What is the hierarchy in Buddhism?
Is there an agreed upon list of what ranks above which? The idea is human is higher than like insect, right? What about cats and dogs. Which is greater? How does anyone know which is greater? Is it possible to think the opposite. Since enlightenment is the ultimate end, right, then would it at all makse sence to just think that the smaller you get, the better? Like in the end, is a single-cell bacteria close to dissapearing? Is a single-cell bacteria a form of reincarnation? Can you come back as that if you are bad or something? Then I inquire how does a single-cell bacteria be good or bad? In what way? Isn't the idea of Buddhism that the more good you are, the better you come back as? So lets say you become something that only has instinct and doesn't have deep thought and stuff like humans. Will all say ants behave a certain way because it is universal due to how it is created genetically? Then how does one ant rise up? Or is it that once you live as an ant, you automatically rise up, as in you can't do really bad stuff as an ant and go down on the scale when one reincarnates? Am I wrong in my assumptions or questioning or line of reasoning? If you know about Buddhism, please share your thoughts.
Slow down. It looks like at least half of your posts are new empty threads, and none of them seem to have been very well thought out.
I know its allows for lots of contradictions but I don't think the person who came up with this idea would think that centuries later, a guy called Obamanism would nitpick at the idea.
<a href="http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/6/5/8/6580802b98c1c18bddea32fdec31b563.png" target="_blank">http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/6/5/8/658...2fdec31b563.png</a>