CONTEST: Be Charlie Cleaveland for a day!

ObamanismObamanism Join Date: 2009-11-20 Member: 69442Banned
edited January 2010 in NS2 General Discussion
How about they make a contest to generate publicity. The winner will get a complete make-over where they look exactily like Mr. Cleaveland? Then, the winner is given directions to drive to UWE headquarters and where one of them will flip a coin, where if it is heads, the real Charlie puts a Hitler mostache on, and if it is tails, the winner gets to wear it. Then they get Max to film a dance where both Charlies dance while juggling a big Onos balloon, and the viewer has to guess which one is Charlie and which one is the imposter. So do you think that would really promote NS2?

Kind of like that Charlie Chaplan movie about Hitler, but instead for NS2?


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