...

    <b>26th Sandstone</b>
    <i>Inod Möruldakas, Countess Consort has calmed down.</i>
    Guess she's taken anger management courses.
    <i>Zefon Nomalvutram has grown to become a Peasant.</i>
    Today one of our youths was finally admitted as an adult. Lacking any particular skills, he will be serving in the army.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <b>4th Timber</b>
    <i>Kogsak Kogansebsúr, Gem Setter is taken by a fey mood!</i>
    Two people taken by the ancestors just in the time I've been here? What're the odds? Lets hope he doesn't make a silver glove though.
    <i>Gneiss table destroyed by Inod Möruldakas, Countess Consort.</i>
    Maybe now she'll be thrown in jail.
    <i>Mica tabled destroyed by Inod Möruldakas, Countess Consort.</i>
    Or not. Cursed noble legal immunity.

    <b>11th Timber</b>
    And now she's throwing a party. I just hope she's not planning to bathe in the blood of a thousand virgins.

    <b>12th Timber</b>
    After nabbing a rough rubicelle, rough rock crystals, pig iron bars, rose gold bars, brass bars, alunite, oak logs, turtle shell and perch bones, our jeweler has begun his mysterious construction. It looks like it'll be quite something.
    The watering system is just about complete. I believe this entire system was built for tower-cap farming, since it's

    <b>16th Timber</b>
    <i>Kogsak Kogansebsúr, Gem Setter has has created Akurtorir Mirstal Össekm a Rubicelle coffin!</i>
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    Our Gem Setter has created a coffin truly worthy of a king! Made out of a single rubicelle (?), it shows that our ancestors were truly the wisest and most skilled of people! A tomb with this coffin would make anyone speechless, even if it was the only object in the room!
    We have no king here though, so maybe someone <i>else </i>should have it . . .

    <b>18th Timber</b>
    As I look through the stocks I notice we're running low on food. Egads! What happened to our farms? Why aren't there more plump helmets for emergency food? I've added another stockpile for plants and stopped the farming of other plants than plump helmets, at least until we have enough spare.

    <b>20th Timber</b>
    <i>Lorbam Zimeshavuz, Leatherwork is throwing a tantrum!</i>
    Angry shouts from up top turned out to be a craftsdwarf who was standing there when the ramps on the side were removed, and now can't get down. Whoops...
    He's fallen asleep on the ground but is starving and thirsty, so I doubt he'll be happy once he does get back inside.
    Just in case it'll be necessary to keep the military on a longer excursion, I've had backpacks and waterskins made. Not ordered them to be used though.

    <b>25th Timber</b>
    One of the former rulers, Dastot 'Gwahir' Bimstukos, was trying to do every sort of metalsmithing for the fortress. He won't be making any more weapons or armor now. (quality was too low with a novice making the stuff some of the time)
    Unfortunately the Dungeon Master is just as unskilled, but cannot be ordered so easily.
    I'm going to try out the watering system.

    <b>27th Timber</b>
    The watering system works nicely. Let's see if the drain does, too..
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    The bridge at the bottom entrance now retracts south - creating a wall and thus fully covering the entrance to our city when raised.
    <i>Udil Stâkudibesh, Guard has gone stark raving mad!</i>
    I've heard of going crazy with pain, but I didn't think it meant they would crawl around babbling while suffering from injuries...
    I found that the Captain of the Guard wasn't technically military, so I drafted him. And made him part of the fortress guard.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    edited June 2008
    Winter is upon us.

    <i>Zefon Ocîggeshud, Swordsdwarf has suffocated.</i>
    <b>2nd Moonstone</b>
    For a moment I thought our crazy countess had killed a dwarf, but it was (yet another) fellow who died from injuries.
    I should see if I can get rid of that woman somehow...

    <b>8th Moonstone</b>
    Leatherworker girl is finally inside again, has eaten and drunk, but remains angered to the brink of insanity. Maybe past it.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    I think I'll make a garbage compactor, just for the clothes the goblin corpses leave after themselves... I think I know just where to put it too.
    The brook is freezing. Half of it, anyway. The west half.
    Our miners informed me that there's a wall of marble north of our bottom entrance. Guess there was no need to order flux from the caravan...

    <b>13th Moonstone</b>
    My Manager is being yelled at by one of the stoneworkers, which is bit odd - they're both ecstatic. SO HAPPY I CAN JUST SCREAM, I guess.
    The coins laying around everywhere are getting on my nerves. Maybe if every dwarf has a coffer the problem will be solved...

    <i>Lorbam Zimeshavuz, Leatherworker has been struck down.</i>
    <b>14th Moonstone</b>
    I had noticed our leatherworker got sentenced to a beating and 26 days in prison. Seems the guard who took the job liked it a little too much. Apparently the victims face was flattened by shielding.

    <b>16th Moonstone</b>
    Well, I...

    <b><i>A vile force of darkness has arrived!</i></b>
    Curse the foul creatures! A siege in the middle of winter! I will empty both Guard forces for troops, hopefully they can deal with this threat by sheer numbers if nothing else.
    Scout reports report a number of marginally trained goblin axemen, along with their leader, a supergoblinly tough swordsman. They're slim pickings!
    The military has been rallied and given their guard post, and the drawbridge at the top entrance is withdrawn. They'll never get in now!
    ARGH! I hadn't noticed the ramps on the side! The 'skybridge' entrance is open and vulnerable, and the nearest squad of goblins has a bowman as a leader! If the peasantry can reach and pull the lever in time...
    5 wrestlers lost... but the bridge is retracted.
    If only this place wasn't such a mess of outdoors stairs and entrances, it'd be a cinch to defend.
    Hey, the Countess Consort is going towards the just retracted bridge! Woman! Get away from that entrance if you value your life!
    She got away, but two military men lined up to get the equipment of their dead comrades. One of them the captain of the guard. He was just starting to run away when he got shot and hit in both lungs, his heart, and his liver. He's a goner. At least he made the Bowgoblin squad leader use up all his ammo.
    Gah! One of the wrestlers was outside when the attack struck. Lucky him though, he's Very Agile and can run away from the two speargoblins that're hot on his tails. One of them was enraged by being pummeled bloody by the wrestler, it seems!
    ...Alas, he kept trying to run and failed to inflict any more wounds before he was killed.
    Maybe the catapult will be of use. They're standing in front of the right entrance at least.
    ...No. It's either too far away, or too inaccurate. Both, probably.
    Most of the military are slacking off instead of defending the fort. What's wrong with them?
    The catapult just got its first hit. The goblin in question is feeling nauseous and bruised. Weak.
    I could swear I just saw one of them duck for the incoming rock..
    Military is finally getting a grip and are near the entrance. Now I just need to lower the entrance, and the slaughter should begin.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    The goblins are running towards them, a hammerdwarf goes into martial trance, their leader - who was the first to go in - gets a heavy rock on his head, is slain, and SQUAD BROKEN. They're on the run.
    Goblin slaughter? Good christmas present!
    We've lost two trained dwarves, but the entire squad of axegoblins was taken out. One of our marksdwarves ran out of ammo and had to run away, the other is acting sniper. Good man.
    The only remains of the invasion force is a squad of lashers lead by a swordsgoblin. Truly slim pickings. In fact, I think they're running away already!
    (The siege has ended)

    <b>26th Moonstone</b>
    Well, we lost 10 good men, but victory is ours at last. I will only refill the Royal Guard to keep the Baron happy - fortress guard and captain can go pour magma on their beards.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    <b>6th Opal</b>
    "Look, I can understand you guys are unhappy about the death of your friends, but why do you want to see <i>me</i> about it rather than the Baron or Mayor? Or even the Philosopher."

    <b>13th Opal</b>
    I've been moving the smelters and forges around for maximum comfort, and a magma kiln was just finished when I was told that the mason responsible had just constructed a masterpiece. Buildings have quality levels?
    A fire imp is floating near the top of the magma vent, unconscious. Couldn't take the cold of winter?

    <i>Udil Stâkudibesh, Wrestler has starved to death.</i>
    <b>20th Opal</b>
    Another casualty to injuries. I think. He's rather far from a bed, but I saw a wrestler who had a seriously injured leg earlier - not hurt enough to get help, but too hurt to take care of himself. Incredible misfortune.
    <i>Tun Raletar, Marksdwarf has gone berserk!</i>
    Uh-oh. I've heard of forts doing well until a few deaths causes other dwarfs to go crazy and kill more dwarfs, causing more dwarfs in turn to go crazy and...
    He's Very Drowsy and crawling though. Maybe he'll just fall asleep again. I sure hope so, because he has 25 steel bolts in his quiver.

    <i>Minkot Unibdural, Royal Guard cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Marksdwarf.</i>
    The Count just barely got away from the madman and is cowering in a corner of his room, but his bodyguard got shot at. Apparently he blocked the shot though, and lucky for him he's faster than the marksdwarf lying on the ground. But with crossbows, you never know who will win.
    A war dog is joining in on beating up the crazed dwarf. It got hurt bad in the legs, but should survive.
    Pretty much over. The Royal Guard is an incompetent wrestler, but at least got the madman unconscious.
    An axedwarf jumped in from behind, so threat dispatched. Just give him a proper burial now guys.

    <b>24th Opal</b>
    <i>Monom Kikrostsazir, Weaponsmith is throwing a tantrum!</i>
    ######, ######, ######...
    Whew, nothing of note happened.
    Ordering animals to the slaughter once more. We have a lot of puppies and calves but not so much food.
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation

    Well, this final month went without incident. A nice change of pace after goblin invasions and crazy marksdwarves.
    Overall I think we lost more dwarves than immigrated here, but there was only one wave of immigrants.

    Just some notes:
    * The Nobles have all kinds of crazy bans on exports. Like the Count, he really likes his doors. Yeah. Doors. But some of the bans are on things you're quite likely to trade, so be very careful when trading.
    * There's an awful lot of meat and fat and such in the butcher shops, and not enough kitchens and cooks to mince it into fine roasts. Do what you can about that.
    * Smelting of foreign and low-quality items is still being done. All too often the furnace operators run outside to grab pieces, so expanding the foreign armor pile (next to the forges) or using more bins is probably a good idea.
    * I should call myself the King of Brass. There's several dozen Brass bars in our metal pile. But nothing much to use it on.
    * The marksdwarves seem to run out of practice bolts a lot, but we have tons of bone, so all we lack is carvers.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    Dear Diary,
    as you know nearly half a decade has past since I retired as founder and ruler of my beloved Red Rum and chose the live of a hermit. For over 6 years I did not leave my quarters and the only contact I had was Oddom, whom I instructed to bring me beer daily and bread twice a week.

    Red Rum seemed to have become a very busy and sucesful fort. I figured this, because the furniture I ordered 4 years ago was still not in my quarters. This could only mean that everyone was too busy with creating huge amounts of wealth, but I was wrong.

    Today I discovered that my beer was watered down?
    Who on Armoks rocky earth would do such a thing? Water down the beer of their former ruler? This incident could not be forgiven and so I talked to Oddom for the first in a very long time.

    Me:”Oddom, why is my beer watered down.”
    Oddom:”Ye talk? I though that they cut yer tung out before they threw ya in dis hole”
    Me:”WHAAT? This is an outrage, I should.... Why am I here Oddom?”
    Oddom:”Yer here, cause...I dun member that well, but me thinks that once of them leader types that came after you said something about you weaken the demons and stuff. So he overthrew you and imprisoned you in the hole.”
    Me:”No, thats not what happened, I chose the live of a hermit. And hermits dont drink watered down beer. So why is it watered down?”
    Oddom:”Orders from align: Nobles get to drink watered down beer and regular dwarves get water. Prisoners get nothing.”
    Me:”So, our beverage supply is low. Unacceptable. Time to dismiss this so called align and show him what dwarves truly need: BEER! Oddom, follow me my hermitage is over. I need to see the records and inspect the fort.”
    Oddom:”You need to go out of the room for that?”
    Oddom:”Thats not good. You are a prisner and prisners dun go out.”
    Me:”Oddom, if I am a prisoner and prisoners do not get to drink anything, why did you bring me watered down beer?”
    Me:”Who drinks watered down beer?”
    Me:”So, what am I”
    Oddom:” Noble, cause ye drink beer, with water”
    Me:”Thats right, now follow me.”
    Oddom:”Yes, Sir!”

    And so for the first time in over half a decade I left my room and what I discovered was shocking and heartbreaking.
  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    edited June 2008
    I will now describe some of my most interesting discoveries:
    Apparently someone thought it is a good idea to have open holes with magma flowing under them and then to put forges above those magma filled channels. I bet we have lost several dozen metalsmiths to tripping accidents:

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Then we have overflowing furniture stockpiles and not enough bins. There is also a catapult and some nutjob firing stones down our main entrance hall oO

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    My tomb, my beautiful tomb. Those lazy ######s did not only NOT finish it, no apparently the used it as some kind of coin tossing arena. In fact: coins are lying around everywhere. This has to stop. I will melt down all coins and dwarves have to carve their account into their own flesh from now on. The following symbols will be used:

    Valuta Symbol
    0001 |
    0005 <
    0025 +
    0125 #
    0625 *
    3125 §

    This should help those lazy ######s to remember who founded this fort and whom they owe respect.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Then there is this impressive contraption, that pumps water up the mountain, from where it can then flow down again, back into the brook. I should either dismantle it and scavenge the precious glass pumps or turn it into something of use. But first of all it will be walled off, to prevent invading trolls from destroying it. A lot of resources are at danger here.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    This hole place has is irritating. There seems to be no real plane to things and at least a dozen of unfinished projekts. I need to find the archives and go through the records and plans.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    During my search for the archives of often smelled a horrible stench, but I never managed to discover the source of that smell cause it came from several directions and it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

    This is an outrage. There are no records. Nothing. Just plain nothing. After inquiring several dwarves it turned out that the former rulers never appointed clerks. Armok, don't leave my side. How am I supposed t save Red Rum, if I don't even know how many beet is left, or what lever does what? I need to find the former rulers and talk to them. Maybe one of them has a few braincells left and can remember what they build.

    I finally discovered the source, or should I say sources of the smell I have been talking earlier about. Those who ruled after me are filthy pigs. They are encrusted in filth and it is impossible to stay near them for long. I order a giant meeting hall to be built, with a lot of ventilation shafts.

    The meeting hall is finished and I am finally able to get into hearing range of those poor creatures without passing out. The meeting went well. WE HAVE RECORDS! Praise Amok. Unfortunately someone called lollyunscene (strange name for a dwarf) decided that there was only one way of record keeping. The leader had to paint the records on his own body, using goblin blood and then never wash again to preserve those records... For some reason everyone who ruled after lollyunscene just did abide by that rule. The only problem is that we cannot transfer the records, cause no-one can approach the former leaders without dying from the stench. To solve this problem I ordered our leatherworkers to create an airtight leather suit. I personally will make a clear glass blow, that can be worn over the head and that seals airtight with the suit.

    It works. A clerk can hold his breath long enough to put an the bowl at a save distance, approach the stinky pants transfer parts of the records and make it back to a save distance alive. I estimate the records to be transferred in less than a week. Enough time to turn the giant water contraption into something useful. Like a shower for those poor dwarves.
  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    The clerks have finally transferred the records: We are back in buisness. Hooray.
    This is the current situation:

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    We got very low booze supplies, but enough barells in the furniture stockpile.
    I guess something how the workload is devided is wrong.

    Sigh, I need to talk to every single one of my dwarves and ask them what they are good at and then completely reassign all outstanding tasks.

    Overall there are a lot of things to be done, so I will disband the military for now.

    For some reason most armor pieces are tasked to be melted. Even high quality steel greaves.
    I will immediately revert that.

    SEVENTEENTHOUSAND COINS! We got freaking 17k coins and I have to designate every single one of them for smelting.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Whoever made those coins shall rot in hell!

    Forget the smelting. Too much work. I ordered all coins to be thrown in one of the many magma channels.
    Once the coins are gone the curse of unproductivity from Red Rum should be lifted.

    Newsflash:We are also not only low on booze. Nooo, we are also low on food. Those 700 other food items are not prepared meals, as a falsy assumed.

    I launched an emergency program to prevent starvation. This means that nearly all dwarves either transport goods or will be working on producing drinks/food.

    There are also over 100 unused tables.

    The human caravan arrived. I traded away all of our narrow clothing for a few logs of wood. Let that stinking goblin rags rot somewhere else than my stockpiles.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    5th Limestone
    500+ prepared meals and 1200+ booze.
    Seems like I saved RedRum to die off starvation. Over 1000 coins have been thrown in the molten magma as well, but it will take several years to get rid of that junk.

    11th Sandstone
    An Artifact turban....
    Cant these dwarves get anything right?
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    There is a bridge in a nobles room and a lever nearby....
    I will pull the lever. The lever did nothing, at least nothing I was made aware of so I will dismantle it and also the bridge.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
  • FaskaliaFaskalia Wechsellichtzeichenanlage Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31651Members, Constellation
    edited June 2008
    On of the former rulers his banging a royal guard. NIIIIICE. Especially cause the guard cant run away with an injured leg.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Then there is this other former ruler who owns some kind of shop. Thats ok, except for the fact that he utilizes child labour.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    This place is getting on my nerves. No-one seems to abide the law. And I also know why. Although we have lots of guards, there is no-one to lead them. I will assign a captain of the guard.
    Ok, the guard is up and running. Hopefully this will bring more order to redrum.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    16th Moonstone.
    A smal pathetic Goblin ambush.

    A former ruler was lain by a goblin hammerman.
    For some reason he had 4 socks with him. Most likely to stuff his crotch. Also note, that both upper arms are detached from the torso, while the lower arms are still attached...

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    I organized the funeral, but for some reason more animals than dwarves attended <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/confused-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="???" border="0" alt="confused-fix.gif" /> What did this bloke do during his rule? Did he Increase the beer tax and gave out grass for free?

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    After a Goblin ambush I discovered a dwarf with interesting symptoms:
    He had a pierced lung, that was filling with liquid, but he only complained about his arm hurting.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    A rather uneventful year is coming to an end and this is the gist of it:

    We had 17k coins. So I spent most of the year running around with a rubber stamp, designating those coins to be dumped. It will however take extremely long for all coins to be gone, because coins in ownership wont be dumped immediately. Just stop minting them and dump any new stacks that might appear.

    -We had nearly nothing to drink and virtually nothing to eat.
    I fixed that. We have over 1000 units of booze, over 800 prepared meals and 1000 plump helmets as backup.

    -Locallyunscene died and was buried in his beloved church.

    -I enrolled the justice systems. Criminals beware!

    -Currently the whole fort is still executing the prevent starvation emergency plan. So if you plan on doing something besides food production, you better check those work orders.

    -Our furniture stockpiles are ######ed up.

    -I got rid of most narrow clothing and made tons of new barrels and bins. Next years caravans will be HUGE (20+wagons). So be prepared.

    All that rubber stamping made be tired. I will rest for a while and assign Gwahir to rule in my stead. He seems to be the least incompetent of my fellow dwarves. Good luck.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    edited June 2008
    1st Granite:

    I began the day the same as always. I kissed my wife goodbye as she rested her injuries to go and man my shop. On the way there, the old ruler Faskalia (I thought he was dead, or had moved) showed up and handed control of the fort back to me. This disturbed me greatly as I once again have to hold myself responsible for the deaths of the dwarves of this fort. After my last stay in office, I wasn't looking forward to that.

    Looking over the state of the fortress, it seems my primary project, the water tower, was complete, but left unused. I'll have to do something with it. Construction of the new skybridge was suspended right were I left it, I've ordered the dwarves there to continue erecting it.

    I found a new prison with ponds near every station, I had no problems with criminals during my reign, I hope I can maintain that record.

    2nd Granite:
    I have begun work on a water distribution channel extending from the upper water reservoir to put a well on every level. To ensure that it is safe, I will put a safety system in place that will close off the system at the top and near the bottom but before the buffer reservoir at the end.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Side note: I just remembered how pampered the nobles like to be, and one of them... isn't being pampered.

    9th Granite

    SIEGE! Just in time for the start of my rule. I'm sure that Faskalia heard that this was coming and wanted to blame our doom on someone else.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    This group of goblins has come well prepared. Most of them hold crossbows but several hold spears, one has a sword, and... Armok give us strength, the legendary leader of their town Estrur Zoradstozu has come in full armor with a war hammer. They even brought a troll!

    I have ordered everyone inside, I will not wait long before raising the bridges, no dwarf should delay their transit, I am willing to make sacrifices.

    I have just discovered that almost our entire military has been returned to civilian life. A glance at the logs tells me that Faskalia wanted more dwarves to be available for dumping coins.

    One has already died, shot. Their leader chased down a miller and pushed him off a cliff, both of his arms are severely wounded but he might survive as the rest of his body suffered only minor injury.

    I have just noticed that many more have arrived, every kind of goblin, using our own road to get here. There's even another goblin Hammer Lord. The total count of invaders, not including the 3 fire imps, is 84. 14 of them are trolls.

    10th Granite:
    We now see around 114 invaders with 22 trolls

    It's been sometime since I ordered the bridge raised, but not one has lifted. I check with one of my subordinates to find that the 2 countess consorts, one of which is carrying a baby, and the philosopher have been assigned to pull the levers. We are all going to die.

    11th Granite

    score 1 for the philosopher, the lower bridge (and currently the least important one) has been raised.

    Kogan, our swordmaster, has killed around 8 trolls and is dodging bolts as he rushes into the thick of the fight. No troll could hurt him, but in the midst of the chaos, his head took a hit. This knocked him out allowing 4 goblins and a troll to beat him till he bled to death. Today we mourn the death of a great hero, he may have given us the time we need to survive this.

    His courage allowed the bridge he defended to be raised, unfortunately several dwarves ran out, beyond the bridge, when he died. They are now all trapped and will likely perish, among them is a legendary gem setter. In their final moments, they elected to become members of the military and fight to protect their home.

    12th Granite
    In the midst of all of this, Abrah, our dungeon master, bothers me to alter the prices of various goods.
    Also, the countess consort decided not to pull the lever for the bridge and told the count to do it, who is currently wandering around the fortress. When he finally found the lever, one of the trolls managed to navigate the traps and prevent access to it.

    Current invader count: 87
    Our losses: 12

    14th Granite:

    The delay of that countess consort may have cost us everything. The goblin army has reached our main stair shaft. Many of our citizens are choosing to stand and fight but none survive. Still, they make some effort and between them, kogan, and the fact that every single trap has been tripped, they goblin army is down from an approximate maximum of 120 to 45.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    23rd Granite:

    The battle is ours, but at a heavy cost. Our population has dropped from somewhere above 116 to 86, with several more wounded.
    The rest of the goblin army is fleeing while the captain of the guard and the hammerer mop up.
    The crazy consort, Inod, died along with the city manager and broker.
    As for the former rulers, I'm not sure if any died during this but I can find only Faskalia, extra-medium, and abrah. Of course I should add myself to that list.

    24th Granite:

    I have begun improving our defenses. I am placing additional traps along our entryways as well as along the hills that lead to those gates. To aid with the bridge situation, I'm creating a new lever that is close to the living areas which will raise all bridges.

    26th Slate:

    Today we celebrate the birth of a new Legendary gem cutter. Lorbum has made an aquamarine flask.

    7th Felsite:

    Migrants. 20 of them. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish there were more.

    I adjusted their vocations to fill the voids left by the last attack.

    11th Hematite:

    A weaponsmith named Monom went beserk today. He was in a bedroom filled with cages while a puppy watched over him. Lucky for the fort there was a door we could lock until he calmed down... or died. But not so lucky for the puppy.

    12th Hematite:

    The Elven diplomat arrived today... right after and right next to a Goblin ambush.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Unforunately, she got away with only a bolt in her arm.

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Nearby, a soapmaker decided to hang around the are she came upon when he migrated here. She chose not to join the others in finishing the journey to the fort and then two goblin ambushes surrounded her.

    16th Hematite:

    A human diplomat arrived. So the Elven Diplomat was late and the two have arrived very near each other in time.

    17th Hematite:

    Ah!! The Elven purpose comes to light. The diplomat asked us to limit our tree harvesting operations.

    I have called a short meeting with the previous rulers to determine our course of action, but I cannot wait long. If I hear nothing soon, I will turn down the proposal.

    No one came.

    And a human merchant princess has arrived. Lets review. We have an angry Elven diplomat, a human diplomat, and a human merchant princess with caravan all during a goblin ambush.

    19th Hematite:

    The goblin ambush met up with the human caravan. They took out a wagon and the security party, I'm not sure of the merchant princess but the rest ran away. It's going to get very lonely around here.

    2nd Galena:

    I met with the human diplomat today. She... called our home pleasant... Pleasant? I'm sure she meant it as a compliment but it irks me to no end that a dwarven fortress could be called “pleasant.”

    After that, she just left. I wonder what that was all about.

    17th Galena:

    One of our former rulers, Extra-Medium, gave birth to a boy today!

    9th Limestone:

    I've ordered the construction of a new still, we can't keep up with the demand for alcohol in this place. I'm constantly churning out barrels but it isn't enough either.

    15th Limestone:

    Traded with our brethren from the mountain homes today. I obtained what rarer metals I could along with some barrels, alcohol, cave spider venom, a steel anvil, and all the meat I could get. All just before a mandate restricting the export of black bronze was imposed.

    20th Limestone:

    To keep this short, the dwarven caravan wants gems, legwear, fish, and ammunition. Some scepters and shields or bucklers would be nice too.

    6th Sandstone:

    The last of the new wells is complete! Every level but one unused one has at least one well. The water is always flowing so freshness is guaranteed! All made possible by the water tower.

    8th sandstone:

    I tested the emergency lock down lever which raises all the main bridges, basically blocking all entrance to the fort... as far as I know. It worked perfectly! We now have a safe location from which to block off all intruders. The lever is near the water tower controls near the noble's quarters, in the area I call F6.

    4th Timber:

    Expansion of the absorption stage of the water tower drain is complete. It seemed a good idea.

    7th Timber:

    It looks like the new crypt finally has enough coffins to house the dead we could bury right after the last great battle.

    20th Moonstone:

    The additions to my tomb are nearly complete I only need the furniture. I have modified it from a simple tomb to an obsidian step pyramid. Each level will hold a member of my family, the one directly above my own space belongs to my wife.

    25th Moonstone:

    We've had some minor flooding issues with the well system due to the external drain icing up. Still, the flooding was minimal because of the emergency auto-shutdown system I installed. To prevent it from happening again, I'm installing a magma tube under the drain all the way to the brook. This way it will never ice up.

    5th Obsidian:

    The nine tile wide clear glass window for the new crypt was completed today.

    10th Obsidian:

    Bomrek the thresher has been falling unconscious every once in a while ever since the great battle. It must be post-traumatic stress because there isn't a scratch on him.

    17th Obsidian:

    Keeping tabs on the progress of the magma tunnel has been... boring. It'll make it to the iced drain soon, but the water will probably melt before it even gets there. At least it will prevent this from happening again.

    27th Obsidian:

    My rule is at an end.... again. The end of the year was blissfully uneventful, compared to the beginning. My one complaint now is that I can't claim the bedroom I had made for my wife and myself, though I could claim the dining room and the study.

    I'll now offer this fort to whatever sorry dwarf actually got it in his mind to want to do this.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • aNytiMeaNytiMe Join Date: 2008-03-31 Member: 64007Members, Constellation


    Dear Mr. Putin,
    By your request, I have arrived at the undisclosed location in the Ural Mountains under the guise of a dorfen nobility I have liquidated. The bearded gnomes were easily entranced by the honor of meeting Philipp Kirkorov in person and have made the irresistible position of Arm-ok, God of Blood vacant for me to fill. In other words, everything went as planned.

    After arriving at the main gate, a happy dwarf on his way to some terrible basic job he does has greeted me and smiled in my general direction with the widest dwarven smile I have ever seen in my life. I immediately lost my appetite for the day and ordered a sign to be hung on top of the main arch – “Welcome to the Embassy of Pain, be courteous and leave your optimism at the door, OR ELSE.” To be adorned with the skulls of our enemies, and their youth, who are to be impaled on 2 meter spikes.


    A week has passed since I arrived at this stupefying snoretress and only now I think I’m getting the hang of the layout. Well at least I no longer fear getting lost around this place since I have discovered that previous rulers were kind enough to mark important locations with F tags.

    I feel like the Dwarves don’t respect me much – that’s about to change because let it be known that old Yieltsin isn’t just good for drinking and ruling!
    [Intelligence attached]
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />


    It has only been two weeks and already I am starting to feel my age catching up to me. If I had been a couple of years younger, I would’ve been more creative in handing out skateboarding, only with water as a punishment for insubordination. Now, I let dissidents roam freely. I’m getting soft.

    Right, I have mentioned dissidents. I have EXPLICITLY asked for Kalashnikovs to be made, instead I get crossbows. I have asked for battle tanks to be made, instead I get catapults and ballistae. I have mandated the production of land mines, instead I get cage traps. I have asked for... Oh never mind, well, you get the picture. Just how am I supposed to defend this fort when a bunch of extremely short, bearded, green cadets who have never served in Chechnya or Afghanistan and who can’t tell the difference between a SAM-site and a furnace exhaust?

    Scratch the above statement, I have found the solution to all of our military worries. We will have to “borrow” Georgian and Armenian (the locals seem to refer to them as goblins and kobolds) militants and use them in our new Ural Dwarven Penal Military Unit, UDPMU. I will also strengthen Dwarven paramilitary ranks by enlisting new cannon fodder into Spetznaz and arming them with real weapons – silenced portable missile launchers.


    Today, a dwarf ran up to me complaining about the lack of something he calls “happiness”. I have looked through 12 different version of the KGB encyclopedia you were kind enough to have provided, but I failed to locate an entry on this so-called “happiness”. Next time somebody complains of something I don’t understand, I will have then tried under a tribunal of MY PEERS for war crimes of the first degree. [The classical KGB punishment for first degree war crimes is death by Rhesus Macaques, which I will have to dig up somehow]

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    The stocks are full at this moment so I will not worry about trivial affairs and instead focus on the most important task at hand: slowing down the computers of everyone to rule after me and bringing them down to their knees. I call it strip mining.
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    That’s a note to all future leaders, that is the proper way to prospect a mountain! Also, I have left 7 floors in between the layer mined and the first layer with a functional bedroom in order to isolate noise. I care after my little people after all, they give me free booze!


    Hmm, someone has been drinking on the job too heavily recently! That’s an undwarvenly huge amount of vomit by the way. I’ll find someone to get on that asap.
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    In other news:
    We don’t have enough bars, as usual. Where are dwarves supposed to meet and drink their spirits if we don’t build any bars!?!? I’ll recruit fresh souls for mining to pick up the pace. Also, increased metal ore stockpiles and am smelting myself some tetrahedrite.


    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
    The American caravan arrived, and before I could utter a curse, one of their religious ministers ran up badgering me about youngsters we'd wish to trade. After many hours of persuasion, I caved in and decided to sell the lunatic some of our “children”. So I immediately ordered all of the previous rulers to be shaven and sold into bondage in exchange for tax-free opium and Coca Cola. It’s for the good of all fortress residents after all.

    Heh, I made a joke.

    I didn't shave the rulers, dwarven tots are born with full beards. In fact, the only difference between dwarf kids and adults has something to do with one party imbibing more molten lead than the other. I think...
    Whoever is the genius that made toys out of lead is not very good at critical reasoning. I will now be forced to fireproof all of the children’s' rooms with fireproofing agents because I don't want them to start fires by melting lead mini-forges all over everything.

    Also, I suppose the asbestos will come in handy when I give the children flamethrowers to play with. Heh, just imagine the expression on a resident goblin's (Armenians?) face when he realizes that the kid he stole is spraying burning napalm all over his crotch area. Thinking about that makes me salivate in delight.
    I love the smell of napalmed goblin crotch in the morning.

    Now I need to tell the short ones to quit bothering me, I’ll trade for some useless stuff we don’t need. Like dwarf chunks. 


    I have found some impressive space by the entrance, going to put it to use. More details on that later.

    Boris Yieltsin

    --- END ---
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