RE: Marine Weapons

70457137045713 Join Date: 2008-05-06 Member: 64218Members
Just a few ideas I had about marine weaponry:

First off, a new way for the slots to work...
-Slot 1 = primary weapon
-Slot 2 = primary weapon attachment
-Slot 3 = Pistol
-Slot 4 = Tactical weapon

Now to explain the finer points of that...

Weapon attachment: for additional research and res (when buying the weapon) you can have an attachment on your primary weapon.
-Attachments could be... Flashlight (yes, flashlight), spare ammo (whee more ammo), grenade launcher, flame unit, infrared scope, ect...
You can only have one at a time, and some weapons could not get all attachments (no GL on the HMG).

This promotes team play more, as you would have an advantage of being in a group with more available attachments between you.
-Example: Oh no, dark area! Guy with flashlight whips that out. Hmm, noises in the vent, guy with infrared scope checks for lifeforms.

Tactical weapon: This would be you mines, grenades, welders, ect. Thing is, you can only have one at a time.
Another incentive to do that teamwork thing.

A few other ideas:

Alternate ammo types:
-Shotgun: Slugs - higher damage, lower range, and a complete hit or miss
-LMG: Flechette - only damages organic stuff, bounces off of inorganic stuff (I believe this is already being considered)
-All: Lead rounds - Lower acc/range, more stopping power
-HMG: Incendiary - bullets + fire = yum

Ammo drop: say you have extra ammo and someone is out of ammo. You can drop some of your ammo for them to use (again that teamwork thing)

Change to the weapons:
-Remove GL
-Have a GL attachment
-Add the flame unit as a primary weapon


  • CanadianWolverineCanadianWolverine Join Date: 2003-02-07 Member: 13249Members
    Seems like a compilation of ideas I have seen in other threads. I think it gives an idea of what it would look like if it was all tied together, nice post. Ahh, equipment load outs, mmm...
  • HarimauHarimau Join Date: 2007-12-24 Member: 63250Members
    So no more knives?

    Also, we'll be able to use the RMB for secondary weapon functions in NS2, so having two separate slots for one weapon is unnecessary. Unless of course, you need more than two functions per gun, eg. three or four.
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