FPS point of view

kontrolfreekkontrolfreek Join Date: 2008-04-21 Member: 64119Members
im not sure the technical term for this but i was wondering if the point of view will change in ns2. In ns if you are wearing heavy armor and you stand next to someone wearing heavy armor you either end up looking at their front side or their butt. Is it hard to have the players view point change depending on the size of their character in game. its not that aggrivating but sure would add more to the game. Thanks


  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited May 2008
    As you've seen from the alien classes, it is quite possible to change the point of view (commander mode as well), heck even Build (duke3d engine) could do it with the shrinkray gun, so it's not at all a rare feature in a fps. C'mon it's the source engine were talking about here...

    Also I haven't played NS in a while though* so I just can't remember the point of view of the heavy. Is it really to low?

    *understatement of the year <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
  • darktimesdarktimes Join Date: 2007-12-24 Member: 63247Members
    edited May 2008
    when you wear a HA youre point of view dont change, what is stupid, becouse the HA is doubled so high as a normal marine,

    i agree that this need to be changed.

    when we talk about point of view here..

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->ellos peoples, this is a topic close to my heart, well hopefully closer to a marines heart, i have been playing for quite a while, i am not some leet noob pwner who practise that best method of killing someone over and over again and always ######s fade, ill try new things and die, and that being said while trying new things ill quite offtan bite a marine whos just bunny hoped, those teeth do get in the way, he was there when i bite him were is he now, turning 90 degrees to bite him a second time or turning 270 degrees while he fills me with uranium slugs is a huge differance. transparaent and kharaa flash light reactive and or scent reactive teeth would help, i enjoy the view point sort of it could be less cluttered, i dont know why its not a over the nose shot but these arnt the things that piss me off with the skulk view.

    WHY THE FRUCK is the view point situated in side the body past the shoulders, for christ sackes 30% of the skulks hit box sticks out before the view point can see around courners, that means that your trying to bite a up right rectangular hit box thats trying to knife horozontal rectangular hit box, now look at it, tall vertical box looks down on low horozontal box, who has the hight advantage, whos knife has free range over a entire hit box area not to mention 30% of its body before its view point / attack point.

    its a kin to killing a snake with a shovel,

    leap isnt as effective as it could be esp on a skulk, one which ever direction you look in the marines knows were you leaping, and to make leap effective to dodge all the fires coming at you, you need to force the marine to have to track a rapidly moving object over a large area forceing a marine to turn on the spot and always staying out of his view point is ideal, yet you cant achive this cos he can see were your about to leap to, and while your looking to leap to a new area your cross hairs not on the marine to land the bite, this has two effects, if the marine who doesnt need to be meleeing you sees were your going can do the counter manouver to keep you at distance, he doesnt need his cross hair on you at this time, but it would be nice, once hes done said action he now has the ranged and hight advantage again, and we all know how far leaping at the center of a marines screen will get a skulk, esp if that marine has a shot gun.

    Its flawed, it always has been, it would be nice to see it fixed
    third person wouldnt do it, but haveing a view point and attack point further out of the skulks body would make ambushing a lot more efficent and effective, cos wow i can pop out around courners and duck back without being pistal whiped by some leet rine with a script.

    the differance being, without motion and scent, that marines can hear me aprotching the courner, stand back at range and wait, me as a skulk cant hear the marines unless hes jumping around like a tard, yet i am hindered and cant look around the courner to get a visual on him with out 30% of my hit box sticking out.

    <a href="http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/278...ht_by_NEX17.jpg" target="_blank">http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/278...ht_by_NEX17.jpg</a>
    <b>right now the red line is were the current skulk view point and attack point is
    it really needs to be were the blue line is, the diffrance this change would make would be phenominal, the diffrance being takeing 1 or two pistal bullets from stickign a tiny bit of your nose out getting a visual, till haveing a marine wait till you get all your nose out you dont get a visual, and emptying a pistal clip in you as you try to pull back. </b>

    dead skulk with no visual of enemy
    armor less skulk who knows were the enemy is<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    quoted from NEX9 from "who loves the skulk mounth camera view?"
    thanks for this great post NEX9.

    as info: this was in a thread about skulks theet camera, but it turned to a point of view like discussion.
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