While it isn't too hard to get to grips with the editor, it might be worth making a few .level files available for "learners" to see how things were done by others - i.e. mendasp uploaded one a while ago which looked pretty good.
Good idea. You can use the attachment system just fine for that, just remember to .zip your file. <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=10649&view=findpost&p=1745869" target="_blank">Here's</a> an example. EDIT: What the hell? It's a post on page 4 of Mapping Guidelines. Nevermind.
Oh, and remember not to be led astray: no one's here a professional mapper (I presume, anyway), or knows what they're doing yet, without any hint of Alpha.
Oh, and remember not to be led astray: no one's here a professional mapper (I presume, anyway), or knows what they're doing yet, without any hint of Alpha.