What up all!

BobpobloBobpoblo Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7011Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Good to be back</div>Sweet NS2 is almost here! I can't wait to get mapping for real on this game, its going to be a lot of fun!

Anyways, everyone tell everybody you know about NS2 so it blows up!


  • NeXuZNeXuZ Join Date: 2003-08-12 Member: 19594Members
    well i used to map on hammer here and there (really dug in with CS:S/DoD:S maps) but never really got in to it.

    Maybe this time around i mite do that.. well see. cant wait for the game too and mostly cant wait to play me female marine with her black "ninja" armor.
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