High powered Sniper rifle
Join Date: 2008-02-05 Member: 63584Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester

I've been thinking, since distance is marines best friend, why not have something that you can use for just that reason.
- Very high damage.
- Needs to be deployed.
- Slow reload time.
The perfect weapon to take out some high value target.
The worst weapon to bring to a siege.
- Very high damage.
- Needs to be deployed.
- Slow reload time.
The perfect weapon to take out some high value target.
The worst weapon to bring to a siege.
*Cue Commander Voice*
: "You're a MARINE Soldier. Get in there and fight!"
One of the reasons why the pistol was amazing was because of its accuracy - it served the purpose of doing damage at long range and it didn't become obsolete once the game went on to the mid/late stages. To see it replaced by a taser, and to have one of the development points of the secondary weapon (as posted in the blog) be "a secondary weapon that's not be better than the primary" leads me to think the pistol or a pistol like weapon is gone.
If the dev's thought the pistol was <i>better</i> than the LMG then I'd be very disappointed in their judgment. Different does not equal better as every weapon should have its own role and not be instantly overshadowed by tech.
That would be too overpowered since it requires tactical skill to overcome an experienced marine and then they have some sort of weapon witch insta-kills.
That's why I needed the sniper to be very risky to be. The carier of the sniper will become a high priority target for the Aliens.
To carry the High powered sniper rifle you will have to hide untill something comes up. (Alien resource tower, fade, maybe even Onos).
I'm trying to create a situation where the Aliens need to take out a specific player because of what he/she is.
The Aliens has that in every game, as soon as someone turns into for example a "Fade" the entire gameplay changes.
I know that if marines gets shotguns then the gameplay changes, but I'm more after one single player not a group of them.
And yes, as far as I know the current maps available will not support any situations where the sniper can be at any use.
But I guess there would become maps available that has such a situations where the sniper could be at any use if the sniper rifle would be implemented.
1) I am all for a sniper rifle type weapon
2) Any weapons the community wants thats not put in the game by the devs can be made via lua scripting . . . the game was made that way for this reason
Sniper Rifle-
The Sniper Rifle should be one of two types:
a) either like a barret sniper rifle with bullets
- extremely accurate when deployed and has clip of like 5 shots, high damage to alien lifeforms, long reload (like hmg or gl)
- can be fired from hip with horrible accuracy and can't be shot super fast (because of recoil) - this would be used for hip firing at an onos or fade at last second before being killed
b) gauss sniper rifle - shoots through up to one wall (mabye 2)
- wall hack zoom sight would be like blury infarred (easy to make out buildings, not so much what type of structure, wouldn't even be able to see skulks and mabye even gorges and lerks)
- used as a mobile personel based seige weapon (as apposed to seige cannons and MASCs)
- used more against buildings rather than aliens
- has a small clip (3-5) and has like a one to two second cool down each shot and a long reload time (like hmg or gl)
Also, the Marine carrying the sniper rifle would be allowed to have a small SMG type weapon, like an uzi or an UMP for weak self defense
or mabye just the tazer pistol thing
How does this sound?
Why would anybody (who wants a chance at survival) bring a sniper rifle, a long range weapon, into a tight indoor close to mid range environment to fight fast moving aliens? Death wish anybody?
The idea just isn't practical.
Why would anybody (who wants a chance at survival) bring a sniper rifle, a long range weapon, into a tight indoor close to mid range environment to fight fast moving aliens? Death wish anybody?
The idea just isn't practical.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Earlier I mention that the current maps might not be the best to play on as a sniper, but that might change if there were a sniper rifle.
And you have to play so much differently then usual. New ways to expand the gameplay.
But of course if you don't like the weapon, then you simply do not like it.
1) I am all for a sniper rifle type weapon
2) Any weapons the community wants thats not put in the game by the devs can be made via lua scripting . . . the game was made that way for this reason<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Nice to see someone who share my vision.
And you have to play so much differently then usual. New ways to expand the gameplay.
But of course if you don't like the weapon, then you simply do not like it.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If they made any sort of open outdoor style maps then I would definately want to see a sniper rifle, however assuming that this were the case, it would have to be limited to maybe 2 sniper rifle users total, to avoid 1 shot kill sniper spam like you see in games like Far Cry 2 when everyone gets a 50cal.
I wouldn't mind seeing an open sortof map where the enemy could make use of a network of very tight underground tunnels and pop up in different locations on the terrain, including out of cliff walls and so on.
It would definately be interesting to see something like this, and would present a different challenge for the developers to make maps that are balanced for both humans and aliens.
Right now, when I say open space, I think of desert type locations like seen in StarShip Troopers or maybe the exterior of a large complex with a very tight series of cave paths outside the main entrance that lead to the main hive.
The objective of the aliens is to expand to the facility and take the facility over, the marines obviously trying to hold back the threat and erase it.
When I say that I don't like the idea of sniper rifles, I only say that because NS levels are all in close space, and there aren't really any open long range areas from what i've seen, so the sniper rifle just isn't practical, let alone doesn't make sense for marines to take one.
But yes, if there were more open area's, I would definately like to see some form of long range weapon.
A weapon that can insta-kill an Onos, if you place the bullet where it belongs, in he's brains.
(He/she,, I don't really know what gender the Onos are)
I know that my idea won't make it to the game, but at least I want to inspire someone to create this weapon later on.
The high powered sniper rifle is a weapon witch you don't run around with the other marines with, you would rather stay behind the line and wait for something strong to show up.
Or you could sneak past the enemy lines and try to pick them off from inside.
The high powered sniper rifle is limited with bullets per clip and slow reload time, witch means that every single bullet counts. You can't afford to miss, you might loose your life because of it.
StarShip Troopers, that requires high value on the max player.
(100 vs 1000)
A <b>bar rifle</b>, properly balanced of course, could be a great addition. Certainly not something that 1-shots onos (.....) ... more like the dystopia rifle as mentioned above.
You just like sniper rifles I guess (I do aswell) thats why you suggested it.
a) I think it doesnt fit to NS
b) we dont know if this weapon is missing in the arsenal in NS2, and we dont know about the exact plans of the dev team
c) it will never become included in the official NS2 release, due to more work. But making it on your own is an option and
if the result is just perfect for NS2 they will put it in.
A <b>bar rifle</b>, properly balanced of course, could be a great addition. Certainly not something that 1-shots onos (.....) ... more like the dystopia rifle as mentioned above.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm terrobly sorry if I've confused you.
But you need to see it from my point of view.
So far the once who have been negative to my idea have only seen it like:
1. One hit kill = worst idea ever!
2. Deployable = Bad!
I want the scenario where the Aliens have to hunt down one single marine because he can be dangerous to fades and Onos.
Think the scenario where your in a group of three marines with standard rifle, then two skulks and one fade shows up in front of you.
Who do you fire at?
I want to see a simelar situation where the Aliens becomes visited by three marines and one of them carries the high powered sniper rifle.
Because it has the capability to insta-kill an Onos (on a perfect shot) the sniper becomes high value target on the hit list for the Aliens.
As I've mention before, the high powered sniper rifle is difficult to handle and has the worst siegeing capabilities of all weapons.
It's designed to take out the big guys and let the other marines deal with the smaller once.
You just like sniper rifles I guess (I do aswell) thats why you suggested it.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I explained where I got the Idea from, in the first post of this thread.
b) we dont know if this weapon is missing in the arsenal in NS2, and we dont know about the exact plans of the dev team
c) it will never become included in the official NS2 release, due to more work. But making it on your own is an option and
if the result is just perfect for NS2 they will put it in.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
As I've committed before, yes I understand that it won't be implemented in the game.
But since you like snipers, maybe you can help me create this weapon then?
think about the shotgun. It comes often surprisingly (against fade and lerk)
and can provide a fast kill. But no deploying and reload time is nice. The only disadvantage is the low range, which is ok due to map
layout. So actually a sniper is not missing, we already have our "high damage in one shot" - weapon.
think about the shotgun. It comes often surprisingly (against fade and lerk)
and can provide a fast kill. But no deploying and reload time is nice. The only disadvantage is the low range, which is ok due to map
layout. So actually a sniper is not missing, we already have our "high damage in one shot" - weapon.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A sniper rifle, by definition, is a long range precision weapon. The shotgun is a short range spread weapon. They are nothing alike.
Besides he mean the damage amount by the two weapons.
The "perfect shot" will just be a dream if there isn't any hitbox at all.
Anyways i know a way to add it to the game... just make the shotgun more like a benelli SBE2 + rifled barrel + Federal Barnes Expander shells + scope :P ... that's my deer slaying weapon of choice since 3 days ago when i found with that combo i could hit a 4 inch circle perfectly in the center at 50 yards and (for some reason 1" high at 100 yards)... i put 3 slugs into the same hole at 100 yards ffs. That just indicates it has an even greater effective range... like way beyond any other shotgun in history...
So to simplify this... just make the shotgun have a choice of reddot or zoomed scope and allow the choice of slugs + rifled barrel and there you go... buckshot for the loose on anything other then a skulk... we want 1 single armor piercing projectile out of those NS2 shotguns for long distance killing of elephants and gorges.
Anyway, to address the sniper rifle. I don't think it would work in NS2 mainly because of the maps. I do no expect to see any outdoor or super sized maps without cover anway. From previous dev updates, like the one with the power node, it shows maps slightly smaller and less likely to have uber big areas suitable for sniper rifles. Another thing I am not comfortable with the sniper rifle is that the shotgun already fills the purpose of a high damage weapon quite nicely. If you want the sniper rifle, you need it to be different from other weapons. Sure, you can say that sniper is long ranged but considering the maps will not be long range friendly (from what I can deduce), it is quite redundant. One more thing is that if you say the sniper rifle is a one hit kill thing, or deals extremely high damage, enough to take a fade down with one shot, how on earth do u balance it? That means that the cost of sniper rifle must be at least = to the cost of the fade, if it can take it down with one shot. If you don't think the sniper rifle should be that powerful for a one hit KO fade, then what's the point? Again, the shotgun deals a high enough damage to fill the purpose for one hit kills of lifeforms lerk and below.
Anyway, to address the sniper rifle. I don't think it would work in NS2 mainly because of the maps. I do no expect to see any outdoor or super sized maps without cover anway.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I have seen many occasions in NS1 where i'd rather have a high-power semi-auto rifle (or sniper-shotgun) instead of a spray-hose of blanks (hmg, lmg).
In every straight hallway (blackmesa) and every big prolonged shootout in big to medium rooms (talking NS1 here). Yes it will work in close quarters just fine. Aim and shoot. Repeat as necessary. To close of a close quarter? Then just slap on a reddot... it still beats the pants off of a stupidly nerfed hmg. Think of it as a long range NS1 shotgun that works where the shotgun does, and excels where no other weapon (other then the NS1 pistol) can reach.
One thing is for sure... giant-room jetpants v.s. fade battles will be ported from NS1 to NS2 :P
O btw... while on the topic... we should probably make the hmg very accurate. Far to many military people playing insurgency saying how the m249 shoots out as a "laser"... that it's insanely accurate. Now let's look at the HMG... a clumbsy gun that sprays all over the place... no real long range accuracy there... it's more like a close-quarters-10-ft-away-or-your-just-wasting-your-ammo type gun.
It's sad to see that no one really reads my posts.
I've explained before that it's more dangerous to be the sniper then what he/she has at their scope.
[facepalm image]
Back on topic. From what I've understood, in NS2 (the official game that is) fights are centered around room control. Each room will have its specific landmarks. There is no endless corridor running, rather, people fight for control of a relatively large room. For some reason, I see them like the Airlock hive room on shiva or Gen on caged, or perhaps that room in co_sava, on the right when leaving MS. They're quite big, but they're not empty (unlike, say, Viaduct on nothing).
As such, it does NOT have straight hallways like on blackmesa (which, by the way, is not anything like the classic game) and no gigantic room.
I really can't see where the sniper fits in all this. Perhaps for fans of custom maps, you should consider making these as custom weapons only?