Majesty twoooooooooo
<div class="IPBDescription">2</div>It's pretty fun!
AI is still dumb as a box of rocks, but in a more different way from the original.
Also, now with less (acutally, no) slow as molasses heroes. Even the dwarves move at a fair walking pace... the downside is that the only ones moving faster than that walking pace are the elves, and anyone affected by their speed spell, or anyone drinking a very late-game speedup potion.
Elves, by the way, have what I saw described as a moe~ voice. At first I thought that was dumb, but after hearing them ingame I feel it's pretty appropriate.
Wizards aren't quite as squishy; they won't die the moment they step outside and get spotted by a Giant Rat, but don't think this means they can go toe-to-toe with zombies and ratmen at level 1. They also don't get teleport, so their usefulness curve is a lot flatter.
I could go on, but, yeah. Try it! If you liked the original Majesty you'll like this one too. I believe there's a demo on Steam.
AI is still dumb as a box of rocks, but in a more different way from the original.
Also, now with less (acutally, no) slow as molasses heroes. Even the dwarves move at a fair walking pace... the downside is that the only ones moving faster than that walking pace are the elves, and anyone affected by their speed spell, or anyone drinking a very late-game speedup potion.
Elves, by the way, have what I saw described as a moe~ voice. At first I thought that was dumb, but after hearing them ingame I feel it's pretty appropriate.
Wizards aren't quite as squishy; they won't die the moment they step outside and get spotted by a Giant Rat, but don't think this means they can go toe-to-toe with zombies and ratmen at level 1. They also don't get teleport, so their usefulness curve is a lot flatter.
I could go on, but, yeah. Try it! If you liked the original Majesty you'll like this one too. I believe there's a demo on Steam.
My favorite parts of Majesty were the humor and the innovative game design. Did the humor stick around in Majesty 2?
I did eventually beat the demo level. Now I'm trying to download Majesty 2 demo:
Seemed pretty interesting, but I'm not quite convinced. There are two levels in the demo; a tutorial and a survival map. The tutorial naturally gives you the basics and shows what to do. When you start the survival map, you're thrown into the game and you'll be besieged by dragons, skeletons and ogres within a minute. Even if you do manage to get started, the whole game is one big chaos. The minimap is constantly filled with red flashing, so you can't really make anything useful out of it.
And by the heavens, the AI. I bet the programming is something along the lines:
if(cannot_beat_enemy) { attack }
if(still_possible_to_get_away) { attack }
if(cannot_possibly_get_away_alive) { flee }
When you're fighting some dragons that shoot seeking fireballs, it really does no good to run away when you have 2 hitpoints left and there are 6 dragons shooting at you. The heroes survivability increases a lot once they're able to buy a truckload of healing potions, but until that they're little more that dead men walking.
I don't really have a problem with high difficulty, my main concern is the constant chaos and stupidity. I don't know (so I'm sort of asking) if all the levels are similarly without a moments respite like that one. Even if I wasn't constantly being attacked by monsters from surrounding lairs, there would still be the constant stream of rats from sewers and skeletons from the graveyard that would paint my minimap delightfully blinking red.