skulk capacity

bannybanny Join Date: 2009-09-05 Member: 68703Members
edited September 2009 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">secondary bite (skulk) atack idea.</div>Hi i hope someone in dev team will read this.

so i have a proposition for secondary skulk bite attack, i think a big problem with skulk is the adrenaline. Skulk must do some stop in action for recup adrenaline and i think that brok the gameplay(silence and celerity is alway beter than adrenaline)
so my proposition is

-bite himself

the skulk bite himself and loose like 20-30 pv and get a litle slowy but gain 3/4 of adrenaline,

i think it's realy good idea cause good player whith leap must stop their action or dead just cause they have zero adrenaline and i think loose some pv and get slowy is good compensation for gain adrenaline.
it's good too for kill ressource tower and d'ont wait 5-6 seconde before finish the rt.

So sorry for my english cause is not my language.

i hope ns2 coming soon and i say GL all dev.
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