Additions that will make or break NS2

XtremeMARINEXtremeMARINE Join Date: 2009-01-19 Member: 66126Members
Hi all, lurked for a while around here but I feel that many suggestions are simply way off the mark with what NS2 really needs.

Ultimately, there are only 2 real changes (apart from obvious graphic advancements) that are needed to make NS2 in to the perfect game that it deserves to be.

For Marines:

Addition #1: Flamethrower

I believe this is rather self-explanatory, a gun that sprays flames in a designated area of effect. Medium to heavy damage over time applied after minor but not insignificant damage per tick that the alien is submerged in the flame spray. Numbers can be adjusted as necessary, I think that aliens that are currently being burnt by the flame duration damage should have a temporary speed increase to represent the intense pain and agony they are under.

The flamethrower should also have a secondary fire (lol pun not intended) option. I ruled out a secondary conventional option as the primary attack of the flamethrower is already more than adequate in that regard. Considering the cost the flamethrower is likely to have (I estimate 25-30 res per gun if resource costs are in line with the costs seen in NS1) I believe a secondary attack is one that should require the marine to do some serious thinking.

I have concluded the best secondary attack for the flamethrower would be something I would call "Flame Tornado". If the situation is desperate enough to warrant it, the marine can activate this attack to trigger a 5 second countdown on himself. An animation for this could be the marine unpinning a hand grenade and putting it inside the flamethrower barrel, followed after 5 seconds by the marine exploding in a tornado of flame, severely damaging all players in the vicinity. While this may be a hazard in clan play with friendly fire on, I think caution and communication to avoid taking damage can allow the flame tornado to be used effectively.

Addition #2: Aliens

New Life Form: Creeper

A spider-like alien morph that would be somewhere above lerk but below fade in terms of cost. Move speed will be similar to skulk, perhaps slightly slower. Hit points will be slightly higher than skulk.

Ability 1: Bite

This ability will be weak, on par with lerk bite.

Ability 2: Web String

The Creeper can fire this ability at any surface, attaching a rope of web to it (rather short casting range). The creeper can then resume his business as usual, walk away as though nothing has happened. However as long as he does not leave a set distance from the point he has attached his web to, he will be able to trigger a retract effect that sends him hurtling back towards the point of attachment. This could be from the ground up to the roof of a room, or sliding along a wall and up in to a vent. This would deplete the entire energy bar, meaning it would be potentially unwise to try to be clever and use this mid fight.

Ability 3: Web Shot

Shoots a net of web that is only able to hit a single target at a time. However it would be possible to have 2, perhaps 3 marines web at any one time assuming 100% accuracy. Web shot would be a medium-short range attack that slightly slows a hit marine, disabling his current gun, however the gun that has not been webbed will still be available to that marine should be switch to it. Eg. HMG marine gets webbed, he will be unable to use the HMG while the initial web duration lasts, but will still be able to switch to pistol knife and use, assuming he is not webbed again while using those. The duration of this could be somewhere in the region of 5 seconds.

Ability 4: Infect

This ability is a short-mid range leap, probably about 1/2 to 2/3 of the range of current skulk leap. Should the Creeper make contact with a marine while the attack is still in effect (ie. they do not touch the ground before contact), then the attack is triggered. The Creeper attaches to the marines face, making horrible sucking noises to both disgust and intimidate the foe (think a blocked drain being plunged repeatedly). During this period, the marines field of view is mostly blocked by the Creeper attached to his screen, however he can still fire blindly if he wishes. After about 5 seconds or perhaps slightly more of sucking, the Creeper detaches, and is free to go on his merry way. The marines vision is blurred for about 2 seconds after detachment, and he is then free to act as well for a time (perhaps 15 seconds) before he explodes, releasing a hail of babblers that will attack nearby enemies on their own.

Thanks for reading, I know there are many here who believe wholeheartedly that these additions are needed.



  • aNytiMeaNytiMe Join Date: 2008-03-31 Member: 64007Members, Constellation
    edited January 2009
    I'd prefer it if the flamethrower was a support utility tool with welder like combat capabilities (or else it would suffer from the "newb cannon" effect) and spiders left out of the NS universe.
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