Alien Commander Abilities.

JimydJimyd Join Date: 2003-02-08 Member: 13289Members
edited January 2009 in Ideas and Suggestions
Listing possible ideas for abilities. Lets follow the format below for listing all possible ideas. Engage and discuss.

*Notes* I tried not to make too much restrictions on res cost, duration, percentages, amount of hives needed if applicable, and etc. This is because we ultimately would not know how this would be balanced in the NS2 gameplay model. Maybe when NS2 is destined to release in 3 months time, then we could really get into the microscope of said abilities.

*1 = Can be used anywhere on the map.
*2 = Can be used only on areas with dynamic infestation.

Infestation seed*1: Can be placed anywhere on the map. When placed the seed grows from that spot untill it buds and becomes a flower. Once that happens Dynamic infestation starts growing from it. Possible idea is to put multiple seed together to speed up the process. Since it takes time for the seed to grow, you can't just throw a ton of them in Marine Start and call it GG. Also when killed, any dynamic infestion created by that flower will die off and recede untill it doesn't exist anymore. Obviously it would be important to have multiple flowers so you don't completely lose your infestation. Grows faster where sunlight is present (if that gets made).

Spore Mines*2: Just like the lerker's spore cloud when triggered, could possibly be made to combo spawn with umbra. Would be activated by either a Marine moving over them and touching them, or by them being shot/explosions. Flamethrower would remove them safely.

Hiverage*2: Would be a small AOE buff that would be cast like the scan ability from the observatory. The size of this ability would be about the size of 1 onos. This buff would cause all aliens that were in the AOE of the cast to move #% faster and possibly a smaller #% faster attack.

Bud OC/DC/MC/SC*2: Basically the same thing a gorge can build, but can be dropped like Infestation seed. However, these seeds cannot be built faster by friendly gorges. Also this uses up resources from the Alien Commander that he could be using on other abilities. Tactical gameplay choice basically.

Infestation Pods*1or*2: These mimic an infestation flower when shown on Motion Tracking. Alien counter to detection of Dynamic Infestation.

Energy Glob*2: Little glowing egg satchel looking balls that restore all of an alien's adrenaline. You could either make this for all alien's near it or that individual alien. Activated by attacking/shooting it.

Health Glob*2: Heals all aliens near it for some amount of HP. Activated by attacking/shooting it. (DEV's can decide what feels right).

Web Glob*2: Activated like spore mines, but instead of spores, a web spreads out and cause all Marines within the web to slow down like NS1 gorge webs.

Second Life*2: This ability is casted by selecting 1 alien and using this ability. This ability will grant a Kharaa lifeform the temporary ability of the the upgrade Redemption. Amount of hives and whether or not the Alien was on Dynamic infestion at the times determines the chance to redeem. This ability would last X seconds and would dissapear after 1 successful redemption for that paticular alien.

Shroud lifeforms*2: Cast an AOE cloak on multiple aliens. Casting size of 1 ONOs. Lasts for X duration even while attacking. This differs from individual cloak in that the Alien lifeforms would stay permanetly 90% cloaked regardless of their actions. This would be a more costly ability due to it's powerfulness.

Scent Markers*2: Would casted on a Marine, which in turn would have them marked as Scent of Fear for X amount of seconds. Dunno if this should be AOE or not.

Mist*1*2: Creates a shroud of fog that is basically an alien version of a smoke grenade. Can be used anywhere there is dynamic infestation or in x radius of an alien player. However, this fog lasts alot longer on Dynamic Infestation.

Energize Egg*2: Would make that glowie/egg spawn #% faster untill used or destroyed. Usefull when hive is being assaulted and need to get basic hive defenders (skulks) back into play. To balance this I propose the Alien commander know which glowies/eggs are going to be chosen before they start gestation process. However this ability can used on current gestating glowies/eggs, but would it be worth the cost for the Alien commander to do that? (Sorry I couldn't think of a better name).

Insecticide*1*2: This would cause any Marine structure that is selected by the Alien Commander, to give a feedback to the Marine Commander that the structure is under attack. To disable this ability in a shorter amount of time, a Marine in play would have to go spot that stucture. Since the insects are too small, observatory scanning does not disable this ability (but the MArine Commander would know then it was a fake if he is paying attention). Lasts for X amount of seconds (something considerably long. but not too long, like 30-45 seconds probably).

Sacrifice Infestation*2: Would be "casted" onto dynamic infestation that is currently exposed to sunlight. The infestation will then start to catch on fire and burn for X amount of seconds. This is my take on making Dynamic Infestation as a offensive tool in itself. Marine buildings would not take damage from the fire, everything else will. This also sets off all Globs that are in the fire, etc.

That is all for now, should be a good starter.
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