Official map overload

Shadow58Shadow58 Join Date: 2009-11-17 Member: 69406Members
edited December 2009 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">How you should impliment more maps with the help of the community</div>Hay here's my suggestion on on implimenting maps made by the community or people.
1. Maps are submited to the auddtions(website for those wanting the maps pubblished as offcial)
2. Maps posted on this site will be tested by offical and non offical gamers, to that the gamers will then be given the choice to mark 1-10, after a total of at least 20-25 gamers have tested the map the overall mark's will count up: 7-10 will count as a pass, 5-6 will count as need's more work, and 1-4 means deleted.
3. Maps that are has a pass will be given another try out but those testing these maps will only get to choose 1-5: 1-3 needs more touch up's along with being given a comment by those testing it. But those 4-5 are passed on further....
4. Those passed, will then finnally be given a test by all offical staff getting a ratting from 1-2, 1 being a pass and submitted as an offical map and 2 being put aside for a later release(this would be too give the mapper/s comment's on how to improve or just time so it can be improved, these might be for things like fixing any problems not yet fixed, or if maps were to come in as map packs the current map pack involved is full so, number 2''s are shifted to the next map packs.


  • PipiPipi Join Date: 2009-12-09 Member: 69550Members
    It's a bit early to think about a whole system for choosing custom maps but I'm sure they will consider it as they wouldn't have released their editor at first.
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